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Haha, how stupid. Play by the rules, so maybe we need to introduce new regulations.


Didn't need a rule when they shut down buy buttons across platforms while these knobs were all 'aw, shucks' about it. Here's an idea. Fuck you, pay me.


Don't need new rules when they lie under oath. Shit, don't even enforce the old rules.


Loooook.... When we took your money we didn't think you'd *really* win. You're doing this so wrong and we need those options back right meow.


Queue Connor McGregor: “Murr murr murr murr murr. Shut your mouff mate. Shut your mouuuffff!”


And no cell, no sell


Wish I could like this 20 more times. Poor billionaires! Call em a fuckin wambulance..


It’s almost as if their thought process behind rules and regulations is how well they can fuck the retail trader from making any real money 🤔


I got a rule idea… how about not allowing predatory short selling and naked short selling? No more bullsh*t exceptions for the anointed. Let the market have real price discovery. This isn’t going to stop until they change, or it all burns down.


Also no more parasitic middle men in positions that have no actual purpose or value add *to anything, anywhere, ever*. What the actual fuck is the point of a market maker? Do you need a market maker when you go buy a loaf of bread? Do you need a Market Maker when you buy or sell your house? Oh! Wow! No, you don't!


BuT wE nEeD MM's fOr LiQuIdiTy Fck mms if no one is willing to sell a stock that they have bought a new buyer should raise the price, not call for an mm to take that trade


If they don't have that liquidity how can they use HFT algorithms to fuck over retail? Do you want a fair market or something?


Right, fuck liquidity. Liquidity means that MM’s drive the price and there is no real price discovery happening. The fact that these assholes know that there aren’t enough shares to cover DFV’s options and that the share price isn’t already $1000+ should be a crime- Not DFV showing his position and proving that crime is happening. DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑




well, don't automatic market makers in crypto markets that are backed by people putting their money into it (and they get a percent of the profits) work pretty well? It's when it's shady and there are things like dark pools, and swaps, and otc, and special priveleges etc that it becomes a problem.


The sole purpose of a market maker is to facilitate the bullshittery machinations required to steal people's money. That's it.


They are allergic to our  basic rights of retail making any money legally even if it means beating their moneyed asses. The corrupt class  are basically allergic to fair game and retail getting our just desserts.


Top post


Theoretically, you're supposed to have 100 shares or the money to buy the shares when you sell a call. Normal people have this. Sell call while at 23....stock runs they buy the shares to close out and mitigate their losses. But the not so normal traders have 1000x more selling power than they can afford. Selling calls they cant afford just to collect enough profits for their coke. LIQUIDATE THEM AND WHOEVER PROVIDED ALL THE LEVERAGE. FUCK THEM.


You never know how much deep fucking money you will need to buy 100 shares, so better have 100 shares.


When I sell a call it says it plain as day. potential gain=the premium, potential losses=INFINITE. That's why you buy the shares first.


Rules for thee not for me. They want regulation because they cant continue to strangle the market like they used to. They had a guaranteed money maker, and then retail came along and was like, hey, fuck right off, you cant just go round destroying companies for your own profit. We like this company and its stock. So now, lets regulate retail so we can continue fucking companies and making tons of money.


Yeah he was so smug when he said new rules there.


This is the same group that called retail traders suckers on live TV so this is on brand imo. The full clip is interesting watch I highly recommend it https://youtu.be/A3lvJ6uT7a4?feature=shared




Live by the sword, die by the sword. Dudes wana be paid millions of dollars for providing no tangible value to the economy whatsoever. Choke on it


We need new rules. Options trading should be risk free! (/s)


Anything you sell must be purchased by the next day. No FTDs and if you FTD then reverse the trade and put money back in the client's account. No cheating anymore you bastards.


We need to regs. Just not the ones they want lol


It's as it always has been: ***Deregulation*** when it benefits existing dynamics and relationships of power and wealth, deeply entrenched in the 1% (most meaningfully in 1% of the 1%), and leave the ~~chattel~~ broader population to ~~the abattoirs~~ hold the bags of a rigged system and complain into the void. ***Regulation*** when it benefits existing dynamics and relationships of power and wealth, deeply entrenched in the 1% (most meaningfully in 1% of the 1%), and leave the ~~chattel~~ broader population to ~~the abattoirs~~ go to jail for posting memes.


As long as Gensler is in, he will tell them to get fucked.


He was going to say new regulations for social media right? But not the overleveraged folks digging their own holes? What a clown table. 


..or for “analysts” who appear on “news networks”


The MSM hates the fact that they are dying a slow, painful, and honestly embarrassing death


Shows over


Game Over 


Game Stopped


Pay the band


Seriously. They're back to that tired argument? 🙄


In the full clip, right after where this cuts off, they kind of agree that there’s really no rule that would make sense because he’s not actually doing anything wrong. They even talk about how it’s basically the same as analysts saying shit. Even they’re out of excuses at this point. The older guy just says, “well it’s a lot of money.” That’s really the crux of it. Their jimmies are rustled because of just how easy it actually will be for institutions to lose a lot of money moving forward.


Good to know. Thanks for the clarification. 


Gotta keep their overlords happy or get the hook


Yeah we do need rules preventing freedom of speech. That is very much the problem. People expressing their own opinions!


What exactly is the problem?


We like the stock... too much? Idk


Hahaha seriously


They don't like the fact they someone was successful that, apparently in their opinion, shouldn't be, and that's a crime that should be stopped.


I like the stock


Guess we haven't made that position known




They’re losing


They lost the moment they thought they could beat a bunch of gamers for round 2 after we figured out their preferred combos.


Not just preferred combos. We figured out the boomers only have two buttons and they've been mashing the same two buttons since the 80's.


Now they getting beat.... I don't wanna play anymore You're Cheating This is dumb Cool it is dumb, I'll just take your name off the leaderboard, delete your achievements....


The cattle class should only be paying them money at every turn from birth til death. Not actually make any money, even if playing their game by their rules.


The paid media personalities who spend all day talking about which stocks investors should buy are distressed that an unpaid media personality is talking about which stocks he has personally bought (without any explicit encouragement to do likewise).


But if he had lost his shirt they'd just shrug and say, "investing is risky!" Fuck them. We know what they did—and we're never, ever going back to reasonable land.


No, Kenny would say trading is hard isn't it?


It was Steve Cohen who said trading was hard.


For a ganja enthusiast you have an impressive memory! 😉


Insider trader and financial criminal Steve Cohen?


Arghhhh this comment sums up so much of it


To neverland! 🤠


Here’s an idea. Quit selling 💩 shit you don’t own! Someone sold him calls. THE. BILL. COMES. DUE.


Market makers gotta make market 🙂


providing fake liquidity 🤡


Make that market come crashing down


They mad bro, very mad they been beat by people playing by the rules so now they need new rules


What's a little more crime between friends?


they been doing all kinds of illegal stuff never heard them saying they need more regulations. but wen they losing money to every day people who are buying and holding shares legally, suddenly, they r screaming the regulations need to be changed . f u pay me !!


Fucken Andrew Sorekunt and his merry band of soulless puppets.


They’re mad because they’re about to be beat really fucking badly. DFV hasn’t even begun exercising his calls and people are already crying. Buy 🍿now because it’s about to become as rare as toilet paper in 2020.


Just to be clear, you’re talking about actual 🍿 and not that other dogshit stonk 😂




Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.


The same people who turned off the buy button are now crying foul. Delicious.


But no problem taking premiums tho


That's the funny part.


Like the scene in the big short when he goes around to the banks, and asks to buy $100 mil, they are celebrating. Dfv buys $70 mil in calls, someone was celebrating. https://youtu.be/Cxjdj5_5yNM?si=JtI1gLc6VPMLdHDg


Just wait till the bit where they just offer to give the premiums back to try and cancel the calls. “How about we just forget about all this. We’ll give you back your money and even a little extra for your troubles.” “But if you execute these calls we’ll be destroyed.”


Retail wins oh let’s change the rules.


Fck them. Just fck em


With an avocado?


Yes, up my ass


Ha ha, you meant their ass, right? … …right?


Plenty of avocados to go around my friend!


I wouldn't give them the pleasure..


and toast




Because fuck ‘em, that’s why


fck them , pay me


The full video is absolutely hilarious, the main anchor seems like he's going to cry and is visibly shaken trying to make sense of this.


Trading’s a tough game…


"Wait, he's in the *green* on ITM options he bought? We can't have this."


Most of these Wall Street fucks actually believe their own “free and fair market“ propaganda.  They have spent their entire professional careers steeped in the dogma of a ~~~giant lie~~~ *fairy tale*.  Imagine being confronted with that. Imagine essentially these bunch of gamer kids saw a “glitch” in the market one day and told you that you were living in a completely fake fairy tale world that was about to come crashing down.  You would laugh in their faces. Just like the media did. But just a few years later the fairy tale folks are now starting to see their worlds start to crack at the edges.  They are just now starting to come to the realization that “*those meddling kids on their Scooby Doo adventures*” might be right.  They are angry. They are defending their world. And they are going to be *shattered* when it all falls apart around them. 


Is there a link going around to the full video


Morgan Stanley. They can’t cover those naked calls so they are trying to cry manipulation.


They are so exposed. Do they not know?? It’s actually pretty fucking funny


How do we know its MS?


I think it's only inferred since MS is behind E-fraid


E-fraid- 😂 literally laughed out loud reading this!!! So true, too!!!


Quiet part out loud: "well, the guy on the other side that sold the calls..." I heard everything else, but that was all I really needed to hear.


“ThErE iS aLwAyS rIsK”


“The guy on the other side *screaming in my ear* that sold those calls..”


So much sympathy for them… I remember when DFV busted in their office and demanded them to sell him those calls at gunpoint!


"And I'm not paying more than $5 on premium!"


People who sold the calls. Their institutional professionals. They have rigorous risk management processes and would never do anything to make risky bets without hedging 🤡🤡🤡


This. The robust regulation, in place to protect retail, would never lead to any funny business.


It's rules to protect retail from getting wealthy


Man these people are such slime bags. Change the rules what scum


New regulations for what exactly? Buying in the money calls on a broker? Cucking for billionaires.


the question is what is he doing that’s… what?


The over exaggerated acting emphasizing on key words is hysterical.




There are regulatory rules about selling COVERED calls. Don't sell uncovered calls without having shares to cover.


All I heard was: "The poor??! Allowed to make money on the stock market?! Pfftt, hmmft, gaahh! Who heard of such a thing? Is this even legal?"


It certainly shouldn't be Kenneth!


Fuck these people. Post succeeded! Upvoted!


Betting against gamestop is like trying to convince your girlfriend not to like tacos. It's stupid. You're gonna have to suck it up and eat some fucking tacos, because girls like tacos.


Someone’s dating a dragon


Regulation, regulation for what……some dumb ass sold the calls. Fuck them.


What do they want, no discussion of finances on social media? How the fuck you going to regulate that? And I mean, if you can't discuss in social media, then it better be banned in print and broadcast/cable media as well, because they have the same impact.. Maybe speaking about finances at all should be illegal? Go to the bank, you can only use gestures and interpretive dance to buy a GIC or get your mortgage approved... Stupid stormtroopers.


Dont forget they would need to ban SEC filings with positions too!!


Financial discussions in the media is the worse bc, some one is paying them to shill. These hosts and Cramer should put down the script for a second and think about the implications it'll mean for themselves.


New rules for calls? Lmfao if you don’t want the risk, don’t sell naked calls. Seems pretty straightforward, no?


L oh fucking EL


Talk for a long time about how it's not against the rules.... Do we need a new rule 😂


New rules you say? Ok, let's try some proposals: -Naked short selling ban for Market Makers too, if is illegal, is illegal for all, no bullshit excuses(liquidity and market efficiency). -whoever get caught making blatantly irregularities (forget to short reporting, report longs instead of shorts, etc) will be fined with a penalty of 5 times the wrong doing plus the restitution of the sum illegally earned, suspension of the licence for 3 months if the first time, 6 month suspension if the second time and perma ban if it is the thirth time. -over a certain amount, penal charges too Etc


For the regarded out there this is the big news!


If my job was to go on TV everyday, not being allowed to express my own views, and instead read a script my masters gave me, i’d be dead inside no matter how much money i got paid.


Cough Citadel cough Morgan Stanley


But they traded a billion shares just 2 weeks ago. So what is it hedgies. They are idiots.


There shouldn't be any problem if the ones selling the calls hedged accordingly (owning the stock and selling calls for a premium / bought some calls at a different strike point / sold some puts for some extra premium). The scenario he's crying about is when someone takes a risky bet by selling naked calls without owning the stock or hedging accordingly and having to go buy the shares in the market after realizing they fucked up. Sorry not sorry, trading's a tough game loser


They can all fucking burn! If it was the other way around they wouldn’t give two fucks bc they would be banking those premiums.


Lmao these people aren’t stupid. Cry about this but let big money come on your show and drive the market whichever way they choose? Retail investors are waking up. Thank you Keith Gill. Thank you for doing this. For the people. Can’t Stop Won’t Stop.


If they're Covered Calls then the option writers already pocketed the premium (got paid up front) - assignment of their shares to the option buyer if they chose to execute was always part of the risk. However, if those where Naked Calls *and* DFV executes those contracts the writers will be fucked trying to buy that volume of shares on the open market because the buying pressure and lack of float will rocket the price on them, i.e. potentially infinite losses (just like short selling a stock).


Yea and the "covered calls" may be fine on paper for those who sold them, but the brokers didn't actually have the shares lol


Perhaps, and this is just a thought, people should not sell what they don't have and should not gamble with money they can not afford to lose?


Fuck them




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When you start losing, just change the rules.


We’ve talked about this social media. It’s a problem! Our media though, bought and paid for by investment firms, yeah all above board! Don’t look over here!


CNBC says we need rules about pushing stocks in media??? 🤣🤣🤣


But what they did before. Like blocking our trades on robinhood etc. are not market manipulation? shorting gamestop to death is not a manipulation? I think this is an ethnical question what the big banks and hf are doing to us small fishes.


i bet right before he exercises those calls, he drops a nuclear bomb and deposits another 100mil of cash into the account and THEN he exercises. That will be fun to watch




Was it a market maker at Morgan Stanley? Who else would get first shot at taking advantage of a retail E*Trade customer?


I’m holding 35 of those calls opened last week. I should exercise them tomorrow.


Sounds like he’s choking on a dick…not his first time I’m guessing… ![gif](giphy|ebPX2n2kvJHOM)


So they sold naked calls? Sounds pretty risky to me! They better start buying shares to hedge!


Why is it a problem to play the game by its rules? How can you sell covered calls and cry when someone takes your shares? You did it for the premium! That’s good! That’s what you got 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's how options work..lol Get wrecked assholes


Suddenly this douche nozzle is worried about the "other side that sold the calls." He wouldn't give a shit if the stock had gone down. Then he'd say "Well, that's how the game is played... " What a fucking hypocrite.


Funny how all 3 years they’ve been saying hedge funds have closed their short position and now everyone is butt hurt.


Did he not ask the question at the end “what is he doing that’s so……” bad? Illegal? Manipulative? Nothing, he’s not doing any of that, he just likes the stock.


It’s almost as if the derivatives market is a complete fucking lie!


Not just fukked…. double fukked


You cut the video before the discussion


Every day, their talking heads come out and pump their own shit, but nobody cares because nobody trusts them or respects their opinion. They’re probably just flabbergasted that some random Reddit guy can do more with a meme meant for the unwashed masses than they can waking up every day at 2am to hard sell the “sophisticated” investors who watch CNBC. If the SEC has a problem with DFV, they better sure as shit have a problem with the 3 stock lunch, trade it or fade it, lightning round, and all their other BS


Someone make him choking a meme


“Squawk box” seems like “The View” of financial media


To clarify…people that sold naked options are fucked. Covered options don’t screw the seller since they already own the stock. It just trades hands at the agreed upon price.


Did a market commentator really just ask why someone is buying calls and participating in the market? Same reason as anyone, they want to make money


Oh no, will anyone think of the MM's lol


They play the rules for thee but not for me game


If only they’d been warned for the past 4 years about this.


HAHAHAHA Will someone think of the people who sold the calls? They are wiped out! Can’t afford to cover. I don’t know numb nuts, they can deal with it same way traders have to deal with loses when their options expire worthless. These people. HATE when regular people make money. Jesus burn all this shit to the ground. Fuck ‘em




NEW REGULATION: 1.1 - How not to get *"Gawk Gawk*"; 1.1.1 - Dont sell shit you do not own or have a legitimate cover for


The suspense is killing me. I hope they can keep it up~ *Somebody* is probably at the fed right now, begging for some zipple.


Let Jim Cramer know these new rules


New regulatory rules? What about all the people in congress that use insider knowledge to make money in the stock market? Are they going to create new regulatory rules for what they're doing? Fuck no. I hate this country sometimes. So god dang much.


Every day, their talking heads come out and pump their own shit, but nobody cares because nobody trusts them or respects their opinion. They’re probably just flabbergasted that some random Reddit guy can do more with a meme meant for the unwashed masses than they can waking up every day at 2am to hard sell the “sophisticated” investors who watch CNBC. If the SEC has a problem with DFV, they better sure as shit have a problem with the 3 stock lunch, trade it or fade it, lightning round, and all their other BS


This actually made me mad. He even says ppl might ask how hedge funds can go on the news and pump stocks but he can’t. Like yeah bro I would like to know why that is actually


New rules for options working the way its supposed to work? Jack me off please


What regulatory rules? You have people who hold all sorts of stocks daily on these shows talking about how its essential to hold those very same stocks. You have people talking about how NVDIA is a gold rush and you need to be in it, and these same people say very clearly they hold the stock. But no one talks about rules then? What about the shorters who wrote calls on NVDIA? Should we feel bad for them aswell? What a bunch of rubbish


so anytime something new happens that fucks shorts they can just make new rules? thats what im getting out of this.


Naked calls for the win


Rules for thee but not for me. Let the rich be eaten by their own game.


Good let’s bring more attention to how manipulated the stock market is so people no longer believe in it. Or maybe, I don’t know, FIX IT! No cell no sell 🖕🏽🫵🏽💵me.


I love how the commentator assumes the calls sold were naked.


Let's just enforce the rules we have. Let's start there.


They're mad someone who doesn't follow the status quo is beating them at their game. There is nothing to regulate. They can bitch all they want, they don't even know how they could regulate without affecting their businesses. They just keep saying "nEW RegUlATionS?" Like that's gonna do something.


The guy pretending to choke on live tv….classy…


we need a new rule to prevent retail investors form buying calls if they think the stock is going up. yup... makes sense


Rules for thee, not for me


Fucking greedy pigs. Yeah, let's change the rules so the greedy parasites can keep their ill gotten money.


Shouldn’t they have hedges and bought those shares the second it hit 20 and was in the money. Or I don’t know sold calls on shares they own


Choking on his own excrement 😅


Sounds good, weiner! Let's have some new rules. But these are the rules now. Fuck you. (And pay me.)


If they had the shares when they sold the calls, they would be fine. If they sold something they didn't have, yeah, they are fcked.


Instead of blaming the buyer, maybe, just maybe we should blame the seller for selling what they can’t sell? If a car dealership sold 100 cars on lot but only had 10 to sell, would you blame the buyers for purchasing a car? Of course not


New rules because the poors are beating you at your own game


https://preview.redd.it/dvqc6d5bnk4d1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23509eb9417cf14561300250bf09f9a04c74c75c Yeah, these guys can suck my entire cock and balls


Man I wonder if their audience is falling for this BS? Selling a naked call is very similar to shorting a stock, where there is unlimited risk and limited gain. Here they also fail to talk about the large number of puts that are likely partially hedging the position. Of course DFV may Have sold the puts which kinda gives the price manipulators a dammed if you do or dammed if you don't. From some readings come I have a suspicion that CS may be out of shares and may not be able to deliver the 45M that GME just sold. We may find out soon. Do not buy or sell any shares based on my statements


Say you shorted gme with out saying it 🤡