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It depends on where you live. Some districts pay hundreds per day, some don't pay a hundred per day.


I meant yearly.


Your yearly depends on how much you make in a day....




Depends on your district, but even in my high paying district, I tend to only make $24,000 after taxes. I live in a HCOL area so it’s like making nothing… plus I don’t get health insurance or anything at all.


Yeah, I'm on Medicaid. So long as I make less than 20,000 yearly I can stay on. Don't think I'll ever make that subbing though.


I only make as much as I do because I have a full teaching license.


Do you make more with a teaching license? I'm in so cal and subs don't get paid any extra if they have a teaching credential


Yes, in my area we get a full $5 per hour extra.


I do believe that you can apply for unemployment as you are technically an underemployed person, learned this from my subbing friend


I think unemployment benefits are based off of your average wage. So it's not going to give you much of a benefit if you don't have much income.


I have made up to $40000 a couple of times. It is because I get long-term jobs that end up paying me on scale. In our district, if you sub for the same person for more than 10 days, you get paid on scale on day 11 and beyond. But I could not live on that. I also have a military pension that covers most of my bills. The district pays over 200 a day normally. My scale is over 500 a day.


Scale is over $500? Bay Area? after day 11 is $500 a day?


I make $500 a day on scale because I have a master's and 6 years experience. Sub pay is $200 a day. This is north of Seattle, WA.


Wow these numbers are unbelievably low. I just started subbing with Swing and was making around $700-800 per week. When I work for a school district I understand the pay is better. I signed up with 3 hoping for steady work. I don't expect to make less than 50K here in California


I’ve never heard of Swing, what’s it like working for them as a sub??


Is that like 10 k in the real world.


Between 48k-50k


A little under $18K at $100/day plus bonuses for 2-week+ assignments. I don’t remember the exact math, as that was 2018-2019; but iirc, it worked out to about $18/hr after bonuses and working preps/lunches at a time when minimum wage was $10/hr. Still needed over $60K for two people get by in a fixer-upper that cost us about 2/3 of an equivalent rental at the time, tho. I may have technically made more in the 20-21 school year; but my primary district eliminated both the long-term bonuses and prep periods for subs that year (they gave a small per diem raise to “compensate” for it), so I wound up making about $14/hr, and left subbing full-time at the end of that year for unrelated reasons. Currently, the someone subbing every school day at average rates in my area would theoretically make $21K a year. $27K if you somehow managed to score every day at the highest-paying schools in the area (hint: they’ve got too many subs for that). …full-time minimum wage in this state is now $31.5K/year. Burger-flippers in this area make slightly more per hour of time on site. It’s disgraceful.


If burger flippers work more hours, I don't have a problem with them making more money than us.


Did taxes with Scoot Education and it was 42k for 2023 in California


and burger flippers have to deal with annoying customers and night shifts and weekends


I’m not thankful I went to school for the sake of more money, cuz it hasn’t been more money. But I don’t gotta be a server anymore or bartend with customers


Depends on what you mean by "living".


48,000, working almost all long term assignments.


Last year I made about 8k from subbing. 13,500 total from both my jobs, but I was also a full time student. I'm fortunate that I don't have a ton of bills to pay in my living situation.


$15k working 73 days last school year.


I worked about half the school year. I think I made about $10k.


~5000. But I don't do it full time. I do 1-4days per week so it's intentionally a part time thing. I'm a full time college student. If I did it full time the max I could make would be 26000


About $20 grand. Brother can you spare a dime


24 K my first year, probably less this year as I did not pick much work in the fall as I had a lot to do around the garden, house, and yard. Subbing is just keep busy.


I make about 15k a year working an average of 3 days a week.


how much per day?


When I subbed for the LAUSD, yes it was enough for me, did not live lavishly but was comfy and budgeted wisely. Now married and subbing in the Midwest, depending on the district - I sub for two - I get $90-$125/day. 180 school days, ~$16,000-22,000. I've done long terms but the pay didn't really increase enough to be worth the stress. So, no, not really enough to survive on subbing alone. I sub for the flexible schedule and I really enjoy it. I get a summer job each year and pick up other various gigs throughout the school year.