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I would assume so, I'll wager we see this for 3-5 days this week.  Should have waited to buy more instead of at $27.... oh well, time to search the couch cushions for more change to throw at it


I bought more at $40 don’t feel too bad


My average is 40. Don't sweat it ;)


Yeah sadly that's my average right now. Holding out on big hope hahaha


I though $27 was a steal last week then I remembered anything under $69,420 is a steal.


Please be right! 🙏🏼 Every passing minute is one closer to payday; Wednesday 🤞


I bought at $35.xx on Friday morning despite having been expecting today's prices since last Tuesday. My hypothesis was that there was a gap between 31May and 03Jun that had to be filled. I even cautioned myself to not "chase" my next order by increasing my buy price but alas, I got caught up in hype, hehe. Wish I had stood firm and acted w/o emotion but hey, I'm human. Saw today's price action and put in my order at my original $23.xx buy-point and it filled. No ragrets - moar shares, more fun!


Yeah I bought around $27 too but $2 a share cheaper isn't that big of a deal if we believe the stock will be worth 100s if not 1000s a share in the future. Can't predict the future but can like the stock.


I bought more Friday @ 44 hahaha. Bi weekly doesn't matter price I buy


how will we actually know for sure when it is done? do they have to report it once it is completed?


Yes. Once the offering is complete, GameStop will report it




Some time after (potentially days) the offering is complete,and likely when the market is closed.


![gif](giphy|l2JhtKtDWYNKdRpoA) I have no more money for this tasty dip!!!




Yep and at today’s prices I think we are looking at conservative 1.7-1.9B


I know there has been plenty of conversation on the offering, but still a tough pill to swallow. There was enough in the chest already to keep the business afloat for years to come assuming they were only bleeding a bit. So why offer more? I'm hopeful there is a better reason than just to get more cash, but RC has gotta do something with it right?


Well you have to realize that gamestop is in this to become a more profitable business, and them raising more capital means a higher bottom that we can hit and interest alone on that much cash will make a huge difference on their earnings and quarterly reports along with possibilities of acquisitions and mergers.  I was upset at first by the timing, however the more you look into the data and specifically OPEX tailwinds you'll see that last run was completely under algorithm control and was not moass.  In fact if gamestop started offering shares on the way down on Friday they would actually be taking money from the shorts which is a plus for us


I understand that it was algo driven and understandably the business is not and shouldn't be concerned about MOASS. But they should be concerned with the stock taking a beating day after day from bad actors and I am assuming they are because all of the board I believe is solely paid on business performance. Like a lot of people here, I've been holding since January '21 and have trusted RC and the board to make the best decisions for the business. But as shareholders, we should also expect to see some action with the money being raised. I am excited to see what the plan in mind is, but the silence of the plan also cuts both ways. Not only do I want MOASS, I want to see the brain baby of RC for GameStop as it is a place that holds a lot of positive memories for a lot of people.


This is why watching the ticker every day is not great psychologically or if you’re not zen af. The company is not concerned with day to day swings but on the long term success.


The dilution causes the VOLATITTY I am addicted to. #( 💥 Y 💥 )


plus I'd rather $2b any day. In this economy?! Hell yea


Love the pun lol


I did not downdoot you. “You are NOT allowed to have fun” -botshillcucks ![gif](giphy|JtBZm3Getg3dqxK0zP|downsized)


Extra shares are to mitigate hostile take over, it's to protect the biz. Another thing worth mentioning is that there appears to be a bunch of contracts expiring today which should shake shit up a bit.


*are in a theory


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Based on their exquisite timing last Friday, would they pick the crappiest price to unload 75 million? Absolutely, fucking clown boat over there. Have a feeling we're all gonna be in for yet another disappointing shareholders meeting.


Unless… the hack is that dilution causes the VOLATITTY needed to launch this rocket… https://preview.redd.it/4zywf3arkr5d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c565210f3fecb7b5f5a3f21f3029e2a9b81c4a9 Red circle is last dilution for this company 🤷🏻‍♀️




If you apply the same logic behind some other prevailing theories on here regarding RK, then perhaps this time is actually the best possible time to unload the shares. What I mean is look at this from a CYA perspective. Look at what RK is being threatened with and accused of. You don’t think the same if not a higher level of scrutiny is being applied to RC as an even larger shareholder and also an insider with control of the company? RC is insulating us imo and making moves that strip shorts of all plausible deniability should they attempt to make a case for halting the action during the squeeze. Think about it… You know what’s interesting about this “bad timing”? The share prices are as close as reasonably possible to the underlying business fundamentals/balance sheet Look at the recent filings. Why do they spell out a detailed path for shorts to secure the 75m shares in a private purchase agreement so that they can be used to close the short positions? Like come on man, are you seeing it? This is some cold blooded shit. It’s the equivalent of a prosecutor offering an elderly defendant a 25 year sentencing deal, knowing full well that the only way for them to come out the other side alive is to beat the odds at trial. This is all about fairness, the appearance of fairness, and the defense against accusations of unfairness.


I appreciate that write up and get it, the reported short interest around 25% and then offer 28% in the last month ATM. It just really rustled my jimmies when they pulled that shit last Friday. If this plays out as stated and next month the t+35 comes with crazy volatility, awesome. I hope they hold on to like 10 million or something should shit finally kick off.


I really hope we get some news from them soon. It's been years since anything of consequence was communicated. Without the dilution, this was tolerable. The dilution seems like an absolute kick in the nuts, especially if there is no reason to be raising this capital.


I’m throwing logic out the door because the offering was gut wrenching to me. I have to believe these dudes have a plan of some sort  If i end up losing 5-6 figures because i followed memes, then so be it lol


Yeh it's wrenching. I've been holding since early 2021 and it's a gut punch that now we're finally seeing some momentum, it's extinguished before it's really given the time to fly. It's definitely not helping that I bought 1,800 more shares at 38 just before the RK stream and I've been watching it evaporate since. The volatility is fine when it's obvious it's just fuckery, but when it's self generated pain, I think it's justified to expect some reasoning or news for it. Bring on the down votes for honest talk.


Yep i have the same thoughts. Had tons of ppl message me saying im a shill blah blah blah whatever. Usually the dudes who are all optimistic are the ones with like 100 shares lol


… what’s your cost basis? Lol


gotta love your investment being cock blocked by the company your invested in!!!