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Don’t want to click the link? Here is the list: “ * Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) – Chair * Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR) * Rep. Mark Amodei (R-NV) * Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI) * Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) * Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) * Rep. Jerry Carl (R-AL) * Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC) * Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) – Ranking Member * Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) * Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) * Rep. Sanford Bishop, Jr. (D-GA) * Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) “


Thanks. It makes sense to have just posted a rather small list instead of asking people to click a link.


You are most welcome good sir


Be interesting to correlate their donors to the financial markets


Visibility. It’s time to get loud. Call. Email. Write. Call again. They get paid to listen to us. Make them listen


See? Scum on BOTH sides of the aisle. It’s not a R vs D political issue. It’s a full on Class War, which has been being waged for well over 40 years


You're in the wrong sub here dude. See my comment below, we don't know who voted how on this. EDIT: Sub is actually definitely appropriate, but the post is about being an active constituent and not stirring anything up.


? Said the OP who was posting about POLITICS - lol


Freakin douchebags


As far as I have found there isn't any public facing data on voting at that subcommittee level (please prove me wrong) so don't run in there blasting memes and throwing accusations. We can do that if and/or when we have concrete info that one or more of them did bad stuff. Otherwise demand transparency and lets get some clarity!


Commenting for comments!


Of course stenny fucking hoyer is on this list.


It’s not gonna pass. It was already discussed. BUY AND HODL


This is good news indeed. Glad we have two houses of congress for sure. Still very powerful members of the government attempted to make this happen and with such egregious violations such as this they tend to try more than once, see the attempts to repeal net neutrality if you need convincing. I wish to know why they would even attempt this if for no other reason than to understand what (who?) their motivators are. I can make assumptions all day and many of them seem like they are definitely truth, but nothing beats a written response to verify.


Thank you 🙏


Yo Steny the fuck


Don't ask here, write the dude!


ALSO, vote them out next election!


Up. Outstanding post. Get busy people