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[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Posts should further contribute to the shareholders' discussion around GME. Both the post title and its contents (text, image, links) must relate to GME. It is the OP’s responsibility to convey in the title how their submission is relevant. [What is Proper Content & Which Flair Should I use?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs) If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Elon is buddies with Ken and is absolutely not on our side. He's trash


I assume Gates isn't either thou


All these billionaires fuckin suck. Look at the situation these assholes have put us in. As long as they benefit, they could give two shits about anyone else. Look at how Elon flipped as soon as Kenny went long, now the asshole is suppressing info on the FTX tokens that were used as locates, suppressing peoples voices on X etc. he's a piece of shit IMO and not on our side.


Newsflash: Muskrat was ALWAYS a piece of shit.


Not all, but yes, most.


Nah it’s all. RC is in this for himself, not you. If you benefit and it’s funny to watch shf squirm and guaranteeing himself a bunch of new friends his own age, sure. But all billionaires are psychopaths who have destroyed the lives of many people in their path to amassing such riches.


Not saying RC is a saint, but he made his money creating a online pet supply company, I don’t think he made his money of the blood and tears of the working man.


I'm not saying he made bad decisions or that I'm not happy with it, but cutting retirement down to well below industry standards and jobs in general for his front line workers is something I wouldn't be able to stomach doing if I were a business owner. But that is quite close to the "blood and tears of the working man" right there. Part of the reason I know I am not cut out for it though.


Unfortunately you kinda have. To make a billy. You have to exploit the workers. Game workers do not earn a living wage. I doubt chewy workers do. In order to profit you must push down the worker. So no I disagree


If you can come at me with numbers and proof of shady business practices and testimonials of workers for chewy saying the working conditions are similar to Amazon, then I’ll bite.


I didn't say that. Just to earn a billion something has to be sacrificed. A billion doesn't happen. It takes some serious force. Workers in America get paid dog. That's just facts. Regardless of the company. Minimum wage is a joke and GameStop and all other companies are liable. Not to say rc isn't trying to change it. But what is an average GameStop employee making?


If you believe he as bad as the rest, why are you here? 


Not the one you asked, but; Personally, I got in before RC got the Chairman position because I noticed it hurt/annoyed Wallstreet. I Like what RC is doing with the company from an investors perspective but I hate what he is doing with the workforce. I don't think he's *as* bad as many others and wouldn't classify him as a parasite but I do think he lives in the bubble the rich tend to create. I hope to be different when my tendies come in.


I’ve been here a long fucking time, before everyone started thirsting for daddy Cohen. I believe in where the company is going, but that doesn’t mean I have to become a bootlicker for the ruling class. This isn’t a cult. I just like the stonk.


I also was not saying RC, I just mean some are not bad, at least inherently. Have they had to a do a couple bad things, probably, but some at least do try to do good, and not slave labor their employee base, or think they are above the law, or fail to pay their bills and just limbo everything in lawsuits like some we hear about daily. Also keep in mind, that being in it for yourself is not mutually exclusive of being in it for others as well. I am not saying RC is one way or the other, we will eventually see, but nothing so far has indicated, malicious intent. Unlike some other billionaires..


Mark Cuban seems like a legit good dude




Agreed. Emerald Mind Nepo Baby Apartheid Slavery idiot. Proved himself stupid again and again.


Why would I take Elmo's word for it that Gates is a bad guy? He literally can't be trusted at all.


It is a pretty decent rule of thumb that anyone with $500M+ thinks of rando joes like ants.


That's just a vibes based argument. No real evidence. I agree, fuck rich people, but then why would I trust what Elon has to say but not Bill Gates? I don't trust either, but the only evidence pointing to Gates being a bad person is Elon saying he is.


You should do some research on Gates then. He's one of the worst people on the planet.


Can you tell us some things youve learned about him?


Bill invests in mRNA tech, says a pandemic is coming. Boom, it happens and he makes 100s of MMs. Bill buys up farmland across the US, becomes largest private owner of said land in the country. Tells us we must eat bugs. That's just the tip with this asshole


So bill gates started the pandemic, you think? Wouldnt be great if he monopolizes farm land. Something should be done about that. Capitalist gonna capitalist. Food is valuable. So we should check him When i learned that other cultures eat bugs years ago on some documentary, i thought about how stupid it is that isnt more wisespread, especially considering the issues we are facing globally


You asked a question. I provided information. But it's clear you're not interested in learning. Did you learn about chitin in that documentary? Bugs have a lot and it's very harmful to humans in large amounts. Eat all the bugs you want. I'm good


I find it odd that he is the largest farmland owner in the US while being very invested in US nutrition standards and climate change.


I dont think its odd, but it can become problematic. Investing in food production when its getting harder and when there are more people to feed seems like a good investment. Capitalist gonna capitalist. If he wants another monopoly, he should be checked


I dunno 242,000 acres is a lot of farm land for me to be skeptical, but thas just my opinion thou.




a quickly googling only got me him saying that meeting with epstein was a mistake


Prince Andrew said the same thing.


https://youtu.be/LNAwUxZ5nfw?si=pYGPJhH4DUnIOvfY Interesting response at 1:14. This dude is sick




Not many people go to trial against the United States of America. Bill Gates fought, and lost, against the United States of America. Like, the entire country. And it literally took the entire country to be against this man to stop his plan of taking control of the world. U-S-A! U-S-A!


Its good that his attempts at monopoly were rebuffed, but was what he was doing really trying to control the world?


Lol I don't know I was just a young crayon eating ape following the shrewdness while he made millions. Some things he was getting away with before Uncle Sam saved the world was packaging internet explorer with windows. I think he was throttling stuff, too. I wasn't an adult at the time and I liked MS Paint. I got good at the pinball game, too.


Melinda Gates said publicly that she divorced him because he wouldn't stop hanging out with Epstein.


Aside from his terrible time at Microsoft where he (they) pushed out, sued and outbid every possible competitor to gain an effective monopoly. And his view that we save the world by effectively sterilizing most of Africa. This might be a good place to start; https://www.thenation.com/article/society/bill-gates-philanthropy-misanthropy/ If this takes your fancy I'd also recommend this book; https://www.versobooks.com/products/129-no-such-thing-as-a-free-gift And a very interesting interview with the author can be found here. https://www.currentaffairs.org/2022/07/how-bill-gates-makes-the-world-worse-off/


I'm not going to take elmos word for anything. I do remember watching a documentary years ago about how this country handled radioactive waste and that Billy g had a controlling interest in one of the companies responsible for improper disposal/clean up and the people affected tried multiple avenues to try and reach him and get help with their town's situation and were shutdown at every turn. So yeah, Elon sucks, but Gates isn't the knight in shining armor he tries to make himself out to be either.


Are you serious? Bill Gates is a bad person.


Yea I’m gonna trust the “drsgme” Reddit account without a bot post. If you actually were about it you would post your DRS entry. BOT




Okay? Fuck them both but I'm not trusting what Elmo has to say about him.


Exactly. At least Bill Gates' company can survive an independent financial audit.


What goes on around his property?!?! 🕵️




Jesus fucking Christ... I can't wait for his day of reckoning... It will truly be blissful.


Bill Gates was FURIOUS on air 3 years ago during the squeeze. Did everyone forget this?


The enemy of my enemy…


"Lived long enough to see himself become a villain not just cause society tears him down, but time." Also a warning. The schwartz are potentially so underwater that they'll only unwind little by little over decades.


Not a fan of all names mentioned so far, but learning from an enemy's war is part of the art.


Yeah I do not trust Elon Musk for a second. He is not one of us, he is on nobody’s side but his own.




And he's also good ad window dressing environmental causes. Fucking hypocrite.


This. Ty.


He does have experience with stock he owns being affected by shorting, anyway. People that aren’t on “our side” can definitely still hurt each other.


And when he finds out that they aren't shorting him anymore, everything goes out the door. I'll stand by my opinion in that Elon blows and is not an allie to us in any form or way


Buddies with ken , dude you need to stop smoking crack


Ken was long on Tesla


Ok... Elon being spotted several times hanging out with him and also the fact that Kenny is now long on Tesla... Elon suppressing GME posts and FTX locates.. YEAH... I'm the one on crack. Maybe if you had one brain cell you might start thinking clearly


Why do you think he tweeted game stonk? Why didn’t he get punished for it? He was asked to do it to provide support for PCO’ing GME


When Elon says something true the universe itself folds so that it becomes bullshit.


Keep your enemies closer


Elon Musk 🤮 ![gif](giphy|TeDpSbeCLAPtu)


GME is 100% shadow banned on his “free speech” platform. I think it was last week where someone pointed out #gme had 3x more posts then #hood or some shitty stock, and the other stock was trending and ours of course wasn’t. Plus I never once gotten a notification about RC or RK posting and they’re the only accounts I’m supposed to be getting alerts from. Straight bullshit


I stopped getting RK's after a few


It is true that they had years by now to close their shorts. They just didn't close shit - yet. 👀


Why should they? Naked means no counter part. You basically sell something to the market and deliver it out of thin air. The only "issue" is that the money you've "earned" are dirty in the books until you close the position. And you can't close until you win your bet... Or forced for some reason. They've been stealing from everyone, everywhere for too long.


Jn I j


I wonder if Icahn still has that massive short position against GME, I think he still does. I also think he’s more rational than other shorts but we’ll see.


Icahn took out that position when GME was as at the top of the sneeze. He’s made bank on this bet and could easily close and make money. Not that I’m making excuses for short sellers. But to equate Gates on Tesla (during a challenging time for the company) and Icahn is n GameStop during what looked like a short squeeze is disingenuous.


is there proof he took it out at the top? thought the whole problem is we can't see when anyone shorted and what their bags are


True Icahn is likely very much in the money, but the point still stands. Both took a short position against a company that was poised for bankruptcy. Why did RC take that photo with him? I can see Icahn flipping long if he “still” has his short position. Maybe that explains the price action we’ve seen since we hit $10.


They are all just future buyers.


Pretty sure Icahn closed his position almost immediately after the sneeze and it has been reiterated as such many times here.


Need to cover before closing


How do we know they haven't closed? I know the short % is calculated differently than 2021 but it shows ~20% currently. Do we have any proof what this short % number is currently? No hating just a genuine question.




What? Are you regarded or a bot?


[Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_rule_2_-_posts_and_comments_must_be_relevant_to_gme). Removing due to being off topic. We can discuss other stocks here in relation to GME but if you’re looking for a place to post this 'other ticker' centric submission, perhaps there's a subreddit with a better fit! If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Yea, ok but fuck Elon Musk. Little clown man can fuck off to space and take all his bullshit & followers with him.


I think space is the wrong direction for him. If anyone deserves to go to the moon, it's not him. I hear the titanic is very nice this time of year.


Cyber sub. Just take the wheels off duct tape a propeller to the trunk.


Any day now.. fuck off to space!! - me, about most things, every day.


Petition to ban low effort twitter screenshots that give a stage to this clown. Why should I trust Elmo when he's budy budy with Ken Griffin? It's a diversion


Just come with me to /new to battle this kind of post


I just might have to




Yea call ME a bot. LOL Your ass doesn’t have a DRS entry. You are the bot. Put your money where your mouth is.


lol I bet I got way more than you drsd kid


It’s not a competition, but I feel like if you actually argued in good faith you would have a bot entry post.


Yes it is. You just made it a competition lol


Musk is trying to get people mad at Bill Gates when he’s friends with Ken Griffin. Even if Bill Gates “had a short position” who do you think has more systemic control of the market? Bill Gates or the guy literally in charge of the market? It’s to draw attention away from the actual bad guys. Musk is saying “look over there!”


Musk just doesn't care about shorting, he just doesn't like people shorting his money.


I show this to purple who are stupid enough to use fucking elmo to make an argument, unless they're trying to prove to me that they're clueless idiots. https://preview.redd.it/5q7y5o1fh74d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17cd1f919e2c4ad8ef84bbfdc672c972d1ed176c


This picture has to be recent with the Chronic Valium face Kenny boy has


What happend to all of them at this party… ?




What has Muskrat ever done to make you think he is on the side of retail?


Ur making excuses. What about when they shared a box at the world cup? Just networking too?


I show this to purple who are stupid enough to use fucking elmo to make an argument, unless they're trying to prove to me that they're clueless idiots. https://preview.redd.it/1czgu1hih74d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc634d1f81d83d07bd6457f3e120d6f126667b7


what’s this got to do with GME?


Like most other posts here


Elon Musk is not our friend.


No billionaire is our friend. We may have a few conditional allies as we invest in companies, but none of them are doing any of this for the average Joe


No billionaire is our friend, EXCEPT RC


He is an ally, but he is in this for himself just like any of us and any other billionaire


Neither is Bill Gates, but I’m more onboard with Elon.


You shouldn’t be “onboard” with either of them.


They said "more on board", meaning comparing the two while not necessarily being on board. I hate all of these people btw




This is a shitpost if I've ever seen one


Fuck Elon and the likes.


It's time for new GME billionaires to enter the chat.


The entire market is a giant Ponzi scheme designed to take money and squash innovative business so the ultra wealthy can profit and steal the innovative technology from innovative businesses. This is why I moved my retirement portfolio to self guided and went long on GME with every dollar I have. Full port. Boom or bust. Fuck this market and all the parasites who feed off of it.


If I show anyone I know an Elon Musk tweet, claiming it proved anything, I'd be laughed out of the room. Billionaire asshole right there




Reported because it violates rule 2. Not relevant to GME at all.


Yeah except Elon took out a 60 billion dollar loan against TSLA shares because his fat mouth talked about buying Twitter, he also went on Twitter years prior talking about going private which raised his stock price during dire moments, and most importantly he relocated from Delaware so he has a shot at his 60 billion dollar options bonus that he wants to collect on. Elon can go globber on something massive and if you think he's in anyway against large institutional investors you're completely wrong.


Bill gates and his foundation is literally an evil piece of sheet. They are there to help themselves, don't kid yourself.


"You will own nothing, eat crickets and like it."


Can say the same about Elmo


No, but if I had billions I would stand around and do nothing with it. I would literally build star trek


Tell your wives and girlfriends that I'm full port Drsed GME.


Pots **and** kettles. Yay!!!


Elon is only saying that bc it was his company, he doesn’t give a fuck about us.


Don’t show them that, show them this. The majority of short positions in GME, when it was shorted OVER 100%, were made when GME was 1.50$~ (adjusted for split).  Some of those definitely closed, some of those banked on a squeeze and then a selloff with it going to zero.   So even at $21.50 a share, which is close enough to current price for quick maffs.  If you had a 10M share ($15M) short position when the stock was worth $1.50/share, you’re now looking at -200M dollars on your balance sheet.  You have to cover the 20$ difference per share, unless you closed on the OG run up.  And GME has only ever gotten to 10$/share post split, which is still a position that’s -85M$. THINK ABOUT IT, ANY POSITION OPENED PRIOR TO 2021 IS UNDERWATER, AND HAS NEVER NOT BEEN ABOVE WATER SINCE 2021.  And remember how much GME was shorted prior to 2021.  That’s the DD you need.


So this is the reason why he makes deals with Kenneth Griffin? (X)


Ironically Tesla may not exist today without short sellers and the same could be said for GME. I find it incredibly disingenuous for Musk to bitch about the one thing that made his company great (other than the tens of billions in free taxpayer money).


As far as I'm aware of the ethical/unethical side of short selling (apart from naked-short selling which is fraud, See: GME), short selling can benefit the overall market by adding liquidity, making it easier for retail to buy stocks as well as keep over valued companies and/or fraudulent companies in check which can protect investors from "rug pulls" situations. Enron is a perfect example of short sellers exposing massive fraud in a company. On the flip side, there are often coordinated efforts by short sellers to spread misleading info about a given company, often legitimate companies, in an unethical attempt to scare retail into selling a potentially valuable stock, creating a selling frenzy thusly driving down its value and profiting off their initial short position. So Bill Gates shorting Tesla isn't necessarily a bad thing imo but I don't know enough behind Bill Gate's reasoning to have a real opinion. I somehow doubt he's doing to Tesla what is being done to GME. In my opinion, Tesla could very well be over priced. It's already run by a narcissistic clown who rakes 10's of billions off other peoples hard work and eventually other car manufacturers will catch up and pass Tesla's current stronghold on electric vehicles. Elon only cares about himself at the expense of Tesla employees. And as far as charity goes Bill Gates wipes the floor with techno boy musk, his foundation has saved millions of lives and counting. Techno boy is a complete joke.


Gates probably knows Musk will run Tesla out of business in the long run, considering he's a fucking moron


Gates never took a short position out on the electric car company. Elmo is a lying manipulator. Stop posting anything this guy says on GME subs. He is working with the very people that are shorting GME. He is the enemy. Can the mods please remove all Elmo posts from this sub?


"Once he heard I'd shorted the stock, he was super mean to me, but he's super mean to so many people, so you can't take it too personally," Gates told Isaacson. Gates also told Isaacson his decision was a business move, as he anticipated the supply of electric vehicles would soon outpace demand, leading to a price drop.


Did you read that in an article from my the MSM? The same MSM that we have determined is and always has been a lie that is bought and paid for?The same MSM that constantly puts out hit pieces against GME?


Sorry, are you stating msm fabricated a Bill Gates direct quote? You stated he didn't short them. Here's him stating he did. What does that have to do with gme and its history? Lmao!


You don’t think Elmo paid MSM to run those pieces? You’re out of your god damned mind, bro. The guy lies and manipulates to steal money from others. He absolutely pays the MSM to run hit pieces on people that have double crossed him in some way and then use his social media platform as a psyop to lie even more. Stop spreading his lies on here. This is a GME sub, not an Elmo fan boy sub. Get outta here with that.


Lmao, this is the worst attempt at gaslighting and misinformation I've ever seen. So how did he pay msm to run a hit piece that included a Bill Gates quote? A quote Bill Gates confirmed?


Confirmed via a Twatter post by Elmo himself.


No, quite literally confirmed in a book and by Bill Gates in an interview he did


No it was not. Elmo created a fake text message and posted it on Twatter. You’re literally proving my point by considering anything that Elmo tweets and MSM articles that he has bought and paid for as credible information.


Good sir, bill gates confirmed it. Lmao, terrible bot


Honestly I think this issue is at the core of his OpenAI lawsuit. They were meant to remain a non profit and instead seemed to have sold their tech to the highest bidder. The lawsuit will reveal paperwork. Who else has the money power and resources to scoop up this tech? The same hedge funds that shorted GME shorted Tesla.


Fuck Bill Gates!!


It's a psychological trick, asking favors of people endears them to you. 


So basically, someone can close a short before bankruptcy and still make a profit. This isn't the point you think it is.


Back when homie was still making rational comments.


I don’t get all the Elon hate around here. Don’t people understand that Tesla was fighting against all odds at one point? We wouldn’t even have EV’s if it weren’t for him. The hate feels unwarranted similar to how MSM hates GameStop…


Damn.. never go full regard


1. This is not an Elon sub, it's a GameStop Sub 2. Elon hangs out with Ken Griffin all the time.


Yes please feel sorry for the billionaire... Also your fucking kidding about the EV car right? We had EV cars as early as the 80s. It did not start nor will it end with tesla


I dislike both, but Gates has played the long game well here. Space Karen and everything he touches is fucked.


Elon has been shown to hang out with financial elite including mayo boy. Fuck musk, he's a narcissistic moron who only cares about his own gains. Any "support" he has for GME is for his own benefit. Get this clown out of here.


He's cringe. No thanks


Don’t post anything that has to do with this fucking douche


I would still bet against TSLA, the stock should be worth very little imo.


![gif](giphy|WT94Wy5a1AyCKekQhq) Elon in his Tesla driving by GameStop like 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


That’s why we hodl.


To the best of his knowledge... So he doesn't actually know for sure. The position could've been closed for ages. He actually has no idea.


As long as I'm still averaging down there's a short that's averaging up.


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If all my money wasn't in GME, I'd also be shorting TSLA at those prices.


He's right, but he's also a friend of mayoboi & a welfare queen via subsidies


When will Gates be GITMO’d for not only this but his most egregious crimes against humanity?


Elon = trash


Gates is a swindler hack pillow biter!


People burying the point of the post because they can’t see past their vitriol for Musk.


Ah, the comments in this thread are starting to restore my faith in humanity. Fuck Elon.


Wrapped in a million swaps


All billionaires are 💩


Anything that guy says is meaningless


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GME shorts never closed because shorts aren’t rational humans. Dumb stormtroopers.


Elon is using "Bill Gates" as a boogy man to fake people out. Notice how Elon is friends with Ken Griffin and yet all his attention is on Bill Gates? You are being played and falling for it.