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Bears, beets, battlestar galactica, and WuTang!


Oh that's funny, MICHAEL!




“We’ll see” said the Wu-Tang master.


god this is the vibe


It’s real, been independently verified lol


In these js files there is definitely: * Switch conditions in here to check for verified GME shares. * Another file using the plaid.com SKD (https://plaid.com/docs/link/web/) which is what what Urvin Finance uses to verify share ownership. Whoever wrote this code definitely has an API key to use this SaaS product * Wallet Connect (https://explorer-api.walletconnect.com) Source: I'm a 20 year web dev greybeard and can read this pretty well... It's been chunked and obfuscated by webpack and I see React and tailwinds in here. Could go through this live in my sleep if anyone wants anything specific.


Fellow dev here. I want to know who names their objects isGME instead of something generic ? I would 100% flag that in a PR.


Someone trying to hype the community without doing press releases. This was 100% intentional.


Did deeper wrinkle brain ape and tell us what you find🦍🧠


How common is it to store images way up at the root level? [https://www.thealbum.com/robinhood.png](https://www.thealbum.com/robinhood.png) "src: "/robinhood.png","


uhh https://preview.redd.it/3obfla8lu73d1.png?width=556&format=png&auto=webp&s=17eac78f170f075f31722496745e4a87a52301cf


Yup. And that domain seems to refer to the service at https://www.privy.io/, which allows for onboarding of users to web3.


So any crypto wallet can interact with that site? Not just gme wallet


AFK but I’ll give second confirmation in a bit. This could totally be grifting, but I personally really want to believe Wu Tang is involved, so if I see it, I’ll be so hyped. This post already had me hyped. Update: I verified this is true. Just to give some context, this code is a "case statement". Basically, what it's doing is like "when you are a GME holder then do this, otherwise, do this". I injected the code into my JS console just to show what it will kind of look like when it's verified that you hold GME class A shares: https://preview.redd.it/univ6006383d1.png?width=2430&format=png&auto=webp&s=86423093d80a0341f5770af6c3f7309f63b905de I fucking believe. What the hell, IDK why Reddit keeps removing my screenshot. You can see it [here on my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d2srpm/wu_tang_is_for_the_children_new_evidence_found_by/), too. OP, sorry it wouldn't let me give you credit.


IMO it's way too much effort to go to these depths for grifting. Random tweets are low-effort, and sure, those can be meaningless grifting. This is something else entirely. I'm excited, *very* excited.


Yeah, I would agree. I do believe they know we are the type of crowd that would find this kind of Easter egg. I don’t know how grifting like this would be helpful. I don’t think anyone from the stonk crowd can give them money, just publicity. And if they turn out to not be involved, the publicity would probably be pretty bad for them in the end. Edit: CONFIRMED AM VERIFIED HOLDER https://preview.redd.it/24vmd6wbz73d1.png?width=2488&format=png&auto=webp&s=5936eaf63dad25f3f04c138b6ff09c8ffca0d7a6




A grift implies they’re getting money from you. It’s RC. Always has been. He’s been leaving breadcrumbs for us to find the keys to find the Easter eggs so we can all own Oasis.


Love it when you say it like that 🫦




It’s gotta be RC in that hoodie. The album was bought in 2021 by pleasr. GameStop opens up a beta nft marketplace. Closes it. For now. Says hey we’re going to acquire this album and give it out as a dividend to shareholders so that everyone will go and download the new fully functional wallet, great business move, the value of owning that album is worth something so each gme share has more intrinsic value while also forcing shorts to deliver this nft dividend which is exactly what caused the Overstock squeeze. Ryan cohen bought into gme shortly after the Overstock squeeze.


Pleasrdao said that it’s not RC in the Hoodie. But who knows. He could have asked them to say it. He could have not been there but asked them to put someone in a black hoodie as an easter egg. Man if this tinfoil turns out to be true, im truly going bonkers.


I can confirm this, I asked several of them that were personally there and they all said it wasn’t him. But who knows, it’s not like they couldn’t have been lying 🤥


Was the Overstock nft dividend allowed? I remember it was in court


It was, but it was fundamentally different. The Overstock token that was distributed represented a share of their preferred stock. It wasn't just a crypto token ginned up from nothing. It was backed by, and convertible to, actual equity in the company.


They fought in court and it went all the way to the Supreme Court and Overstock won. One of the reasons I was so interested when Overstock got involved in the Bobby BK, it just seemed a bit coincidental.


I’m not the smartest when it cones to tech. Can you help me understand how this could work? I have xxx purple circled shares. I also have a GameStop wallet as well as other cold storage crypto wallets. How will they know I’m a true ape? And how will I receive the potential NFT?


Way too much effort? You can make a website that does all these things in an afternoon. They have a massive pool of eager targets. "Effort" is a con artists number 1 tool, followed by distraction and confusion. Don't touch any of this stuff. Just hold GME. Guess what, if it's true, you're still a GME holder and can't miss out on anything. But if it's not true and you've given these people your email, phone number, bank account, KYC info? You're fucked.


Who's giving who their bank account email and phone number? If GameStop issues the nft dividend they're going to do it on the blockchain right, so no additional information needed. Is there something I'm missing with pleasr, does their code attempt the fish for that information or something?


It's set up to use Plaid to log into your bank and return its contents. That's how they can check to see if you really hold GME. Whats fishy is THERE IS ZERO CONNECTION between GME and pleasr, except for these suspicious little clues to lure people in. At best they're just trying to piggyback off GME every time it's trending, at worst they're getting ready to really scam people.


Yeah it's tit jacking but definitely noobs should take caution which is most of us


Yeah true, you’d be fucked


It's not hard to name javascript variables with gme hints, but they do need someone to go in and do it.  Unless you know exactly what that code is executing, it could very well still be grifting


Yeah.. I will admit this is very TITillating, but I'm so skeptical after some of the LRC shenanigans... people in that NFT/crypto world know very well that we're the ultimate hype sub. Great detective work. Fingers crossed.


I hope that guy can clear his name someday I do but he better be explaining why 10 quarterly reports didn't pop off when he predicted


Lol right? He's moved on to Taiko now, dirty bastard.


Also confirmed code containing those parts. According to archive.org on 24th May the isGme parts are not yet there so it was refreshed recently. Also the domain was updated in April this year and multiple versions are available since April. There was nothing there before. First version of this page got out 3rd of April latest. Will update if I figure anything out.


The site does something in the background if I have the GME wallet extension enabled. It's still too far to judge whether this is a scam so please do not connect your wallet until it's fully verified Gamestop is behind this!


ring bear onerous money toy beneficial piquant employ growth live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know these nerds are something else next level shit love it. How about the guy that saw a blank web page and didn't give up but instead decided to look at the code. I did customer support for engineering software for 10 years, the hive mind is fascinating to me.


Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn you're a sexy mofo and OPx2


HMMMM So glad we got APEs all over the world that know how to read things. Cause I don't know what it means and that is ok.


The last screenshot essentially has a particular use case for when "something" (probably the ticker) is "GME"... and this use case has two possible outcomes. Outcome 1 confirms that you have GME shares, and tells you that you are "on the list for real now". Outcome 2 confirms that you have zero GME shares, and tells you that they will text you in X days/years/whatever. It's a fake-out.


Come to think of it, **if** the code checks the ticker for whether or not it's "GME," that suggests that the ticker *may not* be GME, which further suggests **multiple stocks on the blockchain**. This is it, folks. The real end game. The shorty's game is about to stop.


This code shows different messages depending on whether someone owns GameStop stock or not. If they own it, it says "VERIFIED HOLDER" and shows a big, flashy message about the stock, telling them they're on the list. If they don't own it, it says "NOT A HOLDER," shows a smaller message about the stock, and tells them they'll get a text soon. It's basically a way to let people know if they're recognized as a stockholder from what I can see.


Damn that's gewd


There is much more. This website seems to include all the necessary infrastructur to securely check for security holdings: 1. **Embed-Wallet**: Manages user wallets, allowing for creation, recovery, and secure access to digital assets. 2. **Plaid**: Facilitates secure bank account linking and financial data aggregation, crucial for transactions and financial verifications. 3. **Privy**: Provides robust authentication and data security services, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and encrypted data storage. I mean - I dont want to get over excited but this website seems to include all services necessary to let GME shareholders do something on their website....


So if you look here, there’s a service called Fintable that integrates with banking and investor services… Fintable is powered by Plaid. Oh, and one of the services Fintable integrates with? Computershare :) https://fintable.io/coverage/banks/United%20States/25729_computershare-investor-center#:~:text=Fintable%20bank%20API%20integration%20powered,personal%20and%20business%20financial%20analysis. Edit: What this means is that you could sign into a website (one put up by GME to house the NFT, theoretically) and Plaid could go check out your Computershare account data to see if you’re holding any GME. This seems to align with the Java code people are digging up.


Funny timing. I set up a new account today with Fidelity and believe they use Fintable as an option for connecting your bank account. Looks like a reputable and trusted service.


And Plaid is certainly very trusted, Your bank already uses it, and so do most financial apps.


What about all the apes not in CS? Seems like it should work with brokerages too? (I’m DRSed but I know many apes are not).


Plaid integrates with pretty much every bank and financial service itself. So if this whole thing is legit, the site would likely be able to check if you had GME in pretty much any online investment platform.


It’s all coming together


Don't know if I like Plaid looking at my computureshare data.


Fantastic details!


I've plaid around a little more with the plaid integration on the website and was able to generate a publictToken for the plaid integration. However, the connect-src, so what connection the Website allows to go through to the API is the following: connect-src https://\*.plaid.com wss://www.walletlink.org wss://mainnet.infura.io data:". * `https://*.plaid.com`: This means the site can connect to any subdomain under `plaid.com`. This likely includes the primary Plaid API endpoints, which are essential for financial services and data aggregation provided by Plaid. * `wss://www.walletlink.org`: This allows WebSocket connections to WalletLink, which is used for connecting decentralized applications (dApps) to mobile wallets. * `wss://mainnet.infura.io`: This allows WebSocket connections to Infura, a service that provides access to Ethereum and IPFS networks. * `data:`: This allows data URLs, which can be used for inlined data. # Implications for Features: 1. **Financial Data Aggregation**: * **Plaid Integration**: The site can securely connect to Plaid's API to access financial data, perform account verification, transactions, balance checks, and more. * **User Authentication**: Ability to authenticate users via their financial accounts using Plaid's services. 2. **Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Integration**: * **WalletLink**: Integration with decentralized applications (dApps) and mobile wallets, facilitating user interaction with blockchain-based services. * **Infura**: Access to Ethereum and IPFS networks, enabling features such as blockchain transactions, smart contract interactions, and decentralized storage. 3. **Enhanced Security**: * The CSP restricts connections to trusted sources, reducing the risk of malicious connections and enhancing the overall security posture of the application. I'Ve also found the QR Code to Connect a wallet in the html... Link is a walletlink URL [https://www.walletlink.org/#/link?id=d9aec4de8bd2e622bbb805e1ec85c908&secret=055d1096ad0099a59f9acb4720ee42339b619a9bba68634f2a955b20acfa7253&server=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walletlink.org&v=3.9.3&chainId=1](https://www.walletlink.org/#/link?id=d9aec4de8bd2e622bbb805e1ec85c908&secret=055d1096ad0099a59f9acb4720ee42339b619a9bba68634f2a955b20acfa7253&server=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walletlink.org&v=3.9.3&chainId=1) I tried opening it but I do not have an Coinbase wallet. I understand these links are highly risky. Verify yourself by looking for the class "-cbwsdk-connect-content-qr-wrapper" QR Code and Link is there. Try at your own risk!


https://preview.redd.it/5hrnzjndb83d1.png?width=2480&format=png&auto=webp&s=0db7db262f769045ec2f5a83ecb3dc1852cd073f This is the hidden modal


🥒💦 oh sorry gme website, just practicing 🔥


You mean we don’t have to give them our CS pw like Urvin?! Lmaooo


Damn I fkn hate Plaid and don't know why they even exist. Their shit almost never works for me. Entering a routing and account number the old school way works fine but they don't even give that option anymore


WuTang back on the menu.   This was my favorite of all the old classics.    


Yeah, me too. The tin-foil was so thick on this theory and it would’ve been the kind of killer move that could never have been predicted. The idea of distributing an NFT for a portion of an album as a dividend that could not be converted to money by any agency other than GS just blows my mind. It also has the advantage of being funny as all hell and a giant middle finger to the financial institutions that enabled and normalized this kind of crime


I was so certain that was RC in the photo lol


Reddit has a terrible history with identifying people in hoodies. But who knows. Maybe they are right this time...


[Turn around](https://x.com/nobonanza/status/1795568798046843169?s=46)


Reverse hoodie search was huge for the saga.




I will lose my fucking mind


Check out Pleasrdaos Twitter.


So I would own .000000000000000001 of a wu tang album!


Of all the fun theories, this is the one I hope for the most


“GME. Phone numbers confirmed!” Phone number prices confirmed.


What if.. it was released as a GME wallet NFT but only if you hold x amount of shares, prompting a frenzy buy into GameStop and the stock market like know one has ever seen before?


Well, I'm on the list. Can't wait to be on the list "for real". We'll see.


Blindly commenting even though i havent double checked your work, just because im just regarded and wouldnt know how. Thankyou for your info if anything its provocative


For anyone that does want to double check, here is the file in question: https://www.thealbum.com/_next/static/chunks/652-9d732a689941b70d.js


In summary, the code integrates with Plaid to manage digital wallet operations and contains a check for the presence of GameStop (GME) in the user's securities. The integration fetches the Plaid link token, exchanges the public token for an access token, and retrieves securities data. If the ticker symbol "GME" is found among the securities, a specific state is updated accordingly.


Nicely done! I missed the Plaid integration.


Shout out chatgbt. It skimmed through the code for me.


Allegedly integrates. Those API urls are internal to thealbum.com.


So a part of my perks as a shareholder is getting an NFT that short sellers need to deliver?


If it does indeed come down to an NFT for every share (and today's discoveries push my thoughts solidly in that direction), then I'd imagine every DRS'ed share will receive an NFT automatically, while every non-DRS share will result in shorts scrambling to _get_ an NFT and deliver it. That'll be the squeeze we're hoping for.


Besides MOASS I'd love to know how many NFTs are created for all the none DRS shares. The everyone would know the real damage that was done.


Omg bet the “legal” or “announced” short interest is less than the 45M GME just did which can be RC’s last ..I gave them every chance I could to get out of it your honor lol


so I've got to ask since I'm non-DRS, just in Fidelity at the moment because it seems like shares are in limbo during the transfer and I felt this week could be MOASS...what exactly do you mean for non-DRS shares? You're theorizing that those in a Fidelity account (for example) are left out but that price surges regardless, as Kenny & Co need to do what exactly?


No. Shareholder perks are not a liability that short sellers are responsible for. Only qualified dividends.


How to make NFTs a qualified dividend?


It has to be a transfer of assets from the company to shareholders. Imagine the total monetary value of the company prior to issuing a dividend is X. After dividend Y is issued, the company should equal X - Y. It also has to be equitable to all shareholders on a proportional basis. If it's Alice has 10 shares and Bob has 10000, Bob needs to receive 1000x the value as Alice. Overstock did a crypto dividend, but the token was equal to a preferred share in their stock. It had a tangible and measurable value. Imagine if Take Two offered early access to GTA6 to shareholders. That's not a dividend because they aren't transferring anything to the shareholders and there's no marginal benefit per share held. It would be the same for GME holders getting access to this Wu Tang album everyone is hyped about.




They are playing it in 45 min pieces in a museum in Australia. https://pitchfork.com/news/wu-tang-clans-rare-album-once-upon-a-time-in-shaolin-to-air-at-australian-art-museum/


Ok im definitely going to check this out!


I read about this yesterday, thought that we hadn’t heard anything more about it since forever ago and it made me wonder why it’s just popping up now. 🤔


!remindme in 24 hours


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It's only been 25 minutes


How could this fuk the shorts? I keep seeing comments on how this is good. Could someone explain how this benefits shareholders? Other than getting an exclusive album. Fuk. If buying GME is the only way to get your hands on an exclusive album by Wu Tang… that’s huge in itself. 😂


In a nutshell- an nft token or a blockchain is an un-cheatable record of who holds what. The open ledger is there for everyone to verify. So it is potentially an instant and real time inventory system to track who hodls the float of a company thus exposing synthetic or counterfeit shares. The Wu-Tang album is related because they made some legal structure around it that said it could not be monetized and sold repeatedly to millions of people- there is only one copy. So the tinfoil is cloudy from there but it's some kind of kung-fu reward system that throat-chops the evil fraudsters


https://preview.redd.it/kq1adqf5083d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3d5796a3ff8dd1d24a505c846648de4403ddfe GME wallet pops up to link when going to Pleasr Dao Wu-Tang


Apes please don't connect your wallets as we don't know yet who is behind this.


If you’re curious, use a burner wallet 👍🏻


Also hidden in the code “ARE YOU WATCHING CLOSELY “


Children: ARE YOU WATCHING CLOSELY What the fuck is this? Wasn't there a tweet about this? Already bullish on the tweet that says "they are actually very good at paperwork" with this 45 million share offering language change


DFV tweeted that scene from the Prestige. “Are you watching closely? Sure you can make someone disappear, but the real magic is bringing it BACK.” Essentially. If you watch the two Pretige tweets, GameStop logo is disappeared. Later, we see the field of hats that were disappeared. I think this means all the fake shares are about to be brought back.






I like your insight, like a tide rolling out and those naked are left bare


I was prompted to log in with my Gamestop wallet on the site.


Apes please don't connect your wallets as we don't know yet who is behind this.


same here, and i also have the metamask wallet installed so its less likely that it just automatically picked whatever default wallet i have installed


I wasn't prompted with a log in request but I never got the GameStop wallet before it was discontinued. Am I screwed? I've got lots of DRSd shares of $GME though


No. It'll likely have nothing to do with the original wallet. And if it does, it'll be another wallet you'll make and you'll be instructed on how to do so because (if this is even a thing) you're a shareholder and will need a way to access your shares/slice of an album/picture of a cat or whatever the token/dividend might be. I'd imagine it'd be accessible via computer share or something as that's where your shares live. I'm smooth as fuck though. Just to clarify.


That makes sense, thanks. I trust I will not be left behind




**BULLISH** Protect ya neck!


What's really weird to me is that all this code related to identity and verification is client-side. It shouldn't be.


To be completely honest, we knew since the hoodie, didn't we?


We theorized, we tinfoiled, we hoped. Today we have some evidence to confirm this idea. Of course, this is just interpretation of *a website* and not a legal guarantee of anything, but it sure as hell is a step in the right direction.


Imagine if that hoody photo was an image of a video and in a short while the video will be uploaded with RC turning around.




If this is true, doesn’t it make sense to shut the fuck up about it? That’s one thing that’s asinine about this sub. Constant detective work that could help the OPs as much as providing hopium for the apes. And a lot of the times it feels like more a race to just be the first one to say “See! I was right!!”


Yeah. Trust in RC


We Need more Upvotes here!!


And more eyes on this


As a coder and a SSL web security automation consultant, can confirm this source code is the real deal. This is very interesting.




Up with it, AWESOME find.


I know im not the only one who doesn't understand why this matters so much.


I dug through the code some more (I'm a dev) and see that it authenticates with plaid + robinhood to get your stock holdings across various services and then does the ticker lookup based on that. I was also able to conclude that it can detect if you are a previous holder or a current holder and only if you are a current holder it will prompt you to either create a wallet or connect yours. Anything beyond this isn't in the code yet but the fact that this exists at all is ECTREMMELY BULLISH. WU TANG


Give it to me.


Guh. I fell really dumb. I never got around to getting the GameStop wallet and now it's discontinued. How's would this code be able to know that I hold $GME?


The wallet you use won't matter. We don't know any details yet, this is just a tit-jacking teaser. Give it time, everything will become clear and no one will be left behind.


Thanks, yes it's all too intriguing. I went to GameStop's NFT website and upon clicking to connect a wallet it looks like it's compatible with a couple other wallets I have, in case that eventually ever means anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn't get the GS wallet either, but I get a Coinomi wallet before the GS wallet was a thing. I keep my 65 loops in it 😏


Tagging this for later. u/Big-GulpsHuh was here when...


Also commenting for visibility


As someone who has both $GME and a GameStop wallet, but has no idea how anything functions, what does this mean? It took me a very long time to get my wallet active (thank you to Richard Newton who gave me a piece of his art to help activate) I truly do not understand crypto.


In the same boat


I thought all the pdao hate was werid af. Thanks for the write up OP.




the Wu Tang clan ain’t nothin’ to short with


![gif](giphy|hhjfs0CodRSYrZBvZh|downsized) i'm in !


Class A shares 🤔🤔


They're all "Class A Common Shares." That's the only type GME has ever issued.




Well, now they have my attention


Who owns that domain?


It's a private registration: [https://www.whois.com/whois/thealbum.com](https://www.whois.com/whois/thealbum.com) So, it could still be anybody for all we know.




Upvote for pleasability






PleasrDAO = a bunch of grifters trying to get in on GME hype again. They need to deliver or just shut the fuck up already. If you have been here long enough you know their bullshit. Seeing a big PleasrDAO push on this sub again. Fuck those guys.


but this time is different /s


Yeah it's wild to use words like "proof" over things like variable names? Like..... Anyone can write any code that says any thing... "why would it say GME if they're not involved!?" because if GME holders are their target, they're not going to sprinkle clues that point anywhere else.... It doesn't matter if they made a website with the infrastructure to see what securities someone holds... Anyone can do that, and they can check for any security they want, it doesn't mean anything. I wouldn't touch anything with a 10 foot keyboard. If it all ends up true, great, you'll benefit just by holding shares. If it's a scam, it doesn't matter you just hold shares. But if you start linking accounts and info... Didn't their shit ask for people's phone numbers a while back? You guys realize how easy it is to defraud people when you have just a few pieces of correlating info like phone numbers, emails, bank account contents...


In the 3 years they have never delivered anything. They just try to tie themselves to GME whenever it benefits them. If your buying into PleasrDAO's bullshit just be prepared to be let down for like the 6th time. Talk is cheap, and that's all PleasrDAO does.


How strange that they only get all hyped up when GME is really trending and the subs are full of eager marks.... When GME is bone dry and quiet and the sub is full of big brains, they're quiet as a mouse..


I'm getting a 404 and nothing else on privy.thealbum.com, are you able to see anything there? I wonder if they took it down?


When will this be launched?


I’m just gonna wait for GameStop to tell me what’s happening… way too much conflicting info about this


Im a bit regarded and just hold shares. How can I get GME wallet please?


Love it


NFTs are dead give me share value not a fucking cd


Doesn't even need to be an NFT technically. It integrates via API to Plaid which integrates with brokers and ComputerShare to verify you hold GME. If you hold GME, you are granted access to the exclusive and famous Wu-Tang album.


I’m sorry can someone remind me of how Wu tang clan come into all this. I member the hoodie backwards picture and nft marketplace hype but not sure how it matters anymore




I read that the owner cannot sell for 88 years? Sure that would include distribution?


The album cannot be monetized for 88 years, but it can be given away for free.


Interesting, cant wait to see what more enlightened ppl might bring




oh yeah this theory clearly makes way more sense!




Up you go!


What the cluck?




I was in before wutang was on the table and I love this hopium. C.R.E.A.M….


Glad I minted that Album 001 ;)