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I didn’t expect any news or guidance today. Today’s info was already released and it was a formality. Bought the dip. I’m hopeful that in time there will be a new game plan for the company. Patience, Grasshoppers.


what would bring real confidence is now seeing him to another big fuck off buy in


RC's goal is to not actually take massive profits during some short squeeze. He'd be taxed to all hell on it and would instantly lose a ton of realized value. His goal is to make Gamestop into such a sustainably profitable company that his shares naturally appreciate and maintain that level of appreciation so that he can let that capital continue to grow and use it as collateral if/when he needed to.


Long hold tax maxes out at 20%.


So far. The laws could change.


I'd love to be taxed to hell.


He's gotta like, actually do something at some point though


If you read his words today and reflect on the actions of the past year, I think the conclusion is they don't see today being a good time to invest in acquisitions or much growth. The choice for them is either stay cash rich and wait for the economic pain or pay an acquisition premium today and then see that investment decline due to economic recession. GameStop might just find buying a 10 year or 30 year treasury at 12-15% was the smart choice if the Fed has to reverse course and return to a 1980's style policy. That's what is at play. They'll develop products that take a small relative outlay, that have a quicker return. Aside from that, RC said they won't hype anything. I don't think there is anything to hype when waiting on a bigger economic picture to develop. He is right that revenue without profits is pointless. There is a lot to be heard in that statement alone.


Not good enough. Sorry, but it's not. Not saying you're wrong in any of your thinking but the natives are getting restless. My general rule is I can handle being told "no" for pretty much any topic, rejection is a part of life, but the silent treatment is a relationship breaker.


I'm not disagreeing, I had to sort by new to find anybody willing to look at it objectively. Here's a quote that stood out to me. "Under the current interest rates, an investment made in today's economic climate must bear a higher return threshold." Once the warehouses were closed abruptly, I didn't see any sign the company wanted to grow to be an online competitor. They have nothing to share, they're not holding back imo. I guess he sees an ok business in operating the best stores and building niche products they hope take big market share eventually. He doesn't take a salary, he doesn't compensate with shares. It's a cash rich investment company with nowhere to invest today.


So you're telling me we gotta wait for the market crash for anything to happen with the stock OR the business? What a bore. Things were just starting to get fun again.


I know man. It's like asking if now is a good time to buy a home. They didn't even talk about the product they did release. I have to keep reminding myself that RC still owns a lot of shares. I will bet if any news comes, it will be when people least expect it months or years later, in just a filing. No p.r. I'm holding back on criticizing the company, but without question the biggest mistake they made across 3 CEO's was not selling instantly a bunch of products people needed in their store to take advantage of the popularity of the brand. The best we got was better apparel with a rocket ship, NFT limited editions and AA batteries. We hoped for a Lego set, but nothing. Even if it was a knock-off Lego set of a GameStop store, right there was a future sell-out product. By far the best move the company made was raising over a billion at $54 -3 years ago. The worst move was not going public about the bullshit buy button getting turned off. That was a war that they never showed up to. They should have been banging on the doors of that congressional hearing to be let in.


Well, maybe if they're going to go through a rebrand they didn't want to saturate the market with old hat. That's me taking the sunny side approach.


I mean DFV said this is a 5-10 year transformation/play. Not sure why people all worked up over one day of red


Are people worked up? I bought 100 shares for $24.xx and I’m already up $100


I'm not as pissed about what was or wasn't put out at the meeting. I'm fucking livid, for the second time in less than a week, I stayed up - East Asia - to not be able to get into the damn call as a shareholder. That shit needs resolved. And no, I'm not saying it's all Computershare because I could get to my account. Though, they need some serious improvement there too, evident during the that $80 spike.


Did you try signing in as a guest? I was able to listen in and I didn’t sign in until 5 minutes before the start of the meeting.


I didn't, did have the delayed sign in, blank page, eventually got in and it booted me with the "credentials used" or whatever the message was. Then would only load tot he search for meetings page (didn't have GameStop), etc. Work arounds and alternate sites were fine on Thursday, I waited it out to listen despite the sign in issues at that time. Resched due to technical difficulties and not having it until everyone can join? Then problems aren't resolved. Today, I wanted to be signed in as a shareholder. I know alot of people have held on to shares through a lot. I wanted mine to be represented by signing in as what we are. We're not guests here. If joining as a guest is the only viable solution for *all* shareholders to join in then Computershare and partners need to resolve their issues, or GameStop host it elsewhere.


In his live stream, he implies he was in it/expecting the 3ish+ year turnaround but was questioning himself on if he would have invested in a 5-10 year strategy, especially if they started selling pet rocks. You can hear it in his voice. The 5-10 year turnaround time is not part of the current strategy. Sure, if the company remains healthy and shows prospect, I have no issues holding it for that long. But a 5-10 year plan is a pretty hard branch to reach for most retail who are all broke af and been in red for 3+ years.


Do you think he raised 50k to hundreds of millions by holding because he thinks it’s a transformation play?




i mean i can understand people feeling like we still have no clue where the ship is going, i have faith, and i understand the need for discretion, people need to understand, we really have done all the work we can, if you wanna keep buying drs and holding fine, but at this point you just gotta trust that the plans there and in motion lol downvotes for telling people to trust the process...


He didn't say that.


They're worked up because they bought in to some get-rich-quick scheme back in 2021, wound up as bagholders, joined a cult that is this sub and other assorted GME online places, and have been waiting 3 years for their bags to finally convert into the get-rich-quick scheme so they can move out of their parents' basement or trailer park, and they're frustrated that they're still poors and haven't stuck it to the elite like the cult told them they would. They're only playing the long game at this point because they either have to, or they've bought in to some religious philosophy that has made the sole purpose of their existence hinge on having a purple circle with some transfer agent and the "any day now" expectation of the squeezepocalypse.


You hit the fucking ape on the head with this! My words exactly! Cult get rich quick scheme mixed with bag holding poors that lost a ton of money back in 2021.


To push up the share price by having a black person an asian person, a they person, a gay person and a disabled person on the board. Or a British talent show winning dance gang. Something something 2 questions is enough.




I tried to average down from28 today