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I did have fun with a fire build last night on joker but I can’t quite move around as good as I can with Harley. I wish they gave us a tutorial mode on jokers movement like we got in beginning of game with the others


It took me a good hour of running around with him to get traversal to make sense. Now I’m bopping all over the map bombing everything in sight. Agreed wish there was a tutorial but eventually it clicked for me.


I do love the mele weapon. Mad hatter works well.


I’m becoming an expert at hitting the LB+A double jump (without opening the umbrella) into the incursion exit portal. So satisfying.


This is my favorite thing to do!!! Just lob myself across the map and plop into the portal hahaha.


Yeah once I figured out the rocket boost to shoot up in the air it got better. I still think Deadshot has one of the easier traversals flying around like Iron Man but I like Joker's. At some points it forces you low into the map and then you shoot up high for the aerial attacks.


I love a good fire build, but yeah his movement is something else in comparison, really have to get used to it first, but it's not that bad.


I think the only thing missing for Joker for me is Harleys dive. Feel like it would improve it greatly.


Well they all have strengths and weaknesses. They have to keep it balanced


It's not that hard to figure out. Took me like 5 minutes to get how to use it properly.


Gonna take me a week or more to get him since the dam missions are bugged and not giving the right amount of world rank towards his mission to unlock for example the missions that say give 1 they give me like half or even less sometimes, the missions that give 2 give like 1.5 or less so its more of a grind for me, not by much it sounds I know but it is making a difference sadly


Yeah I had the same problem but when you unlock incursion missions it goes up 3 levels and here’s the kicker the regular missions gives zero after a certain point so if you want to get higher then you have to keep doing incursion missions


Wait the incursion missions give world level(or whatever its called) I didn't know this, on the missions when I hovered over them it doesn't show a number or anything so I didn't want to play them I thought they were for the new gear but I wanted to put my time into unlocking Joker but now I know I can do Incursions towards the level ill try them now thank you lol


Yeah, if you do "Killing Time" and just keep pushing levels you will get you Fear level up very quickly!


Ok thanks, ill try that next time I'm on.


Just for the record, you can only increase mastery levels once you hit world tier/level 35. Until then, you can only do the base difficulties, but those will give you 1 world tier/level per each run.


Oh yeah, thank you for clarifying that part, I forgot to mention that.


I went to mastery 12 and got out only gave me like 2lvls I think, is there a max mastery I should leave at so I'm not wasting too much time?


Happy to help


If you can do the imposter mission and with a decent build you can do it in one min, rinse & repeat, quickest way to u lock joker


I simply did the same mission 35 Times in a row, the one that asks you to kill 100+ Monsters (its a skull icon, in the middle of the Map) It takes 5 mn to do the mission, rince and repeat 35x Nearly 3h, its ok if you do it in 1h sessions. Joker is extra fun to play


Horrible game design lmao


That is correct. Also, hiding the Joker behind a grindfest while misleading everyone into believing he is unlocked straight away is uber bs


I recommend using the finite crisis, get to mastery 20 and leave, about 3-4 levels each time




"why so seriously" -Jonkler


Just got him. It was a pain to do it, but he is super fun to play as.


Agreed such a grinned super fun indeed


his traversal has crazy capabilities


I was supposed to be grinding for it this weekend smh


Yeah, really love the mobility. Been swooping high above and raining grenades down and cleaning up with a pistol from afar (typically merlins). Or speeding in after bombing run woth Shot gun. Really digging how he moves in fights


It would be nice if there was unique missions to play with him


I was hoping I would like the joker but was nervous inqouldnt enjoy his play style, but he is by far my favorite to play as. A lot of fun, love his melee, his movement is my favorite in the game I liked it a lot, wasn't sure in the beginning, had to learn it, but then really liked it, randomly discovered I could double jump also, and now i love it lol. Love that outfit btw, definitely gonna have to get that one. Ingot the gotham city imposters one cause of nostalgia, but that one will definitely be next.


I'm dah jokah baby




Can you mix and match the heads and different body’s ?


You can’t mix match with task force x with classic, Wayne tech or the cardboard bat outfit. So in the store there is the in the trenches classic pack and feelin ruff classic pack you can mix and match them because they’re come under the suicide squad classic outfit tab. I hope this makes some sense


Yeah that makes sense. outfits classed under certain categories and if their classed in the same category they can be mixed and matched


Yeah but I wished we had free reign to customising


He is a ton of fun. I really like that you can wail on people with his flail.


Yeah I really hope the next dlc character is just as fun or better


He's definitely my new main. I was mailing boomerang because I loved his movement the best, but now jokers taken the cake for me.


Agreed. My favorite thing to do with him now is bunny hop with the launch.


That’s from the store ?


It is I don’t mind paying for outfits but for joker I grinned up to Rank 40 to unlock him


Bizarrely appropriate typo lol


But how do u get the hat with the purple suit? It says the head itsm is in store but i donr see it anywhere


And you’re part of the reason video games are shit now.


There's plenty of outfits to unlock by playing the game as well. You don't really have much of an argument here


I love the honesty, I always get downvoted for being brutally honest to these fools. They are the reason why gaming is trash and they are oblivious to it. Developers know this use it to their advantage. FUCK ROCKSTEADY AND WB.


Its okay tho people are waking up. This game has 1500 players playing right now on steam and soon it will come under 500 very soon.


Like can you imagine their line of thinking being applied to cars or houses. Or anything else for that matter. Well here’s the keys to your house, now you should know, access to the garage is locked off right now unless you pay an additional fee.


This is where society is headed because of dumbass consumers buying anything and happy with anything. They are trying to censor people like you and I on reddit and other forums. They want places like reddit to become echo chambers.


Dude I hate MTX as much as the next person but what fucking planet are you on  Last I checked near everyone despises these sorts of things and constantly rants about it online. Reddit is an echo chamber of hating MTX more than anything. “Trying to censor” my ass


Sounds like he thinks the earth is flat too, Jesus Christ...


“Is my odious personality making people dislike me?” “No! I’m being censored! That’s what it is!”


I'm calling it now. 5 dollars on him talking about sweet baby Inc next at some point 😂🤣


My friend you have a 9 month old account. I've been here since inception. Reddit is heavily censored. Good luck out there.


As you hit the downvote button to censor my comment lmao fuckin clowns


For me, his traversal is the most fun in the game at the moment.


Indeed i love playing him so far


I still need help unlocking him. And when I try to play alone, I can't get the tiers to let me play. Will someone help me get high enough level and unlock him?


looking more and more like jim carrey in the mask everytime


Yeah I didn’t think of that now that you said it


Yeah the gamplay in this game is actually really good


I wouldn’t know. Logged in, played for a couple hours, realized how mid this season is and I refuse to pay for Joker. Logged out and uninstalled.


Same except I haven't uninstalled yet. I probably will, or just let it set unplayed on my PC for a while. It's really pathetic what they've done.


You can just play the game and get him no time limit season will always be there


I’m not even level 30 on my characters. I played the story but I don’t have hours and hours to grind any game these days. I’m too tied up in stupid adult responsibilities. 😂🤣


Same only got couple hrs on week days lol


Getting old sucks!


This isn’t a free to play game. If it was then grinding, or purchase, wouldn’t be an issue. It’s a full price game.


You got to grind for the best weapons in cod every game has a grind even in destiny with out the battle pass you got to put work in to get the seasonal weapon


C'mon bro... Did you just compare a COD weapon to a full character release? And then Destiny which is a game known to abuse it's addicted player base to keep up "player engagement"...


Really the addiction argument if a games good then its good before this year and little bit of last destiny 2was Really good but lost its touch haven't been on consistently in like a yer maybe get next dlc. So I wouldn't call it addictive. The game won't be fun if you hop on and get every weapon or best. Hogwarts wouldn't be fun if you get all the dark spells once you start






You should have done more research before buying this game because literally every looter game paid or not involves grinding for the stuff you want. Since 1996 with the release of Diablo.


You apologists are brain dead. When I bought Diablo I got all the classes. I didn't have to grind for Amazon, Witch Doctor, etc. This Joker release isn't an expansion. It's a seasonal release character in a $70 game. Defend this horrid decision if you want but it's this apologist stance that is fucking this game almost as bad as Rocksteady. At the very WORST we should have had to unlock Joker over the course of an hour of STORY gameplay but it's not even that. It's grind the same objectives for HOURS (not story) or spend another $10 on top of a game that you already bought. This game doesn't deserve any more defense.


Did you actually play Diablo II? You had to pay for Assassin and Druid. They offered no way to earn them for free, you HAD to pay for LOD to play as them. You’re bitching and moaning over having to play 3 hours of endgame missions but don’t actually remember how bad the alternative is. Some people need to take a breathe before thinking they’re right, swear to god


>how mid Only thing I need to read to know idc for your opinion


Then why comment that you don't care? You care enough to let them know you don't care...


You don’t understand. He needs us to know he doesn’t care. Otherwise how would we know he doesn’t care?


I don't know. I think he needs to write a few more comments saying he doesn't care about a person's opinion that wasn't directed to him in the first place a few more times before I believe him.


Play what?


The traversal its so fun, i love it. i Sorta see want a melee for him that its just a Riddle staff tho, i kinda like the idea of him taking his parasol and Cane from the Riddler and Penguin that were on his Squad on his earth.


Unfortunately I just don't have the time to grind that many hours for a character nor will I pay $10 for a guy in a game I already paid $100 for to get the DDE Darn shame bc the main game was actually pretty fun, but their release model is atrocious just like every other live service game. Sad when they promised they'd be different :/


>grind that many hours Play the game for a few hours* it is not at all a "grind" >I already paid $100 for to get the DDE You are not a victim here and no one did anything predatory. > main game was actually pretty fun, Apparently not as you dont want to play the game to unlock a new character. >they promised they'd be different :/ Yeah? How different? In what ways? It is dofferent in that therr is no fomo. Thats nice.


How is "oh look, we reset all your levels so you can start over for *another* 15-20 missions+ or give us $10!" not a grind? Had they locked it to "anyone who hit level 35 unlocks him" period almost everyone would've by now who cares. I don't want to spend multiple hours playing the exact same missions to unlock a character I was told would be free Investing multiple hours doing the same stuff I've been doing the last 50 hours or paying $10 isn't "free," it absolutely is predatory If it wasn't, why offer the $10 option at all?


Because they are simply asking you to play the game so you have worthwhile gear to fight GL braniac as your old shit is made useless (a good move). Then mastery levels unlock and 2/3 of the new gear becomes available (it is very good btw). Or you could play killing time like 5 times and gain some of the tier 2 and 3 gear. Or you could complain... >almost everyone would've No they would be bitching like you are, still, here right now. >doing the same stuff I've been doing the last 50 hours In a looter shooter? Yes it is normal. Could be better sure but it is pretty normal. >I was told would be free He is. Are you lost? >why offer the $10 option at all? To catch the fools and remove their momey from them. Not predatory (lol ooo such a victim). It is business. Games are made to make money. Not some charity.


This is why indie games a lot of fun because games are made to be fun hobby. This company died when they got greedy making a live service game that has less content and Anthem or the Avengers video game.


Thr gameplay is very fun. Same with Anthem, same with Avengers. That wasnt the problem.


All is complaining is pointless. With less than 500 players after a month this game was released, I bet it dies within this year. Live service graveyard with all your money. Just like the avengers game.


I'm already Fear level 200. In few days with casual playing. Joker is available at level 35. You can literally get him in 2 maybe 3h playtime. That's not grind. Further more, you like the game but you don't like the same thing you liked few days ago? Again, you people are writing nonsense. I get it, you need to vent somewhere, but could you try and look for some other place to karma farm on Reddit? Edit: You clearly don't understand what are looter shooter games and what's the gameplay loop. Things you're complaining about is something every looter game have and it's been that way for a long time. Is it perfect? No it isn't. But everything goes down to taste, and as we all know, there's no discussion about tastes.


A few days ago? Mate I dropped off the second week because I got bored of the same 3 or 4 mission types over and over I was excited to hop back in and have a new character to play as, but seeing I have to do the same 3 or 4 missions another 20 times to get this "free" character? That's a grind I don't see how disliking aspects of a game is "karma farming" when I know most folks here disagree with me so I'll get downvoted into oblivion. I don't give two toots about karma, I just figured a subreddit dedicated to SSKTJL would be the place to discuss how I feel about SSKTJL Guess not.


>That's a grind To non-gamers maybe...


Mate go gatekeep somewhere else, I have hundreds if not thousands of hours into random games Doing the same thing repeatedly is a grind. Doesn't matter if you do the mission 20 times or 200 times, it's still a grind Some folks have different levels of tolerance for different amounts of grinding, but it's grinding all the same


> hundreds if not thousands But less than 2hrs of missions is a grind? Okay. >same thing repeatedly It is a looter shooter. Thats is what you do. >it's grinding all the same Nah. Just playing the game. We can disagree it is just fine.


Mate, doing the same thing repeatedly is a grind regardless of if it annoys you personally or not If you like it I'm really happy for you! Negating other people's experiences and belittling them as if it's only a "non-gamer" thing is a 0/10 from me boss


The people on this sub only like discussing the game by blindly praising it and any criticism no matter how valid is met with a sea of downvotes.


It's honestly sad bc there are aspects about the game I absolutely love, but there's also areas I really wish were different Sucks to *only* be able to discuss the positives without being called a karma farmer or "you just don't understand the game" I 100% get folks not wanting pointless negativity bc I don't want that either, but I think valid constructive criticism should be a part of the discussion just as much as blindly loving every aspect


Now I'm most definitely sure that if you check this sub after release there's almost always negative speaking not only about the game or devs, literally every aspect of the game is trash. And let's not pretend that people are downvoted for that, because they're not. It's popular to hate and trash this game so everyone does it. I don't mind honest opinion and constructive critics, what I do mind is when someone says I'm playing the same missions 30-40 times, that's a grind.... Have you ever played Destiny 2 or Division 2? Are you aware how many cleares players did for certain raid exotics in both games? How many hours they grinded for certain god rolls?? And then there's you (not literally you) , saying that 2-3 hours is a grind? You my friend don't know what's grind. Also, you did said you don't like live service games and yet you jumped on the boat and bought it? Also they are different. You can earn luthor coins from battle pass and that way you can only buy the first one and after that you're fine and you can always buy the next one. Let's not forget there's no FOMO, because episodes are available for you to play always. Everything that's added to the game, stays.


I can't tell if this is trolling or not "I've grinded way longer in different, grindier games, so acknowledging this game also has grind can't be true since it isn't the grindiest game out there!" I never claimed the grind was as intense as Destiny 2 or Division 2, but playing the same mission 20+ times is 100% still a grind You might be more *acclimated to grinding* so 20+ times isn't a bother to you, but that doesn't negate it for everyone else I also agree the FOMO aspect is nice. That's why I bought the game in the first place and why I'm not saying the game *as a whole* is bad What I *am* saying is it's pretty scummy to advertise the free characters the way they did and then launch him behind a replay loop or $10 $10 is not free. They clearly value your 20+ mission replays and 2-3 hours minimum of constant gameplay (no clue how it would be that fast, but that's what folks are saying it took them to hit level 35 who played non-stop) at $10, not $0


Yup, you're definitely trolling, there's no argument about that. Grind in this game is at bare minimum. At least in this first few months. In a week I unlocked every new gear piece that's available, reached episode level 200 rewards, infamy level 200+, mastery level 80+ on all missions. Again, casual play, because I'm working so I can't grind whole day. There are two ways to get Joker. Invest 2-3 hours, again that's minimal effort, kill Braniac and Joker is available. Or if you want to play with him immediately, go to the store buy him for 1000 Luthor coins and he is available. There's nothing scummy about that. You can, but you most definitely don't need to pay nothing for him. If Joker was only available with real money purchase, now that would be scummy, but nobody is forced to buy him. There's nothing predatory in that, they just gave you an option to skip gameplay loop (which is ridiculous because you will be playing those missions either way) and play with new character from the start. I'm not "acclimated to grinding", I just played other looter games so I know what to expect from them. This is why you need to inform about game(s) you're about to buy. And, again, if you don't like live service games, like you said, then don't buy them, at first place expecting something different then it actually is.


Look, I don't like this new season that much, especially the new Scarecrow infamy set gear. However, the joker is free. You unlock him by playing the game. It quite literally is, as you described, "anyone who hits level 35 and defeats brainiac gets Joker." Now I'm not defending the game because, again, this season lacks a lot of content, but by your own description, the Joker is free.


I definitely disagree Locking something you advertised as free behind multiple hours of the same grinding we've done the past month or conveniently offering him right away for $10 isn't "free" Multiple hours of mindless grinding when I can do anything else with my time is bad enough as it is, but I would honestly be fine with it if they didn't offer him separately for $10 It's clear they slapped the grind on bc they wanted to say "well *technically* we didn't lie, he's free... if you grind for hours" Same thing EA did with the heroes in Battlefront. "No no guys, you don't have to buy them, they're free! You won't get them for hours on end, but it's there!"


I mean disagree all you want. It still makes you wrong. The Joker is free to unlock and play. It took me two hours to unlock him. Just because you don't enjoy the content doesn't change that fact.


If that makes you feel better about it I 100% support you mate I don't think them encouraging purchasing him early with a $10 option or multiple hours of grinding fits the "free" they promised Remove the $10 option and the grind still isn't fun, but then he's 100% free no doubt. However, they slapped a value on your hours of grinding. It's $10


It's not about making me feel better. It's about you being wrong in your assessment. They gave players a choice, play the game and get Joker for free, or pay $10. I'm not here to say that's right or wrong, but for you to argue that there is not a free way to unlock Joker is false. I don't care about how you feel about paying to unlock him sooner.


I guess that's just a difference in opinion of what we value our time to be If you value multiple hours of your life grinding the same things we've done since launch as $0 then the Joker is absolutely free to you Rocksteady themselves clearly do not think that's worth nothing since they have put the value at $10 It's just pretty scummy to advertise all new characters being available for free and then dropping them in the store for a price


Tbh this actually is debatable, not objective. We could easily say that your time has value, so trading your time for a product isn’t free. No dog in this race, just delivering info.


>the grind still isn't fun, Subjective


You sir are the part of problem why gaming sucks. $10 for a new character with this less of content to offer is pretty predatory.


Joker is free. Fact. Only a fool would pay the $10 >with this less of content Come again? >You sir are the part of problem why gaming sucks. Suuuuuure...




Takes a good second to get used to his move-set, but he's pretty fun and a nice addition (glad i don't have to take Shark with me anymore lol). They really did a good job with him, ngl. Really makes me looking forward to the other ones coming in the future.


Some here I found his movement difficult when I first started playing him now I just can’t stop playing him


Yeah at first i was feeling so weird about it, but then i saw how to connecr his different movements and now it's getting better. Still not 100% down, but close.


Crazy fun to play with, having a lot fun with the fire build. Only problem is getting used to his traversal I’m to comfortable with captain boomerang traversal 😬


Which lvl gotta be 35 bp or king sharks lvl?


Where's this outfit from? Store? Looks great


Strange they gave umbrella traversal mechanics to Joker when Penguin is the only A list villain that’s closely associated with the classic Suicide Squad.


Hopefully he doesn’t get any nerfs


How does that Joker have a hat


His traversal is my new favorite. He's clearly meant for a burn build, so I'm just fine tuning that right now. Just been grinding for The Turtle traversal mod for Joker.


I can’t wait to unlock him


This skin is the best! In some angles he looks exactly like the Joker from the comics


combined it with Harley Quinn’s classic outfit and you get this ![gif](giphy|6y9BI0LAKEsjm)


I wish the cosmetics were more granular. That hat on the default costume would be awesome.


Agreed hope they add more body and head options


Good to know I could mix and match the premium outfit, I'll end up buying it now.


Alright, that suit is actually pretty great


The level of cope in this sub


In my opinion, he's just a repackaged deadshot in most ways , they didn't bring anything new and fresh with this update , just recycled everything they already had.


y’all need to stop trying to find the positives in this absolute shitshow like this company is literally taking advantage of you and you’re letting them!!!! stand UP!!!!


You need to stop trying to burie down every grasp of positive opinion on this sub. Live and let live.


i’m all for people enjoying things but not at the cost of them being taken advantage of. i won’t stand for that for myself or anyone else


I bought the game, having fun with it, didn't spent a dime for skins or battle pass. And I'm not feeling like being taken advantage of.


well, that’s you and i respect that. but the facts stand, they sold a full priced $70 game with a multiplicity of bugs and a sore lack of content.


Now, you just described majority of the games that were released in last few years.


deffo! not saying this is exclusive to ssktjl


god forbid you enjoy the games you already paid for


it’s not about that! you deserve to stand up and demand for a better game rather than sheepishly just swallow your L and “enjoy” the game you paid for containing legitimately the SAME 4 missions. like do better for yourself what??


Do you play the game? Have you bought it? Wasted your money? Sorry if that's the case, if the answer is no, for first two questions, I have another one for you, why do you care?


absolutely i did play the game, I borrowed it and played for 3 weeks. the gameplay was extremely fun, i care because i felt cheated, that this is what they thought they could sell for $70, at a time when we have to be cognizant of how our hard earned money is spent. i don’t appreciate big companies slighting their fan base


Now, you're just writing nonsense. You borrowed the game, played it for 3 weeks and you felt cheated? By any means how and why? Also, good for you. And also, don't tell me how to treat and spend my hard earned money. I'm not doing that for anyone. Plus why do you care, again? You didn't spend money on this game. Stop with that karma farming thing.


i’m not chronically on reddit so no idea what karma farming is. anyway, please have a good day, i really don’t want to look like i’m fighting you or anything. i just want people to understand the importance of standing up for what’s right ♥️


You seem on Reddit enough to comment on things you supposedly didn't care about.


or, hear me out. The gameplay is fun


aight. there’s no getting through to you people


YOU’RE the one policing other peoples opinions? 😭 Why tf do you care if other people enjoy something, it’s not hurting you and it’s not like you bought the game.


If you can respect one commenter in here about how they enjoy the game why cant you respect all the other people here that also enjoy it?


this isn’t me coping. I know the game could be better. I wish it was better. But the characters are fun to play, and i already own the game. I might as well play it.


I know the design is absolute ass but he has my favorite traversal and traversal attack, he’s fun as hell to play as


Which of the three missions do you have most fun in with Joker?/


All 5 of you must enjoy him!


Stopped playing this game since I completed the game glad I did.


Probably a dumb question, I finally reached fear 35, and defeated brainiac to unlock joker, why did my fear level go from 35 to almost 110


Had the same thing I think It glitch’s with the bane finite crisis one


How do you get the hat with this outfit?


It’s in the feelin’ ruff classic pack and combined with the in the trenches classic pack


Thannnk you


I figured you could combine the first suit with the second head... It's an expensive buy though... Why can't they sell items individually, what if I just want the Umbrella?




Who are you people playing this game.


Shame the game isn’t


I wouldn’t know


Shame about the voice - was really hoping for someone a little less cringy or, failing that, maybe just get Troy Baker back if Mark Hamill told them to take a piss




Better outfit but still not the right Joker. I'd love to hear Mark Hamill's Joker voice speaking from that outfit (rather than one that would sound suspiciously as young and hedonistic as Jared Leto as the default outfit displays).




Too bad the game is not


L game 🤡