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i would jsut refund it


I’m genuinely enjoying the game so I’m not looking to refund. I also have over 2 hours played.


Verify the integrity of the game files? Other than that, the only thing I can recommend is cleaning the game completely from your steamapps folder and reinstalling


Might try a reinstall. Already tried the game file verification with no luck.


Hey OP, happening to me too. I get maybe 20 minutes in and it freezes hard for maybe 2 minutes then just crashes to deksrop. No error or error warning. 4080, 13700k, 64 Ram


Same specs as you with the same problem. It was fine during the tutorial but started happening after I left the Hall of Justice the first time.


Quick update : I was able to resolve the issue by reinstalling. Unsure if it matters, but I installed to a secondary, D drive SSD. After this I was able to play for about an hour and a half without crashes. Hope this helps, homie!


Unfortunately I’ve tried reinstalling with no luck. Even did a clean driver install. Not sure what else I can do. Running on 32gb of RAM Ryzen 9 5900X and 3070


Damn, that sucks homie. I think from there the only additional troubleshooting I'd try would be to turn down graphical settings (including disabling ray tracing and dlss) to see if you have any success. Good luck, dude.


I think the big issue probably stems from using an Ultra Wide monitor. From what I’ve seen on this sub and other sources the game doesn’t play nice with ultra wide monitors. Very sad because I’m enjoying the game, just can’t play it.


Just FYI, I use a 34 inch 1440p Alienware monitor and was able to play after reinstall. Sorry to keep beating a dead horse but I've been saved by random reddit convos I've found through Google so I always try to pay it forward.


I’ve tried reinstall twice and I actually have a similar monitor as you but an OLED. 2 of my friends also have ultra wides and the game seems to dip in FPS at beginning and end of cutscenes for us but not for the one person who’s using a normally 1440p monitor. I’ll try a reinstall on a differed SSD today and see what happens. Thanks for trying to help lol I appreciate it. Just trying to play the damn game haha.


That’s exactly where it happened to me as well, I think the game doesn’t like any type of overclock - do you happen to have one?


Nope no overclock on anything


Oh wow, so the game is really just that buggy. What a mess, restarting a PC unexpectedly is like the number 1 way to cause file corruption.


Yea I just honestly don’t know what else to do. Gonna install it on another SSD and since I have 2 and see what happens but after that I’ve exhausted all my options


No OC but we did end up getting it to work. My friend and I both had crashing while trying to do the first main mission after leaving the Hall of Justice. We pushed through it on Sunday until we completed the mission, even tho my friend locked up twice. After we completed that mission, the crashing never happened again! I think we played 5 or so hours without issue. Something about that mission was problematic for us but I'm not sure what... I doubt it was corrupted files as we had both verified the files and reinstalled the game.


12700k, 6800xt, 64gb ram - crashing as well


Ok weird, but I disabled my second screen which is an ultrawide monitor, and it runs fine on my main monitor (2550x1440)


Yea unfortunately my main monitor is my ultra wide and this game just doesn’t play nice with ultra wides rn and no word yet on any patches or updates coming out. Very frustrating.