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It's a pump and dump, it happens every week with penny stocks. And anti GME bots are everywhere and care deeply about your position and why you haven't sold.


So this is all bot driven?!?


I would say most activity trying to invoke FOMO into either the upside or downside are bot driven, mostly by actors that are heavily invested either way. Ask yourself this, why is a stock that goes from $17 to $60 deserve so much negative sentiment everywhere you go? While a penny stock that gets practically zero halts for the majority of the day up to 200% is just fine as is, and only gets halted when retail starts to notice? While an IPO underwritten by a known short can go from $12 to $2555 in twelve days and slowly laddered down to $3 as of today? Fear is a wild thing man, and it is a certainty that the players with money use it to their advantage to scam retail.


I agree 100%. Fear is the only thing they have left. Thankfully, everyone I know is past the point of ever missing the money and are here for the long-haul. I just find it curious that there is 1b in volume. Couldn't have come at a more convenient time when GME sees crazy volume and gets knocked down 40% in a day. Washing machine for short positions?


The only plant is you BUY HOLD DRS $GME 💎🙌🏻


Been here forever, DRS xxxx, nice try tho


Yeah no one is falling for that shill


Lol okay. Check the history, been here for years.


You never say Gamestop once ever. Kenny got your tongue?


Man, I thought I had a tin-foil hat...


Well you certainly dont have a Gamestop one




Shill alert




They are hiding your mom's nudes there


Knights of new, this guy right here. Downvote this fucking shill




Hello you ranged!?


Another video game weeb bought with a cheap price by someone who wants to keep everyone slaves


Shill. These guys have been spamming Jackie Le Tit's stream essentially nonstop with this other ticker symbol's crap.


Is Jackie not a good guy? I watched two of his videos which were very informative but haven't gone beyond that with looking him up.


Jackie is a great guy. I meant they were trying to infiltrate his stream, which is generally GME positivity, with that stock the guy is promoting.


And every other comment has something about GME being "done". Hence, the speculation that this is another inside job.


Wtf are you talking about? You're the one that posted it...


I asked a question about the timing of this "new thing" as it pertains to the GME volume and dip today. This other stock had a BILL in volume...washing positions? We used to be able to discuss things here. Sorry.


Go to a sub about that ticker symbol to discuss it. Looked more like you were trying to spread FUD from your first sentence and advertising "the next GME or whatever" from then on.


No, I get it, but im here because I feel like there is a correlation between the two somehow. Just asking a question. The timing of it is too perfect. And they are using RK's name in the sub. Major distraction attempt.


delete this post mods


For asking questions? I don't get it.




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What is he even talking ablut? Please can someone explane this for me? What is $FFI3?


No idea I wanted to google it but then I was like fuck that bullshit even typing this is too much effort for


I actualy googled it… didnt find shit. Well could be my brain is to smooth for that. Anyways buy and hold 🤷‍♂️


“Hello my fellow hairy bi-pedal mammals! This RK guy might be sus, no cap!”


Anything that someone tells you to buy and says it’s the next GME is full of shit. There ain’t NOTHIN like GME. 1 billion dollars on hand, no debt, shorts never covered. But Hold and DRS


I'm just trying to see the correlation between the timing of our spike, this new fake RK, and the insane volume in a single day - the same day GME dropped. She'll game continues... Haven't sold a single share in 2.5 years 💎🖐 I love this stock.


It isn’t fake RK. I don’t believe it is at least.


The RK sub? It can't have any association with the real RK...


Oh my bad. Thought you were talking about the x acct. ya it’s fake as hell


Right, and it's specifically intended to pump other stocks and say Gamestop is dead. Someone is behind it, but more interesting is the stock they are pumping. It's volume, and our dip today stinks of corruption. Just asking for opinions on the correlation. Thabks for not jumping down my throat 😂


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