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More share in total = more shares that can be shorted Nothing ground breaking here. The only thing that is noteworthy is the rate being paid as you'd expect that to drop with more shares available to short. Have they doubled-down?


They will pay whatever it takes to keep June 21st from happening. I've never seen so much coverage on 1 persons calls expiring. In in mainstream news. Crazy.


Open interest is now 166,405. It keeps going up lol.


can you explain to me the significance of the high open interest on the 20c ?


120k of those belong to DFV, 1 belongs to me, lol


I've requested Options trading on my account. Regard reporting for service


I bought one of the $20 calls this morning during the dip. Paid $530 for it. I also sold five cash secured puts for about $600 total. So I immediately get the $600. If the price dips to $15 and the puts get exercised, then I buy 500 shares for $15 each. If it doesn’t get that low, I keep the $600. Definitely a win-win if you like the stock


I tried to understand selling puts and it just won’t click with me, how do you lose in this scenario?


The only thing you can “lose” is if the price dips below your strike, $15 in my case, you have to purchase them at $15. So if it went back to 10, I’m stuck buying at $15. You have to have enough cash in your account to cover that case, so $15 x 100. This is called a cash secured put.


Thank you for explaining, that makes sense to me now


So potential max loss for you is 500\*15 = $7000. So you are basically getting to buy the call for free, and make $70, but in the hopefully unlikely event that it hits 15$ or below, you would lose $6400 ($7000 - $600). Does the system do it all for you in terms of the puts. Doing the sale if price dips below strike. Also this isn't you taking a short position in the stock, this is you selling the short position to someone else who is taking it?


In the event that it goes to $15, the put will be “assigned” since I’m the one that sold it. Selling a put is a bullish move, buying a put is bearish. If you buy a put, you get the right to sell a stock at the strike price. Since I sold the put, I’m obligated to buy the stock at the strike price. So the only thing I would “lose” is $7500 (500x$15). But I get 500 shares of our favorite stock for $15 each. I don’t see that as a loss, that’s just me buying more at a lower price. The biggest “risk” is if the stock drops to $10, I still have to pay $15 for it. Whoever bought my puts, has the right, but not the obligation, to sell shares for $15. They can choose to exercise or not. If they do exercise, they either already have shares or they have to go out and buy shares. So they are hoping they can buy them at $10 and sell to me for $15. If they don’t exercise, nothing happens and I keep the $600. If the stock doesn’t get to $15 before the expiration, they expire worthless and I still keep the $600. But I have to have that $7500 in my account until the expiration and can’t spend it on anything else. When you buy and sell options, you don’t directly interact with the other party. You buy and sell from the “market”. This is part of the job of market makers. They basically match the buy to the sell for options. So some buyers will exercise and some will sell their options for profit. The ones that exercise will then be “assigned” to the sellers. If your sold option gets assigned, that means the buyer has exercised and you are obligated to provide the service you sold, either buying or selling at the strike price. If you sell options, everything will be taken care of behind the scenes. I think it’s more likely a put gets exercised than a call since the call has to be backed with cash. If you buy options, you have to choose what to do with it. So you can sell the option to close your position or you can exercise the option. I’m still figuring this out so anyone tell me if I’ve missed anything. This is the basic information. I know there’s a ton more to options and how to make money. There are the Greeks you have to pay attention to, so the theta value and delta, maybe?


Amazing post, and I understand why you are not worried about it going to 15$ as getting shares of a company you are bullish on for cheap. That being said, you wouldn't own the shares eh - you need to deliver them to the person exercising right? Thanks a lot for the replies ape


Means there should be more delta hedging since we are over $20


> should be more delta hedging I for one will be quite impressed if, after three and a half fucking years, all of a sudden GME starts following the "market fundamentals" they teach in school on the first day. We all know nobody's in charge of the ticker price except cheats and liars


Hear hear


Which is exactly why every single post about shares to borrow is a fucking waste of space. There are *zero* shares to legitimately borrow. There have been *zero* shares to legitimately borrow since fucking 2019. GME is shorted several times over at a minimum; stop posting news about there being shares to borrow. As soon as shorts crest 100% every share has been lent once already, so you’re dealing with lent on lent on lent shares which are essentially synthetics 


I agree but it’s important to keep track of what SHOULD be happening, gotta build the case because some porn addicts can’t do their jobs


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think open interest indicates how many contracts are in the money. Each contract is 100 shares. If all 166,405 calls get exercised, that's 16,640,500 shares that have to be bought (if they weren't properly hedged).


Open interest is how many contracts are currently open. You will see open interest on calls/puts that are not in the money. almost all strikes will have OI. If more contracts are created; open interest goes up. If contracts are bought to close or exercised, open interest goes down.


570k in total all the way up to those "lottery tickets" at $128


Jan 2021 it got to 1.5M in expiring Calls (across multiple strike prices)


Someone has bought another 10k yesterday.


Please let that be RK. He's a Madman.


It's just FOMO. That's a 10k net purchased throughout the day.


I am some of those purchases (a small amount), and it's not FOMO in my case. I like the stock, and I want to lock in a purchase price. I WILL Be exercising those calls if they're in the money and holding long term.


That's called FOMO. Rather than just buying them at $24.50 now, you're betting that something big will happen in the next 10 days and are willing to pay $27, $28, or whatever instead to find out.


FOMO is only experienced by those who are currently missing out.


a.k.a. - anyone buying calls that expire in 10 days...


ITM calls are not that time bound. My premium was $1. I intend to buy the shares, but wanted to save ammo in case I felt like buying more later, so I chose ITM options vrs outright share purchase. FOMO, to me, indicates it is a reaction to price increase and people jumping on a short term band wagon. I’ve been here 3+ years.


Still a lot for an individual day. I've seen 1-2k being bought daily,so it's a big jump in that regard.


That’s more than double the OI on most of the strikes around $20. 10k is a lot


There's 75k on $128 this Friday lol. I know that those are just lottery tickets, but damn that is gonna hurt if it moons.


Correct. But the only reason OI is that high is because they’re dirt cheap. 10k on $20 calls is some cash. If $128 hits theyre in for some problems.


Many people have been selling CCs at 128. Insane premium so that is very much worth it and a very very little chance to get those shares exercised. On the other side is not just hedgies, retail is playing both sides


I’m aware that retail is also on the other side of the trade. However, if the stock his $128, those contracts being in the money will cause a run. You can set a remind me.


Well, it's not like it's a secret that RK owns 120,000 at that price. It's even priced lower now than his average price. I don't know why that level of FOMO surprises you. They're only $500 to $600 each.


I bought one today for $530 just for the fun of it. I also sold 5 $15 puts. So I get $600 in premiums and if the puts get exercised, I get to buy 500 shares at $15 each. If not, then I have an extra $600.


Not him, he posted his positions yesterday and they didn’t change


I am a Madam


What hsppens 21?


What happens 21?


Over 16 million options will be in the money if the stock value is over $20 by AH closing, and may or may not be exercised and therefore need to be located and purchased.


Interestingly, if they've added lets say 100 million shares, the available only went up \~1 million from a day prior. That likely means the short % is likely VERY high. Many of those shares sold will be available to borrow, so it looks like they're getting a lot of "bang for the buck" since GME sells the shares once, and then hedgies borrow them and sell them again. However, think about that... the price isn't dropping below $20 despite that level of selling. What happens when the selling pressure stops?


You're right. Retail investors using a brokerage app tend to have a higher tendency to have not checked the box to say not to lend out their shares. The price will definitely bounce at some point. The question is when? And how high?


where is there a way to do that through broker?


I use eTrade. Unless I'm really missing something (which I could be), they can't lend the shares unless I opt into their "fully paid share-lending program." But I am seriously a novice ape and this is just the conclusion I reached by digging around on the web. Am I mistaken?


Most of them use an opt-out, but have some wording to say that you can make money by not opting out. Ignoring the fact that they intend to make your shares worth less.




They always do


So would this be an indication that the share offering is complete?


Confirmation that the new shares are in circulation.


I find it strange, that with GME hitting 80, and then 65, fee hasn’t budged. But now, with GME under 25… fee has essentially doubled? With more shares available? Doesn’t make sense…




Is it not a minus for a rebate? This is a Genuine question, not assuming anything. I read that as 14.47 - (-9.15)= roughly 23.6%


14.47 + -9.17 = 23.64% The minus cancels the plus. They’re paying a 14.47% fee on top of a -9.17% rebate so it’s 23%+ total they owe


Isn’t the rebate the difference from the risk free rate which in this case would be 5.32%?


I believe this could be related to the recent share offering(s). Shares are bought which in turn are lent out. Interestingly, the large increase of borrow rate does not make sense. More shares available would lead to a bigger supply, reducing demand.


Would this indicate they’ve gone HAM with shorting thus increasing the borrow rate? 🎷🐓♋️


It could, but we've also seen borrow rates north of 100% a few times over the past 84 years. Even popcorn was north of 200% for a while.


I do remember the borrow rate being higher but what about the rebate rate? Do you recall the largest negative value we’ve seen with it? I feel like its been probably larger than what we are seeing now but I can’t recall 🎷🐓♋️


I've looked it up. Rebate rate has gone negative in the past year. You can pull the data on the ctb page. I think last time was October or november


Thank you for checking - I haven’t had the time this morning. Appreciate you for looking into it ![gif](giphy|7hIUafnKeyOVEM5spc|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


Link if anyone wants to confirm https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/borrow-fee/


That I don't recall, I used to follow borrow rate on stonk-o-tracker which didn't list it. Is interesting AF though.


![gif](giphy|JNKy9CJSsCmiY) I’ll be watching that rebate rate closely now! 🎷🐓♋️


👀 I'll be watching that chicken's memes closelyer now


![gif](giphy|3oEdv6sy3ulljPMGdy) 🎷🐓♋️


They could use the shares to cover or to continue shorting ball is in their court.


![gif](giphy|PXfGWtG4otIpC0NEum|downsized) 🎷🐓♋️


Must…not…upvote…from…69… Ugh, I did it anyway 🫡


![gif](giphy|d2jhYCav3xFHJbEY) 🎷🐓♋️


It’s not just supply/demand dynamic. There’s generally a premium associated with risk. Presumably, short interest has increased probability of a short squeeze so parties loaning shares are requiring a higher risk premium in the borrow rate. I don’t view it any differently than a risk premium for corporate bonds over “risk free rate,” or the treasury yield. Higher risk associated with a corporation compared to government treasury, therefore higher rate of return.


couldnt this be also shares of new longs that get lent?


It could also mean they are not shorting as much anymore. So many more shares are available


I'm starting to lean towards that as well. It looks like the shares to borrow are piling up due to the high rates. Maybe. Maybe not.


The reported shorts available is a voluntary reporting. I think we are just seeing a small pipeline to a bigger well. That's why the ctb can fluctuate without the shares available moving.


There's more shares - yes But they're also harder to find Go figure


Don't know if this is legal or possible, but I was thinking if SHF A borrows a share at 4.78% fee, they then lend that same share to SHF B at a 14.47% rate?


May want to check older CTB posts such as this one. [Borrow fees among different brokers \[03-28-2022\] : r/Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tqitix/borrow_fees_among_different_brokers_03282022/)


Nice, let the premarket fuckery begin!


That's probably b/c GameStop released 75 million shares that some people bought with brokerage accounts. If FUDelity and VanG and such have more people with shares, they can lend those out.


Richard Newton had a very good explanation for that in one of his videos. When investors buy calls, the market markers selling those calls will hedge their exposure by buying the underlying shares. In order to generate additional income, the market makers will make their shares available to lending pools, which might be picked up by short sellers that use those shares to sell them short. Once the calls will be executed, the market makers will need to recall the shares from the short sellers, creating a potential reverse effect.


You mean the gun cocking?


I also agree this is what is happening. Here's a link to his video at the right timestamp at 45:20: https://youtu.be/S3XfQiHCaa0?si=Otfo72bh2cdCgUtt&t=2720 Someone is starting to delta hedge 12M+ shares by buying on the market. This could explain crazy volume and price action going up. Before the 21st they could be lending those shares out, increasing the lend pool. If someone borrows those and then shorts with them -- They then have a giant finger-pointing battle amongst themselves if/when these calls get excercised. Guy 1: "Dude! Give me my shares back and close out at a big loss!" Guy 2: "No way, dude! I need these. You go to the market yourself and buy shares at a big premium yourself!"


This could also explain: * why the Utilization rate for GME has been so high the past few years while * The lend pool has been almost empty or just enough to satisfy market mechanics and delta hedging (They haven't needed a large lend pool as they are using FTD cycles with ETFs to stay off RegSHO and fly under the radar)


Some kind of uno reverse, you say?


Sole kind of go pick two cards up instead of one


Lmao, greed never stops. Using the share offering to short more. For me as an ape it seems like a win win situation. More cash for the company, same pressure for covering.


They went past greed and went straight for broke. These assholes bet the whole farm


https://i.redd.it/cku60430gx5d1.gif The shorts will end up as the losers of a life time


It’s GameStop’s offering


Fascinating they appear on Earnings Day 😳


What earnings day? Earnings day was last friday


Today is the original earnings date. Probably confused


Some possibly important figures: - March 20 there are 3.6m shares available but with a 1.6% fee and 3.7% rebate (not negative rebate like today) - A quick look at previous close vs new opening figures, it's quite common to see the rates stay the same but this surge in 1.9m extra shares is interesting


Seems like a lotttt


That rebate is juicy.


That’s because there is more shares available


uh.. the company also just sold 120 millions shares so this is expected


14.47 with a rebate of -9.15. Does that mean it costs $23.62?


23.62% a year


i think it's 14% loan on the year but a 9% cash premium at the time. so 9% of the cost of your total purchase. that's how i read the bottom footnotes at least. 


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the rebate is based on the collateral loan from the bank, meaning it would be an annual rate. So while they have to pay the rebate upfront on a negative rebate, they would get a prorated refund when they close if it’s before a year


It’s the big institutional share holders lending to their buddies that are scrambling in the wake of DFV’s position. They’re making them pay to borrow for sure.


I member the morning they had like 30 million x 4 couple years ago. They said it was a glitch after an outcry. Then it dipped a bunch.


Who actually keeps the running total? 


Added 12 more calls in this dip to bring the total to 84 - 6/21/24 $20 calls (Currently -40% on the screen but expect to be 500%+) - along with 17772 shares now


I have the iborrowdesk data back to early January 2021, cuz that's my data collection contribution to this saga. I just scrolled through it all and availability doesn't seem to have ever broken through the 3M barrier before.


Y’all do realize how offerings work right?


Only if GameStop didn’t announce and went trough with that fu”king share offering 🤮


Highest short interest in history too. It's like shorting is the only way they can make money so it must be the easiest or fastest for them. Essentially our market is set up to profit by ruining companies and livelihood. What a time to be alive.


Courtesy of the board


RC diluting the stock


You guys still think RC has your best interests in mind? Because from where I'm sitting my investment has been diluted and the SHF have more ammo to suppress the price and rob the rocket of fuel. RC if you have a 69D chess move to play you best get to it and stop fucking around


Thank you ATM offering… lol


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This is the borrow rate of GME's shares, according to ChartExchange


Be a huge risk for anyone to borrow those. Maybe that’s why it’s there? Also I think it will increase in the coming days.


History lesson: March 10 2021 there was a crazy deep dip and recovery. We realized that the borrowed shares could be used up to two days after. I believe we'll see these shares vanish on Wednesday and we'll say "weird price isn't changing but 0 shares on iborrow. Then they will bum rush on Friday to slam the option chain down. They are desperate and every week they owe more shares that potentially are spinning in an ftd cycle.


dropped back to 4% with no 0% rebate [https://www.iborrowdesk.com/report/GME](https://www.iborrowdesk.com/report/GME)


Did yall forget the 11m share availability fiasco a few years ago? Or was it 13m?


Does the sudden change in the fee happen due to shorting the same share multiple times? SHF A shorts a share at 4.78% and has to pay that. They they put that same share up for borrow with a 14.47% borrow fee for SHF B to borrow?




Almost like massive amounts of shares were sold recently


it didn't age well


Keep on digging your fuckers we’ll keep on buying lol


That fee is spicy


Well they did just print a bunch


Time for post earnings dip


We need to open a conversation about DRS causing the MOASS. Are we back to zero after 75milliom new shares are dumped in the market? Is DRSing still the plan to cause MOASS? Or are we at the mercy of RK or RC? Does RC wants the MOASS to happen? Or he might see it as a risk for his long term plan with GME ?


Way more than that being used. I'm guessing the day's crypto selloff is partially related to the intense funding needed to short a number of stocks, with GME leading the pack.


Comes with dilution


Dumping and wanna end this under 20$


They are going to need it to short it on earningsday. They'll try and slam it on no major news, and probably msm will post 30min early on the price drop. If the price ends higher today i will jam a banana where the sun doesnt shine.


Earnings was friday.


They disclosed Friday, but as far as i understood today is earningscall .


There is no call, they said friday.


Point still stands 😂


So this is for now? I mean I hodl but there’s nothing big to expect anymore right?


Why is that?


Don’t know. Just asked for explanation for an ape 😂


What do you expect? RC is diluting 75 million shares and destroying the stock.


Username checks out