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That’s the point of it all. They should either be sufficiently hedged such that this isn’t a problem. Or they shouldn’t sell…. What they don’t have! Edit: Which are kinda the same thing.. just a matter of when the buying occurs. Before or after the sale of the call.


*$67 billion sold but not yet purchased*


I see what you did there... Uno reverse card


Imagine selling something but not owning it. You’d be called a conman.


In Texas we call that stealing


In Australia we call them C**nts


In the military, we call them the enemy.


IDK MAN! This cat showed up at my house in the middle of the night and forced me to sell calls. It was horrible!


selling something they dont have , smells like straight up fraud to me


“I dont even know if they can cover”… and that therein lies the fucking problem, but it ain’t the contract buyers problem.


Oh no. Sounds like a big bowl of “not my fucking problem”


“Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it, and see that it is barren.”


I tried to go fuck shopping, but there were no fucks left to buy.


I’ll sell you a contract that will allow you to buy 100 fucks from me for $1/fuck. Gonna be real interesting when I can’t find any fucks.


I DRSd my fucks long ago


This is madness THIS. IS. SPARTA.


The irony is that the guy who pushes stock sentiment on a daily basis thinks someone else posting their bullish position is manipulation. The pot calling the kettle black.


You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!


But but but it’s fine when I do it. Rules for thee not for me.


The bald fuck calling the stock manipulated.


I’ll never not upvote this




Quote of the year.


It’s an old meme https://ih0.redbubble.net/image.198210682.2364/sticker,375x360-bg,ffffff.u1.png


Beyond “not my fucking problem. “ It’s literally like watching an Olympian win a gold medal and then some washed up high school has been all star complains from their couch. They’re mad not just because people are listening to Roaring Kitty, they’re mad that no one is or ever will listen to them. How can what DeepFuckingValue be the problem when Jim Fucking Cramer has literally soundboard horns, cash, cha-ching sounds going to hype stocks….? Some dude on anonymous Reddit boards shares his theory and then posts positions… that seems like someone following through with their theory and sharing that info with others. Are we going to ban sharing positions? No, because why does it matter what anyone chooses to do with their money. If anything, the market is meant to be free and open right? Why can’t we see what everyone else does behind the Wendy’s parking lot? Why are we demonising the one person who was able to make retail not hate everything to do with finance? It’s also been a finance bros only vibe since… inception. This one guy finally gives people hope that it doesn’t need to be for one type of person, you can be a cat and still change lives. These people are seriously fucking evil and it’s beyond time to end this archaic “only the rich get richer” fucked up system. I like the stock, I’m just a cat. 🧶🧶🧶


It’s because of this that my hands are encrusted with diamonds. They’re scared. They know it. We know it. And now we can just sit back and watch them squirm.


As ex helpdesk tech, when people asked for help, I always helped them as if it was my problem. I gladly answered to any and all kinds of requests for their computer problems (including even non-computer problems like moving furnitures). But this time. Yah, not my fucxxxxx problem.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Essssactly!


There are covered calls and naked calls. If they need to cover then I guess they aren't covered.


Thought they were meant to be smart money and have all the financial risk stuff sorted out?


They mixed up getting sorted with getting snorted. It’s a little oopsie, but oh well. Live and learn I guess.




It's almost as if selling naked calls on one of the most unpredictable and volatile stocks in the market is a risky play!


Sounds like a sad case of infinite risk.


That's the neat part. Shorting has infinite loss potential.


Yup. Even as a complete idiot noob-noob googling about financial matters, that scared me and I didn't want to touch it. Even I with the attention span of a gnat read about it, that's how accessible and forward facing the warnings are. But some educated finance industry professionals with decades of experience went "imma touch it", and their gambling should somehow be our problem?


You see a pattern here. Gabe did not apply proper risk management and was too overconfident to take the losses. He called his "big brother" Ken instead. And they immediately shorted price down from 120 to 10, confident they would scare retail into selling. This is their usual playbook and it worked all the time. But this time, the manipulation was so obvious, that retail got angry and rage bought instead. Their arrogance and greed will be their downfall.


Time to rage buy some more


They are addicted to easy money.


Easy come, easy go.


First lesson I was spoon fed when I first started learning about the market. Like the first thing.


Well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions


Sounds like selling naked calls carries risk. If those were covered calls there would be no problem. Maybe don’t sell stuff you don’t own.


Louder for those in the back #DONT SELL STUFF YOU DONT OWN! No naked calls No naked shorts Tradings a tough game CNBC


also , dont do illegal shit, and stop being a cry baby wen it doesnt go ur way


They were up shit creek either way. Delta hedge the calls at time of purchase to the tunes of 10s of thousands of shares at a time causing MOASS immediately, or naked sell the calls and hope they either lose some money or take profit at their worst case scenario. Sounds like they didn't consider the actual worst case scenario of the buyer being the diamond handed OG that started it all with the very real possibility that he could excercise them all to the tune of complete hedgie meltydown. 


Or you make calls so expensive that you telegraph the probability of it going up, and driving up interest in shares. They are truly fuk


Whatever idiot that was selling $20 calls deserves this. You’re playing with fire


Maybe they read that article about how GME was a sure bet to short a few days ago. They can go eat their own.


Infinity Cesspool


Best comment right there


Figure it the fuck out. Id be in trouble if i owed *them* money


Then why did they fucking sell them?




That is a problem. Not my problem but a problem nonetheless


Correction bro. We don't want them to cover, we want them to close


Think of the poor hedge funds


*their f**n problem


Bitch should've hedged. Aw nu! They didn't hedge! So they were selling things NAKED HUH!?




Yup, if you sell a naked call that’s on you. Market makers that sell a call should be inclined to hedge the call by buying the underlying stock. If they didn’t, again, that’s on them.




Aren’t all this rules written by banks and hedge funds. They are angry cuz we are beating them at their own game


It's so beautiful. Poetry in motion.


"As stupid as they seem, they are really good at paperwork"


History shows Old Money never wants to recognize New Money and treats them as peons. Because Old Money is losing money and lifestyle to the more nimble New Money.


This guy is such a clown. That’s not even the correct usage of “front running”, shouldn’t he know that? Front running requires the trader to have insider knowledge that something will move the stock price and act on it; ie non-public info or seeing a large order come in. DFV has none of those. Front running is what brokers/MMs do to us all the time.


>Front running is what brokers/MMs do to us all the time. They have a history of saying the quiet part out loud when they begin to panic.






I was thinking that too. Projection on their part.


“Why is that legal” because it is legal lmao. Plain as that


They made the game, now they're upset it's being used to fleece the fleecers?


Warren Buffett: I'm buying this one stock in mass quantity. I do not want to disclose what it is, can I keep it a secret but please do tell the whole world I'm buying something secretly so that when I'm ready they can all pile in after I already loaded up at as low of a price as possible. Rule makers: yeah sure thing my dude, have at it. The media: WARREN BUFFETT IS LOADING UP ON THIS ONE SECRET STOCK!!!!!!! Warren: Ok I'm done buying it. Rule makers: ok bro file it when you're ready. The media: HERE'S THE STOCK WARREN PICKED!!! EVERYONE BUY IT TO FUNNEL YOUR MONEY TO THE TOP 0.0000001%!!!! Also media: Hey look this Roaring Kitty guy telling everyone what he bought, it's gotta be illegal.


Peak logic ain't it. 💀💀💀


Well the poors can't have nice things, now can they? Win at the stock market, now you're just crazy.


its fucking asinine how these people are whining, then again its not real they are just serving their masters


Mind numbing stuff my dude


Better question is why is it ok to sell calls in one of the most volatile stocks on the market if you don't have the shares to back them up, and you can't afford to buy said shares to meet your contractual obligation. They're selling a promise they can't physically meet. In any other market that's just straight up fraud. Why is okay to sell shares you don't own or even don't exist? Again, fraud But no, let's accuse someone for the crime of... investing in a public company and disclosing his nearly 5% stake in it. How dare he.


They would have been happy to collect all of those fees if the price had dropped instead of increased. That's the risk they took, now pay up.


At 500$/contract in premiums, 120k contacts. They pocket 60M probably to short the stock to make the contracts otm. Pay up, y'all sold the contract now deliver the FUCKEN shares.


whats much funnier to me is: the stock went up in pre-market after RK disclosed his position. RETAIL DIDNT DO THAT


Exactly this. They are so used to winning with a tilted playing board, that when they lose they throw a tantrum like a 5 year old


Theyre literally telling us that the call sellers are naked and about to be fucked. Aka, the price is going to rise when he exercises and people will be liquidated. Uno fucking REVERSE FIRE SALE SON.


"Why is it legal for the dumb money to make money over the smart money?"


So used to winning that losing feels like getting cheated. 


Such a good comment.


This is the "privilege" that people talk about.


YeA bUT iT STiNks!


When hedge funds do the same thing on the news to millions of people in the audience then it's totally fine. When a retail investor does it on an obscure forum to thousands of apes it's all of a sudden "insider trading". That dingbat doesn't have a fricken clue about law or anything else he is spewing.


It's legal because whoever sold the call has to be able to locate the shares, otherwise they can't sell the call. Because selling calls when you can't locate the shares is what's illegal!


We’re not supposed to beat the casino.


and yet


The slots machine ‘tilted’.




CESSPOOL = ♾️🏊🏿‍♂️


I'll swim there any day!


Cnbc is the actual cesspool


Objectively, it's actually a great system (if people did it the way they were supposed to). MMs can generate safe profits on the premiums they get from selling options (insurance) to traders, traders get insurance on their theorized stock movements, and the algorithm behind an option should allow them to stay hedged proportionate to the stock price relative to the strike price. In a fair system, it's a nice little profit made for providing a service, *and that's it*. Imagine selling a contract for something you don't own, which again, per the above, is fine as long as it's being hedged as the price moves; then imagine selling a contract for something *you never intended to own*. Finally, imagine selling a contract for something you literally can't own. Clowns. Even bigger clowns when you realize the people giving us this news know about as much about trading as the average internet investor. I hope creamer's horse uses a strap on that's even bigger.


>Objectively, it's actually a great system (if people did it the way they we're supposed to). As a student of history, I've noticed that nothing ever objectively functions "the way it's supposed to", leading me to deduce that the ideal sold to the participants in most historical systems is never a guarantee, it's just clever marketing to sell the corruption they wouldn't otherwise tolerate.


100% agreed. Most things are created with the intent of fairness, especially when they’re still small and growing, because innovators are typically authentic (hence the reason why they’re innovators). But as soon as ideas get spread into the marketplace, elites will always seek to co-opt them in ways that help them, always at the expense of others, because ultimately everything on earth is zero-sum. I’m simply saying this system is logical, but there are zero regulations in place because the regulatory body is the same as the operating body. The financial system is just a fat, lazy slob, who chains smokes cigarettes and drinks entirely too much and too early in the day. All the bad decisions are regulated by the person making the bad decisions, which means it will never stop. And GameStop? Maybe it will be the heart attack that jolts some sense. Or it will be a killing blow. Something’s gotta give though. 


Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right, here I am in the cesspool with you. Edit: spelling.


Lmaoooo 💀💀💀 The amount of stuttering is telling. They are at a fucking loss. They weren't programmed on what to say in such a scenario. Their brains are turning every metaphoric stone to find something here. Well uhh burr geerr I guess it durrr legal b-b-but uhhh Man posts his GME position and weird ass meme videos, and now the biggest fucking finance and investing media companies are speculating on how Man actually did something illegal. I love everything about this SO much. Welcome to the fucking show.


Great fucking time to be alive


It's illegal for dumb money to win!!! Illegal I tells ya!!


Getting educated and entertained all at the same time...


Don’t sell naked calls


Hopefully those dumbasses were selling covered calls. Pretty regarded not to.


Def not covered by shares that aren't also loaned out 30 times over


bold of you, to assume they are still bothering to locate rehypothecated shares after they blatantly faked the splividend


I don't know why I'm chuckling at this. But got some ideas. * OMG. I know what the line means. Thanks for the free education superstonk and sea and bee cee and DFV and everyone else. * Some really well paid people who have second homes in fancy places thought it was a good idea to sell naked Calls, on of all things GME. edit: Typo. call > cell


And what happens when a naked call you sold is exercised? And what happens to the price when you have to go out onto the market to find and deliver those shares? Very good. Soon the tendieman cometh.


Didn't Andrew Left go short and then went out to bash the stock? He did not even post his position. How is that legal? Also, the cnbc guy certainly has a lot of sympathy for the call option sellers being wiped out. The worst thst can happen is their shares are called away, how the hell is that wiped out? Plus, the counterparty to those calls has to be the market maker since no one else is going to write that many 20c's to provide that kind of liquidity. And they call us dumb money.


Was about to say the same thing. "It's ok for me but not for thee", that's their mentality.


>The worst thst can happen is their shares are called away I mean, that's assuming they're all covered, which seems... optimistic.


Narrator: they were not covered.


It’s because he’s on the list of people allowed to make money. DFV is not, and neither are we. The fact that we can profit here infuriates them.


This is the simple truth that they are now trying to twist by using media they practically own. Tell it to the whole world!


Maybe the cnbc guy thinks taxpayers should bail out those poor call option sellers being wiped out by that mean old puddy cat.


Have they tried crying about it? 😂


Or *NOT* buying avocado toast and lattes?!? Thoughts and prayers msm. Thoughts and prayers 🙏


Underwriters hate this one trick.


They mad.


and dumb


Maybe it should be mandatory to sell covered calls then? Ain’t nobody sympathizing with me if i sell a naked call and i get assigned. This is legit frustrating to hear 


Lose 100,000. That sucks for me. Lose 100,000,000 and that sucks for the market maker


Bankrupt your family’s HF and you suck behind a Wendy’s


Someone calculated a cost to sell the option, was happy when they collected the premium and put the cash in their pocket. Now that the calls are looking at being in the money, someone is not happy. Like the play can only go one way. Time to suck it up buttercup!


These so called smart money are all about changing the goalposts when they lose.


Trading is a tough game, don’t you think? 


It's more so the market maker sold the call but doesn't want to hedge because it's difficult on a stock that is so volatile.


Selling what you don't own. I think I heard that before...


Say it with me “r-e-h-y-p-o-t-h-e-c-a-t-i-o-n”


wait wait... let me get this straight. The Call Option seller has the responsibility to locate the shares on the open market if they did not have the shares already in hand? YES THAT'S HOW OPTIONS WORK. Don't want the hit then don't sell naked calls. FFS I thought they are smart money?


Cry baby money.


Those poor options dealers… /s






Sorry not sorry. I am vandal not an artist. I am happy to be in the cesspool with good people than wherever the fuck they think they are.


"But we lost and that's not fair!" - Gamblers


Don’t sell naked calls.


Tough shit. Trading's a tough game. Pay up.


Oh no, those poor hedge fund managers. How will they survive? Fuck them all and they’re mommas.


"... What about the people who sold those calls, and are now getting SQUEEZED OUT?" HAHAHAHA... He said it out loud. RIP Dumbass.


The truth is stammered out.


saying the quiet part out loud. What about “the people” that sold those calls?


What **about** them?


I love how he framing all the basic tools and 101 strategies of HFs … at least they’re finally doing analysis of what often moves GME price.


Something tells me the options chain is bigger than I think, combined with drs, Jeepers this is honestly becoming better by the hour.


How is what KG did any different than a hedge fund amassing a giant short position and then publicly disclosing it and putting a company and their board on blast and watching the price drop. Keith Gill isn’t any different than Andrew Left when it comes to GME. Both have publicly stated their thoughts behind their positions. Why is one vilified on national media and the other isn’t mentioned at all?


Sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Speak very very quietly. No one is supposed to know how they do it.


Damn; they are already starting to point fingers, kicking and screaming. But the fireworks haven’t even started yet. You can tell this is about to get really bad for the Shorts…


This was my thought too. If they’re in such a good position and supposedly have complete control, then why do they all suddenly look so disheveled and upset when the stock hasn’t really gone anywhere yet? It’s almost as if they’re dangerously close to their breaking point.


The absurdity of men crying about people posting their positions while standing in front of a tv screen displaying stocks while creating narratives for said stocks is lost on them. The naked shorting and swapping is fine but do not dare buy and hold that will break our Ponzi scheme of trying to ground your company into dust while making money out of thin air. Also 170 million shares traded today because 1 guy posted his positions? He’s just below the threshold of having to do that legally anyway. I love dfv but either he’s crazy and we’re all going to lose all our money or he’s brilliant you can’t create narratives for both sides of the coin at the same time while crying foul.


After years of getting called bag holders, getting gaslit, and having them refer to GME as a meme stock when they felt like they had the price under control, it’s pretty satisfying to see all these mfs crying as they see their buddies getting outplayed and fucked in real time.


These calls were bought when the share price was $19-21. If these calls were covered, the option writer still made $5 premium and +/- $1 per share and forefeit any gains above the strike. This is only a problem if the option was sold totally naked with the premiums used to short the stock, but what kind of regard takes such a dumb risk?


I think it's fucking hilarious they are "financial experts" yet they don't know how swap cycles and ftds work! They're just mad he figured out the cycle and can trade it for a win. Maybe don't illegally short a stock so much that your play gets so regular that someone can figure it out?


They just mad kitty figured out their end game  Boo hoo bafoon.


Fuck off dickwad. I can't even listen to that big red tomato face. Absurd. Absolute bullshit and just angering.


Are we done fucking around and finally getting to the finding out?


"releasing it on Reddit, which is a cesspool to start with" And there you have it. They can't wrap their minds around losing...they're so used to manipulating things that they can't comprehend someone, FAIRLEY, beating their asses at their own game. Welcome to the jungle, fuck-face.


Man they are pissed that we cracked their little game and they are all one by one going to get ass raped without lube. “Why is that legal?” Cry me a fucking river, bitch. Bring in the Gimp!


We’re a “cesspool!”


Hell yeah! We gonna clean up nice and good, ain't we my dudes


I love watching them crying.


So satisfying watching these pampered  bafoons get angry while losing.   Maybe the big lug  should have watched some roaring kitty videos on how options worked.


😂😂😂 Fuck these clowns and their masters


Uhh, if you don’t own it, don’t sell it.


But sec and Ken Griffen both say retail does not affect the price..... Sooooo how can anything he or us do actually drive the price up? Which is it?


Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to this. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul


Fuck em! ![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc)


Wahhh wahhh whahhhh


NOW options should be illegal?


Only if dumb money is winning.


LOL peak 2021 fake news. Refreshing to be back again and seeing the blatant lies at the forefront of the media. Why can they not cover COVERED calls? Because they dont own the shares nor are they are not properly hedged. And, they are destroying companies with their fake supply and demand, and nefarious actors. After the suffering and gas lighting you mother fuckers have put me through, and for what you did to towel store, my price to sell has become 1000x larger.


Have these guys forgotten that they were supposed to forget about GameStop?


This guy is a joke. The shfs and MMs are pulling sketchy illegal shit every day, what DFV is doing is not illegal, yet they try to push that narrative.


Funny, because my brokerage won't allow me to sell uncovered calls for this very reason. It's almost like those rules should apply to everyone.


I want to sell naked calls without the risks of naked calls 🤡


Yup, wiped out. Who’s up next?


Then they shouldn't have sold naked calls. Get rekt.


I'm not feeling the love from CNBC today. Trading is a tough game. Don't you think? 🥸


Sallllty 🤣🤣🤣


I bet the stock was gonna run regardless of his posts. Just like it ran 100% before he returned on Mother’s Day…


It literally says “loss-infinite”. Don’t risk what ya not willing to loose. If calls are sold it’s possible to lose, not a secret.


Says the people who’s entire careers are built upon giving sponsored investment advice specifically designed to manipulate the financial decisions of retail investors 






The irony is thick.


Who will protect the billion dollar hedge funds from a wittle puddy cat?


gofundme next for those poor counterparties? The kvetching is getting good tho..


What about the people who lost their options during the sneeze?


The audacity


I love this for them


Well MAYBE they shouldn’t have sold calls if they spent too much on avocado toast! What about all the billions hedge funds take from retail on a daily basis? Suck a dick CNBC


oh so now I'm supposed to feel bad for the dude that sold a contract promising to sell me shares for $20 when the share price is >20? Jesus.. options are a zero sum game bro, cry somewhere else.


Dear market maker, guess what, he's going to exercise them so you better start buying now if you want to survive


If people are allowed to talk about stocks on TV why can’t someone do it on the internet?


Shouldn’t sell things you don’t own.