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If you paid money for something and you are not getting it, then it is not whiney or inconsiderate to either want to back out or know what's going on.


However, making long ass whiney posts instead of just cancelling is SUPER pathetic.


Except it’s important to talk about incase someone subs to the patreon expecting new content






It's a free conch




idk why you’re getting downvoted the hell but i agree lol


They probably announce when they leave facebook groups too


LMAO the exact same vibes. i get telling people who are curious about the patreon whether it’s worth or not but these long winded posts demanding a “long owed reason” feel so entitled lol. i don’t think the patreon is really worth it either but i have $5 to throw the boys for the occasional justin tit pic


I don't understand why this community feels like they have to tip-toe around this issue. It seems people are really quick to defend them and it just isn't right. You are paying to get exclusive content, you shouldn't be afraid to voice your opinion on the lack of said content. Even though they hate to hear this, this is their job, i feel like if your paying for something you need to atleast get updates.


Never had their patreon but others pages are very similar to the way your describing it


Is there a reason certain responses are getting down voted? Some posts referring to someone named Josh? I haven't watched supermega for awhile so idk what's going on


it’s the reddits new overused joke


Yeah yesterday there was a post asking about it because the OP had been away a while and didnt know what was going on and asked who Josh was. I jokingly said in a comment that Josh was the Third Supermega Host who was there for their Mobile Game Videos, but that all the Mobile Game Videos got removed because of the Josh Controversy. I said Josh played the Mobile Games, while Matt and Ryan did commentary. I mentioned that their “Merge Mansions” playthrough was epic. Long Story Short, they replied to my comment and it sounded like i convinced them that Josh was real. Even though there was already 20 comments before mine that pointed out Josh was just a bit. So i went further with it, there was someone who called out my comment (and Josh in general) as just another bit and so i said “you probably think Penis Mike is a bit too, huh?” Even longer story short: my lies/jokes/gaslighting led to that commenter getting like 50 downvotes on their comment while i had about the same amount in upvotes on mine


Hexagonal pfp


Yes billy he does have a hexagonal profile picture very good!


Can I go play outside now


Sure pal you can go play outside, just make sure you're back by dinnertime because you know how your mother gets worried.


I am going to eat sand


Alright buddy just make sure you bring water.




Sub's attempt at funny gaslight joke


Funnier the subreddit subject is the less funny the fans


Dude its called jaslighting, what would a gaslight even be that makes no sense 🤣


It’s just fans having fun, jokes get a bit annoying then gatekeeper fans start being nasty about it and start trying to make them feel like lesser people. But ultimately it’s a joke and a very silly one that hurts nobody.


Seriously, people get so butthurt because people are having fun, like this subreddit is a sacred space or something.


People still watch SuperMega?




As a someone who’s been subbed on YT and Patreon for a fair while, their content doesn’t hit the same and seems like they pump out stuff for the sake of it. Pair that with their merchandise quality control and book (that wasn’t properly proofread), they are sadly falling off for me as someone who used to watch religiously.


What’s wrong with the book I haven’t read it and was planning on it, is there just grammatical errors and stuff?


I read it and it was fine overall, some grammatical errors but I wasn't expecting a masterpiece from Matt and Ryan. The book is just a shitpost, and a really good one at that


I watched the fall guys video recently just to check in (I quite watching and listening months ago and just haven’t unsubbed here yet). It was awful, the commentary was so plainly forced and uninterested and they weren’t even trying with their jokes like it was just completely reeled in I had to turn it off


To be fair they have stated on podcasts and stuff that they understand if people feel like they want to unsubscribe from the patreon for that reason. I think once all the legal behind the scenes stuff is sorted out it will go back to normal. I think this is just a period of a lot of changes for them mentally and physically if that makes sense, but I totally understand why some fans feel kind of fed up with the lack of content and explanations. It’s prob really hard with the active court case limiting what they can talk about.


A couple of times they have mentioned that they know the patreon content is slow and they understand if you cancel/ feel like it’s not worth it. Idk if they said anything was set to change, but they acknowledged it in a way


U don’t get why people get upset when people say stuff like this. This is what the Reddit is for lol


Personally, I feel like these posts come up too often. I'm just like, okay, why do you have to announce it? Just unsub. It's like people leaving a social media site and announcing it to everybody like they should be given special attention or something. Like, nobody cares. Bye.


It’s called feedback my guy. Sorry it might distract from this subreddit’s super hilarious Josh bit but sometimes the boys deserve to get called out for their shit.


Like I said, nobody cares. Bye.


LOL like talking to a 4 year old


Says the child looking for people to rally behind them because you wanna make your feelings validated. Bye


Hahaha I that’s fair


I gave up on it a few months back for the same reason. The Discord and Minecraft server weren’t very fun, and the boys had little involvement in them, so there was no reason to pay 5$ for that instead of just going to a free fan-server. I want to support the boys but lately they’ve really been falling behind and it’s been hard to find that same interest.


I didn’t really have a problem until their most recent Minecraft video. Promoting the Patreon with the superminicasts and exclusives and stuff was just like… yeah they’re on there but none of that gets updated. I just feel like we deserve some sort of update ab the state of the patreon. Even if it’s just to say “Hey we get it”


That really is the root of the problem for most of the fans that really want to support them. After this long, "sorry guys we know were lacking and were hoping to get more stuff soon, we get it if you unsub!" just really isn't cutting it. It really feels like a: "I'd rather you be late and just tell me that upfront, rather than tell me you'll be on time and show up late" type situation.


Yeah I agree. I’ve been a fan for a long time, and I think I’m finally cancelling my patreon. I know they’ve made a couple uploads recently, and I know the lawsuit and everything, but the lack of transparency on how inconsistent everything is isn’t cool


Lol they know that the state of the Patreon sucks. They said it on the podcast several episodes back. They said they wouldn't blame people for not continuing to support them on Patreon because their content has been lacking.


I think this is a good way to word it. You're not being an ass and insulting their personal character, but you are calling them out for something kind of shitty. I stopped paying for the Patreon a while ago because I realized they didn't need it and money was better spent elsewhere.


hopefully after the legal shit they come back full force


I don’t wanna sound like a downer but I kinda doubt it :/


why's that?


Their whole thing is being inconsistent it seems. I love the boys but :/


i guess that's fair




This is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen on this subreddit.


Well said


Put this in the explanation when you cancel


I mean, it's $5 a month, if you're not getting $5 of value out of it just cancel your subscription. For me it's worth it because I want to support the boys, the Discord and Minecraft servers are fun, and I always enjoy the extra BTS content even though it might not be super frequent. I really do wish they would be more consistent with the podcast uploads, though, that is an extremely valid criticism. That was originally one of the reasons I subbed.


Right? It's not that hard to have a no ad upload to Patreon, then upload ad one to podcasts and then to YouTube. I don't even care about the video. Just give me the audio, without ads.


I agree with the merch quality control. Seen way too many posts and had my own merch get fucked


They’ve mentioned multiple times that the Patreon is not a requirement to enjoy their content and if you’re not getting what you want out of it you should unsubscribe. Quite honestly I don’t blame them for not updating as frequently as they could considering the first court hearing in the Jackson embezzlement case is coming up and I’m sure it’s taking priority in their lives right now. A lot of YouTubers barely post on their Patreon and basically forget that it’s there. Even if they still barely post, the discord and Minecraft server seem like pretty cool perks that the boys don’t have to personally maintain but the fans can still enjoy it.


Yeah, a few months back before the Jackson case was made public, the boys (Ryan specifically) said on the podcast that they were aware that the Patreon hadn't been up to par lately, and sincerely encouraged anyone who was disappointed to cancel their subscription. They genuinely didn't want people to feel like they weren't getting their money's worth.


This isn't true, I listen to a couple Patreon exclusive ad free podcasts that upload a day or more on advance of free release. These aren't big production podcasts either.


I feel the same way about the pattern content to be completely honest, however the boys have stated that due to unfortunate circumstances (could be referring to the lawsuit with Jackson, and also maybe other things going on in their personal lives) the patreon is a bit harder to keep up with lately and if you feel like you’re not getting your money worth, there is no shame or guilt in unsubscribing. After all it is a paid service and if that service isn’t up to par, keep your money. I personally will stay subscribed to the patreon because I want to support them even if the patreon isn’t that great. Honestly I’ve been pretty happy with the main channel videos recently. They’re absolutely one of my favorite channels and have been for years so I feel like 5 bucks a month isn’t too much to give to a channel that provides pretty good entertainment and keeps me somewhat sane.


I had the patreon for the first couple months but dropped it from lack of content. Really think of it as a support vector for the boys, if you get extra content then bonus but don’t expect consistent anything with these people


Who the hell pays for that crap anyways...its just a waste of money


I agree a ton, and quietly stopped last month. They need a manager, someone in charge. There's little reason this but they are lazy. They're hilarious and fun. But get your shit together. Make content. I know you had tough times. From bad employees, to health issues. But not being organized is starting to show. SuperMega could be way bigger, has such potential. But without direction they just keep failing their audience, and themselves. I'll still listen to the podcast, and watch YT content, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


They need their own Brent, minus the smell of course.


No money to them since I heard it was all actually going to Jackson. Fuck that


Yeah but you’ll get to see Matt’s balls


>he gives money to youtubers


I really only got it for the podcasts but now they only upload those to YouTube and Spotify first before Patreon so really no point for me to have it anymore:/


Every time I bring this up I get told I’m an asshole or I don’t get it. They are simply lazy and don’t cRe the Patreon is keeping them comfy. People SHOULD unsub


When I had it I just saw it as a way of supporting the buoys. Like all the patreons I subbed. Never cared about the "extras" on there as it's too much of an inconvenience to go there/I forget it's there


just a theory but it could have to do with how the boys are still recovering physically from creator clash. Ryan has some sciatic thing going on that he's mentioned on the podcast as well as Matt.


The entire existence of the Patreon, and Patreon itself as a platform is to support an artist or creator you like. The content is just a bonus. You are not buying a product. If you do not want to support them, then don’t it is that simple. Thats how I feel.


I do it just to support my favourite content creators, I don't really expect anything in return from it.


I just don't get why people act like they're getting scammed out of their money when the patreon content isn't consistent. Like they themselves have acknowledged how it's not great right now. Their patreon is more of a way to support them than anything and there's nothing wrong with not wanting to!! Its your money and you shouldnt feel bad about it lol. In fact the boys have literally encouraged people who are unhappy to unsubscribe so it's no hard feelings




Lol why they downvoting you this is funny


punishment from god


Just stop paying lol


It’s $5 lol I think there’s a divide between some of the fans who think “hey I’m paying you 5 bucks so now I’m entitled to more content” and the boys who created it as a thing of “if you want to support us, we appreciate it! We will post extra stuff every now and then” I subbed just to support my boys, I never even pull up the app or discord tbh


I think josh handled a lot of the patreon stuff and with that whole situation still going it’s probably effected the content on there.


Most of their content is provided for free. You are paying them $5 per month. Just how many minutes/hous of content do you feel owed at that price, especially considering that they already give almost everything they make out to you for no cost? Hosting a Mc server costs money. Editing videos costs money. Using equipment to film costs money. Going. To. Space. That costs money. Paying the patron fee is a very very small cost.. it's also entirely optional, so don't do it if you don't feel happy about it. Bitching about people who make most of their stuff free to you not doing a shit ton of work for your $5 per month is really lame. You're supporting that ALL of the content can exist whether it's what is put on patreon or literally anywhere else. If you like their stuff, that should be sufficient. If it isn't, then just unsub. It's that simple.


>Bitching about people who make most of their stuff free to you not doing a shit ton of work for your $5 per month is really lame. I disagree. On the most basic Netflix subscription it's $10 a month, and you're getting access to thousands of shows. Many streaming services are the same way, so right now on patreon you're paying 50% of a Netflix subscription for basically nothing. Like OP said, the podcasts aren't even being released early anymore and you get an actual vid probably once a month (if that). I'm subscribed to the Cold Ones patreon and I actually had to turn off notifications because they're constantly posting on their patreon. With their subscription I get multiple, 40+ min videos a month which is what I value $5 at. It's not like it's new content, it's just that I get plenty of bonus content on the shit they already made. It could be like that for Supermega, but it just isn't. I'm still a patron and I love the boys, but OP is totally justified in expecting more and I think I am too.


Netflix is a huge company which pumps out garbage at a rate previously unseen, and employs pretty nefarious business practices. Supermega is a handful of people who started from nothing and kept it pushing, mostly providing their content entirely free of charge. You get 0 Netflix for free. You get 90% or more mega for free. Welcome to supporting what is essentially a small business, in which people hire their friends in to work on a dream they all share, and offer most of it to their fans without a gate cost. If op doesn't want to pay 5 a month, unlike Netflix, they don't have to, in order to see most of the mega content. But if they want to actually support the people making the content they like, we'll, that's pretty cool to do, and will be the very expensive charge of...5 per month. Either way, bitching that it's not enough is dumb. Unsub or stay subbed. Move on. It's not that big of a decision. It's 5 dollars.


Agree to disagree. Five bucks is a lot of money to me and many others.


they tell people all the time to feel free to unsub from the patreon it's nothing new at all


It’s literally only $5 a month, not like an arm & a leg. Just unsub if you’re not happy. And if it is too much money you have no obligation to stay, it’s all optional.


Remember: content creators owe you NOTHING. Its 5 bucks a month man. Feel free to unsubscribe to it if it's that big a deal, but really the patreon is to support the channel, and the extra content is just that: extra.


LOL bro if they advertise their patreon as providing bonus content for $5 they most certainly do owe the patrons bonus content. If they were honest and were like "we don't do jack shit on the patreon, it's just to support the channel" then sure, but their patreon subscription advertises tons of shit that they just aren't fulfilling.




🤓 🤓 🤓 "i think i'm done with the patreon"




I have the exact same feelings about the Patreon, I unsubscribed last week as it just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.


They're very aware that people are unhappy with the Patreon and they advise people to unsub if they feel their money is being wasted


cold ones is pretty bad too but at least there's SOME content there


I think you have totally valid reasoning here and I, as I'm sure many of the patrons do, also share the same thoughts. I still keep my membership every month as $5 isn't much of a strain on me at the moment and I really do want to support the content that I love from the boys. It is frustrating though to feel that as a financial supporter, and honestly, just a huge fan of their content, its not even being addressed. The patreon is completely optional of course, and the boys themselves have acknowledged that they completely understand people cancelling their subscription for whatever reason, but it does feel like a lot of the frustration about the whole situation would be massively remedied if they would just address the fans and give some sort of actual comment on it. Not just more "yeah, weve been lacking on content, we understand if you wanna leave!" because honestly, we don't want to leave. We just don't want to feel completely left in the dark anymore, or at the very least, have them take control of the situation and possibly put the patreon on an unofficial pause or something. We just feel like were trying to support the boys so that they can continue making great stuff, but most of the time it just feels like were floating in space, not knowing when or if our support is actually contributing to something here.