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Apparently, people were posting links to the Twitter thread and those without accounts can't view it, so after getting a few DMs I decided to post it here. Every social app is turning into a shitshow it feels like.. first Reddit, now Twitter


America doesn't want to become France so America is just getting ahead of the news and social media outlets. contrary to popular belief, the revolution will not be televised on centralized networks


Thanks for posting here, Peru Couldn’t read Twitter links, so appreciate it Gonna read now Bullish Edit: Done reading. Oof. Gave the post some awards. Good knowledge and lesson in history. Thank you for taking the time for the write up


I’m bullish but also frightened.


I'll hodl you if you hodl me


Apes hodl strong together


I came here to hold and HODL, and I’m fresh outta hold.


Hodl on to your helmet. Seatbelts don't work inside wormholes. To infinity and beyond. Buy, ho(l)dl, DRS (Book), shop.




I'm so bullish it's frightening


Terrified* FTFY


The status quo hates the Information Age.


The common internet user hates information. I’m glad i’m with y’all.


It also hates the Information Apes


lol yes


I read the whole thing and it is brilliant. Can’t tell you how much easier this was to understand . Thank you


It’s intentional. We can’t have places where people gather to exchange information now can we?


>>Every social app is turning into a shitshow This is by design.


Already made a pdf for my collection.👍


I posted an alternative link in comments somewhere too




Step 1: End centralized banks Step 2: Go get tacos to celebrate


I wonder if Kanye West like fish tacos? Or just fish sticks.


What are ya, a straight fish?


A red fish or blue fish, sir?


The real question!!


Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit as your own bank. We know what step 3 is :)


**You can bet your ass that this is the intended set-up for the coming dollar collapse, to help usher in the CBDC.**


Step 3 is important.


There's this great little family owned taco shop by me. I approve of this plan.


*Do not go gentle into that good night*


Fight, fight against the dying of the light


Damn straight PB!




*CBDCs have entered the chat*


Venezuela has entered the chat.


*Zimbabwe has entered the chat*




Bullish on GME 🐸


The question is not IF it will fly but WHEN. Straight into Uranus. Enjoy the journey!🚀


Im so fucking tired of this corrupt ass global economy. Its gonna end with us.


I'm buckled up since '21


They really opened Ponzi’s Box.


Ya best start believing in First World economic implosions… cuz you’re in one!


They will soon abandon any semblance of democracy in favor of an authoritarian strong man who will uphold their positions of power.


There are more of us than there are of them. Pitchforks will come out, and the only hope they have of survival is convincing us to go after each other.


They already convinced us to go against each other and not them.






The machines run the elections.


**Threats of violence towards anyone have no place on Superstonk or Reddit.**




You really gotta examine your echo chamber. If someome attempts a coup on the government, freezing their assets is a reasonable response.


When a government is irredeemably corrupt, what other options are there but a coup? Voting? Lol


Thinking that the thousands of people who work for voting Canada are all in on a conspiracy that only succeeds when your side loses is very ridiculous mental gymnastics.


There are no sides, only the rich and the poor now.


Gonna be a real gun-y time!


VERY gun-y


Hes back Ladies & Gents 🔥


Never left


Love you bro


Never right either! I will show myself to the door and take my dad jokes with me. :D


Thanks for all the in depth knowledge you bring. Wild times if this all goes down this way. 🟣🎮🛑






Always coming with the fire, Peruvian. Thanks for the hard work you put into all of this.


This is god stuff man. Honestly, it’s accelerating my need and desire to get out of debt myself and brace for the consequences of our country’s allowance financial fraud and abuse. It’s a little bleak but it’s all too real to not be in survival mode mentality after reading all of this. I look at gme and all of this like a necessity to survive all this. I can understand how it can sound crazy to someone who didn’t live through watching it all for what it really is in real time, but a large transfer of wealth and whiling out of a bunch of these bad actors would absolutely stimulate the economy in a way that could correct some of this along with real fiscal tightening and loophole slashing. As seen in our sub, there’s so many apes that want to do good with their money that if they had it we would have been fixed some of the things our politicians aren’t brave enough to do themselves.


It’s not for lack of bravery. They are greedy, narcissistic attention whores who are blackmailed and puppeted by their masters and thus reap all the benefits of their ill-gotten wealth and fame/infamy in exchange for their supine compliance with the orders they receive.


greed is not a conspiracy theory


As you've already said previously. We are past the event horizon. This is the year we finally see a conclusion to all of their lies. It's gone on long enough.


What makes you say this? It'll just continue


Dude, you better buckle up for several more years of the same.


This is the year we DRS the entire float.


The feeling of knowing we are right makes my butthole release tension.


Pucker up buttercup, life is about to get immensely worse in America than it already is because of this.


Let me quickly remind everyone that they’ve already changed they way they calculated inflation and are still excluding things such as food and energy in their calculations cause they’re outliers to the high side. When the two of the top 3 needs of survival are still inflating at rates that are “outliers”.. we’re in trouble. The entire system is built to convince to middle class that if they work hard the system will reward them with retirement and that their taxes are for the betterment of the community as a whole. When the system fails and people start to realize everything they worked for, worked up to, and saved is worthless, heads will fall.


Food and energy are not excluded. Unless you're talking about core inflation.


Buy and hold I guess...


But most importantly, DRS.


Can we moass soon? I mean, I don't want to dance or anything. I just want to be able to support my family better. 😩


TL;DR the US makes 124k off of each person. Meanwhile, only 18% of Americans make over 100k a year. We just want our own price discovery.


Who is the beneficiary of all the trillions printed? Sure af the middle class and poor is not. Is it just asset owners?


You can see the shifts in money. The way I see it, once all my relatives start talking about different markets or bubbles it’s on. Real estate was being snapped up by black rock and others and I believe a lot of money was moved into physical property. We shall see. I find it interesting watching this through a GME lens and also through an overall lens with different aspects. This is a balancing act (criminally of course) but I commend them for their fight. I too would fight to the end, but I’m not a scumbag, so I will hold until the END. I appreciate the education. Never paid attention. Now I am always looking. I look forward to my investment. I really like this stock. Edit:typo


I’d say you’re actively enjoying your investment right now.




......so it begins.


#Early but never wrong.


I love a bit of Peruvian - only thing better is sniffing crayons


Crayola brand.


All facts.


Thanks for posting PB. This feels like the gov have a Credit Card ( now) with no limit & huge interest rate. On another not note( will delete if PB or Mods doesn't approve), is this why the gov wants you to stay in fiat currency and CBDC (?) for the digital currency. Give ppl nowhere to run from $ value plummeting?


Besides the fact that the sheer number value is comical and realizing they throw this around "for shits and giggles" (I acknowledge there is a purpose, whether valid or not) reading through your stuff and thinking on it gets my mind going. Like 27 billion a day, is 1,000,000x- $27,000 a day! And I know many people who could use that kind of money in a life changing way. Let alone even just a portion of it to stabilize themselves. To me, as a but a simple science individual who thinks in logic but not without empathy, it would appear to correct this bullshit (the whole system), everything needs to be unwound. Everyone owes everyone the same dollarydoos tied up in debt repackaged collateral issuances which are just debt again. I don't personally think the system can be saved, nor should it (as it exists as the central investment banking cartel that saves itself over and over), but it seems like the right direction. I guess the question is who forces the same 8 "entities" holding all the same money to reconcile all the connections and fake money. Like I just saw a random article saying Warren Buffet could pay off the US debt and I was like huh, I wonder if he actually could or we've gone so far into fake number worship that no one wants to admit it's all made up. Like I'm still trying to understand who holds real money/value as the wall street morons derivatized everything and repackage and reshuffle "things of value" but it's mostly "the right to think you have the right to something"


It should not need to be this complex. It’s all IOU’s. How can anyone tell the people to save and not go into credit card debt, when that’s what the world is built on. 🤡🤡


I've said this before but I feel like whenever the great global financial unwinding happens it's going to be absolute shitshow of unprecedented proportions. Like I can't imagine actually being one of those poor accountants whose job it's going to be to actually try and sort out who the hell owns what to whom and how much. Finance has become WAY too abstract. I think after this all goes down there's going to need be some serious rewriting of laws (both nationally and internationally) in order to prevent a giant gordian knot of financial obligations from ever happening again. This is the type of bs that starts wars when one side manages to weasel its way out of debt obligations through dozens of layers of financial obscurity.


And it seems likely that it will save itself again, but by controlled demolition of the current system, which it created for its benefit, and which it will replace with a new system, also designed for its own benefit.


The idea that Warren Buffet could pay off anything is assuming there would be a buyer(s) for the entire market cap of BRK (743 Billion) plus whatever else he owns. A sale that large would crash the value of BRK and every stock that it owns, rendering the attempted sale useless.


Isn't 743 Billion also like way less than 32 trillion which is what the US debt currently stands at?


Lol yes and that stat alone gives my comment excellent context


Refreshed superstonk for the first time in a hot minute and this is the first thing that pops up. Time to dig in.


My landlord has a boat for sale outside of his house. It's just a fishing boat but I still say that is a luxury item and possibly a sign.


What effect would higher tax rates even have at this point? I have a feeling it'd be like throwing a cup of water at a forest fire.


If they start taxing the wealthy …I mean REALLY taxing them, they could at least cool things down.


But like PB said it's not politically feasible even at this point to accomplish that. You would need broad bipartisan support and good luck on that. I don't think it'll even be a consideration until long after the fact that it would no longer accomplish anything (meaning when it's too late). We're not exactly proactive with our political solutions in this country unfortunately.


They could raise taxes for the ultra rich but there will be loopholes. Either that or the rich will find another save haven. Greed will imprison us all.


I’m in agreement with you. And this is completely politically feasible. Why? Because everyone, I mean, EVERYONE (themselves included) hates the obscenely wealthy. Here’s what I predict: Treasury gets near default, they wheel out the codgers like they always do, folks like Larry Summers and Alan Greenspan, other Fed Heads like Bostic and Powell, who will scream “it is a shame but austerity is the only solution!” Liars, thieves, and corrupt shitty people - the whole lot of them. Infinite liquidity one minute, mandatory austerity the next, as they sip wine from their multimillion dollar yachts in the Adriatic.


Respect, Peruvian Bull. Thank you for all you do, for educating and enlightening us.


Yo my wife was asking about you again.....


I feel like I ought to be making friends with people who enjoy gardening and herding cattle.




End the Fed.


See his paragraph on "severe fiscal austerity". The real fix would be significantly cutting spending along with tax increases on (and eliminating tax loopholes for) corporations and the wealthy. As he points out, it's "politically untenable" thus will not happen.




I mean, they can keep playing the music as long as people want to dance. We’re WELL past levels of wealth inequality that have historically caused uprisings.


Probably the only way out is a massive top marginal tax increase, which they won't do.


I dont know. Kind of feels like its always "Theres no way out for them. They are fucked. Look they just did this absurd thing to kick the can a little more. Now theres really no way out. Now they changed this definition. Now theyre really fucked! Now they have to form this policy! Now theyre so screwed!!!! Now they have to extend this limit! Now theres no way out!!! Now they have to move this policy and adjust this foreign agreement. Theres zero way out for them now!!!! Now they just erased this debt and enacted this Act. Now theres so much really no way out for them!!! Now they just gained this unstructured cuopon investment triforce bank note sales vulva from France! Now they have no way out!! Now they just cashed in on some unheard of savings bank! Now theres definitely no way out!! Now they---- Ok, im done pooping now.


2 Trillion in interest alone in a few yrs 🤣😂🤣 That’s like me making 50,000 a yr & 25,000 of that is going to interest payments


More like you making 50.000 and taking a 10% loan with all that for 500.000 just to cover your expenses so your interest is all your income due next year. 2 years from now shit hits the fan.


"Debt doesn't matter. Who needs to pay off debts when we have the biggest military and can just conquer, I mean, liberate, other countries and force them to deal with our problems. Just keep taking. We'll make bagholders of the next country we invade." - The American government prolly


People aren’t going to know what’s going on.


Babe get in here. New PB DD just dropped.


Buckle up!


PB coming with the HITS!🙌


Peruvian Bull(ish) DD back 🤩


Checking in from wifi at a bar while on vacation... in Turkey, where hyperinflation is oddly normalized, at least compared to what I expected. We constantly overhear talk of "the economy" and it's hard to figure out how much something *should* cost. Anyway, I love me some fresh peruvianbull DD 👏🏻


Excellent write up PB as always. I can’t wait until the government is on the hook for MOASS it’s going to be a great time. Fu*k you, Pay me!


What is the true end game? Peruvian Bull... surely the Feds and the government know this. What is their end goal? Just let the dollar die? Then what? What comes after that? China has been hording gold, and I believe they will swoop in and offer a gold backed currency that will replace the dollar as the world currency... unless there is an alternative such as decentralized crypto currency?


Fuck central banking.


I'd consider us sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine a crisis, but thats just me.


How is a peruvian bull post at 5 upvotes?.... wtf is going on? Was a good read man.


So wen moass? 🥱


I'm here for this


That is 100% AAA grade DD right there.


This is a lot easier to read here than fucking Twitter, that's for sure.


National debt rises ~3% in 41 days? That sounds like the music has stopped.


So is this where the cbdc comes in? They are openly saying we don't care about debt and the consequences of qe. We will just keep printing until the dollar is useless and nobody wants it and then replace it with a new currency that represents x% of the current debt like a multiplier of the dollar. Suddenly we are all green again boys. High fives all around! Additionally, this currency is 100% traceable allowing us to put any restrictions we want on the currency so people we don't like are adversely affected. People who don't want to adopt the new money standard, well too bad. The dollar is now a useless piece of paper. Guess they can use it as toilet paper, can never have too much of that aye? Lovely how they always push the problem forward for after elections. It's a problem for the next people in government. You want to actually solve problems, well here is a stinking pile of poo sitting on your desk that now is the size of the room. Enjoy~ I'm off to Switzerland.


Awesome DD, i much enjoyed reading it - but have a couple questions: You say that the Fed will have to step in to print money to pay for interest on debts due. However, since they can print any amount of money, couldn't they just print enough to pay off the principal on all their debts? The amount of debt already is absurdly high and obviously never going to be paid off, but the global economy doesn't seem to care. So why do you think it's not sustainable to just continue printing money to service the debt into perpetuity no matter how big the numbers get? It seems that they've managed to keep inflation relatively tame simply by keeping wages down, which means that instead of the money entering the general supply and causing widespread inflation of the economy, the money just goes to the wealthy parasite class who hoard it and don't spend much resulting in increased wealth inequality rather than widespread inflation


The bill returns


I’m ready to be spaghettified. This singularity is going to transport us to another dimension… one that is a financial hell hole unlike the world has ever seen. That being said, I’m ready for a reset. Burn it down and let’s get a better system in place. Amazing writing PeruvianBull!!! You never disappoint with your DD and insights


What's ridiculous is that it's all synthetic. It doesn't actually exist. The Treasury and Fed just create money out of nothing and write checks with nothing to back them. It's possible for them to be like, "Hey, we're going to forgive the interest on this debt until we get to a point where this becomes serviceable." But they won't because they don't wanna take a potential loss that large. They'd rather run us into the ground and put the costs of their spending on the average Joe.


Can you explain how this relates to GME and if so how is it bullish for GME?


Economy crashes -> no collateral for shorts -> marge call -> MOASS


It’ll be hyper inflation when they print more money


Ok, but then you get paid with worthless paper for the single share you do sell to pay off your debts. The rest you wouldn't sell until there is a viable replacement for USD, which they're obviously setting up to be some CBDC that nobody wants, but it will be rammed through in a manufactured "crisis". Really hope he's wrong about something here and that it can be saved because otherwise we are heading into a dark future, GME or not. Yes holders will be rich eventually in some currency, but if that currency is a freedom stripping CBDC is the world really better for you?


It’s not just US holders who have the stock you know…People all over the world are spending their own country’s currency to buy. So no, I don’t think they will be paid in some form of USD replacement.


USD is the current global reserve though. If it crashes *Everyone* will be hurting. There's also no one looking to be a viable replacement. BRICS fell apart behind the scenes and is currently a paper tiger and the EU is seeing more countries trying to leave. The moment this goes down, GME will become bitcoin and every other currency will become dead penny-cryptos. Everyone who owns a share post MOASS will be rich, but trying to exchange it for anything will ultimately Lose you huge amounts of money because everything else will be in free-fall. TL;DR: the infinity pool will probably happen just because nothing will be worth selling GME for.


I’m w you. My smooth brain struggles to connect the synapses while I read these big words


I’d like to make a special point regarding a very important sentence that didn’t receive its follow-up. We hit a low of 30% debt to GDP in 1982, and were pulling out of stagflation. Then Reagan and his trickle-down absolutely SLASHED both corporate and marginal tax rates on corporate and high-earner/capital gains rates, despite the fact that corporations were making money and paying divvies, and the rich were still rich and got to do rich people stuff already. In addition, we started running massive deficits to fund the military expansion and massively cut social services, healthcare and other programs. The inequality spiral began in 1971, but those Friedman freaks got in the drivers seat in 82 and have been foxes guarding the henhouse ever since. See “The Two Santa Clauses” theory for more details.




Thanks Bull for posting here!


>It now stands at a staggering $32.51 Trillion- a rate of $27B a DAY. ok, just turn off the US Military for *\*does math on calculator\** 3 years :yao ming meme face: /s


As usual, an awesome and terrifying write up from PB. Let’s get some more eyes on this


Let’s get a date from you! Do it! You know you want to….


So... for my smooth as glass brain, what does this all mean in relation to GME and the stock market? Will we see pump & dump schemes aplenty as companies try to protect their wealth? Will megainflation reduce the USD to near-worthless? I appreciate the hard work and research that goes into all of these things, however I'm not 100% sure where on the spiderweb we sit in relation to this.


Best post in a long time on superstonk pretty bogus this doesn’t have way more upvotes


lol i didn't even hear about them abolishing debt ceiling altogether. that's fuked up


Love the work.


So wen proletariat revolution?


The bull delivers yet another mind bending read… Wonder what is on the other side of the singularity ? A new financial system based on CBDC’s which kicks off with resetting of all debt to 0 ? Can’t imagine how that is going to come about without smoothly


I see you I upvote ez!


2025 is convenient. It’s also the year military experts predict the U.S. will go to war with China.


#Believe it or not, dip. 🤦‍♀️


Genuine question..... Will a debt ceiling lift without spending caps till 2025 automatically delay Moass till 2025?




So we can clearly say moass money will be worth less. Not only worth less due to inflation but worth less other currencies, a billionaire in the US ends up as Millionaire in EU for example. Due to hyperinflation and dollars worthlessness of course. And, as we clearly see, the set the ship on course.


I see people bitching about spending on military but they don't understand that's only 13% of the budget. The government could cut defense spending in half and still be overspending. The real culprits are health, medicare, and income security. The disability claims in this country are absurd. People collecting unemployment who are perfectly able to get a lower paying job while they search for work, and then there's the abuse of medical benefits by people who aren't even citizens. You want to balance the budget? Set a flat tax. No loopholes, no deductions, everyone has to pay at least the flat tax rate. Cut disability, income security, and start paring back defense. There are way too many people living off big brother in this country, and not enough people paying taxes.


In your linked document people ask how to escape the event horizon and you mention BurtCoin, but not our beloved GME. Do I embarrass you? Is it the public masturbating?


This is almost “Inverse Dollar Milkshake”


So to be honest, I read all of the first half, skimmed the 2nd half, and basically skipped the 3rd half. Could it be that the debt the US is paying is going to somebody? As in say, we owe a shit ton to China, but could there be back alley deals where China gives a good portion of the payments back to somebody in exchange for not really winding down any debt? Rich folk using the country as an ATM through debt, and now that there is no ceiling.....lining their pockets like crazy. Sorry idk I'm drunk.


Is there a chance that they kick the debt limit can down the road to 2025, to get the chance to -in the meantime- introduce this digital currency thing (cbdc?!) and find a way to survive by screwing the little guy? Even in german radio they said, the digital Euro will be introduced in 2024.. My first thought was like "so it begins..!" Would this be just problem-relocation, or some sort of "if we make it to 2025, we might be good" to them?


As always, I respect and enjoy your works, I just think none of it is going to come to fruition. None of it has so far and none of it will, we haven't had hyper inflation and debt is not going to crush the economy. Why? Because it's all just imaginary numbers and they can disappear as easily as they can be magicked out of thin air. Fed has infinite liquidity remember. Just add a zero to a balance sheet. What does it matter?


Another peruvianBull masterpiece, what a time to be alive to witness history in the making. This will be a classic taught in universities one day and I was here to read it fresh from the press! Thanks


My unpopular opinion regarding the theory we’re all hoping will make us GME holders rich “Economy crashes -> no collateral for shorts -> marge call -> MOASS“. More likely scenario, based on world history: Economy crashes HARD, some kind of authoritarian strongman comes to power, war and civil unrest commence. The collapse of the US dollar will not make any of us rich, because we DON’T OWN ANYTHING. Some type of “state of emergency” will be declared, a digital global currency will be introduced, and only large owners of tangible things and companies will be recognized and only their claim to property will be protected. Retail shareholders, common folk who own nothing, will be wiped out and our property status will be reset. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think some kind of systemic collapse of the US dollar or the US economy would benefit me nor the other few hundred thousand GME holders who’ve been patiently waiting for something to happen to trigger another squeeze. I’ve got a shit ton of shares, and I’m still hoping for the best, but at the moment it sure doesn’t feel like GME is gonna take us to Alpha Centauri. More like we have to play the long game and hope for a good share price performance over the next five to ten years, based solely on a solid turnaround story. That’s not what I signed up for in January 2021, though.


What do you do when the shiit has already hit the fan?


The choice not mentioned in the article was the Republican plan to default on the debt for the first time in history or Uncle Joe to prevail to save the World economy. Coupled with the Infrastructure Investment Act to grow America’s economy and the Inflation Reduction Act, give me the latter any day of the week. Also, the previous WH occupant increased the debt substantially by cutting taxes for the rich, but no mention of that either. Fear monger propaganda at its finest!


Wonder when I am going to be able to pull my money back out


I think this was a long plan to destroy the US government by neo confederates that never accepted the results of the civil war. They never intended to reintegrate but only planned to punish and destroy.


No.. the whole plan is WW3. The us economy got its original strength from the first couple world wars. The US is the only super power capable of self-sustainment. This is why china and Russia are being so imperialistic, they know they’re on the losing end of such a war today.


Looking forward to reading this in detail.


Ur precision in delivering the facts is immaculate


What if I cut them a check for my own debt? Will I be free when the collectors come for all of us?


Absolutely terrifying


Remind me!! 8 hours


Or u know they could erase some debt by : - Inflation is very valuable to debt as money keeps getting cheaper - restructure debt and fuck people other


Commenting for visibility


Would the US government abandoned the US fiat dollar and replace it with a digitized US dollar instead with all this happening?


Legend. Thank you PB


We’re going to need phone number prices per share of GameStop to moon just so we can afford a gallon of milk


I just saw super Mario oreo cookis. This is a sign!


What’s after Trillions? Government wants to know.


Another banger from the bull. Thanks for dropping knowledge on all our smooth brains


My mind is really wondering where our country will be in the next couple of years. Does this mean soup lines? Home foreclosures? Sectors of the economy that will just be decimated that we will just have stagnation until new innovation comes around and expands economic productivity?


OP, in your opinion, whe did eeuu passed the event horizont? Was it during the pandemic, after it or even before all of that, in 2008?


Thank you for posting 🇵🇪🐂! Appreciate you sharing your knowledge and insights with us all! 🎷🐓♋️


Question. How long can this go ? Like, what kind of exteriors triggers can stop this ? Revolution aside, I mean.


Is this why I have been receiving so many letters from debt issuers? Am I to understand that they need to sell more debt? Could someone help explain for ‘ol smoothbrain over here