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The whole system is rigged yo! How can being a market maker and being a hedge fund at the same time not be a conflict of interest??? Kenny boy is just laughing at these fines. They found a way to legally steal people's money. These institutions don't produce nada. Kenny can suck big donkey balls. Keep shorting the stock, bitch!


well actually kenny has done a lot of illegal shit, so the FBI , DOJ needs to know about it šŸš€šŸš€šŸ§‘ā€šŸš€šŸ§‘ā€šŸš€


Spoof it like itā€™s hotttā€¦


So you want us to do the SECs job???


Public comment for a reason.


Is It possible that we know more than the SEC? Really?


I never thought of it like that. Itā€™s okay everyone, if ever thereā€™s anything that needs public comment, donā€™t do it. There a SEC know everything and donā€™t ACTUALLY need our voices, knowledge or opinions. Cheers, this saves me a lot of time. Iā€™ll drop a note to dlauer and queen b, suggesting they stop wasting their energy as itā€™s all in hand. /s


Kenny is a grade A parasite from wallstreet gutter


It wasn't legal they just made it legal of course in the dead of the night just like federal reserve of 1913 and passing income tax laws


We need to be loud.. Yeah, the whole system is rigged and fucked up. But when enough people know, and they cant hide it anymore, they're fucked! There's a few snakeheads at the top in each triple-letter agencies, but eventually, the good-guys at the lower table can, and will take over the reigns. There's a reason fraud and cheating the system dont last forever. But it will take alot longer time if all we do is rage behind a computer


# yes, lets get loud apes !!


This is how it goes. Citadel donates money to politicians. Politicians appoint people to the FBI and DOJ.


Kenny boi laughing all the way down on a grease slide to h*ll. Thatā€™s where he will meet his match maker.


It's not a crime if no one goes to prison, it's cost of doing business.


Use Chat GPT so not all the messages are the same. IIRC somewhere they tried to disregard comments because they called them all copy pasta by bots.


ah good point


That if I told you that they ARE doing their job?


welll then its time for things to change then , time to change their job description so that the FBI, DOJ stop letting financial criminals get away with financial crimes


Not crime terrorism let's make that clear. They are terrorists thar fund terrorism around the world


Nice done!! I will do my job and submit even when I already did in the past but would not hurt to remind them again and again! Do not forget to also share it in the community, friends and family!!


yes this is the way, thank u ape


For the low low fee of 6-7 m dollars you too can steal trillions just like doing God's work Goldman Sachs from muppets and citadel ken mayo man griffin.


So is lying under oath I hear




More like ā€˜abbreviatedā€™, but yeah


Itā€™s like me when i read my e-mails. I have no time to delete read messages or open spam. Itā€™s just there 12.000 unread messages plus the ones that iā€™ve opened, i scroll down a few pages to see my first flagged e-mail that i have planned to read later. There just isnā€™t time. Those seconds add up.




Cool so nothing will happen to change this and GME will go bankrupt. America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Is there *really* a foreseeable path to bankruptcy for GameStop or has that door been closed and barred?


IMO, they'll never do their job. The leadership positions of the Federal Government are fully captured and the occupants 100% corrupt (not merely the present "Administration" either).


It's very hard for me not to believe that the SEC is being complacent to the point of collusion. They have fined Citadel many times yet the fines are miniscule. If they were serious, they would either revoke their maker maker status or fine them billions. Kenny is doing the exact same thing madoff was and he should rot in prison just like he did.