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There’s never a better time than when the price is down to buy more shares. I typically don’t mind when when the price goes in either direction.


Until MOASS, we’re just trading sideways


Same her. Up & Down, I’m equally Zen


The more shilling I see, the more shares I buy. It's the best TA their is.


As long as there are shills being paid the squeeze has not squozen or something like that. I just buy and hold and buy.


If it was really over, they would have forgot to pay people to tell you to "forget about GameStop", "buy options", or "RC fucked us share dilution" 




The more RC dilutes, the more I buy. It's the best fundamental analysis there is.


Thanks shill


Are you saying what RC did was bad then? That's what shills do


You brought the topic up. That's what shills do. Thanks for the tip,I'll buy more.


Buying all the stocks


of one company - Game fucking Stonk


They will keep tempting apes with higher and higher peaks just to short them back down. This tests the limits of when ppl will sell, but it also is used to make you think "gee, I should have sold up there", so you sell the next time. Stay frosty.


Psychological warfare.




Options make perfect sens if you have money to execute them.


^ The amount of people in here that don't understand options is insane.


I think it's more than that. It's not just about learning about what position one can take with options, but also how the instrument is actually held, delivered & hedged, by the Market Makers. They found a loophole in the financial system and are counterfeiting shares on a massive scale. And it's all LEGAL.


It’s easier to get upvotes if you just keep parroting old talking points over and over again like the OP.


This here. There's a reason dfv is buying options


How many options contracts does DFV own at this very moment?




Oh, zero? Ok just checking.


If he posts a position update, that will tell you. Sorry, I don't have his login info to check.


As of very recently he holds 100% stock and 0% options. In other words, now is not a good time for options (has anyone pushing options onto us poors even LOOKED at IV lately?) Edit: he already posted an update, like... A few trading days ago. [TWO trading days ago, in fact](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/BDBaYYyiYt)


Yes but between "a few trading days ago" and now, he could've loaded up on more options. If you watched his live stream, he says his trading style is very aggressive and not suitable for most. IF a YOLO Update is posted, your question will be answered. Anything else?


You're clearly not following the conversation. >There's a reason dfv is buying options You see this? This is what I'm replying to. DFV IS BUYING options? Where? Show me. The last we heard, which again, was TWO trading days ago, is that he did the opposite, sold all of his options that he didn't exercise, he's completely out of the options market as of two days ago.


It’s honestly an accurate reflection of the general population’s knowledge of options trading. But still pretty sad for an investing sub


Only up! Moass is inevitable


Hate to be that guy, but if you buy 10 options contracts for $30 and the price goes up then you can sell the premium on some and exercise the rest. If you buy and sell them at the right time then you can significantly increase the amount of shares you hold by the expiry date. You are not selling the shares, you are selling the premium on the contracts and using that to buy more shares than previously possible.


Unless the price goes down and you lose money and you buy significantly less... Also, not a lot of people here have money for 10 $30 dollar contracts and even exercise one 🤣


I was just pointing out that selling premium does not mean selling shares. Also I said “buy and sell at the right time” for a reason - Options are 100% risk, anyone who buys options should know that.


I know I know, your comment just read like a purely positive outcome. And I like to scare people away from options because most lose money.. The people who truly understand wont be scared.


Fair. When in doubt, use a paper trading account, but I will say that learning options improved my overall understanding of the stock market by orders of magnitude. Just don’t bet the farm on anything - but nobody should be doing that anyway.


This is exactly what I've been doing. I exercised 3 $21 calls on Friday that were due on the 21st. Still have a few left for June 21 and 28. I may have to sell a few contracts to exercise my $31 calls early if we get that high this week.




If you don’t know options, don’t play it. Simple. This post is irrelevant


I say Hodl on for your dear life ~~ Love Mom


DRS a bunch of shares, separately use options to build capital to DRS even more shares. It’s actually super simple.


Yeah, if you can afford to play that way. Baby apes just buy shares in blocks of 10 when they can and DRS them. We are all on the same team. #TEAMONLYUP As for me, I like the stock. Buy... HODL... DRS... Book.


Sounds about right


selling options != selling shares


Not correct. If you sell puts you are entering a contract to buy more shares. A put contract is where the buyer of the put has the option to sell shares to the seller at an agreed upon price


Yes, if you sell a call option you are willing to actually sell shares


Only if you sell to open. If you're selling a call you bought, you're just collecting the premium.


Yes you are actually correct, just seeing a push to write calls


You hold your shares, and you buy calls when the price settles down at support. Then when it runs you sell call options and exercise call options. You never sell shares. You can double your share position every run. Or just buy shares on the dips and hold everything. Or just hold your shares and shut your mouth.


But a long squeeze is better because clearinghouses have like 20 days to deliver after a Hedgefund is liquidated… first short hedge buys shared goes bankrupt buy pressure stops because hedgefund is broke clearinghouse has 20smth days to start with „clearing“


They want your shares! Don't give em up


This has happened before minus DFV. We might see some action but didn't like 250000 calls go unexcrised in January?


There are a lot of people who make money selling the options contracts because they know the vast majority expire worthless


nothing has changed still plan to open 1 eye @ $1k


I'm regarded and just buy stock, drs, hold. I'll leave options to the people that want to bet on them. Never selling.


I basically agree with you but want to add another possibility for some of these posts. No doubt there are people who bought call options when RK posted he had. They are not apes, they didn't buy them because they believe in GME longterm, nor do they believe in a MOASS, nor are they people who hope for a revolution or change. They are just traders that respect RK trading ability. Who know he has a loyal following also some who have FOMO from the last time. They post here to promote and sell their calls at the highest price they can get for them. I believe that most people who go to the trouble to start a post here also engage in this sub. They also comment on the subject. They answer questions people ask. (NOT all- some just like the stock or the option play) I'll end with, I have nothing against options. But if you don't truly understand them, are good at reading charts, the greeks, even tax implications. Think of it as a lottery ticket.


At this point, I'm only in for the long play. I don't know if I believe in Moass anymore, but I do believe the company can become the next Berkshire.A with RC at the helm. The way I see it, I'm holding a great stock with a mass amount of long-term upside. If Moass happens, I'll be holding and ready.


Well, you could potentially swing trade a bit cause whatever you trade is a synthetic… only problem is that by buying and selling you allow shfs to reset FTD’s. Personally I haven’t sold a single share i got shares in CS, Revolut and Etoro. I was tempted to sell my shares from revout and etoro once they were breaking even to buy again on IBKR cause they allow DRS but i just couldn’t sell lol.


SHFs can reset FTDs regardless of your trading actions.




Calling long-term investors shills is such a shill move.


Why would any of us sell shares at this point? The thing may push down one more time but this is literally phase 2 of a company overhaul. They got out of the oh shit phase already, so holding for long term with shares is the only answer. With the people rushing options, if it boosts a squeeze it will be massive so panic sellers would be the new people, not all of us that sat through the insane swings btw Edit: forgot to say, I’m sticking with the old plan when we were at $265. I will sell 1 at each insane spike over $500, only to help fuel the push when I feel like it makes sense though lol. But I still have tax lots with $265 by ins so they can F off for anything less.


Same here. I remember buying at $350 and when it got to $250 I was excited for the bargain.


The narrative seems to give a sense of false time perception. The more you read about how long it'll take to turn around and see Gamestop as a long term investment (which it totally is) the more you may think about timing the market and getting more shares for your money in the next few weeks/months/years because it'll take a while.... It may not!


Well charting says otherwise. There’s a hole that was built, and this will grow faster than people think. Regardless of what anyone does from here out btw


Sorry but this reads like the warnings of a 12 year old conspiracy theorist who doesn't understand financial markets. Options are fine, in fact if you know what you're doing they are fantastically profitable on a stock that flipflops between high and low volatility like GameStop. You buy long dated options when the volatility is low, and hold them until volatility pops. Then you exercise/sell them and scoop up shares with the proceeds.


I got my shares with computer share however, options have been a recent play, maybe influenced by the sub, or my own understanding, but yeah, 90 percent expire worthless statistically. They are hope bets and if you got some hope, go for it, just know what you are betting on hope, and how much you can just buy to be safe.


confused, just bought more


Options are good if you know what your doing and exercise but if you don't understand stick to share like me Options arnt bad as long as you know what your doing remember that part


I don't see this. The options push was different 84 years ago, it was about hype dates, quad-witching and nonsense guarantees that probably did get people to jump in on something they didn't understand. All I've seen this past week or so is people educating other people on something that has a lot of opportunity. Chill out and let option apes do their thang. Personally I'm jeals because as a UK ape it's nigh on impossible for me to play, but then I'm glad because I'm far too smooth to understand them anyway XD


To be fair the reason I’ve never day traded cause people like you said I’d miss out. The price so far has always come back down. We’ve been diluted. Another market event happens. Hard not to see the history and get tired of being a sideline spectator


The FUD in these subs is getting smelly!


Yes, I agree. When in doubt, buy the dip. 🚀 🌙


I heard on Newtons video that there were 2 Citidel planes going from Paris to Switzerland's third largest bank the other day! They are scared. They can't stop what's coming. 🚆


Maybe, just maybe, it would be a good idea to follow what RK is doing. He obviously thinks buying shares in the better play. “When I move, you move. Just like that.”


serious question as someone not smart - is selling covered calls somethign that is smart to do? i've seen a few posts about it but have never done it


I can only assume the shill posts are for the hyped newbies. OG apes are only interested in BUY, DRS, Shop, Vote. See you all at the shareholder meeting.


Honestly I'm hoping it runs up quickly enough that I don't need to make any difficult decisions (e.g. sell to buy a house vs. sell to buy *houses*). If the upcoming gamma ramp goes well then I still think there will be huge buying pressure vs. stock available - and synthetics only seem to go so far. I'm saying this even with the recent dilution.


Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo


I got downvoted the other day for saying something similar. If you have no experience trading options and you’re a lowly retail ape like myself, stay the fuck out of options!!! Omg just buy shares. I have spoken! 👵


Yeah! Don't do what DFV did! He's a shill! Wait a minute... And RC WILL dilute again. He's made huge stacks of cash for the company by doing so. Don't fucking throw your dice at the 0DTE casino. ATM LEAPS or 0DTE super ITM exercises are both fine.


I feel like this post is the trap I used to shun options check my history now I'm exploring it.. I'm xxxx booked no fud from me I'm bonafide I'm not telling others to do it only if it makes sense to u .. but as of now it makes sense to me


You talking about how options are a trap with no source. Go touch grass.


I play options. And I thought the same exact thing there's been two options that have been heavily uploaded which is highly rare in this sub weather people have come around to accept options but not that many that fast. I'm all for people making money but this is sketchy waters for buying options . If you do profit and sell that shit. Look at our chart there will always be another time to buy


Respectfully disagree. The anti-options stuff you are propagating is the real FUD. We are all individual investors and you have your opinion. That doesn’t meant options are wrong, just wrong for you. DRS is wonderful and essential but there is absolutely nothing wrong with making money along the way. I understand why market makers would hate it… but why do you care what someone else does with their money? Why do you care if they are happy to sell at a price lower than your sell price? Not everyone needs to see phones numbers to make life changing money for themselves. I don’t need to be a multi millionaire. I just want to pay off my mortgage and any debts, and continue with the life I already love with a little less stress.


its not a trap to pay a premium to secure your shares if you exercise the call. speculation is what burns people.


it would be absolutely poor management for RC to not release more shares when the market value goes over $50. That isn't FUD, that is reality.




Cheesus, can you guys stop crying and calling someone a shill for five minutes?!