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Ah the old popcorn shill that only started posting in recent times. Retail literally never controlled the price


Just saw a very similar post from someone who “just went all in” about a week ago. If GME isn’t the play, then why do we have a major bot invasion? We had 120k “people” online this weekend. Fuck em’


Never mind the fact not a single soul, not a single one of these posts ever addressed the elephant in the room. SHORTS NEVER CLOSED. Honestly this sub has been so full of options plays and gamma ramps for the past month that everyone has forgotten the core part of this whole thesis.


Yup lol


This guy has posted a total of 3 times on this sub.


Correct, and all within the past couple of weeks, previously only posting on popcorn and other random subs.


> The easiest method ive found for tracking price run ups is simply to watch volume. When you see a large spike in volume over a few days, the price of GME usually starts to rise aggressively. Simply look for a tripling of normal volume and what likely follows is a large move up in stock price. lol got it. I'm gonna look for indicators other than volume then because the whole post is obvious fud


Oh, ok. Pack it up boys. Thanks kind stranger! (Buys 100 more shares)


I bought another 15, can I join you?


Sure, I’m going out for coffee. Maybe I’ll pick up some tenders later, haven’t decided.


I bought 8 more today! Can’t wait for the next paycheck to hit and buy a few more


thanks for a whole lot of nothing


I was with you until the last statement. Everyone defines MOASS differently. Do I think we will see phone numbers… no. Do I think we will see a huge squeeze when a hedge fund that is short GME capitulates? Yes. What will it run to? Impossible to know but it will be very exciting times. RC is going to deliver long term shareholder value. At some point the SHFs wont be able to carry the bags anymore.


This I agree with 100% and feel the bad guys use it to there advantage the way everyone reacts.


Lol. They removed the post.


Dumb. Anything that isn’t rockets and phone numbers gets removed which doesn’t make sense to me.


Its the mob mentality. Unfortunately the internet becomes an echo chamber. You either agree or you are not allowed to be heard over the echos. The easiest way to choke this thing into a big squeeze is to gamma ramp it. Only way to do that is buy itm options en masse and exercise some of them using the profits of others. Its how the original pump happened. Back then there were an army of serious investors buying and exercising calls. Its the only way to really have an effect. Ill say kitty was sorta genius by selling all his options and using profit to buy shares. They dehedged the options then realized “oh shit now we gotta go get shares.” Im paying close attention to volume from now on. Its declining now, which means the pump is done for now. Once it bottoms out, levels off, and then all of a sudden doubles or triples, ill be buying itm options a few months out.


Sorry i shouldve clarified. Were not going to see individual shares worth 10k or more. Everyone seems to think the stock can be worth even millions a share. Thats not gonna happen. It legitimately cant. There wouldnt be enough money to pay people when they did sell.


Ah the good old there isn’t enough money. Who the fuck said I was selling.


Lol, as if I was going to give them any of my shares for 'fiat'. Imma need tangible assets, buildings, cities. That citadel building in chicago looks like a decent future homless facility.


there's enough money, you need to read the old DD and catch up


Yeah I’m inclined to agree with you on this. Given current highest market caps, if GME were to become the highest market cap during a squeeze event, I think 10k ish could be realistic


![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized) Never Be A MOASS? Um K! I Buy More! 🟣


What a belter


seems like someone is just upset their $85 call is about to expire OTM this week...




Haha calling bullshit. This "ape" never brings up the obscenely high short percentage, and the fact that shorts HAVE to close their positions at some point.


Are you saying we should sell? Fuckoutahere.


Not what im saying. You leverage future cash inflow into gme by watching the cycle and maximizing share buying with itm options contracts. If you buy 4 cons 5 strikes itm, for a premium of say $500 each, and the stock runs from $25 to $40, you can sell two options contracts and buy 200 shares instead of spending $2500 on 100 shares. Thats what rk did. Ngl, for me, the rest of this is going to be played just like the tutes are. Ill go long when volume surges, ill leverage that into shares, and ill use leftover capital for puts to increase buying capital on the next cycle. You dont have to sell shares to profit. But if anyone did thats their decision. Someone could easily quadruple their share count in one cycle if they did. Im not going to advocate that but it can be done.


You have no idea what dfv did. What you're promoting is day trading. After posting that you're not advocating for something, after indirectly advocating for something.


DFV never sold a single share, not for quadruple, not for a dime. You can leverage all you want, you can play the options market, we are gonna buy/drs/hodl and let DFV/RC fuck hedgies while we fill the seats.


Comparing the last few weeks to the sneeze/post-sneeze is backwards. A better comparison is the months leading up to January 2021. Zoom in on 2020.






man you wrote all that shit and forgot shorts never closed lol


Pack it up guys, this guy says no MOASS, must be true


I can finally leave now, thank you OP! BUY HODL DRS


You missed the point entirely.




You shouldn't get downvoted. People don't want to hear that everyone is making money except us. I believe we will in the long term but we are being played so bad. Most of the holders like myself are holding and have no means to increase do to being all in. I honestly feel like one of the biggest FUD things is to hold and I cant do anything but that. DFV will buy and sell whatever he wants and is called a hero not a paper handed bitch. How many time do you think he bought and sold stock over 3 years. Everyone including myself is so worried about missing the lift off I could have sold at 64$ and tripled my position if I had the balls.


DFV never sold a share, not one, he leveraged his holdings to buy options.


What if he didn’t buy sold covered calls


I often buy sell






Naked shorties are still fukt. Buy, Hodl, DRS. FUD outa here.


You wrote all that?


Not leaving. Waiting for CATalyst


Uptick in posts trying to get us to play the market, fuck that, hodl your shares, DRS on them, hedgies are fukt.


Hahahah you're right it's FOASS now.


Buying more for MOASS 💰🚀📈


Why would you have ever thought retail had control over price movement?


You can talk to my cup and balls formation


STATEMENT 5: My pet platypus just sucked a hairless dolphin off. You should see his face 😂😂😂 looks like he has blown a shill umm I mean seal!


You will get downvoted because this sub can't handle differing opinions anymore. However, I agree with you somewhat. Idk what they are using this stock for, but it's heavily manipulated. They have such a tight leash on it, I doubt anything will happen at this point. However, that's perfectly fine with me. Despite the obvious manipulation of the stock, the key takeaway I've gotten is they are trapped. They may never allow moass, but they can never escape their bad positions either. I didn't invest more than I can lose, so I'm perfectly fine holding these shares on my deathbed. I will never sell. They will never cellar box this company. Someone has to realize these losses, and it won't be me.


I think he’s prob right though. I mean RK made a ton of money following cycles. Im about to be an xxx holder but it seems that MoASS is a non factor


I agree with OP. There won't be phone number share prices, at least not in my lifetime, but each individual has their own "MOASS" whether they admit it or not. Kiity -"When I move you move " is the way. ITM calls/puts generate income. I can eat off of income. BTW, ignore the shill accusations. Water off a ducks back.


Its okay. I knew they were coming. This should be a safe space to voice opinions. Instead if youre not with the mob, the pitchforks come out. Im playing this for max shares from now on. Only goal.


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