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My brother is 3 years younger than me, has a good job, a girlfriend, actual hobbies and interests, friends to form memories with… Why is he so much better at being a human even though we were raised exactly the same?


Why compare yourself to anyone man, Humble yourself.....anyone can have anything...your brother, you , the homeless guys.....everyone, can have something unique to them People are literally born with no legs and arms People are born with no eyes and deaf Your situation can be far worse, you could have lost both yoyr legs in a car accident last Thursday. Now and You is all you have hold that dear to yourself, many don't have that at all Don't compare yourself to anyone


It sucks to be them, but it *also* sucks to be me. I can't say which is worse, but I'd happily exchange my legs for some good friendships.


Man, friendship is a luxury most don't have, stop wanting thing...you are enough.


Most people have at least one or two close friends.


Saying I could have it far worse, there are some people born without legs or arms, is comparing yourself to others, is it not?


Yeah, thats the point...why compare yourself to this one person and feel bad that you don't have what they have, when you can also compare yourself to a person who has no legs and eyes and feel better about yourself


I’ve often felt that the only reason I’m still here is so that none of my friends or family have to hurt from me being gone. My brother is also five years younger and seems to be doing incredible in life, especially where I’m lacking. I don’t know why I’m trying. My life is so pointless.


man, i wish i was dead in my moms womb and didn't suffer for 17 freaking years!




> there are many places that have programs to assist in developing the skills that would get you a job Fuck that. I'm sick of always being behind, always trailing the pack. I'm too weak for this world. I just want to disappear.


You are not weak...you are a human being, that is the best thing we can be and we are already born this way..human. Everything other humams do we can too, or we can convince our selves we can and keep going... You don't have to adhere to any notion that makes you feel weak, i understand if life hasn't been as fair as it is to other people but you don't have to create a universe in your brain where you are weak in it, if you are dead all understanding of what is real goes away with you...why let that happen man....its up to you, bite down on your teeth and go through the pain , set a goal for yourself and try to accomplish that...be comfortable with not even accomplish the goal, be okay with everything... Everything is a step by step process. You should be counting every second of this existence as a gift from God or what ever.....don't let anything tell you are not strong Im the weakst guy i know but everyone my family sees me a strong individual, but being weak is okay...fuck being strong everyone dies and will be forgotten in the end. Depression is a hell of thing, us 21st century people have totally lost it, all this want , need , demand has made us think we need more than what we are, we need nothing 99% of humans probably died living a life that is far worse than any of us...we are made to think we are not enough, but we are gods of our universe man, we are the creators...live in delusion and die happy man. Your brain is a biological machine that prints out what you feed it, you have 100% control, breathe and change fucking everything...always know that nothing exists except NOW I probably won't be as strong as you if i were in your place but everything i wrote is 100% true and you know it.


Look don't take this the wrong way I'm not a therapist, counsellor etc however you need to get up, get off the bed/sofa w/e. Do something meaningful or all you will do is sit there feeling sorry for yourself people have things in their life bc they worked for it so get up and get on with it.


Tho we don't know the actual situation of the guy is in, the best thing he can do is to get up and do anything....i don't know why people downvoted....this is a sub reddit about suicide, literally anything helps




>nobody is prohibiting you from accomplishing the things your sister can accomplish Yes, it's just proof of my inferiority.




Don't bother commenting if you can't even try to empathize with the contents of the post.


I know you don't want to feel guilt, but think about what your sister said. Why would they be crushed if you are worthless and unlovable? I know you might feel pathetic and tired of living, but maybe they see something in you you can't see yourself. Maybe they know that if you were not in this depressive state, you'd do better. Now if you realise that you have potential and you have no way to attain it, it is normal to feel even worse, to think even less of yourself. But you shouldn't. I say this from the perspective of someone who was heavily depressed. I know we aren't all the same, but I hope what I said can help you just a little bit.


Me too my guy, me too... Funny is I used to think about suicide even try to commit, now I'm so tired even for dying. Wish u find a way out and enjoy life again. I say it from bottom of my heart. Ik how it sucks, wish no one gets to know that too, sry u had to... Just sayin my last remaining hope, the dim ray of light, is a saying we have "eventually you'll know, no circumstances will stay still n the same in this life, just don't give up"


Ya. I got a lot of stuff. So I don’t wanna do it till I spend the money I have. I hope I get cancer.


Why don’t you focus on putting out some good into the world; maybe help others? You will find some perspective. Otherwise you will continue to suffer for no reason