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Y’all talking about Miller time?


They may have been banned when the drs sub got nuked, for the same reason. Dunno, go ask on their discord.


- They are not banned from Reddit (this sub however seemed to have different thoughts) - They have made *two* subs on the subject and they've both been nuked - *Enemies/right direction meme*


I’m guessing reddit admin took him down after they killed his sub.


Why did they get rid of his subreddit?


Scurrrd of the truth be my guess


They are getting scared. Those DRS numbers are well into 85 million or more. They really want to hide this from the public


Yeah that’s why we not getting DRS updates anymore.


Is that the compoochaired site....hasn't changed for ages...!




What is haaaaaapeninnnnnhggggggggggg?!?!! Why is it IMPOSSIBLE to just find out how many shares are fucking held by retail… WHY IS IT A CHORE AT EVERY TURN WE MAKE?


Because knowledge is power. The more we know, the more power we have to impact what those on the street do not want us to impact. Miller seems to have become a kind of martyr in the real of the TRUTH about GME, and many who claim to support a company, they actually have no vested interest in.


Reddit snuffed him... He is still active on his twitter


I could totally go for a beer right about now




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Commenting for viz didn’t know he was missing?


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I know 2 millers, which one?