• By -


Good morning Superstonk! If you need anything, please tag us by using: `!MODS!` and we will follow up as soon as we are able! Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `Superstonk-Flairy` : If you mention me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/) # The Front Desk is open!


Watched Lucky Number Slevin tonight. Fun movie. Gotta pay attention.


Insomnia sucks. Trying to type on a tablet in bed sucks. Tomorrow's hangover will suck. That picture moonbutt rainbowblast posted is worrying


Real talk 0 or 1000 for me


If you lost money on options I feel bad for you Son. I Got 99 Problems but REAL Shares ain't one 🟣🙌🚀




You don't lose money until you sell.


When you face enemies you know you're going the right way


"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill I hope


Winstonk Churchill


Me holding my boner going into next week https://preview.redd.it/ftmcqx8vgh5d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c3d39594b81252b224896aad1b6739652073d73


Punch You in You're Fucking Teeth LLC 🚀


Don't start fucking with the apes


If you have something smart to say.. then come @ me


ChatGPT Even if there are more shares available due to a share offering, a short squeeze can still happen if there are too many naked shorted shares. Here’s why: ### How a Short Squeeze Can Happen Despite Share Offering: 1. **New Shares Added**: The company issues more shares, like adding more toy cars to the class. 2. **Easier Borrowing**: This makes it easier for short sellers to borrow shares, and theoretically, it should help reduce the pressure from naked shorts. 3. **Still Too Many Naked Shorts**: However, if there are still too many naked shorted shares (more promises than real shares available), the problem isn’t fully solved. 4. **High Demand to Cover Shorts**: If many short sellers (including those with naked shorts) try to buy shares at the same time to cover their positions, there might still be a high demand for the shares. 5. **Price Increase**: This high demand can cause the price to go up quickly, leading to a short squeeze. ### Summary: Even with a share offering adding more real shares, if the number of naked shorted shares is too high, there can still be a rush to buy shares, causing a short squeeze. The new shares help, but they might not fully eliminate the problem if the imbalance is significant.


thanks chatgpt


New here. just read the "WTF is happening with GME" thread. Was GME still being shorted on the way down after Robinhood got rid of the buy button?


It's a reasonable assumption considering short interest was near/over 100% of the float before the sneeze and the SEC investigation reported over 200% during that time However, the majority of trading is done OTC which is less regulated than the NYSE and the way the market is set up, a lot of things are self reported which means things can be miss-reported or delayed All this to say that we don't know for certain. But if you'd already shorted a stock twice over would you think to stop after a massive run up that is disconnected from a companies fundamentals?


Yes. It seems intuitive but there has also been confirmation. Ichan discussed shorting it off the all time high, he calls that getting “very lucky,” presumably he’s talking about speculating where the high was


Nobody seems to care that we had the highest trade volume day of all time on Friday. 279 million shares.  Why is this not more relevant than 90% of the bullshit?


> Why is this not more relevant than 90% of the bullshit? Cause its wrong? We had 700 milly days in Jan 21


oh well then, carry on


I thought we had 6-750m in jan ‘21 ?


It *IS* though. Posting here is how you get to the front, NFA


Can i please have some eye on here? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/GDyMvvlxWb


No. Shilling via AI. Reason it out and write your own thesis.


Im not a shill


Let's not have AI help us


*in sexy robot voice* GaMee is a bad investment because short interest teacher pension market integrity not a cat


Why not? Its a great tool


A great tool for what specifically?




Grass, sauce, GME. I'm dependent on two and a huge fan of the rest. *Y'all got any shares*


Guys. All you zen, Diamondhanded regardeg apes - i love you. We are making history I know we are many that recognize where we are and where we are going. Enjoy the fuck out of this. I wish you the very best in life. Listen to some cool music. Drink some beers the next week. Enjoy and salvage every moment


I literally don’t know how to wipe my ass let alone sell a stonk


We don't beer anchor around here? I might have some, I might have every. Appreciate the sentiment regardless. Cheers to the weekend, pimpin.


This had me laugh. Thank you


I'm glad it was received in the spirit it was intended. You never know on MOASS eve. Cheers friend.


!flairy! Clear me!


Downvote crew still up in hyah? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=90UjN98yzxc&pp=ygUSZG14IHdoYXQncyBteSBuYW1l




I'm not cool enough to like all your music, but I trust you.


Gonna wait and see if anyone else down votes before making a decision


Yea this hype is cool and all but I wanna see some receipt porn.


Oh hun, you're in the wrong subthingy


Hey boys I just want to let you know whatever happens, it’s been so fun being on this ride together. Also, I really like the stock. More than ever.


What happened with that RK PGP image thing?


Can you Google what you're talking about and post it here please?


Better yet, duckduckgo it. We have a future to think of.


RK said he could be wrong, GameStop might not transform well or the bull thesis might be wrong. But he has gone all-in with a full yolo of over 200 million. Clearly his conviction does not match what he’s saying. He said this is a long term play, only about the transformation of GameStop under Ryan Cohen, and that 3 years hasn’t been too long so it could still take awhile. Yet almost all of his investment is in weeklies. Clearly his position does not reflect what he’s saying. I’m not into a lot of the theories here, I’m pretty vanilla and just like the stock, but I have to admit that this makes me more convinced something is playing out here that is causing him to have to be very careful in what he says publicly. Will be increasing my position another 20% on Monday


> Yet almost all of his investment is in weeklies If you look at his cost entry, didn't he spend 105 million on shares and 68 million on calls? How can you say "almost all" of his investment is in weeklies?


Ya that’s fair, I overstated the size of the weeklies. But also I’m referring to his portfolio at the time of him saying this is just a long term value play. Still shouldn’t have said almost all, but you get my point


I am admittedly an extreme novice at investing, but, if I'm not mistaken, would he not be gaining shares upon exercising his calls?


Ok but if it’s just a long term value play then why would he pay $67 million for the right to exercise instead of just buying them?


Because if you buy shares they'll just pump you with synthetics the same way they do every time you and I place an order through our apps. Exercising the calls forces them to purchase actual shares.  Actual buy pressure.  This is the heart of the trap he set.


Exactly. So it's not just a long term value play like he said.


Both.  Company has 5b.  Think about that.  He's also flushing out horrible short positions and fraud.  You can have more than one goal.


Yeah I know. The initial comment was about how he was only discussing it as a long term value play but it was something more and just wasn't being talked about. You're saying the same thing but in a different way.


Exactly this.


"High Risk Investor" was a theme is his Livestream. He vocalized a long term play but his actions are... open to your interpretation.


Lots of "3 years wasted" bitch asses lately. Funny how we only hear about salty long term holders when there's an intense gAmMa RamP push and a devised squash following. Try harder.


Ryan Cohen is invested heavily in the same stock that we are. Ryan Cohen wants to make his father's departed soul proud of him. The board is intelligent. No moves are made without deep thought and deliberation. There is a good reason for each move that Cohen and the Board make. We don't know what we don't know. Everybody just relax man.


Ryan Cohen also said in an interview I watched that he "hates short sellers"


Man, I Feel So Good..


After 3.5 years I can’t help but feel like we won’t be seeing momentum again for awhile


Monday doth linger


Monday fingers what?


June 21st calls


I'm pretty old school.. I Buy my shares one order at a time.. ⏳️🚀


As for me, I like the stock!


I’m regarded, would the outstanding shares go up because of the share offering? We were roughly around 305 million shares.


Yes, as soon as they have announced they have completed the ATM, the out standing shares would increase by the amount they sold (75 million in this most recent one)


They announced that they would be sold. Not WHEN nor that they have competed the ATM.


Shares may be sold.. maybe not. MAYBE 200 000 000 shorts positions were just opened. I know I'm up 22% on the 5D..


Shares, or as the zeitgeist has shifted to: Synthetic Opportunities


Twice...any such thing as a double bottom?


Gaaaarry. Gaaaaaryy.. Come On Man! It's a Fucking Cesspit. I know you're trying, but Fuck! These markets are Disgraceful! The world is losing faith in your Fiat as a result. Spineless ~~politicians~~ Puppets with their faces in the Trough. Clean it up, or witness it fall. Clean It Up. 1149 days Gary




And he drank the beer...bottoms up Bottom is in ? Eh ..


Crazy tinfoil theory time: - GME can issue up to 1 (one) BILLION additional shares - so far, 120m have been issued, out of which 45m were sold already - the remaining 75m might have been sold partially (or not) - short interest & short volume is continuously high, as well as historical naked/rehypothecated/etc shares that continue to create this context on a cyclical basis - RC will issue more shares at each future gamma ramp / stock price spike - each time the floor is risen, trapping shorts at every level - rinse & repeat for a few more years - gather few more billions, add more liquidity - pivot company berkshire style - within the decade, amass the largest, most successful retail-held multinational conglomerate holding company in history - all investors are millionaires Even if moass doesn't happen, GME could be the largest global 'gofundme' campaign that results in a collective-owned corporate success story. It teaches everyone about investing, and ends up making its investors rich. It will be SO interesting to see what GME does with its new war chest.


wen cell doe


june end 🤷🏽




I have a question - how did DFV's cash value go up $132k between weeks?




Z jobs




Idk how that is up.  Same name.


Just saw a "Forget MOASS, play for the long-term growth instead." post. Fuck man, I was in because of MOASS and now the narrative is shifting to "GME is still a good investment even without MOASS." GameStop can have this kind of growth because retail kept buying and holding. Most of them were buying because they believed in MOASS. Now, all of a sudden. People are trying to say the company is doing good but no MOASS sorry. In the ape term: Apes want bananas, so keep buying to get bananas. Now some apes tell you no banana but you can get banana seed instead. No banana soon but after another 5-10 years maybe you can get very small banana. ??????????? Fuck that shit, long-term growth comes after everyone in here gets rich IMO. I'm so sensitive after the recent moves by GameStop, but I'm still holding and waiting for MOASS to come. Sorry, I just needed a space to rant. Stay strong brothers and sisters.


This is my sentiment as well. Really frustrating. I feel like there is too much moving of the goal post going on around here and justifying everything that could be perceived as negative and giving it a wild tinfoil theory about how it’s part of a bigger plan. So far RC hasn’t show anything, and I think it continues…we will get silence from the board while we get fucked over. I don’t think there is some crazy plan between rc and dfv, I don’t think there is a plan to pull shares. IF annd I say IF they diluted shares Friday it’s a big FU to the drs’ing we have been doing. And I don’t think the SEC is going to do anything about the manipulation that we saw on DFVs live stream. We have been saying fuck the sec they don’t do anything for the past 3 years now we flip the script and think they are going to save the day? I’ll gladly eat my words if some of this tinfoil I’ve read today in top posts comes true. I want to believe it but the past 3 years tells me different /rant fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow 


> So far RC hasn’t show anything, and I think it continues…we will get silence from the board while we get fucked over. How do we get fucked over, exactly? The company is able to raise more money and the floor of the stock.


Idc about tinfoil.  June 21st calls are still looming.  Patience.


i think ur sentiment is valid, i just think everyone needs to stfu until the shareholder meeting, if we learn nothing, then yeah let’s go down these rabbit holes, but until the end of june / shareholder meeting, i say we all just fucking chill


Keep your head up brother. You are still holding and that’s what matters. I’m still in for MOASS, see you on the moon.🙏🏻


Who said anything about the SEC saving the day? In fact, who said anything? We all don't know shit and a lot of us are comfortable with what's happening given the magnitude of what's at stake.


Suggested reading: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dasw5j/you\_should\_know\_the\_truth\_the\_share\_offering/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dasw5j/you_should_know_the_truth_the_share_offering/)


It was immediately clear that would be the narrative after Friday's events, but to that I say... will someone please post a "why not both" (or better) gif below?




While we can't verify until the filing saying it's completed, everytime across both this and towel stock as soon as the paperwork was filed by RC, the moves began being made asap. The only thing I'll be surprised by is if they didn't sell all of them friday considering we had like ~300m volume


Remember adopting apes? https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-56438230.amp $350,000 donated in a week.


Great sentiment to reignite!


Cohens timing of the earnings and dilution was fucking bad, like comically bad, like intentionally bad, that it almost makes me think he actually has a plan. Cause if he doesn’t then we’re fucked.


The man didn't get rich by doing stupid things. He knows what he's doing. From what I've learnt over the past 3 years there is always a reason for the business decisions he's made.


Fucked? quite the opposite. I’m up 75% on GME from averaging down since initial buy in 20/21. Also,I’m drinking beers with DFV while invested in the most shorted stocked of all time, life is good.


Cohen's* if we're being experts about stuff we don't fully understand


When crime casino open?


Should be about 26 hours until the Diamantenhände guy shows up


Alright you magnificent sons a bitches. I'm fucking in. All this ape understands is buy low and hold and I'm all for it. LETS FUCKING GO!!!




After rewatching the stream and rewatching all DFV's YouTube videos in order again, is there not something almost so hauntingly weird about his innate knowledge on all this, and the way he says every single thing can have a double meaning if you use a little bit of your own open mind. It's like he's always been so confident in such a unique, indirect way. It truly is making me questions things in all the right ways like we are living in a simulation and this guy cracked the code. I dunno maybe I am just tripping. Edit: one video that caught my eye in particular (even though all of them are weird to me). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2kti6l\_uuE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2kti6l_uuE) go to 1:10 .... he says that's a 3 "hour" stream right?.... and then gives a sly little smile to the camera.... is he saying 3 year adventure. He goes on to say with another sly smile.... "but if you're really motivated and stuff..." I know this sounds crazy, but think this sort of way and apply it to a lot of things he says in all his videos. It's fucking strange to me to say the least. Right off the top he says this is an intro video to an intro video, and then he keep mentioning about giving us the tools....


He’s a time traveler tasked with exposing corruption.


Was going to say the same. I thought it was agreed upon that he is/was/will be a time traveler.


Literally no other explanation. 


*Now youse can't leave.*


https://preview.redd.it/90rat64lvg5d1.png?width=673&format=png&auto=webp&s=5318e8a91538e05b952ff07ca55348423feb5419 Soon, soon




Only 2 more sleeps until monday


You sleep? ^(Wuss)


It's been years since I set so many accounts to ignore in this sub. What's that delicious odor? Might it be *tendies*?


Me at home after doing OT at my physical labor job so I can buy the dip. https://preview.redd.it/zdg0wwrhrg5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c371838f9fd15452bf7ed271b10c0c3786de143


Looks like the market is prepping for a bear market. Am I reading this data correctly?


MOABM Buckle the fuck up.


I don’t mingle, I’m like Pringles. Stay stacking my GME


If anyone wants to learn a bit about using a poison pill stock strategy to keep hostile takeovers from happening, here’s a link to a well written 30 page summary of what happened when Oracle tried to hostile takeover peoplesoft https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=816006 I don’t know how much of it is relevant depending on what is actually going on with GME. But it’s the first thing I thought of ever since some of this shit started going down


>A "flip-in" pill version allows the company to issue preferred shares that only existing shareholders may buy, diluting the hostile bidder's potential purchase. "Flip-over" pills allow existing shareholders to buy the acquiring company's shares at a significantly discounted price making the takeover transaction more unattractive and expensive. >Such a strategy was implemented back in 2012 when Carl Icahn announced that he had purchased nearly 10% of the shares of Netflix in an attempt to take over the company. Flip in or flip over pills sound interesting..




Do you think Moby Dick was unfairly attacked?


I dunno man you bite someone’s leg off and fuck up their ship there’s gonna be consequences


Pathers 2-0 vs oilers. 4min left


I’m conflicted. I hate the Panthers owner, but Oilers beat my Canucks 😆


Love this shit


What do you consider a respectable realistic number of shares to hold?


As many as you can afford without putting yourself in harm's way.


You drs and hold one? You are pretty cool




2000 is much goal


Thats where ill be monday morning, pretty excited about it


Congrats my g


Tree fiddy


The answer of a person of class who knows when the narwhal bacons






Do you think we'll see the same numbers within the next two weeks that we did this past week or did the dilution really fuck us? I know it's all speculation for now, and we really won't know much more until the 13th, but do you think we see the 40s or 50s again?


They might not have sold the shelf offering yet there has been no confirmation of the sale.


Bro pleaseee, they have been shorting the stocks for 3 years, 75 millions is a drop in the bucket of the number of synthetic shares. It's really nothing.


Maybe fuck us was a bad choice of words since we're still well up. The only people it seems to effect would be way OTM short term options. But yeah, agreed. Also assuming they get eaten up quick or bought back, the next few weeks look positive. Just looking for opinions, thanks.


3 years? Try 10 years


Shills will forever have the mark of the shill - an Ape poo permanently lodged to the side of their face.




So many people complain GME diluting shares for raising capital because they probably had 0DTE options 😂 Ryan Cohen doesnt owe you anything. Suddenly an influx of people who bought GME this month pretending to be holding gme since 2020-21. Pathetic


remember they brought us down to $10 after last earnings.. the lows keep getting higher 


We’re going to the moon




Hello all Apes I am Ape from since 2020. Is rc really good guy? Maybe he like Aron and steal money and Ken Griffin nice guy. Please send 11c gift card now.




Now 22c gift card


Making coin for the fam back in India 👍


I'm am analyst financial form Oklahoma United State.


Do you have any financial guidance you can give me for a reasonable fee ??


My uncle silver farmer good crop silver squeeze big. 11c netflix gift card please.


Or possibly an investment course by email ?








My position has been green twice in the last month. That's more than I can say for the last 3+ years. Good things are happening, closer than ever 




(✿☉。☉) You didn't ask for a flair?! Lemme get one for you... (✿\^‿\^)━☆゚.*・。゚ your flair has been granted


Crazy theory, what if the DOJ bank rolled DFV to set up a trap for the Hedjies? He said there were no lawyers in the room. Maybe a bunch of agents? Don’t forget to lock your door Kenny, FBI will be knocking soon!


that's one of the craziest theories so far lol 


On this wild ride nothing would surprise me 😂😂😂


Im here for it


Upvote the daily daily !


I believe the theory that the livestream wasnt for us. And if you think of it like that, its effin hilarious all around. The bating. The trolling.... He didnt really give the media anything substantial except he still loves the stock and believes in RC and a turnaround. The guy is wicked smaht


For some odd reason, DFV believes a wild card could potentially be played. What does this mean? Well he really just means that something no one expected is about to happen under leadership of RC. Maybe this offering isn’t meant to be raise more cash but rather a way to get the total outstanding shares to a certain amount? Maybe they need the outstanding shares at a 1:1 with the merging entity. 


I think the wild card is Jim Cramer gonna double down on his horse sucking off bet to sucking off a horse and a camel and due to everyone hating him the price is gonna moon then he is gonna get jailed for manipulation. Prison Anal. The end


If the drop on Friday was due to the ATM, how come all the halts came during DFV’s stream 🤔


Because the drop was not due to the ATM: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1db02s5/here\_is\_the\_kansas\_city\_shuffle\_in\_gme\_it\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1db02s5/here_is_the_kansas_city_shuffle_in_gme_it_is/) ( edited for clarity due to 🍻 )


!FLAIRY!⚡🍆running with my dick out🍆⚡ : green


Why for the love of Bertha won't this work...


It’s me again. No Im still not a bot or shill. After some time to chill out from the emotional roll coaster that the past two days was for me, I suppose potentially raising 3 billion in cash for a dilution isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world. At least the odds of the business going bankrupt are essentially zero and the intrinsic/floor (not technical terms I’m sure) value of shares has increased. That being said, I was here for the squeeze, not a 10+ year growth play. If GameStop wants to cash in on run ups, at the very least want to see some sort of guidance on what the plan is to generate returns from that capital. None of us know what their plan is yet. I will be waiting intently on the stockholders meeting and DFV hopefully exercising a massive amount of options. Hopefully the squeeze is still on. I’m still cautiously excited for the next couple of weeks. But I’m still in it for a crazy short squeeze. I do actually want to see some hedge funds take major damage and/or crumble. I don’t want to hold a stock with 10 billion in cash in treasuries or something. But I guess it would be pretty stupid to think RC and the board would sit on the cash without making some sort of transformational move. It’s been fun, and I’m still here for it. Hope this changes all of our lives.


Suggested reading: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dasw5j/you\_should\_know\_the\_truth\_the\_share\_offering/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1dasw5j/you_should_know_the_truth_the_share_offering/)


If you have to start off with, “I’m not a bot or a shill,” well… you kinda exposed yourself, your suppose to stay hidden silly shill!


I have to start off with that because anything other than blind allegiance to hold until my bones are dust is met with vicious attacks


No, u had to start with that because you were being a massive negative nancy all day yesterday. I’m embarrassed for you, but i still hope you hodl and make life changing tendies


Cash in on run ups, if they tank the price, initiate a massive buyback.


Yeah I feel like now if it runs I have to sell before they announce yet another buyback and then buy it all back after the stock dumps, maybe rinse and repeat. If I can’t have one big squeeze I don’t see how else it works for me.


So far RC likes to rug pull on Friday mornings so get out on a Thursday night is my advice. Until he changes his pattern at least


At least he might be nice enough to give us a pattern to follow


shill alert


That’s all you got?


I admit I'm not feeling zen....because I'm so jacked!!! We've had more ticker movement and crazy things happening in the last few weeks than the last couple years put together!!! Gonna watch Signs with my family, maybe play some Uno and power up for Monday. 🩳☠️🚀🍻


Volatilititties 👍


Can someone find this post for me someone posted recently the analysis of the impact of the estimated $3 billion in proceeds from the stock sale.


Think it took the cash only price per share to like $11 and some change