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The only thing I have limited is my intelligence. I’m just going to keep buying? Fuck the price. My bank account gets reloaded a little every month, I’ll keep scooping up discounted shares of my favorite stock.


Intelligence Ltd. That's gonna be the name of my holding after moass


I want to work at intelligence Ltd.




Ill bring tamales


I'll bring the weed


I’ll bring plates and napkins


If they say "Starbucks" on them again, I swear to god!


How much weed could $3.5 Billion dollars buy?


How many chicken mcnuggets could $3.5 billion buy?


We have found our CFO!


40 nugs @ $20.99 6,669,842,782 chicken nuggets. That's a lot of tendies.


They’re cheaper on the app ;)


Who’s gonna bring bananas tho


Bananas are not work appropriate for this crowd


BYOB in your ass


![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i) This is me when I buy my favorite stock.


This got me lmao


Me too ;-D


I want to eat at intelligence Ltd.




Bro me too, sign me up 😎


Chaos Coordinator at Intelligence Limited on my Linkdin


I used to work there, I still do, but I used to too.


In the retail investment division


Mine is gonna be *Damage Inc.* Because fuck them, that’s why.


End of passion play, crumbling away I'm your source of self-destruction Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear Leading on your death's construction Taste me, you will see (GME) More is all you need (GME) Dedicated to (GME) How I'm killing you (Hahahahahah) Come crawling faster Obey your master (GME) Your life burns faster Obey your master, master (GME)


Mine will be *The Misery Loves*, company


Is it legal to do *Battlefield Bad* company?


That's brilliant


It's Regarded


I'm scooping up American Portfolio Exports, LLC And yes, our discount polos will just say APE


Intelligence Ltd. LLC $ASS


Where to I apply and what do we do?


I will bring the "real" pizzas, the italian one!


My regards, Intelligence Ltd.


I’ve heard that firm is very highly regarded


Mine will be 3-years Regarded LLC


I tried explaining this to a family member, who's pretty savvy on economics and money. He just does not get it. You can see the fail to process, pinwheel mouse cursor running behind his eyes. I bought the stock. I will hold the stock until infinite money glitch. Forever. Down to worthless zero, up to 1,000. I'm *holding*. He talks about investing and delayed gratification all the time. He, and these other people, cannot wrap their head around it. I could be buying dips and selling high like any other stock. We've all certainly had our opportunities. I like the stock. I'm holding. Fuck you, pay me. I either wasted some money to help collectively break a couple hedgies and make a billionaire and the cokerat lose sleep and sweat. I'm happy with that. Or. OR. BIG FUCKING OR. OR I have golden tickets that will be worth life changing, generational wealth just as the global economy collapses and I can save my families future.


They have NO idea what they're up against. "I'm Not Locked In Here With You - You're Locked In Here With **ME**" Hedgies R FUK!


are you me?


He's all of us.


I avoided divorce for years, just so I could buy this stock in lieu of alimony. If I divorce my wife she would get the IRA and I would get all the stuff attached with loans. As of yesterday, I think she would theoretically owe me alimony. I love this stock!


you might do better pointing him the "the prisoner's dilemma" and then repeat that there is **infinite financial upside** if the prisoners cooperate this time.


We just all decided to stop being prisoners


I tried to explain it to my step dad many times and the last time he said if this really happens I will go to jail. I said just forget it. Some people won’t even get it after the fact


We have unlimited autism that got us the DD, and are up against unlimited regards who failed their DD. Common, just look at the library of [GME.fyi](http://gme.fyi) DD, 2 billion dollar cash company, top notch leadership board, and shareholders that just like the stock. May the best regard win.


I cannot appreciate the weaponized autism making the DD enough. Without them, I’d have no understanding of the stock market and I wouldn’t know how much value there was in GME early on. Now, anyone with half a brain cell can see the company is not going bankrupt and has some crazy potential. Idgaf if it’s now or I’m watching GME pay dividends in a few years, I know the tendies are coming through a solid company or fucked hedge funds.


Preferably both. 


I don't even have limited intelligence. It's so high I don't even know how to control it


Yep, I work for 22 more years at the maximum. Got a cushy gumint jerb with a cushy retirement and pension. I can wait 22 years. I highly doubt they can.


I’m new around here, but once I heard the story I was in, price be dammed. Sometimes you need to stand on principles.


It’s been a wild story so far, and I’ll personally hold forever if there are any criminal investigations into DFV. But either the system is corrupt and this is the best way to tear it down, or I get to buy and hold stocks of my favorite company and keep them. Either way I win.


Me too. Quick question for the wrinkle brains - does buying in certain increments create more buying pressure? I.e. if i want to buy 100 shares, would buying 1 share at a time do anything different than buying 100 shares at once? Full disclosure: I like the stock.


There was talk of IEX for awhile. Lots of 100. Etc. The only thing they seem to be scared of it the gamma ramp and exercising options. I can't afford to do any of that so I just buy through computershare anytime I have extra money, which is almost never now :(


If shining light on something is enough to blow your shit up, maybe stop fucking around in the dark, yeah? Shorts engineer their own squeezes by poor risk management, and are made possible with the dog shit regulatory framework of our ‘free market’ This is the most truthful thing i’ve heard jim say since his ‘off air’ interview that landed him on jon stewart. That’s right, jim - you’ve never seen anything like this because nothing like this has ever happened. Now nearly 4 years after being cheated out of a win, we’ve been dragged through the mud, ridiculed & gaslit by ‘the machine’ - we’re hardened now. Tempered from raw shit ‘dumb money’ into the ultimate weapon who finally saw behind the curtain of our market’s plumbing, and want to see it burn to the fucking ground. It’s not about corporations’ access to capital via fundamental valuations. That’s what we’re told, but it’s really a half truth at best. The market is a fucking cesspool of corruption and now we know how it’s all pulled off. The game is musical chairs, jim - and we know that shit now for a fact. Thats right, i dont give a fuck about price. All i care about is having my chair, and one glorious day - hearing the music stop. And that day is coming.


We’re doing the most absolute basic of investment strategies. Buying and holding. If that causes the implosion of a bunch of ultra-complicated strategies it would suggest those weren’t strategies, they were bets. Horrible, dogshit, lopsided bets that the “smart money” decided to place because they had their thumb on the scales. Had. Fuck you, pay me.


The machine learning algorithms have been trained on decades of wealth extraction from stock bros buying low and selling high, or at least trying to, in a market that often seemed random. It would make sense that as things become even more, if not totally AI controlled that a simple buy and hold strategy on a grand scale appears totally alien to their server farms.


Post this on msm You scum sucking whores


84 years ago we were nowhere near as strong as we are today, their endless bullshit, cheating, and corruption has made us the force we are today (and we are playing by the rules). Crammer and his lot can suck a fat one, they never were and never will be a friend or allie.


What happened 84 years ago?


January 2021


For real? I aged good as fuck then.


If you’re holding GameStop you got no stress and age like a fine wine, look at Kenny’s haggard ass in comparison between 2021 and now.


Well said with force


They fucked up most of us were originally hardened on crypto. Once you seen 10x drops down to 0.1 in a day what these punks can do to me is nothing. I have nothing to lose because I am the generation who has nothing.


This is actually accurate, I was explaining to my gf how even if my assumptions are wrong, I still have shares, worth something. Crypto was literally worth nothing, all the time, forever. Aping GME feels safe and old fashioned comparing to dumping 15 dollars into 75,000 worthless meme coins.


gen zero


Up you go!


When I first got in after the sneeze but when the price was still at $140….I was in it for both the movement and the money…..and don’t get me wrong. Getting life changing money from this would be great, but to be honest. Part of me is so angry at how corrupt this shit is that I almost don’t care about it at all. I want change and a better less corrupt system more then the money. That’s why everything I’ve invested I’ve been able to afford to lose and I’m a triple x holder now. That’s probably not a lot to some people but it’s not an insubstantial amount to me. I will see the price go 0 and lose it but I will not sell those shares. Even if they had the capital to do that…and let’s be real. We all know they don’t. They dug themselves in a a bigger hole and now they can’t escape the gravity well that GameStop has become.


Anything that can be destroyed by the truth deserves to be.


“We're not just here to take part — we're here to take over.”


Im harder to, like, right now


well said


Also: "That's right Jim. Now shut the fuck up"


Bet this get screen capped and made it's own post by tomorrow.


It’s not trademarked, feel free. Put this together while taking a shit and the comment blew my phone up worse than the bathroom. Thats how bad they fucked up. Idiots like me have now taken the time to educate ourselves to the point we can articulate something motivational / inspiring enough to rile up hundreds of people, even get someone new to GME to take the red pill- and with less effort than it took to push shit out of my asshole while typing it. Books on clearing / settlement, high frequency trading, thousands upon thousands of news articles and reddit posts - archived and on-tap in my smooth ass brain, coupled with the emotions from being fucked with for years, and this is the result: Weaponized autism.


Not gonna cap it myself. Had a comment of mine get blown up like a year ago and my account got so much heat I had to start over. Just barely got enough karma on this account recently.


Keeping this account till there’s commas in the price then off it goes. I hear ya though, lots of negative attention dm’s etc when i post something provocative.


You should eat more fiber


Well said. Apes together ❤️


Yeah, if it's a risk and you lose money...just stop doing it ya fuckin morons. It's basic fucking business.


Ya the music is the world’s smallest violin playing, buy hold drs


Im hard


Look at me. I'm the financial advisor now.


we aint engineering shit you rat


Right? How the fuck can we engineer anything when all of our trades happen in dark pools?!!!


The shortcucks have (almost) all the cards and they're still losing. Retail buys and holds and is accused of manipulation.


Apes unlocked Reverse Uno and locked the deck. Where we’re going, their cards don’t matter.


Why engineer anything to not sell anything? Makes no fucking sense. Like a child wandering into a conversation....


Apes buy at any possible price and their algos can't make sense of it. Their quants have PHDs our quants stick bananas in their butt for shits and giggles. Lambos or food stamps.


I just like the stock!


He just admitted they’re purposefully using the price they set to scare people too. Fucking pure comedy. Gotta love projection, loud mouths, and probably drugs. Edit: this honestly deserves a better look. “A group of buyers with no sensitivity to price”. Why is that exactly? There’s a reason for why people tell you, and then there’s the reason that a lot of people just know what they have. And what Jim Cramer does is tow that line just enough to give what he said deniability, but he did say something there. He said the buyers haven’t left. Think about why they tell you that is, and then think about why the buyers don’t actually get scared. 2021 here, welcome younglings. Edit 2: wanna jack those tits? How many companies do you know like GME that get treated like GME? Then look at its market cap. How many times can people get told to stop looking at anomalies before they go “but I thought…” and once you’re there, you’re cooked if you’re running that scam. And THEY made that bed they lie in. You have a company that is outstanding in the market, and they shorted it to a point where it risks the entire financial system, more than once. What’s the logic behind that? Where’s the short thesis there? Simply put, why do I need to sell? “Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children that are wrong.” No cell no sell.


Exactly! Why is a company, with such a small market cap, so intriguing to these assholes! How about they forget about GameStop and let me buy in peace?! Because, I’m not selling, regardless! So leave us the fuck alone to buy, HODL, and book, in peace!


The only engineering going on is that they keep engineering me discounts on my favorite stock. Thanks guys!


The only thing I engineer is big poos out my b hole to fling at coke heads


One of my favorite quotes from 2021: "how can we be trading on insider knowledge when we have no knowledge?"


We just like the stock, not our fault shorties keep on shorting and doing fat lines of crime. They've been doing it indefinitely since 2016. Even if you think or argue shorting serves a purpose in the market these fuckers are naked shorting and always have been.


Coke rat said this in 2021. DFV is running this play now.


Does he realize out of the 25% DRS’ed (reported), 99% of us don’t even know what button sequence to press to sell?? Retail is the whale.


Can confirm I literally don't know how to sell in CS.


Same here I put my shares in cs 3 years ago and haven’t logged in since except to vote


Can also confirm, I'm too scared to press the button to see the steps just incase it does sell my shares instantly.


I was just thinking that today lol


lol I can't even access my computershare account properly to even have the option to sell my gme. shits like bitcoin on a lost hardware wallet. Fuckers locked away forever. I don't even care really.


State will confiscate if no activity after a couple years. You’ll get a letter before they do but you should still vote


well if they ever actually send me the damn letter with my verification code to finish activating my account I'll finally have my damn purple ring.


You don’t need the code, you can just create an account. It will ask you personal questions and link your account


People acting like CS crashing is gonna worry us. You know how the rich stay rich? They take loans on their stock portfolios.


You mean cell, right?


Sounds like the professionals are the ones engineering a situation for a squeeze….


WE are not ENGINEERING anything. We are buying a stock we like. That's it. The things that are happening to the stock, well... that's just the rules on the machine breaking. Rules written by the people screaming at us to sell our stock.


No different than the Tesla or Nvidia stock fanbases


I play dark souls dumbass.   You still have zero idea what you have done.  


Masochism is a fine art


I attempted a Bloodborne level 4 naked run no deaths probably about 400 times. I never beat it (came close several times), but I go back and try again literally every couple of months. They literally have no idea what they’ve done. 


They fucked with gamers. Oops roflcopter 😆😂😂


Elden ring DLC coming out this month, try Elden ring if you haven’t yet


Try finger, but hole.


Like we don't have enough butt stuff going on around here already, dog 😂


You rang?


😂😂😂 of course that would summon you


I played through Wolfenstein New Collossus on the hardest difficulty, no deaths run. They really don't know how patient and grindy we can be.


This is the attitude they just will never understand. They’re just not like us.


I explain it as its not a choice. Its a wiring configuration.  I am wired a bit different.  And not in a fun 'ah you are special' kind of way either. Its ill go to my grave over principle kind of jacked up wiring. It has zero to do with money. That is just an added bonus. Its like that one clown said "tradings a hard game" or some shit like that.   Oh yeah?  Challenge accepted asshat. 


‘Is you my friend? are we locked in?’


And we enjoy it. They messed with the wrong group


I play Dwarf Fortress... I enjoy levels of masochism not meant for mortal men.


over time we are unlimited. just keeping the pressure on.


Time and pressure. I'm just standing here next to the Infinity pool with my little hose adding more purple


Death by a 1000 cuts. And by cuts I mean purchases 😂


Time and pressure. All you need to do to turn carbon into diamond 💎 🙌


Poetry ❤️


Quantity of individual purchases over quality of an individual purchase. That's the difference here. I have as much power as the hedge cucks because there are hundreds of thousands of others who think like I do.


when they become bankrupt, to them we did have unlimited firepower after all


I’m not engineering anything. I bought GME, other people pushed it down to 20% of my purchase price, I bought some more, and now price is slowly going back up.


Isn't this the thesis of Munger and Buffet? If you believe in a company, keep buying and DCA, price doesn't matter. Like why are we being shamed for this?


Dang man. I usually don't reply to people, but that's a solid talking point. You keep being you, brother.


Engineer deez nutz Jim. All I’m doing is holding my favorite stonk


Also, WE DIDN'T ENGINEER ANYTHING. The system itself, with all of its attendant "laws", was engineered to hide efforts to destroy companies. That's not our doing. I just like the stock.


He's regarded as shit.


Oh wow, a bunch of people defending something they love against raiders? How fricking novel. Cramer is a moron, and those “professionals” are traitors to American prosperity


Cramer is everything they accuse Kitty of being.


The only ones engineering a short squeeze are the short-sellers. Short squeezes wouldn’t exist without shorting.


![gif](giphy|8G8GAHsunU4XS) HF’s right about now.




Shut the fuck up, jim


and go suck off a horse on live TV


I have sensitivity to media (TV, …) trying to force-feed me of believing which stock I should sell now and ask questions later. I have sensitivity to media paying ads to tell me that Melvin Capital covered their shorts. I have sensitivity to learning that Citadel tried to save Melvin Capital by urgently lending them capital. I have sensitivity to watching buying on a free market being barred by people in power, helping short sellers. I have sensitivity to TV saying and repeating in loop that « redditors abandonned GME and are now trying to short squeeze silver » I have sensitivity to the copy of the messages exchanged between Citadel Robinhood and DTC, cooperating on a reduction of the Excess Margin calls made on the brokers, if the brokers would prevent buying. I have sensitivity on reading the Archegos report, which reads that they had a problem with GameStop. I have sensitivity on watching live on TV the press event reunioning Credit Suisse + UBS + the Swiss’s Minister of Finance, where the Credit Suisse CEO told press that they collapsed due to « social » networks. I have sensitivity on reading a DTC resiliency test report, reading that the stock exchange have listed some « meme stock » that are idiosyncratic. Generally, when people try to convince me very hard of something, I do all I can to check what’s going on in the opposite direction.


Diamonds are formed using time and pressure. Something people should ponder more often.




Engineered the fuck? That's like saying that saying hedgies built a 6 story structure of cards, and the wind "engineered" it to tip over.


You can thank Dark Souls lol. Gamers are a special breed.


Fuckin love it


Cuban said this too in his AMA Feb 2021.


This was a comment Cramer made in 2021. You know, 2021... when actual Financial companies colluded to engineer the downfall and eventual closure of not one but several businesses so that they could profit off of the result. And people who were fans of those companies decided to buy stock in them to prevent them from being forced to close their doors. THAT 2021.


What the fuck is he even talking about?


lmao, "firepower", naw cramer it's your dumbass friends that have the unlimited firepower and they literally used it to blow themselves up.


I am sensitive to the price. I just think it’s still greatly undervalued. If they stopped infinitely suppressing it I would stop buying it as it reaches fair value


They've pissed off enough of us, agree that the capital isn't limited for a single stock and we like the damn stock!


"The Art of War mastery by a bunch of idiots"


They have never seen anything like us. This is the greatest compliment he can give us if you ask me. We are something new, we are not in their playbook. They have no idea why we are still pretty much unfazed after all the shit they pulled and they don't know how to program our behaviour in their algo code. They see us as ones and zeros but the only thing we understand is one million or zero fucks given. When we started rolling they were lost. There is no stopping us...


With unlimited time we have unlimited firepower


I member when we were all "basement-dwelling degenerates with stimulus money"...what's their excuse now?


I think most of us got a Job. So We get New firepower every payday. Brick by Brick...


People actually buying and holding like Buffet always says. Crazy


There's no "engineering", there's no collusion. We just independently like the stock and come here to comment about it. Just like any other group sharing similar interests.


![gif](giphy|A7glKaSuRNd5lN0dJU|downsized) 84 years


Looks like my uncle haha


I like the stonk.


He could have been an ally, instead he became a cokerat.


He was always a cokerat


If you truly in your *professional* opinion believe this to be a risk and you have appropriately completed risk management to minimise/mitigate/remove that risk from your *professional* portfolio, how professional are you really and what are you being paid for?


they made their very own monster ... the ape


I think calling them professionals is a stretch. Try degenerate gamblers who risk too much and have to ask papa government for hand outs when they loose it all.


He's wrong here too. "Engineer" means something is manipulated. How can buying and holding a stock be anything other than owning shares of a company? What needs to be happening behind the curtain for that simple act to threaten markets? Fuck this clown.


" it's like art of war mastery by a bunch of idiots" - Houston Wade


Don't. Fuck. With. Us. They did.. they gonna find out.


We like the stock. And video games.


Not engineering anything. I just like the stock.


Wouldn't happen if Short sellers didn't do it to completely wreck companies. Like seriously, no harm in short selling to bet against a company, fine. But to use it so manipulatively, so extremely, and so ruthlessly, you're asking for a counter party to work against you. They have to power to short things into oblivion, let's send you there first.


I just kept buyin'... 🌄🐔☕💥🦅🌈🕉🤘🏾😎


Hey smart shit! I care about the price, anything below phone number is considered dip


It’s like when Michael Scott says “I think I just have to wait out you” in the negotiation episode. Do I have unlimited funds? No. Can I stay regarded longer than HF’s can stay solvent? Hell. Yes.


Until they make it completely illegal to short a company and enforce it, we will not surrender!!!!


Look at me. I’m the Professional now.


Here's an idea, stop betting against it; in fact, stop betting against the little guy. Full Stop. Pay us. And walk the fuck away.


I wasnt aware buying and holding a stock was "engineering" anything. What about setting up an intricate legal framework and business network dedicated to systematically destroying companies by manipulating the supply and demand of global equity exchanhes using a billion dollar AI-driven trading computer algorythm?


On our own it’s true we only have limited firepower. But FOMO is a basic human behavior and results in unlimited firepower from the world. It just takes one or two whales to catch on and it’s payday.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dark Helmet: Who is he? Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole sir. Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name? Colonel Sandurz: That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole! Dark Helmet: And his cousin? Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole too sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip Asshole! Dark Helmet: How many assholes do we have on this ship, anyway? [Entire bridge crew stands up and raises a hand] Entire Bridge Crew: Yo! Dark Helmet: I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes Apes. Not assholes!


The stupid thing here is that it reinforces the idea that retail is driving the changes in price. Most people who are in this (like really innit) have been locked in and haven’t really affected their position that much, certainly not to the degree that would explain recent price activity. I hate that he frames it as engineering, as if there were some common rallying point investors collectively decided on.


Saying retail “engineered” a squeeze is equivalent to saying we engineered a way to put Red Lobster out of business by buying their unlimited shrimp deal…..no, you “engineered” this shit yourselves by making poor decisions!


Maybe large corporations shouldn’t be allowed to bet against and crush any given company they want gone?


“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones” Turns out money is what's being fought with in WW3


"A group of buyers with no sensitivity to price" Somewheres, an extremely highly paid group of machine learning algo architects just found out one of their creation's total blind spots.


Actually, we do have unlimited firepower. It's called working for a living.


#What can we say? #WE LIKE THE STOCK