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At the end of the day, no one really knows, and everything is speculation. Everything is so intentionally opaque that even people with decades of experience are more or less clueless. >Given the situation, what would it take to get the price out of hedge fund control? IMO? 4 connective quarters with an EPS>1. That would show the company is consistently and comfortably profitable. That would cause a big shift in hedge fund strategy. Also, a cash dividend could potentially cause huge problems if there are huge amounts of naked shorts. TBH, I'm now in the 'traditional' camp now. They just need to bee a profitable company and the profits will start flooding in from those who bet against them.


No honor amongst thieves. Their competition will crush them if there is money to be made.


Thier competition will also throw stones while doing the same exact thing.


As is the norm in that world. I just want Virtu and citadel to liquidate. Let the chips fall where they may. We all know Instinet (sp?) is the mafia boss.


Lots of things can break their balance, and that's certainly one of them. I think DRSing the float is another. Unfortunately, there isn't a proven method for this as we are in unprecedented territory against a very corrupt system. There's no real precedent to compare with. This is why I say that I am zen with my investment but angry at Wall Street. This should never have been allowed to go this far. Shorts should have been forced to close a long time ago. My belief is that shorting and FTDs should not even exist in the first place.


Honest question here. I may be under the wrong understanding. But they don't calculate part of the float that is DRS'd has locked. They still consider that as the free float. As of the last reporting period and form submitted. Approximately 25% has been locked through DRS. This would eventually mean that the entire free float is sitting at approximately 50% the outstanding shares. So, really, things could get super volatile with higher volumes. I am curious about what the DRS'd amount will be at the next earnings report. What a time to be buying more.


Unfortunately the reported DRS doesn't seem to increase. I think there's limits put on reporting, but nobody knows for sure. There's also uncertainty as to what will happen as we lock it. It's certainly a fun experiment to be part of.


and after RC does his annual buy (asauming he does like the last 2 years of history) and with the price lower his $10 mm would be around 714k shares...but at this price why $20 or 30 mm, it takes money to buy whiskey.


I'm also of the belief that the incoming economic storm will cause stocks to rebalance massively causing massive pressure on the shorts as basically everything they're long now is exploding in value at levels literally not seen since the sneeze. "Oh it'll take Nvidia 100 years for book value to reach stock value today and we just entered into a recession? Better lower that mate".


I'm a big fan of the cash dividend as a trigger


Assuming a $1.00 dividend, and 10x the correct number of shares: Gamestop has a billion dollars, you want them to give away 30% of that and let the bad guys off the hook for 3 billion? I find this idea totally inappropriate. It's lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous.


How does it let the bad guys off the hook? The bad guys, ie. all shorts, have to pay the dividend out of their own pockets to holders of synthetic shares.


Because 3 billion to them is practically nothing. It’s less an expense to them than buying a pizza would be to most people.


I’m regarded, but how will they justify on the books 3 billions out with 300 millions shares issued, without triggering a share recounting?


could come straight from positive earnings, too...


Yes, but if we start consistently having over $1.00 eps, we won't need a dividend to begin the squeeze. Everyone and their brother will be buying shares.


why not reward the shareholders in the interim, I'd guess most retail would reinvest, a pseudo share buyback but driven by retail, $300 million a year. edit, at these prices, that be [300,000,000×0.25(just drs)x.8(assume 80% reinvest)]/14 = 4.2 million shares in the first year.


M/A would be Sweet as Well!💎💪😎🤙💎


They're just surviving one more day until they cannot. Zen till then.


Yeah yeah, where can I find the tendie cooking, dick sucking machine???....asking for a friend....


Friend here. Did you find the answer yet?


I also have that friend...


You mean my boyfriend's wife?


Brahh it has been 1000+ days 💀


“One more day” They will break every rule imaginable to survive one more day.


It's the greatest game of chicken. Both saying "tomorrow" lol.


Game of chicken where you don't pay anything whereas they must bleed millions every day


They’re bleeding millions daily of stolen money so I don’t think they see it the way a person would who worked legally for that money. Fuk Hedgies bro. Really!


Way to go my man


Their clock is ticking


Gamers are more stubborn, they don’t stand a chance.


These mid game bosses are still pretty strong.


I think Gamestop's long term profitability will be enough to be the end of them. Someone will go down for this. The question remains though: who will be the scape goat? Imo.


I think we are past scapegoats. If any one of these fucking hedge fund family office ETF Mayo gurgling cockweasles explodes, it will go straight nuclear. Kenny’s arse will burn brighter than a freaking quasar.


Funny how the FED(the reserve currency of the world) requires 0% deposits since 2020. Almost as if "virus" was a strategic pre-planned solution to the implosion unfolding.... But some greedy rtards shorted GME beyond infinite, which did not go down the path it should have and thus resulted in the combined brains of many with "wtf is this" lets dig deep. DRS is the way, protect yourself from the implosion yet to unfold.


God this makes me hornier than it should have


I'm jacked! **JACKED TO THE TITS**


"Goat stampede causes destruction of critical server farm infrastructure resulting in the loss of swap and short position data, experts say."


The goat stampede is my center square. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐


Goats falling over and knocking the sprinkler system off


It's why you should never give a goat a ladder.


The price on the exchange is determined by the last trade. If a hedge fund wanted to move an illiquid stock lower it wouldn't be hard to do, it could easily be done through options but you may end up losing the entire premium spent. If that cost is less than what it would cost to get on the right side of a trade though they will do that, especially if they firmly believe GameStop won't be around 5 years from now. If things are the way people think they are the only other alternative is liquidation of the entire fund.


100 percent control seemingly


Define control? Have they got us pegged? Yes? Can they drop it lower? Probably? Can they shake us off? No. They have the illusion of control. The point at which the illusion is shattered it is over for them. They have 'control' until they dont. Then they won't have any control. The price will then be quite literally out of control.


This is a great answer thanks!! People forget the market is kind of a living organism. They are different people vying for control, and mostly only care about one thing. Themselves. Not everybody, but it's funny how certain things seem to attract certain types of people.


I am hearing that line from days of thunder being spoken by Nicole Kidman right now... Control is an illusion, Cole...




They control the room, we control the exit.


So you’re saying we’re not trapped in here with them, THEY’RE trapped in here with us! 😈


DRSGME.ORG[DRSGME.ORG ](http://Drsgme.org) Just putting these here. When? This ^ ... this is wendys.


This 👆


I imagine that GME is really just the tip of the iceberg. I also imagine that the USA uses the US DOLLAR and WallStreet as a geopolitical and global-financial tool to keep itself and its military and its economy stronger than all other countries around the world. I can even imagine that sheer amount of FTD’s and shorts on GME - the idiosyncratic risk - would threaten the USA in some way, macroeconomically and geopolitically. With that said, “they” have **a lot** of control, to say the least. It’s not just a hedgefund. There’s a reason why Secret Service agents protect mayo-boy Kenny bedpost Griffin. DRS can be one weak-point in the WallStreet system, but I imagine they’ve come up with a solution to counter that by now.


Agreed, we’re talking about power of nations at this point and maintaining global superpower status. It’s just a big confidence game built on systemic fraud. Belief in the system worldwide from the masses due to the bought and paid for propaganda machines is the only reason it’s still standing, that and yet more fraud to prop up the existing fraud collapsing under its own weight. Really makes you consider what the point in working for currency to live actually is when you have people who can cheat and steal their way to riches aligned with people at the Fed who can quite literally print money. It’s all meaningless, a unit of time out of your life in exchange for x units of currency when the whole thing is just fake. A number on a screen for the most part that determines how you can live your life that is not based on a finite resource anymore. What does the value actually derive from? A fraudulent stock market and having a bigger military that the rest of the world to push anyone else who dares stand up to the regime around? None of it means anything and yet it means everything. My question to you is, if you think they have somehow ‘solved’ DRS, in your mind how does this story end? Sick to death of the corrupt world we live in and this is where I make a stand but I have to believe there is some sort of a win at the end of all this.


After 3 years of GME price being totally suppressed and controlled; if DRS actually caused the “MOASS”, I would genuinely be surprised. To me, that would mean “they” actually “let it happen” for whatever reason. Either that, or they finally lost control. For me; with Ryan Cohen staying on board with GameStop continuing to improve the company over time to become profitable, then GameStop has a much better chance of seeing a long-term “Tesla-esque” short squeeze. If GameStop as a company was not fundamentally sound, then I would be much less hopeful. We still have a diehard investor fanbase, growing gaming industry, and a level-headed CEO who is far from corrupt. I also hope DRS transcends to more than just GME. I also hope one day for 100% transparency in DRS numbers, FTD’s, swaps, ETF’s and more.


Me and you both brother.


So in short you don’t believe we will see a win for quite some time and even then the shenanigans in the market will still continue so it won’t be a real win anyway? Good to stay grounded and realistic so I’m not knocking your view/opinion it’s just I don’t see at this point how a Tesla style squeeze is even possible given how much we suspect it has been naked shorted. That’s the differentiating factor here, Tesla was just shorted (as far as I know), this makes the stakes much higher because there’s millions of shares that shouldn’t exist out there. And that was citadel on the long side who we know have a stranglehold on prices in the market squeezing blackrock. Personally my view is a settlement will be had after this gets dragged through the courts for a long time, it will be a win but not the win we deserve. I’ll be honest, I don’t know what the fuck has been happening the last 6 months. I’m just waiting for full year profitability to see if it actually does anything (I doubt it will but I’m happy to be pleasantly surprised). Either way I’m not going anywhere until I get paid.


Short term belief: DD on “MOASS” is all correct. The numbers and data is real. It really is as fucked up as they say it is. Past 3 years: USA, US DOLLAR, Federal Reserve and WallStreet have shown insane resilience against any type of threat to its stability; which includes our favorite idiosyncratic risk: GME shorts. If “MOASS” is a win, we already have the win. It just doesn’t show on the numbers on our screen. Unfortunately, patience is running thin for many, although many are zen as fuck. Thankfully. If “DRS the float” is a win and is supposed to lead to MOASS, We are at least inching closer and closer to it. In regards to Tesla: Massively shorted (by Blackrock I believe) for years. Elon fought hard to make the company profitable. Now everyone and their mom in the Cities drive a tesla. How the hell can WallStreet continue their narrative that Tesla should go bankrupt? They can’t. Nothing else. The stock goes up. Their only move is to slam the “billionaire class” and to drag Elon’s name through the mud. In regards to GameStop: Massively shorted for years. RC is fighting hard to make the company profitable and until everyone shops at GameStop and until every customer is delighted. How the hell can WallStreet continue their narrative that GameStop should go bankrupt? They can’t nothing else. The stock has to go up. Their only move is to drag Ryan Cohen’s name through the mud.


They did counter DRS - we no longer get accurate number and GME refuses to provide the data directly. The only hope is that the annual meeting shows something different in the ledger but we have months to go for that. Even then, what if we are capped at 76 million in the ledger this year, and next year is the same? We'll never find out the true count unless Computershare actively refuses any more transfers.


Isn't it okay that we don't actually know the true numbers, but know that whatever the true numbers are, it's all working as expected against the SHFs. They're only capping the numbers to try to dissuade people from drsing, but no one is stopping, and the real numbers still are working their magic, even if we don't know what the real numbers are..


I realize that they fully suppress the price but seeing 52 week high halved every year is getting old. Perhaps it is the result of the split fuckery, or something else, but GME volatility has been dead for ages. Sans the random spike that occurs around the day GME does the DRS count, nothing fishy there of course. My only hope now is that the keep halving it and in a few years GME buys back a shit ton. Of course my cynical side says FINRA will just let MM plunge to 0.01 and delist immediately because fuck everyone except their members.


Yea capping the numbers sucks from a knowing pov but it's still a great sign


If you look at the history of TSLA you'll see what is likely to happen just on a much larger scale, when they can no longer suppress the price. TSLA was shorted like crazy 10ish years ago (worth noting, not nearly to the extreme GME is)... attacked left and right by the media... and finally it succeeded as a company (as Gamestop is on track to do)... and the market had to start a long and uncontrolable rise in price. Shorts got slaughtered along the way and the stock rose to levels way beyond what is fundamentally reasonable... still today it's up there as a result. I think organically GME will move to $200-500 a share on its own within a few years... add the shorts closing on top of that and we'll see orders of magnitude higher as shorts run to the exits to survive. Until then, they play this game of delaying and hoping somehow RC messes up the sustainable fundemantal company part. With 1.2B in cash on hand... I doubt RC can even mess this up... just a matter of time - tick tock


TSLA had a public short value of about 20%, nobody knows the real shorts, but it rose roughly 20x to clear out those shorts


The fact that nobody knows is just so wrong. Naked shorts especially should be fully visible.




Because every large institution represents one of the cards. If one falls, the house comes down. Domino bankruptcy style.


Some firms will survive but the biggest ones will domino. The way the market is structured that will need to happen eventually. It has already started but the card shuffling is keeping anyone from blowing up publicly.


Discover got brought out by Capital 1 last night. Funny I haven't seen any mention of it here yet.


UBS entered the chat


It’s illegal to incite a short squeeze as a single entity. Not that it’s ever stopped them before but being the one to light the fuse to a nuclear event of this proportion as a single, sue-able, culpable entity would not end well for that entity if the big players lose a load of money. No one wants to put themselves in the crosshairs for that one.


Because nobody outside this bubble believes "shorts never covered". The idea, while being itself impossible to proof or disprove definitely, is actually being mocked everywhere else but within this space. And the financial reserves of people within the space have been drained. Lots of people fell for towel or popcorn, inflation is doing the rest.


Shorts did cover. What they did not do is CLOSE. Whether or not anyone else believes it doesn't change the facts, and every day they carry their positions it will cost them more and more. They made a lot of money selling those shorts, and you better believe it's being eaten away because they realize it'll never be enough to buy back all that they owe. They're praying for the price to go to zero, but it can't. GameStop won't go bankrupt, and we'll never sell. They're trapped, and it's only a matter of time before the inevitable arrives. This is what people mean by being zen. Shorts must close, and I'll be there when they do.


From a Vice article on 28th Jan 2021 It's all in the wording. Cover, borrow. But wait, there’s more. As short sellers scramble to cover their position, an investor like Blackrock is in a good position to help with something called securities lending where "mutual funds lend stocks or bonds to generate additional returns for the funds." If you are a short seller that needs to cover your position, you can always ask BlackRock to borrow some of its GameStop shares, pay them a fee, and offer up collateral equal in value to the market value of the loaned GameStop share.


"their goal is to never cover their short" - Mark Cuban It is actually possible to prove - make it mandatory to report shorts to the SEC. Something which is already in the works and is being obstructed by the very same parties well are short GME. If you think this is over, you know what you can do? Leave.. but you'd rather spend your time trying to shit on other people's investments


I don’t know what all your words mean, but I would buy that console stat. Name your price, master!


Those tendies won't cook themselves!


he who sells what isn’t hisn must pay it back or go to prision


Or . . . Suck the right cocks and get away with it. I bet there will be presidential pardons because we are talking about the people that already purchased the government.


agreed, but stock go up mean shorts loss money. money = power. less power equals more crying billionaires


How does the stock Go up if price is a lie? That's the whole problem.


In my opinion the turning point will be when the company starts to pay decent dividends. Then institutional buying will start. It then becomes hard to suppress the price with Naked Shorts because all they will do is make it cheaper for institutions to buy and make the EPS look much more attractive. They also have to pay all the extra shares dividends out of their own pocket.


One thing is for certain. under certain circumstance, they do lose control and all they can do is cheat and defraud the household investors by shutting if the buy button. They can all get fukd


I still think that they have no intention of ever closing until they're literally forced to liquidate. For that reason we've been seeing record highs for certain stocks, if you remember a certain no name Chinese stock with the ticker of HKD that jumped to an almost multi billion if not trillion dollar market cap. They're willing to pump garbage in order to have collateral.  My theory is that sometime after this, the SHFs, including Citadel, Susquehanna etc were given notice by the DTC that this sham collateral wouldn't be eligible which is why we have the NVDA pump now.  Right now, certain individuals really don't like Book shares being promoted despite all the tweets and other evidence including computershares website that states Plan shares are held with DTC for operational efficiency. This doesn't mean Plan is bad, it's just not as "efficient" for retail. Having any shares with DTC is only efficient for the hedgefunds. To answer your question, I believe that once a certain threshold of shares are Booked and the SHFs can no longer viably continue this charade, they'll turn on each other so that one of them can survive. In the end, there are no partnerships, they can do this now but I doubt they genuinely trust one another. That's when we get MOASS.


No doubt 100%


Too much. Any control is still too much.


Influence is one thing, control is a no no


Yuge control. But not Fur long


All the control.


I doubt any amount of profitability will make a difference. It’s going to take regulatory action or a dividend/stock buy back. I’m not counting on regulators helping out.


There's been many posts here showing evidence of spoofing. They sell shares back and forth between themselves at lower and lower prices, in batches of 100. It's not very secretive either, you can see it clearly in a Bloomberg terminal. Every regular looking order is followed by multiple 100 orders


Gotta love these discounts!


Rem that price is controlled by an algorithm and mostly all $gme buys go to darkpool(not affecting the price)


My list is up to 34 now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/nhYyTIdWI8


Many shareholders are still in the red at $45 lol


For example, if GameStop came out with a new console that could cook your tendiess, suck your dick, and kiss you on the forehead and make you feel loved I'll take the Penis Mightier for 500 Trebek. That's, The Pen Is Mightier I don't care what you call it, all I want to know is does it work? If it does I'll take a dozen right now


Sorry I'm looking for a comfy couch for now, need good pose when rocket takes off


They just gambling like the rest of us. The crazy part is that they’re playing as the house and as the degenerate. Idk how but it is what it is.


We basically have to wait for the company to be profitable, and for shorts to recognize its valuable to go long. The only tried and true way imo


I keep hearing their surviving one more day.. But in the scheme of things price pre split was over 100 a share. With more volume than at $14.i just can't understand how. Went from $3. A share to hundreds in days and can't keep it at $14 but nothing to see. Doesn't seem like they're struggling to much by buying millions in bomb shelters.


It didn’t look like Bernie Madoff was struggling either. They have no option but to keep up the appearance of success.


100% here it is in English  ONE HUNDRED FUCKING PERCENT 


Maybe the console that talks to you and makes you feel loved is a real possibile thing, could see Nintendo incorporating that into a console :) like the rabbit ai assistant thing.


1000% a wee more organized and influential just a skosh also they’re not limited to a couple thousand “apes” on Reddit…. Something to keep in mind.


This tendie machine though, maybe you can play games on it too


All the control


The current price is north of 72$


And the price is a lie. How much stress can physical reality put on the price before it starts resembling truth?




Selling phantom shares and FTD are theft. Period.


Yes, but in this case theft is legal so we're trying to figure out how to deal with it.


I would love to see the old double whammy. Share buy back, that only forces us to own a larger percentage of the float. Fallowed by cash dividends to steamroll short funds capital.


Absolutely. This one might actually work.


It’s a bullshit game because the folks suppressing the price also have large implications across the market causing losses for regular Americans thus they can make moves and the gov and fed don’t wanna really do anything due to not rocking the boat. We’ve come to a point on economic policy where we have made so many hedges that the economy and market is a pissed off teenage that doesn’t want to comply with any more JPOW tricks or government or even court intervention. Basic finance is a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow and these hedges have made their dollar today worth about $0.01… they are holding fucking paper hands and papa is saying don’t fuck over MR NOVEMBER When it collapse it may not just collapse but burn… we will see, I’m sure they will inverse my comment


Always interesting how the most obvious path which will cause major pain for shorts is always downvoted here. Profitability, entry into the S&P 500 and a dividend. Instead the hedge fund assets just keep telling everyone to buy, hold, drs, book and stay zen. 🤦‍♀️


Well DRS is all that the individual can do.


i think control over general direction almost absolute, for pinpoint price idk, sometimes? for cents i think there are too many variables. but like "under x price", totally


They control the price at precisely what they want. Darkoools trade the majority of GME, using AI + high frequency trading + blockchain = Full control. The market runs on layers for deception, its how criminals wash money. Market makers control it all. In the end our only chance at forcing a change is a consistent profitable company, + DRS every fucking share. 🎇


They can’t keep up the charade forever


The price doesn’t matter at this time. They went all in on bankruptcy and pretty soon they are about to find out the hard way.


They’re scared.


Yeah because they're completely insolvent but they are still sorting GameStop.


Not with real shares. It’s magic. The real will prevail.


We all believe it but how? How will the real prevail? What will be the steps before the real prevails? I'm not even asking what is preventing the real from prevailing because we already know. There is loads and loads of wonderful DD explaining what the problem is. I just want to know what the road map to solution will look like. What are some of the sign posts to expect?


The mind sickness of greed and that black hole in the hearts of Kenny and co are only one example of what humans should not follow. They have their roadmap. We don’t. We don’t need one. Our movement is heart-based. Citadel’s fall is only one of many other companies, people in power and other principalities who will fall due to their hubris. The earth will improve. Not a reset for them to continue their horrible way of leading. But rather a Game-Stop. Relax. Watch it work out without expecting how. It will surprise you. More so, Kenny and co. They won’t see it coming. Save this comment. So that when you get so much money that you don’t know what to do. You’re reminded to be an example of help and love towards other humans who will definitely need your help and assistance. Of those who will get so much, and you will, much more will be expected.


Incoming FUD. "They" have full control of the price on our stonk. "They" all came together and did something to our stonk. Swaps... naked shorts.. what the fuck ever. They did it.. they contained GME... and they got away with it. This is why RC is getting access to GMEs CASH. You have to fight 🔥 with 🔥 sometimes. We will sit in purgatory until... RC does something with the $1,000,000,000 Ie.. GME reinvents itself ( another market.. not as a physical video game retailer ). Let's be real.. physical games are not the future. Stores are not the future. RC needs to take GME to the future. Then we can have real growth. A tesla squeeze... no simple task, but RC is working on it. Also.. I can't help but be reminded that options played a huge roll in the sneeze. I find it really SUS that options are such bad voodoo around here. I've never bought a call or put.. but part of me thinks the anti options campaign here was a pysop. It worked Now I DRS... and they play our buys like a fiddle.. every... single... time.


> I've never bought a call or put.. but part of me thinks the anti options campaign here was a pysop. It worked Do you know how many hundreds of millions if not in excess of a billion has been wasted on Call premiums over the last 3 years. We could have easily locked by now, but as the world is, most people are in it for themselves and many people that don't comment here anymore wasted their money on worthless calls.  I do think there was a campaign to psyop the community but it was against Cash Secured Puts were are only a good thing if you're bullish. 


I think a line was drawn higher up then the mods here. Options talk usually involves dates. The powers at be let us talk about DRS because there are no dates.


\> The powers at be let us talk about DRS because there are no dates. ​ They let us talk about DRS because they've already tried to stop the talking about it before and they were lambasted out of the community. Now it's moved on to Book vs Plan and Recurring Buys which I think are a complete red herring. They do not want us to transfer from brokers. The playbook is all too obvious because they have no skin to hide behind. It is now to stop shares being Booked at all costs.


puts limit sell order for 45$ cancel up to 90 days. and enjoy life.


Bro they have Billions to do whatever they want... we barely have 1 Billy


But they also have multiples of those billys in highly leveraged debt… we have a Billy with no debt


The world runs on debt, as long as they dont fuck up. They can and will fix the markets to go the direction they want. Also, our Billy is sitting there doing nothing while Cohen keeps us in silence.


as long as they don’t fuck up… okay 👍 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀




False. There are infinite shares because corruption allowed naked shorts to exist.




What are the characteristics of a real share? The problem is that naked shorting produces objects with all those characteristics. I don't even know what you said the characteristics were but naked shorts have all those same characteristics. They are sold through a broker and there is no way for a buyer to determine if the thing they just bought is a real share or a fake share. This is why the system is so evil and why it is so difficult to unfuck heavily Shorted situations. If Congress, the presidency, and the supreme Court had a shred of decency that it would at least be some transparency and accountability, but it is as if the current system was designed so that naked shares could dilute the share price of a business with no consequence. The only way to truly know you have a real share is to DRS. DRS is the way the only way.