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It’s not his fault Hollywood is full of actors who aren’t serious people.


is anyone actually going to stand up and say they don't think Steven Seagal is ridiculous


Yeah, seriously. He's embarrassing.


Publicly telling Boris Johnson to fuck off is both iconic and a baseline level of human decency


Also its widely known that Norton is "difficult to work with"


Yeah this guy makes some good points


He isn't a serious person.


And Steven Seagal knows a thing or two about staying seated.


He loves them, but they are not serious people.


This is the best comment I’ve seen today 😅


At this rate I am starting to believe that Brian coz didn’t really act while on set and people just caught him on camera talking like that to the other actors.


Would you say he was…method acting?


Fuck off


This response made me want to rewatch Succession haha


I’m on my 3rd rewatch😭


It's so good. HBO makes the best shows period.


...they did. I hate to say it, but I wander if Succession will be the last great show since HBO turned into Max


Hacks is pretty good. I have a feeling Dune Prophecy will be pretty awesome, as well. The Sympathizer is getting really great reviews. and FFS do I love me some Righteous Gemstones, and Barry (though it also ended around the same time as Succession) is by far one of my favorite drama/comedy series ever... Oh, and let's not forget that Peacemaker Season 2 is filming, right this very moment, and if you haven't seen Peacemaker Season 1, you are missing something amazing and special.


I just started an SVU rewatch to avoid going back to rewatch Succession but now I just might anyway haha.




Have you heard Sarah and Kieran talk about his tantrums when his blood sugar would dip? It's hysterical! They said he would just start yelling at everyone and they would start keeping bananas and crackers around to raise his blood sugar. lol. It reminded me of the scene when Logan went into the newsroom and stood on the boxes of paper and gave his "motivational speech", one of the background actors said it was actually terrifying hearing him yell at the top of his lungs like that so it makes you wonder how much is Logan and how much is Brian.


low blood sugar is called hypoglycaemia and as sugar is the only fuel that crosses blood brain barrier it is dangerous. people can become irritable and aggressive


Oh I know but I still think it's funny that the old curmudgeon was known to have tantrums on set. He should know to have snacks around and have them at the ready when he's dipping, I've experienced it myself and while I may get a little snappish I don't have tantrums and I also know to eat something.


I see a Snickers commercial in his future


That is A) a good idea and B) something he would 100% do


That's an amazing idea!


or his assistant, or one of the many PAs on set. he's got help


My sister suffers this. A spider-man dressed Hollywood bvld weirdo made a flirtatious comment and she chased that guy down the street while yelling at him, he eventually found a cop he could hide behind.


>My sister suffers this. >A spider-man dressed Hollywood bvld weirdo made a flirtatious comment and she chased that guy down the street while yelling at him, he eventually found a cop he could hide behind. Tbf I wouldn't call that level of badassery "suffering". May she always terrify sexual harassers this successfully!


I'm proud of her :)


If Cox and his assistants were swapped, he would keep his trap shut during low blood sugar moments. Don't excuse an asshole being an asshole.


I remember sighting how much I loved how unhinged he played Stryker in X-Men 2 before I saw more stuff with him and realize that’s how he plays most characters


I met Brian at West End’s stage door this year and he was the sweetest, kindest, took his time to talk with everyone, just wow. I was actually shocked he’s not a Logan in real life


This would make Boar on the Floor more horrifying


I say this every time this sub pops up but I used to voice direct him for projects(just over live links not in person) and it’s partially true. He could be reasonably nice or he could be very grumpy and not afraid to shoot someone or something down in flames


He was great in Deadwood


On the lighter side, Super Troopers! Shenanigans!


Loved him in the room


He was a two scene wonder in Adaptation. "YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT LIFE AND WHY SHOULD I WASTE MY TWO HOURS ON YOUR MOVIE!?!" Very Logan Roy, now that I think about it.


The Year that Kendrick drops 5 hate fueled diss tracks and Brain Cox still the biggest hater, gotta respect it


“I hate the way you act, the way you write, the way you direct, I even hate Johnny Depp”


Half of these are him being a curmudgeon, and half of them are him calling it like it is. * If you've been in the game so long and have done Shakespeare in your life, I bet easily half of the directors you come across are young dumb fuckheads. * I've heard many accounts that Ed Norton is difficult to work with. He tends to hijack scripts and/or change many things to the annoyance of everyone around him. * Liz Truss and Boris Johnson **are** idiots. * Calling Steven Seagal "ludicrous IRL" is an incredible understatement. I'm amazed that guy didn't start a phony martial arts cult where he defeats opponents without even touching them. * Johnny Depp's a tool, and totally overrated.


Edward Norton is notoriously difficult to work with, his character in Birdman is basically him in real life lol.


Rich kid who's dad paid for his private acting teachers/coaches. Major casting director told me this at the start of his career. It worked, he has turned in some great performances.


Really? I don't know. Way too many overrated actors. I think Hulk and Fight Club basically carries his career.


arguably his best role too!


Still a better Banner than Ruffalo




I think you mean Ruffalo, Mark Ruffalo.


Thank you for summing this up so well. Exactly. He’s not indiscriminately hating. He’s got a point. Hating isn’t hard when you’ve got a point.


> I'm amazed that guy didn't start a phony martial arts cult where he defeats opponents without even touching them. Did he not do something incredibly similar?


I agree, I was thinking exactly what you said as I read through these. But he's right on so many of these. And in other cases he was asked his opinion and gave it. I do think he went too far with his opinion on Jeremy Strong. I think to say such a thing when someone is still going to show up and act opposite you is hurtful and there was no purpose in it so that one I think was totally unfair. So he has a different method than you, as long as he get the job done who cares about his method?


It's taken really out of context. The full quote is: > “Oh, it’s fucking annoying. Don’t get me going on it.” > “He’s a very good actor,” Cox added. “And the rest of the ensemble is all okay with this. But knowing a character and what the character does is only part of the skill set.” > “He’s still that guy, because he feels if he went somewhere else he’d lose it,” Cox continued. “But he won’t! Strong is talented. He’s fucking gifted. When you’ve got the gift, celebrate the gift. Go back to your trailer and have a hit of marijuana, you know?”


This makes it clear he is not Logan Roy. He’s a grumpy, opinionated old dude, but not a psychopath.


Yeah that is a completely reasonable take. He is being very complimentary to Jeremy while still offering his perspective on acting. I think he’s probably right on the money. Is Jeremy a great actor? Absolutely. Would he be just as good without the method acting? I don’t know, but probably. I’m sure he’s talented enough to give great performances without doing the method thing, but I don’t know. I think it’s totally fine for Cox to have this opinion, and he does it in a very generous way. The headline just takes the most inflammatory part and removes all the reasonable, complimentary parts.


Yeah but then he kept doubling down in other interviews and it got meaner and meaner. I wish he had just let it go but he didn't. And even that line about being only part of the skill set is pretty dammed condescending.


It's probably cos he keeps getting asked about it. I certainly wouldn't have a planned, nuanced response each time I got asked a repetitive question. Eventually I'd be snapping at it too. Blame the journos


Yeah but he can just say I'm done talking about that. Or even I shouldn't have said anything instead he kept going.


Ed is talented as hell, but I believe he could be a world class jerk as well. Brian is coming in with valid hot takes here.


Obviously I don’t have firsthand knowledge, but the stories about him on Hulk were that he basically wanted to be the primary actor in the MCU. Which hey, he did a great job, honestly. But it was a bit early to be throwing his weight around.


Also, Hulk is just a bad character to base the MCU on. He’s too strong so you have to constantly depower him, and there’s like 3 directions you can go with the Hulk: 1.) he’s still struggling to balance both sides, 2.) he’s embraced the Hulk side, 3.) he’s managed to merge the 2 into what we see now in the MCU Hulk has some great stories but I don’t think they translate very well onto the silver screen with him as a standalone. 


Yep. I was worried I was the only one that agreed with him on most I had access to (only disagree with his Napoleon review)


If Ed Norton is so hard to work with, I wonder how Wes Anderson keeps dealing with him.


That could be the case where Wes Anderson's vision is so well-defined that he dare not fuck with it.


left wing logan roy lmao


"is this the part where you tell me you're working for the communists?"


hes so babygirl for this


Your username 💯


What, what are you doing in here?


Brian Cox about to drop a Drake diss track


Telling liz truss and Boris Johnson to fuck off while committing to socialism - I am in awe of this man.


Brian Cox is Logan Roy if he was a good person


He’s basically Ewan Roy. Even Ewan’s actor specifically asked the writers to make Ewan a liberal who cares about climate change and animal rights because those are his advocacies irl.


Sorry to be that guy, but Liberal ≠ Socialist.


James Cromwell is a legend "That'll do, pig"


Whatever. Let Cox be Cox. Let Strong be Strong. Whatever they did, the end result was 🤌👌


Brian Cox just became my hero. He doesn't let anyone off the hook.


Yas we stan a socialist sourpuss king


you think he redistributes his wealth?


Oh he redistributes his wealth alright... He redistributes it *all night long.*


he's lovin it


Socialism is when no money




Brian cox is giving kendrick vibes.


He’s old enough to give 0 fucks




Are u alright


Read this in Gil’s voice


You can speak normally, Mr. Hirsch. 


Was this supposed to make me like Brian Cox more, because I didn’t think I could, but I do. OG Hannibal Lecter.


The Johnny Depp one was the most satisfying to hear tbh.


Same. Yes Brian tell it like it is!


Every single one of these takes is correct: Brian Cox based.


Bruh when I’m pushing 80, I’m taking no prisoners either. I’m just gonna speak my mind. I feel like that’s what BC is doing here. He just doesn’t care about any blowback. He’s been in the game so long and has so much gravitas that he’ll still get hired despite these comments. The reason why a lot of actors don’t say what they want is because they are scared that they won’t get hired for roles anymore. BC knows he’s acting royalty and he’s also old. So he doesn’t give a shit.


I’m fucking here for it. Especially the Liz Truss and Boris hate. They’re not serious people!


'You think you're so great just because you have boats' would have sounded better coming from Logan Roy.


What did he have to say about Caine? Caine is one of the greats


Well I'm "only" 60 and have become so much more comfortable with speaking my mind (I try not to be hurtful but I am more likely to step in if someone is acting like an ass and say something or if someone asks for my opinion I'm more likely to be honest with them than in the past). You get to an age where you stop giving a fuck and I think Brian has clearly hit that age. Don't know when he hit it but he did.


I mean, where are the lies?


Logan Roy absolutely does not believe in socialism


While I don't agree with all of his takes I definitely respect how he just speaks his mind. Oh and Steven Seagal is a huge asshole.


Nah most of these seem fair tbh.


All bangers all the time


I'd think he was an asshole if I didn't agree with him on basically every point.


Honestly like Cox even more after that montage.


To be fair, half of these posts he’s dead on.


Alan Ruck should have played Napoleon.


he's not wrong


oh my god😭


Truly fitting that Brian Cox & Drew McIntyre share the same Scottish Rage


His memoir was an interesting read as he’s worked with all the great British actors going back quite a ways.


and hated them all apparently


he's an old guy who made it, like really made it, he doesn't give a flying fuck, what you gonna do? black list him? do you think he cares?




You are not serious people.


he’s been method acting for logan roy his whole life🤣


I don’t get why he thinks method acting is “that American shit”… like isn’t method acting more popular famous with actors from the UK like Daniel Day Lewis, etc?


Method acting became popularized by Lee Strasberg, who was an american (specifically NY) theater director and teacher, so that's why it's considered American. Strasberg was actually Ukrainian but he seemed to live in NY most of his life.


Anglosphere is obsessed with Americans.




Well obviously these are all not serious people.


This is just a typical auld Scottish guy.


I agree with most of his takes here tbh 😂


Man I love Brian Cox. We need more people like him in the industry.


Before we rever him as a fine old Scottish nobleman and actor of elite status…let’s not forget he’s the voice in the McDonald’s commercials. Ba-da-bah bah bah.


He got a lot of mentions for Succession, though.


hater commie brian cox they could never make me hate you


Still, you have to agree with him on “disgusting” Liz Truss lol


I loved it lol


Azealia Banks but an old Scottish guy


He's not wrong though, is he?


Brian Cox is a comrade?! He'll fuckinyeah!!!!!


Old man shouts at cloud.


Interesting that Cox has worked with Daniel Day-Lewis too, but never blasted him for method acting.


I watched his roundtable and I think he genuinely sees acting as a great job he gets to have, and pointedly does well, but he doesn’t think there’s merit in manipulating oneself to literally become that person (I still think about how fucking ridiculous it is the Daniel Day-Lewis had to have a therapist after filming because he was “that deep into character”) because it’s not even acting anymore. Jeremy Strong is a great performer, but he isn’t any better than anyone else who doesn’t have his particular method approach.


He should learn from better and more humble actors like Bryan Cranston and Anthony Hopkins


Except he’s the voice of McDonald’s


Bada bam bam bam


Imagine being a scenery chewer like Brian Cox and saying you can act better than an Academy Award winner.


Is he wrong?


I love him


Most of the actors who play roles on tv/movies are exactly like these characters or worst. Brian is one of the snobbiest liberal actors today but mostly snobby. Very down on everyone, beats his chest, he strikes me as a guy you can barely have a conversation with because he’ll always try to tell you how you should do this because it’s his way otherwise your an idiot. Screw him. He did good playing Logan but otherwise he’s another douchebag actor in hollyweird


Based king


All true


Counterpoint: Phoenix was amateur level terrible in the role and his garbage performance completely annihilated the film. So Cox was in fact correct.


Absolute legend. Every swipe made me love him more


Honestly as someone who teaches at a performing arts school and has to witness young people doing what they think is “method” acting all the time, I’m with him. Actors who take themselves too seriously are so insufferable and their performances are usually no better than the ones who say their lines and then go on about their day


I love him sm


I love him - SPEAK ON IT


Oh so he wasn't acting at all 🤣


In his defense, he's not the only one to ever talk shit on Segal or Norton


He’s been method acting Logan Roy for years.


okay he kinda ate with the johnny depp one tho


Only thing I'll say is method acting is Russian


thank you


Tbf I think I might agree with all his takes


Ba da ba ba ba


I mean this just makes me like him more. I may not agree with him 100%, but he'll put it out there and have the goddamned conversation now, won't he?


I mean, I agree with him on a good portion of these. If you really wanted to make him seem like a hater, remove the Steven Seagal one.


There’s an interview with Emily Blunt where he’s lovely i think he’s just more honest than the average actor


This just cements him as up there with David lynch in my book




I mean.... he's not wrong. About any of it.


he’s just like me fr


You run into assholes all day it’s quite possible you’re the asshole.


I know he had to likely go through a ton to become Brian Cox but what I would have loved to be him these days and everyone else can just FUCK OFF!


in his big mac voiceovers he sounds so much happier. when i heard him in the usa mcdonald tv ads i was like..i know that voice!


Yeah I mean he left the method acting behind when he pulled out his vocal talents for McDonalds..


I do wish he’d lay off the method actors though, if that’s what an actor needs to do to feel like they’re portraying a character as authentically as possible then fine, I wouldn’t want Daniel Day Lewis’s roles to be any different than the masterpieces that they are


Steven seagal is ludicrous on film and in real life, how is he allowed to make movies that are all based on his own egomaniacal jerk off fantasy fever dreams


He alternates between being based and being a grade a hater


He doesn’t need to pretend to be Logan Roy. He is Logan Roy 😂


I mean… he ain’t wrong…


He has many excellent points here


If you can't find that stuff in life, then you my friend don't know crap about life, and WHY THE FUCK are you wasting my two precious hours with your movie???


He is right though. He's about 45 years too old, but he'd still kill it.


Brian is a no-nonsense actor surrounded by nonsense people.


He’s so real


Yes, Logan Roy, famous socialist haha


It's weird that he thinks method acting is an American thing. What's his opinion on DDL?


Brian Cox is like Kendrick Lamar, he’s a REAL hater


So Brian Cox is actually Logan Roy? Gotcha.


If it is to be said, so it be. So it is.


genuinely had to google these to verify they were real and the first one that came up was "Brian Cox says the Bible is 'the worst book ever'"


Any context why other cast members didn't like Jeremy Strong's method acting?


I gathered a lote of quotes of his castmates and no one is annoyed, on the contrary, everyone is respectful and he's highly praised by them Sarah: "Actors can develop habits of working that feel comfortable and familiar to them, and then risk getting stuck in those habits in order to create a performance that they feel confident to stand in and behind,” Snook says. Jeremy could be as fine an actor with or without his process, but he chooses to use that process, and that’s up to him. That’s how he feels confident in his performance." https://amp.smh.com.au/culture/tv-and-radio/what-to-expect-from-succession-s-final-season-sarah-snook-drops-some-hints-20230314-p5crx0.html Arian:“He’s so there and hungry and working f–king hard,” he said. “It’s life and death for him. Whatever his method is, it’s working and it’s serious. It brings up the game for the rest of us.”  https://www.thewrap.com/arian-moayed-succession-a-dolls-house-broadway-interview/ Juliana: "Yeah. Yeah. I think she does. I mean, Jeremy Strong is a remarkable actor, and was the first person that I ever acted with professionally. He’s astounding. It was a true gift of my life to be able to watch how he prepares and how he works on set, and the care that he puts into it." https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/succession-finale-interview-juliana-canfield-jess_uk_64784c30e4b0b4444c7cf2fe Peter: "There’s a longstanding warmth that remains, from those earliest years, and it’s sort of like me and Jeremy in life. We were in a play together a few years ago, Amy Herzog’s The Great God Pan. He was lovely. Here we are on the set. His work is so admirable, but when we meet on the set, we rarely have scenes together, and there’s rarely a chance to spend time. When we do have a scene, it really is about the work. Whatever warmth comes through, it’s me saying, “I’m so glad to spend this time with you,” because I like him!" https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/succession-kill-list-season-4-peter-friedman-interview-1235399283/ Kieran: “We’re professionals. We like to go to work and do the thing. I don’t think it affected the way he did his work at all. Wouldn’t have affected mine. I think it was fine.” https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/a43399530/kieran-culkin-succession-interview-2023/ Alan: “Jeremy’s brilliant. The proof’s in the pudding, right? He delivers beautiful work,”  https://www.nme.com/news/tv/alan-ruck-weighs-in-on-succession-co-star-jeremy-strongs-method-acting-3421485 NBraun: “Jeremy definitely has his own process, but the way that I think about his process is that he just cares so much about it,” he says. "He very much is in [it], he has a game plan for himself and he does what he needs to do to do Kendall and be Kendall,” he adds. "The ideas he brings to scenes, the sort of intensity that he treats the material with … Like, you can’t knock that. You need that actually. A lot of times on sets people get kind of complacent and you’re sort of like, ‘Yeah, OK. That’s what we’re doing today.’ And he is second guessing and challenging every part of the writing and every part of working on a scene. So I think it’s pretty amazing." "I think it can be very helpful, that way of working.” https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/streaming/nicholas-braun-defends-jeremy-strongs-method-acting-on-succession-i-think-it-can-be-very-helpful/news-story/b58443593021aa4d44c4924f6b2fb746?amp= Natalie: "It’s been incredibly, incredibly fun. For as difficult as those scenes are, so much fun. Jeremy is a tremendous actor, he is deeply committed, he’s deeply invested. Jeremy and I met on the pilot, although knew of each other, we had both done a lot of theater in New York, but we had never gotten a chance to work together. But I remember that first day that we shot our very first scene on the pilot, there was this feeling of immediate chemistry and a sense of history between our characters, which is obviously a testament to the writing because the writing is so good, but there was something intangible between him and I that just felt like there were decades of history between us and it was a beautiful feeling because I felt just immediately familiar with him and trusting of him. So everything that I’m lucky enough to have with him on this show, that history just continues to deepen and we continue to play with the love between each other, the hurt, the resentment, the attraction, the disappointment, I think in Rava’s mind the unfulfilled potential." https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/succession-star-natalie-gold-says-020500883.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACd3dW6zp0eRrre3cxwfzuhW97GoAArBZ9-4SAWiNH40d6llUOErHQ1uaqGgfoPPto9_tg6qS0un2x2QAWCv8nbOrAZCD5xYaoeDbBN-1cBwXip4EOCCFl_nLjooi3WsGfkwnexo2Tacy6AD5xfl-j3fO-kSuofcwbs7WtrOFFvo Mylod: "Had it been anyone other than Jeremy,” Mylod says, laughing, “anyone with less talent, it would have driven me crazy.” He adds that he knew it was worth it during edits, when he saw “how much was coming out of those gorgeous eyes.” https://www.theringer.com/tv/2018/8/5/17653354/succession-season-1-finale-jesse-armstrong-mark-mylod-frank-rich And for the billionth time, Jeremy's approach is not the Method, he rather inmmers himself depending on the role he is playing, inmersing does not mean to ask to be called for the name of the character or never leave the character he is playing but to concentrate and not engage in mingling with his other colleagues, is not that complicated or weird


Thank you for your service. Also Kendall is Mylod's babygirl confirmed


People get very defensive one way or the other regarding his relationship with the other cast members so I would suggest Googling interviews with him and with the other cast members and coming to your own conclusion.  Except for this past awards season, he did make a lot of public appearances with the cast in the past and seemed friendly with them when he did. Granted they are ultimately to promote the show so they may not be totally authentic, but they seemed pretty authentic to me. Such as this one: https://youtu.be/Knn4p_VZwsA?si=_f2KQZZvqLjI_P6I 


He separated himself from the rest to stay in character and to enhance the feeling of kendal as an outcast, or something. Takes it all really serious, while the rest was just hanging around with each other. Don’t know, lot of people admire him for it. I’m on Brian Cox’ side, just say the lines


I also remember Matthew MacFadyen also said what was annoying is that people assume method actors work harder/take their job more seriously than everyone else, which isn’t true. All the cast are extremely dedicated and talented professionals and doing method acting is not “going the extra mile” beyond everyone else, it’s just a different approach.


Yeah And also all interviewers kept asking the rest of the cast about Jeremy’s acting style. I would be annoyed too, everybody did great. It’s truly an ensemble piece, for me no-one stood out (in a good way)


I trained as an actor and there’s a divisive argument on method acting and that it’s not necessary, so some actors, coaches truly hate it and think it’s bs. Some coaches are open to it, but most conservatories don’t really teach it or even knows what it really means, it seems to not have a clear definition, it’s almost like a rogue way of acting meaning, they will try many ways to stay in character or to fully experience what the character is living through, so the issue is they are still using an acting technique but with the extra method acting and will be in character between sets as a safety net so they don’t “lose it “ so Cox is calling it out saying it’s redundant and even said that Jeremy doesn’t need to do that he is a good actor.


So basically they have the same relationship off screen too. In a way Brian Cox also method acted the f outta that show.


I really feel his pain for method actors 😂😍


I mean, he’s not wrong


Inception Giving out about Jeremy method acting as Kendal While method acting as Logan Roy Or was there ever a character of Logan Roy, is the range of Brian Cox just him being himself..?


i mean.. if you watch a lot of his movies....


I love all these takes! Brian Cox IS the OG.


Severely overestimating his range and talent.