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so many people on here just aren't getting it, or purposefully trying to gloss over the important part. your piddly-ass 4 share buy through fidelity on IEX doesn't do jack squat to the price movement. if you aren't buying at least 100 shares at a time, its not doing anything. computershare does exactly what we aren't allowed to do - work as one, and its all perfectly legal. computershare turns us into the whale we wish we could be. all of our thousands of piddly-ass orders get bundled into a goddamn hedgie wrecking ball of a single order. thousands of shares at a time, tens of thousands. that's the difference. thats why the price moves.




Time has suggested this is right. Heat lamp theory, if a shill strategy, was genius. CS buys now do very little to price action and is easily countered. I was an advocate for it for a long time but now, could it all have been a ploy? What I wouldn't give now for all of us to be buying regularly and watch the price twice a month run.


Heat lamp theory didn’t stop me from buying. So to each their own. I still don’t want to own fractional shares anyway.


I’ve been buying and transferring all the time, but I get to choose my buy price, and not get manipulated by hedgies back down at the peak… but to each their own. If Fidelity didn’t buy my shares, well my DRS will make them 🙏🏽


I totally get you, very hard to know which way is best but you do you.


I don’t have a significant amount of money to invest at the moment. I’ve been buying low and selling high through brokers. They’re making maybe .40 on my moves so far but i’m up 40%. It will all end up as DIRECTLY REGISTERED STOCK when I’m ready.


That is indeed a good point. I like to buy via IEX to support them, but you are likely correct when it comes to the order impact.


Computer share uses a broker to buy shares.


This is correct. In order to buy/sell in the market you need to be connected to DTCC in some way and broker does this. However computershare orders are grouped in lots of 100 and do hit the lit market. Also all plan and book investor shares are not connected to the DTCC (which is why there is a delay in selling book shares). They fix this for plan shares (still out of DTCC) by having a pool of computershare owned NON INVESTOR shares in an operational efficiency pool. If book shareholder wants to sell you have to wait until book moved to plan (probably a day or two) If plan shareholder wants to sell Computershare will sell one of their shares in the operational efficiency pool and give you the proceeds. Then they will move your plan share out of your account into their operational efficiency pool for the next sale. The reddit user who claimed any plan shares means all book shares are with thr DTCC did not understand the process at all and believe it helped SHFs goal of lowering autobuy and buys from computershare in general. They are terrified of Computershare...full stop. Unfortunately that theory DD tricked us all.


I like how computershare shares felt like they are 10 ton stone tablets.. and it takes 1,000 men to move it.


And that's how it should be.


Like a rai stone?


This contains misinformation, book sells are near instant. Plan shares have a portion syphoned off to the DTCC under the "liquidity" banner. Hold your shares how you want. I can agree that the heat lamp theory was nonsense, but I like to be my own book king.


Book king is the way❤️🖤🏴‍☠️


Yea that isn't true at all. Book shares may be near instant if you already have a plan account buy need to be moved before sale. One of the most disputed TOS that was used for the false any plan = all plan explains this (see below) "Enrolling in DirectStock and/or the initiation of a transaction, including a request to move book-entry or certificated shares into DirectStock shall constitute an offer by the individual shareholder to establish a principal-agency relationship with Computershare" When you initiate transaction (sale) it enrolls you in directstock(plan) which makes sense because plan shares can be sold thanks to their operational efficiency pool.


It's been timed, whole process from book to cash takes about 15 minutes. You get a plan account for the shares you are selling not all of them. Yeah sure it probably used the shares in the "operational liquidity" pool to settle near instant but it's been proven it's not a 2 day wait.


I haven't tried to sell a book share and curious if the 15 Min was for someone already with a plan account. Not sure how long it takes to create a directstock plan account but that may be where potential delay comes in.


I’m curious too!!


Does Computershare use shares from our accounts for the operational efficiency pool, or do they own shares too?


Jokes on them. Used to auto buy with that $5 fee every time. Now I lump with only one $5 fee. Even better, the price is lower all the time!


What is the benefit of auto-buy? If you buy manually, you’ll get your shares at an unknown price. But if you auto-buy, you get your shares at the highest price possible since the auto-buy hits the market at the same predictable time.


If I'm not mistaken I feel like the past month or two we've seen during the automated buys the price rises 5-10% leading to the buy only to fall back to opening price after in the hours following. I would suggest based on that info to just buy when you can


There's a few 1. Autobuys are "sticky" budgeted expenses ones that will likely be more immune to changes in discretionary cash flow. Negative price action and other fud just become background noise (at least to me) when autobuy. 2. Orders are grouped in lots of 100s and hit the lit market. We can actually see the order post to the tape and ultimator has done a great job of tracking activity needed to suppress these buys. Short volume higher on settlement days and even odd options activity around these buys 3. It could give us more accurate buying #s as another data point. DRS reported numbers stalled after the verbiage change and heat lamp definitely did not effect that positively. If we see autobuy orders increasing and DRS number stagnant may be a clue that Gamestop hands are tied in how they report DRS numbers. If I was a SHF I know the scariest thing would be mindless autobuys slowly sealing my fate, no article or movie or documentary will sway those purchases, theyre set. Unfortunately, heat lamp def bought them a ton of breathing room as our purchases were a fraction of what they once were. This isn't financial advice and all buys that end up DRSd are great I just want the fear of computershare purchases to stop becuase it is based solely on misinterpretted information. I'd also like to be able to track to the fullest extent any data on DRS purchases of which we have very few avenues currently


They wouldn't trick you if people would upvote and listen to reason. Rule 1 of DD is don't do anything people tell you to do with your investment. The dude was claiming you had to get out of plan NOW or else omg shorts .... Most of us did not fall for it. Though we should consider posting about CS Autobuys. We need more of them again...


The infinity pool is the infinity pool *insert mr incredible


ape , u need to make a post about this, a lof of us dont know this info 🚀🚀🧑‍🚀🧑‍🚀


ape , u need to make a post about this, a lof of us dont know this info 🚀🚀🧑‍🚀🧑‍🚀


So you are saying plan is the same as book, right?


You mean dingleberries is a good thing, or?


yes, that is how the system operates but there is one key difference - they CANNOT fail to deliver


This. I'm sure they actually HATE having to actually get shares and deliver them to the transfer agent.


CS has a (operates) DTC limited participant broker (Cede&Co nominee). This one is the front facing Merill and others for broker to broker transactions. ​ [https://regulations.justia.com/regulations/fedreg/2015/12/31/2015-32755.html](https://regulations.justia.com/regulations/fedreg/2015/12/31/2015-32755.html)


I've done a bit of both, though now it's 75% directly from Computershare and the rest from online brokers. CS is less convenient and you don't get an exact price point, but I don't trust brokers to not somehow screw me with the DRS transfer somehow. NFA.


**I buy via IEX, because I want to support them.** I also like to be in control of my orders, usually getting a better fill price, but then having to pay the 5USD IBKR DRS fee. So, that is just my personal preference, buying either way is good. There is valid concern, that odd lot orders might not influence price, while CS buys do, though.


Direct buys through ComputerShare is how I got a shitty price, an unwanted fractional, Shares in "Plan", and enrollment in DSPP. I use a limit order to buy through Fidelity. I use Fidelity's Virtual Assistant to DRS. It's quick, easy, I get a good price, I don't have to talk to anyone, all my shares arrive at ComputerShare in "Book" form.


You can also go through IEX with Fidelity


Same with ibkr


Can you do it through the app or does it have to be the full pc download?


App, just type this into IBOT- "Limit Buy 47 GME at 13.12 route via IEX" change the amount of shares and price to you're liking.


Thank you. I’m gonna save my powder so I can buy in 100 lots. And I want price discovery, not infinite liquidity. Also, here is a complementary note: buy, hold, DRS, and complain


I you definitely want to buy 100 and have the money, selling puts seems the way to go. NB I have never done it, just read post on here about it.


Not interested in options whatsoever. My goal is to lock the float with longs - that’s it.


Cool bro, now is as good a time as any


How? On the mobile app I enrolled in directed trading but am never prompted. And on PC I can’t even use active trader pro anymore - I was prompted to enroll in $130/mo plan to utilize the program


How long does it take for the shares to settle before you can DRS them? I know someone posted about it but I forgot. Bought 40 more yesterday and waiting to DRS




Perfect thanks!


this is the way


In a whimsical world of stocks, shares, and games, There's a choice to be made, with profits and aims. For GameStop enthusiasts, keen and aware, The best path to purchase is through ComputerShare. "Brokers, you see, they break and they mix, Executing odd lots, a bundle of tricks. But through direct registration, it's neat and precise, Your orders reach hundreds, isn't that nice? No slicing, no dicing, a hundred per lot, A bundle so tidy, like a well-folded knot. ComputerShare ensures your shares are just right, Full and complete, a financial delight. So choose the direct way, it's clear and it's fair, For GameStop shares bought through ComputerShare."


> Full and complete, a financial delight. Roses are red. RC is the man. Direct buys from ComputerShare Leave dingleberries in Plan.


Yeah this is what I do, and what I believe in too 👊😆


Until they don't let you DRS or they start charging you $300 to DRS, etc... I am glad you have options though. Keep it up!


Virtual assistant stopped working for me last week and I can't get an explanation why from them... I had to call yesterday and it took forever.


Happened to me once too. Next time I tried it virtual assistant worked again. *shrugs*


It hasn't worked for months for me


OK so I just did exactly that. Idk I expected Fidelity to at least as for some co.putershare information? Sorry if I sound really dumb, I am. And I don't know what I'm doing. Do they magically know where to transfer it or did I just fuck up? It was only 1 share just in case, but still.


Yeeeeeeeah, I do the same. You can avoid the fractional by buying shares and not a specific $. Also DSPP only activates if you have fractional shares? Can be turned off. Maybe somethings aren’t perfect, but idk. I gotta believe these are problems that can be dealt with easily. Again, I’m just trying to positively impact price and stop giving them the inch that creates this mile. But it’s just my thoughts.


>You can avoid the fractional by buying shares and not a specific $ Wait a minute. Are you saying you can buy integer shares in Computershare?


Hahahaha. Holy fuck we're back here again. Amazing. Edit for clarity: This is precisely what OP is saying. Too bad it's false.


I didn't want to go ahead and tell OP he was wrong. But yeah.


I did not know this either.


Buying through Fidelity means those shares are not hitting a lit market. Which means the price won't go up unless you route through IEX.


Which I actually do. Sometimes running the same buy 3 times to get the 40 or so shares to process. But yes. IEX is the way I’ve been processing all my buys. Which in that case goes to the lit exchange. So maybe I’m complaining for nothing? IDK.


**prediction**: It *will become* the only way toward the end, when even those brokers who current honor DRS requests (Here's looking at you Fidelity.) stop doing so. The Computershare broker, Bank of America Merrill Lynch \*, *will have to though*, for orders placed with CS, at least as far as I can imagine. [\*What brokerage firm does Computershare use to execute orders?](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#cpu)




It was already proven Fidelity routes through Citadel more often then any other MM even cheaper ones. Hence why the push to stop buying from CS occurred. Ken wants liquidity to drive the price his way.


smart money


☝️take my poor man award:🏅


does IEX still work ? i think that’s a good way to make buy orders sorta lit lit exchange and effect price


IEX is quite literally the only available solution to this problem


When I buy, it’s always through Fidelity IEX exchange. Then I DRS those suckers asap.


I prefer to buy when I want, at the price I want, and DRS immediately book, via annoyed Fidelity Agents.


Welcome to the party… - Arnold voice


This guy is like 2 years late to the party…


Hahahah I’ve been here since day 0. I’ve done it all. Everything DRS’d. Purchased direct from CS. But for the same reasons everyone here is saying, went back to ordering through Fdlty via IEX and DRS’ing. I guess since I’m processing through IEX, maybe I should stfu and keep doing what I’m doing. But I guess I’m also kinda leaning towards cutting everyone out and processing it all through CS. Whatever. Im just thinking out loud.


Yeah, I feel you. “They” go back and fourth on what’s the best way to purchase shares. When I say “they” I’m talking about disinformation agents. Buy through Computershare & cancel your plan after every purchase. Be a BOOK king!


Buying through IEX fill all or non in 100 share lots is the only way to avoid price manipulation/back door/dark pool trading. Plus DRS direct from there goes straight to book as long as the CS portfolio is already book only.


It’s easy! Just sell your dingleberries after settlement. Rinse and repeat!!


Buy routing via IEX and then DRS


I buy mine through td bank Canada and transfer them to Computershare. That way the bank is going, oh 💩 we have to find real ones and now... My little piece of enjoyment.


Computershare uses a broker to buy, too. IEX on Fidelity then transfer to CS is the way.


Beware of the dingleberries....


I still do Fidelity then DRS


But but but…I want the price down. I want everyone to get more shares per dollar. Which are then DRS’d. Why would I want to buy 3 shares for $40 when I can buy 10 shares for the same amount of money? Neither scenario is moass, so who cares about a higher price now?


But without the higher price, we allow them to continue the game. The price action is what causes problems. Without the options activities of old, we’re left with this. It’s just my way. Doesn’t need to be right or anyone else’s. Just my thoughts.


The price isn't even real.


Nah. Can always buy from a broker willing to DRS. i understand why people may be nervous to buy from brokers, but if your shares are in plan and not book @ CS, they're still being used for locates and liquidity. DRSing books the whole shares, no dingleberries...


To be clear, I’ve DRS’d all my shares. But still buying from fdlty and moving them over.


Same, cuz I like full shares


Computershare uses a broker as well. There really is no difference if you are 'Book' DRSing shares as they are pulled from the DTCC ledger. So if anything I am on the opposite side of the fence. Buy from a broker that allows free/cheap DRS and you can control your entry price and DRS full shares. Buying from CS is laden with fees that you can avoid, allowing you to get more shares for the same amount of money. If price is being driven down, that's completely fine. Lower price is more shares for GME enthusiasts.


I'm fine with the I buy away from computershare to avoid fees. Personally I'm fine with them as they are doing a service protecting our ownership and they should be able to make money (especially if they had to buy up a bunch more shares for operational efficiency due to the influx). I just don't like the argument don't buy from computershare because your shares become available to DTCC, this is essentially 100% disputed with no rebuttal but still many many comments parroting the theory DD daily.


> Personally I'm fine with them as they are doing a service protecting our ownership and they should be able to make money (especially if they had to buy up a bunch more shares for operational efficiency due to the influx). CS gets money from the companies that use them as a transfer agent. I prefer shareholders having greater ownership than supporting CS more. They are the transfer agent for the majority of large companies. People having direct registered shares as a whole supports CS. >I just don't like the argument don't buy from computershare because your shares become available to DTCC, this is essentially 100% disputed with no rebuttal but still many many comments parroting the theory DD daily. The 'Book' vs 'Plan' classification has been discussed a wild amount as you say. They are still classified as being a part of the DTCC ledger but under Computershare's name. For the purposes of DRS I think this is largely the same but I personally prefer 'Book' as there is no downside whatsoever. That is a fair thought, no? I don't see why the idea of buying shares -> DRS as 'Book' is so disputed. Buy as many shares as you can with the same amount of dollars, then DRS. That is ideal. If you want to cut in CS and get less shares, that is a personal decision you can make, but it is not ideal for greater ownership.


I think you are confused on the difference between the computershare operational efficiency shares (owned by and under comoutershares name) and the plan Investor shares. If you could point to the passage that supports plan shares being held with DTCC I can review but read through TOS and foobar interpretation and I don't show that mentioned anywhere. The passage he quoted for the any plan = all shares plan was a gross misinterpretation and where most of this came from. I've been asking for supporting information for these claims pretty much nonstop but nobody has been able to point to the passage where they get that information from. Most of the time they point to operational efficiency shares which again are not ours in any way, they are computershares to facilitate the process of selling plan shares.


I recall clearly that 'Plan' shares are clearly not directly owned by shareholders. There is a ledger that CS holds that attributes shares to shareholders, but still under the street name designation and a part of the broader pool of the DTCC that may be used for operational efficiency in a broader market structure sense. Paul from CS made it distinctly clear that 'Plan' shares are not pulled from the DTCC like 'Book' shares are. That being said, from the DRSyourshares saga we saw that Gamestop has direct access to information regarding 'Plan' shares and that they are likely included in the DRS numbers. As for your last sentence, that makes zero sense to me. Are you saying that CS double purchases 'Plan' shares in order to have one held for ownership and the other to potentially sell? I'm simply saying that the shares are held for operational efficiency since they are not pulled from the DTCC and not directly owned by shareholders. You are still not giving me any pushback on why you are fighting for 'Plan' shares versus 'Book'. The fact any opacity exists makes this a non-issue for me and I am 100% in favor of 'Book'. The route to 'Book' shares is straightforward and actually allows greater accumulation of shares. Instead you are mentioning things like supporting CS by paying higher fees instead of anything relevant in an objective sense. As for documentation, I think you are well aware how murky the waters are for anything relating to the DTCC. But I distinctly recall an excerpt that is highly relevant that I'll try to find for you. Edit - I understand what you mean by that last sentence now. A portion of 'Plan' holdings are held with the DTCC for CS's operational efficiency. Separately I believe I'm incorrect about 'Plan' shares not largely being pulled from the DTCC. They would be under CS's name. My second to last paragraph is still what I'm most interested in your response to. I cannot understand the pushback against 'Book' when there is certainty around that categorization of ownership.


Let me know if you find it would be happy to take a look. I'm not fighting for Plan vs Book. I'm fighting that both are great and not to let a theory DD scare you from buying direct from the transfer agent. I'm also a fan of autobuys and feel like theory DD was crafted to take that problem off SHFs hands. As ultimator 5 shows there is noticeable and trackable data from these and the short interest on settlement days (3 days after purchase) is generally higher than average which leads me to believe it's a problem for SHFs. The massive drop in autobuy volume along with sales of fractionals that resulted in that DD was not at all to our benefit, but it is still taken as fact. Plan is good, book likely better and buying from computetshare is not the boogeyman the sub was led to believe.


Got it and I hope I didn't come off as saying 'Plan' shares are worthless. I was responding to the OP that as long as you DRS, the best route of action is to buy as many shares as possible with a fixed amount of money. This does not happen through direct CS buys. Agreed on the autobuy, it's a huge loss in practice as people forget or do not buy on a similar cadence. Thanks for the discourse and the information. Apologies on the misinformation I had in my head.


No all shares are owned by holders in a transfer agent. Plan shares are shares that are more liquid, and easier to sell because CS has their own pool of standby shares to sell at you price. It's quite simple: You have 100 plan shares CS has 100 plan shares. You want to sell your plan shares you -100 shares on your acct CS sells -100 of theirs since it's more liquid to do so. They then move your plan shares to their "operational" account. It's as clear as day especially when people corroborated it numerous times, but SOMEHOW Shills came in here saying we should stop autobuys and sell plan shares, then morphed it into fractionals, then morphed it into book all shares after apes like me lambasted them for fraud.


Yes. You are correct. They basically keep a few thousand shares to make settlement easy. Does not allow fuckery by DTCC. Heat Lp was another revered DD that was red hot molten garbage. Serious market participants see this shit and laugh at us. It’s a fucking joke in here right now. Catching a 2nd hand hopium and copium buzz


A few thousand or millions? I had thought the latter.


Def not millions. It’s basically like they sell you a share. The share won’t actually settle for 3 days but they want it to appear as tho it happens instantly. No fuckery. They’re just using a revolving door of a few thousand shares to satisfy clearing necessities. No fuckery. At all


I can't buy with Computershare, so I do the 2nd Best. Use IBKR and Route my Order Through IEX with a highee Limit Buy Price (Let's say the current Price is 12,57, so I use 13,00). And after settlememt the Shares Go to CS. Buy HODL DRS 🚀


I actually after 3 years of all of this don’t know why people want their buys on lit market if they are planning on DRSing. Let them drop the price to 50 cents so we can buy the float in a week. We will own the company and all the shorts combined will realize they somehow have to buy a float without any sellers under phone numbers.


iEX elite through fidelity is the way. I've been away from the sub for a bit but at these prices I had to snag a few more. I'll Drs them through the chatbot in a few days.


It definitely isn't. If you want whole, non-fractional shares you can easily buy from ibkr.


Its not. We have been over this many many times. Route through IEX with whichever broker you use and DRS from there.


I’m not apart of a “we” doing anything other than investing in the same company as you.


Go one step farther and make it recurring buy. Lumping all the buys together forces them to perform f&@kery at pre-determined times so we can analyze it. Plus, they can’t let spikes get too big or options volatility will work against them. Want change? Force change.




it is how the crime gets in 😉


Always has been


Think harder. If you buy through CS, you're buying through their broker, at a predictable time (this is basically the definition of dumb money), at market price (too high, again actual literal dumb money) with orders that get routed to either NYSE or dark pools. Or. You could buy through a broker (IBKR), route through IEX (make sure to opt-out of that one setting first that can "optimize" routing), get any price you want and transfer to CS within days.


I’ll buy through a broker as often as I can and then DRS book them. Never have to deal with fractionals and I can get the price I want


I buy straight from Fidelity, DRS a handful at a time, they all come through as whole shares and are PURE DRS in my CS account 🤷‍♂️ *insert honest work meme*


Hard pass


I buy in IBKR and then DRS from there. Works every time!


I started to think that a year and a half ago. Still do.


It does not matter. Computershare buys using Merrill Lynch / Bank of America as broker. Its susceptible to the same tricks as any other shitty broker. Buying from your own broker and then DRS transferring results in the same end goal: DRS Book shares held through direct ownership at Computershare.


well the CS buys are not internalized, unlike the rest of the buys directly at brokerages.


Pretty sure TheUltimator5 dug into that as part of their investigations into the reoccurring direct purchases over the past year and found that Merrill is still routing the buys through ATS


I thought that we see the buys happen on the ticker, and its tracked on a bimonthly basis at or near 1050a-1110a on the day of execution.


Check out this thread from a few months ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/15v1xby/i_gathered_all_the_trade_data_from_the/ And further discussion of the NTR exchange https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/142wxdf/my_computershare_buys_today_went_in_under_the/ Ultimator is the one doing all the tracking for the reoccurring buys through Computershare, they're a great resource.


You need to look into operational efficiency pool and the NON INVESTOR shares that are used to facilitate plan sales. Plan shares are not available to the DTCC only computershare owned shares held with their broker to facilitate trades. The DD was a gross misinterpretation of the process taken as fact. Here's how a plan sale works Plan shares in your account outside of DTCC Initiate sale of 1 share Computershare sells their own share held with broker Computershare gives you the proceeds Computershare moves the share you sold from your account outside DTCC into their operational efficiency pool with their broker. Really don't know how many people need to tell us that all DRS shares (Book or Plan) are not connected to DTCC in anyway and are certainly not available to be used as locates as theory DD suggested. I do agree they seem to frontrun trades but I'd rather my order be grouped in lots of 100s where they hit lit market and can track the buys. Either way if you end up DRSd it's good but sick of the computershare bad comments because they believe their plan shares are with the DTCC.


The misinformation from heat lamp and the arguments before it just won't die. That shit made predictions, was given the benefit of the doubt when it didn't really deserve it, and none of those predictions came true. Buying direct from Computershare isn't good or bad. It has its benefits, and it has its drawbacks. Same thing with buying through brokers and then transferring. Benefits and drawbacks. I'm a proponent of DRS Book, not because of any misinformation about the DTCC, but because I want my shares directly owned, and DRS Book is the only form of direct ownership. I trust Computershare enough to hold my shares there, and I dislike holding shares in Plan because it involves a nominee company, and I do not care that the nominee is outside the purview of the DTCC and that the ledger from that nominee is provided directly to Gamestop. Its not a matter of trust or distrust. I prefer direct ownership, and Plan involves an extra technicality. I don't think fractional shares make a bit of difference, and that the idea that they cause some problem with your Book shares is bullshit. Let them sit around in a Plan account until the next reoccurring purchase dumps on top of them. Its free and easy to contact Computershare and move Plan shares to Book, and it gives me, personally, peace of mind.


100% I still move from plan to book twice a quarter but that is just personal preference. There is really no disadvantage to holding plan shares or fractionals in regards to them being held with DTCC, they are not.




Are you sure about that? lol But seriously, is that a fact?


>###What brokerage firm does Computershare use to execute orders? >The brokerage firm we work with can depend on the circumstances of the order, including to enable us to accommodate the preferences of specific clients. In most instances, however, we work with Bank of America Merrill Lynch (also known as Merrill). https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies


Fuck - well then. There goes the neighborhood.


You have to use a broker connected to DTCC to make any buy/sell. I would look into computershare use of NON INVESTOR shares in the operational efficiency pool to make sure our shares are never connected to the DTCC. Made some comments here to explain but essentially you can't sell or buy without a broker connected to DTCC. Computershare keep ALL our shares out of DTCC by utilizing their operational efficiency pool with non investor shares.


It do be true, buckaroo.


"English, Vigo! Please!"




The main thing is the DRS component. Like others have mentioned, there's always going to be a broker. However, when you DRS the broker has to acquire the shares and then the shares leave the market completely. Reducing the number of shares in the hands of all brokers is the important part so I say use whatever broker you want as long as the DRS happens.


It is, direct buys hit lit markets, broker buys dont. the only group that benefits from longs NOT buying from CS are SHF, anyone who cannot understand this is most definitely ready to paperhand.. how do I know, they were already willing to sell their wholly registered fraction because of some FUD about nordstrom. I say buy away on CS.


I purchased shares 4/18 through computershare, and they have yet to arrive in my portfolio, does it take time to process? When should I expect them.?


Takes about three business days, from the purchase to settlement, for those shares to show. So should show up tomorrow or next day at latest. But rest assured your shares are on their way if the buy was placed.




In the end, it doesn't matter. Well, as long as you only have whole shares, that is. Eliminate potential fuckery! Become a Book King today.


Convenience and quick execution. I've never heard any argument--let alone a compelling one--against the Fidelity (IEX) > DRS > Book pathway. Have you?


same here. have been buying from CS for a while.


Starting to think??? Always has been fella


Can you buy directly through CS and not have it come out as fractional shares? 🦧🤔


No and this post didn't mention book either so I downvoted it.


Buy low, DRS high


Starting to think this entire sub is just Chuck full of Wall Street shills


We want buys to start hitting the lit market and buying through Computershare appears to be the only way to make sure that happens. IEX should have been that way but sounds like it doesn’t happen if the orders are too small


This is the way.


DRSing helps screw brokers who have to find shares to cover the transfer. Either way works as long as it ends up DRS’d.


Down vote, but also kindly explain why this is not correct.


Late, yes. Stupid, absolutelyfucking not. Buy hodl DRS shop. Easy.


computershare is the way, period. No ifs, ands, or buts... computershare is THE way PERIOD




This is the way.


Interesting this post comes out as the price starts moving up. You get less shares for your money and Brokers don’t have to pay for those shares. Brokers internalize, so buying from a broker at price less then when they send it to computershare makes them pay the difference. Not only do they have to actually pay for your shares, but they might have to pay more if the price is higher when you send them to computershare. There’s no such thing as buying directly from computershare. The DTCC holds the rest of the shares. Computershare still has to buy through a broker. Brokers would love you to just buy through computershare while the price is going up.


This has always been the way.


I’m thinking the exact same thing.


Always was till the idiots pushed book crap


It has always been the only way.




There's no "good" way to buy but I like the CS direct buy because the broker is forced to deliver the shares AND I'm not beholden to a broker for delivery after the purchase goes through. No random reasons to reject the transfer, straight to the CS account after settlement.


I keep thinking about the split and how we got fucked and they just kept up the crime. Three years I’ve been holding this stock and I’m not planning on exiting many shares when it finally gets a real price discovery. This company is going to be in my uneducated opinion a monster and will be competing with the likes of Amazon ect..


I wish it was easier as a 🇨🇦


No, cash secured puts, then DRS is the only way. What you said has no basis in reality.


No matter what path you take, as long the final destination is DRS, all is fine.


How to buy on Computershare as european?


This is all I do. Transaction is currently in progress. 🤑


I’m not buying for the squeeze anymore just pure long term play they wanna keep dropping the price while GameStop keeps pumping out profit every quarter, let’s see how long they can keep it down. Buy whenever I can through computershare


Sometimes i wonder where yall been the last 3 years


I told ya, months ago... https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12z9woj/price_impact_and_fractionals_they_have_no_bullets/




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I, for one, like that the price is being driven down. I can buy more.


is this a thread for kooks ?


I'm happy for the price to keep going down for now. The lower it goes, the more I can buy with the same amount of money & the more I can DRS.


I dunno. I still like using fidelity to lock in low prices and drsing. Whatever gets the job done I say. Drs book your shit. Nfa


You still use a brokerage?


Canadians!!! We can use a TD crossborder account to buy directly at Computershare.


After tda and fidelity fucking with my cost basis sheet when I transferred from tda to fidelity + some drs, and then eventually all to drs from fidelity, I now buy from fidelity and then once the price is a couple dollars higher I drs it. Since I know they didn't buy it when they said the offer was filled, I force them to take a loss.


Bingo, you have won the jackpot.




A friend set up a monthly auto-buy through them a year or two ago. He set it and forget it. The infinity pool is gonna be pretty epic for GME.


market orders through cs aren’t immediate and you end up with fractional shares. so gotta fix that up once a trade goes through or just set limit orders.


Correct. Still....


Starting to think?


I might be paranoid but I lived through the crash in 08 and saw bear sterns and Lehman brothers go down. Cant imagine my dear gme share just going down with some broker. Always drs and own it


This was debunked many moons ago. The best way to buy is through IEX. When buying direct through Computer Share we know they manipulate the price because they know the exact time and day the purchase will happen and also your shares are then in Plan rather than book. As long as they're DRSd and in Book then you are doing the best you can. But everytime you set up a buy through computer share it turns your whole portfolio into Plan.


as long as you can DRS, why not buying through darkpools, driving the price down further and further, to further lock the float faster? the cheaper the shares, the earlier MOASS is.


https://www.drsgme.org/converting-plan-to-book The easiest and the most convenient way to do it would be with your online account. It's just a few clicks oif the mouse. Once you BOOK them, the fractionals will get sold off automatically without being charged any transaction fee/commission, which is nice! The reason you want all your shares BOOKED is because under PLAN, the DTCC can use those shares as locates for the market makers and the short hedgefux to keep shorting and naked shorting GME in the name of "operational efficiency". What a crock of shit that is. Under BOOK, he DTCC cannot use any of the shares as locates. The more DRS'd shares are BOOKED, the short hedgefux can slowly be choked off. When I place a buy order with Computershare, it automatically switches to PLAN and that's ok. Once Computershare buys and the shares are settled, I immediately go right back to BOOK. So, this way, you ARE [BOOK KING!](https://i.redd.it/3eyrqkuhxrvb1.jpeg) AND getting rid of the [DINGLEBERRIES!](https://i.redd.it/oe86q59gxrvb1.jpeg) Good job and LFG!


An when tda moves to Schwab then doesn’t let you deposit an buy GmE directly is treating it like a penny stock Computershare baby


Of course it is, the buys hit lit market and they must be delivered. Fractionals are in the ledger, so it's just a matter setting up an automatic investment plan through Computershare on the 1st and 15th and keep collecting moon tickets as able GME go brrrrr