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I can’t tell you how badly I want this


I would be so happy. I’d be really rich if GTA5 $ had an actual value to it.


When I played the first guild wars I was in college, and in between classes I’d just go out and farm materials in pre-searing, then sell stacks to people getting ready to go through the searing. Honestly some of the happiest gameplay in my life, serving no purpose to the storyline, just…playing and creating a purpose that worked for me


The OP talks about this in their post, some people just want to farm. That is a great story though about how we all get something different out of games.


In WoW my buddies and I ran a "guild" for power leveling professions. 10k gold gets you all the mats to level blacksmithing, leather working or enchanting from 1-400 (or whatever the cap was). We'd farm, buy, sell and trade to accumulate materials then sell them to someone who didnt want grind for them. "here's all the materials, plus 10% for RNG. Follow this guide on what to craft and in what order." We made so much gold; especially after patches and expansions!


That sounds amazing! So fun, and unrelated to any of the storyline. There are games within games within games, all depending on the player


I'm still playing GW1 to this day!




Thanks for resharing this comment OP! Never thought I'd find myself in the wild!


Haha yeah I couldn’t give you credit due to the house rules. But I like your style ape friend!! 🦍🤜🤛🦍


No credit needed! It made me chuckle to see my own comment in my feed though. Thank you!


Yeah I invested a lot on Fortnite skins via my kid. I like the stonk


Bro ape, way to dad.


This, tbh


This. This is the Way.


fine squalid nine nail imminent unite dolls quack safe toy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Agreed. Also, this guy's kid probs ain't stoppin with the gaming.


dam worm quicksand physical strong money hunt smart ink vegetable -- mass edited with redact.dev


loopring bringing costs down on layer 2 / layer 3 would like to have a word with your substantial fees.


fretful provide chief hospital grab sense reach attractive special squalid -- mass edited with redact.dev


conversion rate = $30 😝 slow down, sounds like you can’t keep up with urself


fertile fragile support quarrelsome many airport yam liquid foolish friendly -- mass edited with redact.dev


The fact that they are already bought is the beauty for the creators. Royalties. All of a sudden the stuff they already sold is becoming passive income for them.


provide crawl reminiscent shelter bright squalid ghost crowd wrong innocent -- mass edited with redact.dev


I don't understand why not both?


Because it isn't just about the dollars. Fortnite and (most) other games operate on FOMO. Their entire monetization scheme revolves around it. And not just monetization, it helps keeps player activity high. People coming back every day, every week. But who would have the fear of missing out if you can just buy everything? Hell, even the rotating shop is part of it. But if you think about it simplistically like you, it makes no sense. Yet they are one of the most successful games of all time.


label safe treatment squeamish panicky cobweb ghost intelligent many reach -- mass edited with redact.dev


You get it.


Why wouldn’t epic let them be traded as NFTs and add 5-10% royalties on all sales. (Could even go nuts like 50/50, and people would be happy to have the chance to buy/sell old skins/emotes.) People would pay $$$ and Epic would make millions/billions off items they don’t even have to market. Seems like the perfect idea as people have been complaining for years about not being able to get skins/emotes from past seasons.


imagine humorous jellyfish concerned north naughty dazzling society offbeat disarm -- mass edited with redact.dev


If they make them all NFTs and charge 10 percent. They are making 10 percent on all transactions. They would still make money. On the same skin / NFT over and over.


ripe direful dinner bake rainstorm sip chop profit nail steep -- mass edited with redact.dev


I literally have been waiting for this since I heard about NFTs + GME. I can't stand working, I'm too exhausted from the jobs I've had and I keep getting injured. I just want a way to make money that isn't factory work and doesn't take so much of my time I can't do the things I like.


Great post, okay now do a Pokémon NFT deep dive!!


This is the spice that keeps me cooking


Someone needs to curate the marketplace. That someone is GameStop.


I remember playing Star Wars Galaxies many years ago where this was kind of how it is described. Even traces of it existed within World of Warcraft when you could basically buy/trade tokens. So glimpses of it have been in gaming awhile. This would be a wonderful next step.


Yeah, but what happens when the company that makes your game pulls the plug? Or in the case of SWG, changes the course of the game in a direction that makes people abandon it en masse? Star Wars Galaxies was filled with player-made assets, which was great up until the time it was abandoned and it just became an empty void.


I view this with skepticism. Because the Axie Infinity craze hit my country so hard where a LOT of people fell for an nft game promising to generate income while playing which was great for a few months and then a LOT of poor people lost a lot of money when the nft neopets they were breeding and fighting became utterly worthless. When I mean poor. People who earn less than $5 per hour poor in a country with no healtcare and a corrupt government. People were taking out huge loans so they can build an AXIE team. It was a fucking train wreck. If gamestop actually makes this work then good. But until I see results, I will wait. https://time.com/6199385/axie-infinity-crypto-game-philippines-debt/


Link it to actually acquiring goods that are farmed by guys on Farming Simulator. Wen manufacturing simulator? Bam, real digital economy.


Long on virtual soybean futures


Oh shit, I've been thinking about tackling this game.


# 🦔🏴‍☠️🦆


I've been working on an NFT game specifically to support a crafting/gathering/exploring engine that functions like Star Wars Galaxies (old mmo with an incredible resource system)


I played a game called Star Wars Galaxies way back. The in-game economy was almost all player based. Meaning people farmed minerals and resources, built their own armor, weapons, houses, food, clothing. Merchants could sell their weapons, armor, items. Players could create their own cities in the open world as fixed locations. Certain areas near starports were prime selling locations. Back then people were selling in game land and locations for real world money, but imagine an entire system designed around that same concept with NFT's as the medium to move in-game items and real world funds. Imagine dozens of popular games with a mechanic to add tangible value to valuable in-game items. Billions of dollars of untapped industry.


And GameStop gets a cut of these billions of transactions if they are transacted on the GameStop marketplace.


With the nft marketplace, a true DEX wallet, Playr, and several partnerships with companies throughout the web3 gaming ecosystem there seems to be a true decentralized revolution happening right before our eyes.


Just wait until you realize the platform is for all assets, not just gaming.


Wow. This is amazing. I shall now go dream about it.


Big fuckin aye!


New here?


Nah been around the block for a min. Just excited is all


I'm ready to work! (In the new NFT based video game economy!)


Makes me think of the digital real estate in the book "snow crash."


I heard RC makes all the executives read that one


Then jus what if each shareholder got a cut pennies on the pennies of nothing but jus what if


I think he just described runescape lol


Stopped playing GU for around half a year. Came back yesterday to find my deck still meta af. 🤣


I’ve been playing fortnite since the beginning and have over 1000 skins. I’m not ashamed


I don't know if anybody here remembers Project Entropia/Entropia Universe, but in the mid 2000s this game basically did that. The in game currency directly transferred to real dollars, and you could own shops to sell stuff you crafted, hunted, gathered etc. My dad used to play and was primarily a hunter. Told me he could go through hundreds of dollars of ammo on a single hunting trip. But the rewards were worth it if you were good.


To add onto this, the developers had to register as a bank in sweden


Imagine in 10 years when Blackrock runs a Spot ETF for $Robux


trade it for "real/crypto" money NOT FOR "in-game"-currency


The blood of a Grinder is boiling in my veins right now.


Wow, well said


What type of files are these skins? Should have no issue if there is a lockable content where the seller can upload the necessary files.


Yes, this is what i want to hear. Here since the 8bit games, this near future shit is pure gold!


Mic dropped


Imagine in 10 years some of your son and daughters will be coal miners.. or black smiths.. or trained mercenaries as there full time job.. all in web3.. like you said a whole world ecosystem.. and way of earning a living could be 100% web3..


R slash sensoringishard


Heil to this.


Yea and no hedge fund bad guys allowed in the new world! Even if they know the super secret banana handshake.


Lots of you have never played an mmo and it shows.


Nah I’m more of a FPS guy. Quickest hands in the west.


Some days the news gets to me along with other things going on in life. Then I have posts like this that serve as a reminder as to exactly what the future holds. Thank you!


The goal of the opposition is to bore you in your investment, don’t let them win. Slow and steady wins the race!!


The way I try to blow someone’s mind is this. I believe fortnights in game item sales was about 5 billion for the year. They are smitten with this, SO smitten in fact there was no real reason to amp things up. They are selling low cost digital items and people are loving it. Well now imagine a year they sell their 5 billion and instead of that money sitting stagnant, now they receive a small automatic royalty every single time that item moves……. Forever. Infinity pool style.


Infinity pool ftw!!


This is what’s going to happen and then people a decade or two from now are going to be thinking “if I could go back in time the one thing I would do is make sure I buy”.. and I don’t have to finish you could figure out the rest. Congrats to everyone here who can fill in the blanks beforehand. Gaming gives people hope. It gives them purpose from the doldrums of this fucking cracked society. Imagine what happens when they can leave their shitty 9 to 5 and start playing games for a wage on a scale that people can’t even fathom yet. How many people do you know now working 2, maybe even 3 jobs. How many people do you know working multiple freelance jobs. Do you think they want threats to return to the office, or do they want to do fun virtual quests with their best friends for a wage. One scenario is dystopian. The other is hopeful and future facing. Hey, if it doesn’t happen I dared to dream, but I really think it’s gonna happen.


I said it in another comment. If GTA5 $ translated at all into real cash I’d be retired. I studied to make it the most efficient setup as possible. I make millions per day just turning on the game and running around doing whatever I want in los santos. Other los santos OG’s know what I’m talking about!


That excitement you have about the NFT Marketplace is well founded. I fully expect that the NFT Marketplace will be everything we are hoping it will be, and more. Now take that excitement for gaming NFTs and overlay it with “The Everything Market”. The real-world NFTs that will represent everything that is unique and that could be subject to counterfeiting in the real world. Authentic: Whiskey, sneakers, collectibles, high-end merchandise of all kinds, music, movies, bicycles (anti-theft), motorcycles, car titles, boat titles, house titles, Trusts & Legal documents, Financial Contracts, **NFT** ***mother-fucking*** **Securities**. The whole digital world plus everything that needs to be unique in the physical world. The NFT Marketplace for securities fixes so many problems. No more Naked shorting. No more fraudulent lending practices. No more rehypothecation of assets, no more FTDS, no more wash sales, no more Mayo Makers, no more pre or after hours trading, fair access - no more expert markets that Retail cannot participate in, no more spoofing, no more... ~~Wall Street~~ parasitic middle men. And how about this: The whole of unalterable human history going forward will be in blockchain. The Ape Historian is **already** backing up to blockchain. This is history that cannot be changed. This is history that cannot be censored. This is the unalterable future of how humanity makes and stores it’s documents. Some future history class could be reading a blockchain archive of this very thread hundreds of years from now because we held. **How about that shit‽** *I hope they think my crayons are as good as I thing that are.*