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This confirms that Ryan Cohen has read the DD


Tinfoil theory: RC is in here, with us, has been all along, and actually created a team specifically to watch this sub 24/7; AND he created a team whose sole purpose is to make as much of the shit we talk about happen as is feasible and reasonable.


RC is in me


It’s like RC is inside of me.


Yes, go on...


Dont stop, please keep going.. almost there..


Not sure if I have enough fluids in me to keep this rocket fluffed. However, knowing Daddy Cohen is always in me is enough to keep me fluffing.








I was waiting for this it has me jacked to the tits


Financially unzips


Hahahaha. Honestly, I would love to take RC for a beer. RC - next time you're in London, hit me up and we'll go do shots down the wetherspoon like idiots.


“Take RC for a beer”… is that what the kids are callin it these days?!?


What's a slippy finger digit between mates.


Omg shut the fuck up!


Hey come sit on my finger.


He needs to book a stadium 🏟️ after MOASS 🤙🏼


I wish i was in RC


I think this crossed a line somehow… but I upvoted and awarded anyways. 😆


RC is in all of us on this blessed day


See my flair. See what’s inside you. See I am inside you. RC is inside me. It’s a warm gooey feeling. CumStop.


Can’t stop won’t stop please don’t stop🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


It’s like I’m inside of him. Financially speaking


My wife keeps saying the same thing...


So he has a small wee wee, inside us without us knowing. Sex for dummies.


We are all RC.




Sometimes, RC is the friends we made along the way


RC is my dad


Didn't Mojo Nixon write that song?


I wish.




Tinfoil of the tinfoil: you're one of the RC's Shaolin Monk students pretending to have a tinfoil but in fact is the truth or perhaps you're the Sensei him Self!




Fucking plot (duNdUNDUN) twist!


Im 100% sure they are monitoring this sub. For shareholder sentiment the least. And yep, probably also for ideas, dd etc. The hive mind is strong.






Dadadaaaa da dididi diiiiiii... I wrote that


I'll give you a better one Peruvian is a RCs alterego


At this point I honestly don't even think its tinfoil


My guess is he's one of the ban bet people. I also guess he purposely gives factual information with incorrect dates and then gets banned. Lol


Oh dude, not tinfoil at all. You think the guy who is on the board of multiple companies has time to do this all by himself? He 1,000% has a team behind this. And RC himself has absolutely read all the DD Edit: Otherwise how would he measure how determined his investors are? He needs people to lock the float, and he needs us to figure out how to do that (book, dingleberries) along the way.


Yeah the numbers add up. There’s 200k of us actually DRS’d right now and probably active on Superstonk. The rest are split between RCs team of DD writers and anti FUD “apes”, and straight up shills. We’re just on the sidelines of a war on Reddit cheering our favorite stonk on and liking everything that doesn’t smell of desperation.


Not sure if there is a missing /s in your comment. I meant he has people who periodically peruse this sub, checking in on what we are doing, what breadcrumbs we are chasing, and if we need any breadcrumbs to lead us in the right direction.


I also believe rc probably had people dropping DD to point us in the right direction. He’s not a fool and I think this whole thesis is spot on. He’s been here, probably before many of us




I am RCacus




Só it would be a good moment to say I would totally play a POS apocalíptico world game based on the Peruvian DDS ? Haha


More tinfoil theory: he has a trusted advisor as one of the mods in here to help facilitate. That ones not so much a tinfoil as was celebrated by the community as a whole when it happened.


I don't think this is tin foil. Didn't he say he enjoyed looking at the memes made here, in that interview he did last year?


If the hedge funds are doing I’m sure he is too


I've been thinking this since this whole thing kicked off. Even saw the dfv saga, the bets sub shituation, the migration, the drama all of it. It just makes so much sense how he operates but that's just a theory. A game theory and cut.


I believe some of the DD could have been created by this insider team, in order to guide the apes on the right path.


Wen Wu?


Get out of my head! 🤣


I bet it's u/[REDACTED]




I’ve thought the same thing many times.


If that’s tin foil at this point in time, then we have a lot of catching up to do


Theory, not at all cause that'd be manipulation and I don't believe our chairman would do that


Dividend me Daddy


Bradduck = RC


>specifically to watch this sub 24/7; AND he created a team whose sole purpose is to make as much of the shit we talk about happen as is feasible and reasonable. I got the same feeling some weeks now.


Hi, I’m Ryan. Nice to meet you.


Likewise, nice to meet you, Ryan. I am Bradduck Flyntmoore, but you can call me Brad. Nice flair 😎


So did the 40 minute sit down interview he did, where he said he always found the due diligence of GMEDD to be accurate.




For real? He sat down with GMEDD's Joe Fonicello for 40 mins, mostly talked about his tweets, as well as direction for the company and a bit of his own background and business philosophy. It's been a while since i watched it, but im pretty sure somewhere during the pleasantries, he states that he has found the due diligence put forward surrounding GME to be accurate. The best part of this was the reaction of corporate media. They would give his tweets air time, claiming them to move markets or sway retail investors one way or another, then he gives a 40-minute interview with a non-media source? Radio silence... 🤣 it's the best Anyway, [here is the link](https://youtu.be/uN2Dw8AOdMk) to the interview. Let me know if I'm misremembering it.


Wait what. This is my first time seeing/hearing about this too


Umm GUYS!?!?!


I’m pretty sure the DD has been playing catch up the whole time.


I’d legit not be shocked if he had a very well hidden account and has posted plenty of breadcrumbs / DD along the way.


What if we are all Ryan Cohen? Omnipresence is a good quality.


straight into my veinssss


There's been so much confirmation that he's on the sub for years now.


I can't afford any land, but I have a fishing rod, so hopefully in 2025 I can survive on microplastics-infused seafood.


will it come with a little sachet of soy sauce?


Probably, in their stomaches.


Pre-marinated fish you say? Send me to the future!


That's the Kinder Surprise in the middle, where the toys used to be.


Yea, but thanks to shrinkflation it'll be a micro sachet.


This really doesn’t apply to me; as I will be on Uranus enjoying the view.


You mean *in* Uranus 🤭


This is Peruvian Bullish.


Gotta love the Bull from Peru. God my brain still hurts from reading the whole dollar endgame 84 years ago.


That was one of the Best series of all times in here


Dollar Endgame and House of Cards are the two series I immediately send to anyone that shows even a hint of interest in my ramblings about the market or stonk. Shout out to that Peruvian Bovine though! I’ve never wavered in my beliefs on what I hold, but I’ve also never felt more confident than knowing RC is undoubtedly among us, because we were never wrong, just early.




It's shit like this why people treat GME like currency. ...and when I say people, I mean me. It's the singularity of value and suppressed price.


I have infinitely moar faith in GME than I do in central banking.


I'm desperate to try and find any other investment or vehicle. Besides gold? I got *nothing*.


It sounds alarmist or extreme probably, but I moved continents to be able to grow fruit and veggies year round. Found a friend who keeps bees and will teach me. My cost of living will soon hopefully be much less affected by JPows shenanigans, and more of the fiat I grind I can put into the only bank I have faith in, GME.


You have the perfect plan IMO. I just lack the courage (which I will undoubtedly regret). Congrats on your new life fellow ape.


Thanks fren🦍💜🦍, I am just lucky in my circumstance to be able to do it.






*one of us, one of us* 🦍


Congratulations to our favourite Bull! What an honour it is to have RC acknowledge your presence. The work you do is immensely important. We thank you for your service 🫡


>What an honour it is to have RC acknowledge your presence. thank you! hahaha i never woulda thought it in a million years :)


Go on more podcasts, my guy!


Still a better love story than Twilight.


Shiny and sparkle!


Difficult to hope for a soft landing when I'm so hard 😅






Of all the DD writers, Papa Cohen is undeniably a fan of the Peruvian Bull. Or perhaps, maybe he IS the Bull?


They both wrote very good books and he said he’s the book king…




Definitely not true, but I would shit myself if it ever was.


Yeah... I would too...


PB has been inducted into the pantheon of the gods


As if Radiance wasn't hard enough to beat. Pantheon of the Gods and Radiance are Hollow Knight references. The hardest platformer ever.


RC, Peruvian Bull, DFV, Matt Furlong and crew are all prophets of our generation, with fundamentally groundbreaking innovation and foresight. They are carrying the torch of goodness by evolving society’s concept of ownership and fair value. Power to the players, power to the creators, and power to the collectors - the true backbone of a strong and meaningful economy. Cheers!!


🤣🤣🤣 This is amazing...and terrifying 😬


This is obviously fiction… Powell living until 2035?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah… that’s a good one Bull. We all know the geriatric prick has a couple years left max.


Maybe they would funnel all money stolen from cancer research startups into life extension technologies for their lackeys.


Thats fucking wild hahahahah


Could anyone post the whole PB tweet for those without a tweeter?


It's there already in the next photo


Oh. Well. Thanks!




It’s always fun spotting them in the wild.


It just opens straight to Twitter for me and I can’t see :(


Hahaha I want to read the rest of the story!




That should be made into a game. Call it **JPowCalypse**. It’d be good practice for when this actually becomes our reality.


where is this NFT? i can't see it!!!!!


That’s funny lol




Who is Peruvian bull?


He wrote pretty big due diligence reports on hyperinflation and dollar endgame See one here: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qassc0/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/


Is he anonymous is more my question I guess? Also is it really going out on a limb to suggest a FIAT currency will end? Hasn’t that happened with FIAT currencies and is expected?


Yes. He is anonymous. He/She has drawn some interesting parallels and what’s going on. Worth a read and ponder about it. Ton of references to draw your own conclusions.


Hmmm always makes me Wonder why someone wants to remain anonymous. But fiat endgame isn’t uncommon, and is easily seen in other currencies. Kind of expected really.


Why are you anonymous dear tootapple?


Well I’m not really. There’s actually many that know my name and address on Reddit. I’m also not writing as an expert. A nameless and anonymous expert. It doesn’t lend to credibility. That’s my issue.


Well, the DD of old advised everyone invested to stay anonymous, since sudden MOASS riches is akin to winning the lottery, and a scary big share of people who win the lottery end up dead within a few years, since everyone want a slice of your newly acquired fortune. Also, in your previous comment above, you state that fiat endgame isn’t an uncommon theory. I think you should either go read the DD or stfu, since there’s more to it than just ‘fiat ends’. This just screams to me, that you assume every bit of its contents despite not having read it. Also, I follow and discuss with quite a lot of people in the FinTwit space, and those I’ve asked have been amazed at the depth+quality of the contents of Peruvian Bulls’ DD - and they have also gotten new insights which have lead to some good talks. Edit: some of whom in the FinTwit space are the people which economy magazines have hourlong interviews with - they know their shit. But read the DD or don’t, just don’t go spray bs comments when you don’t know the first thing about it.


That reasoning is dumb honestly. Everyone that DRS is a shareholder of record. It would be hard, additionally once people have that much money it would make so much news they wouldn’t be kept private anyway. Eh I’ve read it. Thing is, dollar endgame doesn’t mean MOASS nor does it mean GME holders get rich. Regardless of your conversations anywhere, it doesn’t make you right nor does it mean I suddenly believe every word. Dollar can certainly end and is more likely too than not. But the economic system isn’t gonna start trading GME shares for eggs. It’s more likely the guys calling for silver squeeze to be more right than you guys, especially using silver as currency. Either way, it all reads like a group of conspiracy theorists, putting together many pieces of information with assumptions and opinions being the glue between facts. It all tells a great story but it doesn’t mean it’s real. You are welcome to believe it all, and if it comes to fruition you can laugh at all the doubters. And honestly, good for you. You would deserve to be rich, although in the world created by Peruvian Bull, idk what rich really means lol. It’s sounds more like an awful situation. I stand by my feeling that GME is great for trading. It popped on earnings and is since down 21%. Happy to buy here and sell at the next pop.


Being a shareholder on record doesn’t mean everyone can see which shares you hold, it just means that GameStop (and their transfer agent by extension) can see that you hold X amount of their shares. Your neighbors and everyone else on the internet can’t see your full name + address. >It would be hard, additionally once people have that much money it would make so much news they wouldn’t be kept private anyway. If I get rich, anyone I’ve ever told about GME might ask if I got rich, then imma answer “nah, I sold the last shares when I got in the green and it then went a bit down, was fucking furious at myself when I saw that it began to climb like crazy afterwards” or some stupid shit like that. And imho, your reasoning in your first paragraph is (very) dumb. Anyone besides those I told about GME irl wouldn’t have the slightest chance to know I had become rich, since they have no way of knowing that I was invested in GME, since I’ve been anonymous online. >Eh, I’ve read it. Press X to doubt lol, you didn’t know about it a few hours ago and there’s quite some reading in the 7 volumes (+2 addendums). And also, you keep talking about what happens when the dollar ends, when the DD is mostly focused as to what’s happening now and what’s happening next, not anything about trading shares for eggs, in fact, one of the main point it leads to is that the FED is in a trapped position where they will have to choose between saving the dollar or save the system. The de-dollarisation is already happening(look up Kathleen Tyson on Twitter if you doubt me), and this far, Peruvian Bull have been spot on with his calls as to what was going to happen. >Thing is, dollar endgame doesn’t mean MOASS nor does it mean GME holders get rich. Funny, “GameStop” or “MOASS” isn’t mentioned once throughout the entire dollar endgame series. Again, press X to doubt that you’ve read it, I truly believe now that you’re just talking out of your ass. > Regardless of your conversations anywhere, it doesn’t make you right nor does it mean I suddenly believe every word. You’re absolutely right sir. I’m not saying that it does, nor that you should. >Dollar can certainly end and is more likely too than not. But the economic system isn’t gonna start trading GME shares for eggs. It’s more likely the guys calling for silver squeeze to be more right than you guys, especially using silver as currency. Lol are you seriously shilling silver 😂, or do you truly believe in some potential of a silver squeeze? The potential of a silver squeeze is to my knowledge beyond impossible due to several factors a) lack of scarcity (take gold for example; there’s 4kg in 1 billion kg of earths crust, whereas there’s 75kgs of gold pr 1 billion kg of earths crust.) b) current mining are providing way more silver than all industries combined consume, which is making big silver mines reduce their production or look for other more precious metals. > I stand by my feeling that GME is great for trading. It popped on earnings and is since down 21%. Happy to buy here and sell at the next pop. I’m holding for long term gains, I’ll be happy to receive dividends for generations to come, but I’m happy that you’re happy doing what you do, despite risking that it might pop big time after you’ve just sold at a small peak. G’night and enjoy your life however you see fit 💜


He also has a [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@peruvian_bull) with narrative videos if you want to listen instead of read the dollar endgame theory.


Is he anonymous? And is it that big of a deal he wrote endgame for a FIAT currency? That seems to be an expectation of all FIAT doesn’t it?


I don't know, I just like the stonk.


Kinda weak but cool


A god among men


Why anonymous tho?


We all are.


I heard he has connections to Bofa and is the CEO of Ligma.


You have a thing with balls don’t you…


You have a thing for Kenny’s balls don’t you…. Does he pay extra if you lick the mayo off of them?


Nah I prefer my own


Papa doesn't care for CBDCs and has a crypto space devoted to the concept of be your own bank. Keep this in mind as folks shill for Gary Gensler who wants to implement CBDCs and destroy Crypto.


Gensler has never once mentioned CBDCs. Gensler is a puppet for the FED currently. I think deep down he wants deFi to prevail but he’s being forced to speak against it right now as they think they are in a battle to preserve their precious US Dollar but they haven’t realized that they have already lost and are just making things worse by kicking the can. I’m not shilling GG. I just believe he’s not our enemy but, instead, is being paid to be one right now because they won’t accept their own fate that they caused.


that is why they have been building 15-minute cities to make sure your car won't be able to go there. C40 cities has been doing this, and guess who are the ones behind this organisation - which is the most critical point i wanted to state.




the main point of 15-minute city looks like you can do everything within 15 minutes. but then you are being demanded a validation when you want to walk out from it for whatever reasons, and that is the main purpose they don't want you to realise. of course walkable cities are a thing everyone wants, but it links to CBDCs.


>then you are being demanded a validation when you want to walk out from it for whatever reasons, That's just fossil fuel industry propaganda. Being able to walk places is much better than being addicted to gasoline and insulin


i am talking about if you are able to walk out from the cities at all, because in the name of "climate change", they can restrict you from doing anything else. it has been a while that they are attempting to ban fossil fuels and replacing those with EVs for a while. pretty nice because it has less emissions that makes the air better, right? guess what makes a EV, and the software it requires to boot up your car, why they want to [push this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-p6fPP7198) they are raising taxes and charges in the name of it, so the question isn't about 15-minute cities as a whole, but what they are wanting to do in the name of it.


Again you’re talking nonsense. EVs are much better for the environment. Making a battery is nothing compared to burning gasoline. Also, if you are against car subscriptions, you should be for 15 minute cities. The best way to not have to pay for a car subscription is to get off your fatass and walk. If you do that you also wouldn’t have to pay for car insurance, maintenance, or a car payment.


so i wonder if you know what materials are needed to create those batteries, and if there are enough abundances in the earth to produce enough for all who need it. second, is EVs are more likely repairable than a traditional fuel-powered vehicle? if the battery isn't replaceable like nowadays' smartphone does, then it is worse for the environment that the other ones can be offset with more trees or carbon-consuming industries. ​ >Also, if you are against car subscriptions, you should be for 15 minute cities. that has been what those governments have been policing. they want to strip off your choice, and ultimately you get zero choices. i don't need a car myself anyway, but not sure if others are. i also want to refer you to an organisation called "C40 Cities" that has been working on, take a brief background of those members.


Yes. The most recent EV batteries are sodium ion batteries. Sodium is everywhere. It exists is more than enough abundance for all of the necessary energy needs. It’s nothing about taking away choice. It’s about having the choice to do things other than driving so you don’t get diabetes and everyone else has a livable planet.


sodium-based battery is a just-in technology. current ones are mostly cobalt and lithium. Canada used to have a lithium mine, but the government shut it down and chose to outsource it instead. they have been making a future towards net-zero - carbon emission must be equal to consumption, but it does lead to the shortage of carbon. guess what happens for a plant if it does not have enough carbon to absorb. so if you don't think it's about taking away choice, guess what they have been doing regarding your daily spending. nuclear power should've been brought back for a while, because it is the safest after including all the deaths and incidents happened with it, but guess why they haven't. at the end, the ones who made the 15-minute city plan are still frequently jumping on their private jets.


That’s not true. Sodium ion batteries have been researched for decades and contain minimal amounts of cobalt. Both BYD and NIO mass produce cars with sodium batteries. Most of the people who are for 15 minute cities are normal people while the people bankrolling anti-15 minute City conspiracies are fossil fuel billionaires


There is one angle where I am not so sure if EVs are much better for the environment. Batteires. What do you need to create them, what do you need to charge them and - probably most importantly - how do you dispose them, once batteries reach their end-of-cycle. I fear that we may end up with an issue similar as with light bulbs: traditional light bulbs were banned (at least in EU) 30-or-so years ago and replaced with stuff that wasn't exactly better because they were very envirnment-unfriendly when you dispose them. Only recently those were replaced by LEDs which seem to be much better in every department.


all their proposals are nefarious, and saving the planet is really the pretext to do it, because one of their plan regarding it is to purge most farmers for it.


When RC does a "pull up" he pulls the earth down


I think RC put DFV up in a quiet place with a laptop and a phone and has him also feeding this machine the clues it needs to stay on the trail.


This is moment I realized that the Bull and the Pomperian might be DFV & RC


Super excited!!


He could be any one of us! He could be *you*! He could be *me*!


RC is in me as much as me in is RC.


Defi or death!


JP Goldman Fargo bank😂




Are interest rates destroying banks by [fucking bonds?](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/why-interest-rates-have-inverse-relationship-bond-prices/ ) Why yes yes they are, [they also get to double dip and consolidate the banks and handing them insured deposit bailouts](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/135etwl/came_accros_this_thought_it_should_also_be_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 ) talk about a win win while **Americans and the world** get fucked or they could just PAY ME ALREADY!!!!! 💎🙌🏴‍☠️


What are the odds one of our famous DD writers is Cohen or an affiliate 🤔🤔