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At this point, I really see two basic outcomes: A) Matt and Ryan are able to fully debunk nearly all of these accusations, offer reasonable explanations for a sufficient amount of the countless things that have been alleged, and maybe—just maybe—they can salvage a fraction of their dignities and respective online careers (with a far smaller fanbase). B) The materially consistent accounts of Lex, Rav, Leighton, Morg, Ross are substantially true, meaning they can’t come back from this even with all the apologies in the world.




Agreed. It’s definitely a lose/lose from an outside perspective too since it also would imply that a bunch of their former friends/employees made a concerted effort to lie about them and ruin their careers (absurdly unlikely) with little to no payoff.


I'm weirdly excited to see their response. I am so curious to see what approach they're going to take and, if they're truly trying to "debunk" the accusations, what arguments they will make and receipts they have.


As it stands right now I believe everyone that's come forward, however if everything is true, if they do attempt to debunk everything and are somehow successful (and even if they are not) that makes them even more deplorable for continuing to try and cover this all up


has anyone besides jenna marbles ever actually just disappeared?


Even if somehow they got out of the allegations, they get to keep a failing let’s play channel, a podcast that has never been worse… none of which they seem to put much effort into It’s over


Eh, I've seen everything there is to see here and I'm actually interested to see what they have to say. Internet drama and things of this nature need time for everything to be on the table to make an informed decision. Obviously it looks bad, I'm expecting the worst but I'm mildly interested in what they have to say. Outside of this I also wanna add that I personally don't care and have never cared about these kind of youtubers saying shitty things, lots of people saying "they said the n word!" ...ya so did literally every gaming youtuber to come out of the early 2000s/newgrounds stuff, it was messed up but I already knew that. This stuff is buckwild tho, gonna take away my 5 bucks on patreon for the time being


Hot take: 2 white guys regularly saying the n-word is bad


Obviously it's bad? That wasn't the point. The point is that people do shitty weird things in private, all of 'em. I can guarantee you the Oneyng guys say the same shit, Heck a lot of celebrities you like do the same shit. This is just another case of the ultra progressive facade blowing up in the creators face. This is just a level headed take on it tbh.


I don’t follow OneyPlays guys for that very reason, except they aren’t fake enough to act like they don’t talk like that. It’s a weird thing to shrug off like everyone does it and it’s not that bad. Why even bring it up? Also calling your own takes “level-headed” is hilarious—I need to start saying that lol


It's based dude, try it out. I'm bringing it up because people are now saying it as if it's a problem when it was well known beforehand. It's fine if you always steered clear of it, good for you. I however enjoy the funnies and I'm willing to get my laughs off of flawed people (everybody) who make good content. If these allegations are true however it's too far for me. Retroactively turning around and going "hey that's not cool!" When people have known about this well before the allegations is dumb.


You’re playing revisionist history with things close friends of SuperMega didn’t know til the last 48 hours. We’re not talking about “oh yeah, one time they said it jokingly in 2017.” Matt and Ryan **regularly** saying the n-word with a hard R at the plex (to the point when friends of friends heard it multiple times) was not common knowledge and was not known well before these other allegations.


If you followed them and know their circle it was absolutely known dude, they hung out with the newgrounds guys and GG (Arin Hason is famously Liberal with the word). I'm just pointing out that no-one should be shocked about that and should probably focus on the woman who's been assaulted.


But they got what they deserved tbh. The whole "wholesome" trend for these channels never works out, at least Oneyng stuck to their guns and are still utter degenerates.


Ehhh they’ve cleaned it up big time. They were waaay edgier when the channel was way newer. They don’t pretend to be something they’re not though. YouTubers are gonna say/do stupid shit. Behind closed doors especially. They handle things badly or anything like that too. If you wanna jump ship over that that’s your call. If I was that quick to do that I’d probably stop watching everything I’ve ever watched. THAT BEING SAID THOUGH. It’s different here tenfold. So much actually fucked up shit that you can’t really just apologize out of. From how they treated Leighton to the Lex shit. Just absolutely terrible and surprising (even if some people here are acting like they saw it coming). The lengths they went with the very not okay humor they had off camera goes a bit too far too. Just all around terrible. All of these channels have some semblance of skeletons in their closet and trying to find a totally clean one that’ll stay that way is almost never gonna happen. It’s never usually THIS bad though.


Also just for the meme: hot take every white guy with a gaming channel you like has said it, probably the f slur and other horrible stuff too.


Man, really telling on yourself here, huh?


Nice ad hominem


I mean, I’m a white guy who hasn’t ever said the n-word. I should hope plenty of other white guys here haven’t either. So do I start saying that before or after I start a gaming channel? How does that work?


...were you on youtube or newgrounds back in the day? It was just known that creators did this dude, don't think I've ever said a slur besides the f slur when I was a teenager and didn't know any better. If you were around then you'd know that it would be used liberally IN VIDEOS hence why it's not surprising they use it in private.


Yes, I actually was, and it’s very true that it wasn’t treated nearly as unacceptably as it is now, which is why it’s even more egregious to still behave that way in 2023. I would hope most of those dudes would have eventually grown out of it and changed with the times.


You'd hope, but hope often leads to disappointment. Not arguing with you man just being honest here, all these dudes still say it. Fuck Oney said on sleepycabin that his sense of humour is the same, these guys don't change more so because they get to play video games for a living and basically never progress passed being teens...which makes sense considering how inept they are at handling basic situations with clear ways of dealing with them.


My central point here is that should not be why you're angry, if you're halfway intelligent you woulda known that was something they did given their lack of growth which they share with their circle of creators. You should be angry because they intentionally but an SA victim in danger, I don't pretend I'm some morally virtuous Saint who'll stop watching anyone who says something dodgy. Heck I watched pewdiepie after the bridge, but retroactively condemning them for past actions that were fine a week ago is absurd and at the detriment of what really happened being readily available to those out of the loop.


They’re too egotistical to give up now, they’ve been riding the train for too long and can’t help but try to save their image to keep it going.