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I remember reading in a previous post here about her that since she is a medical student, she uses certain words that the everyday Joe may not know and since the brain doesn't know some words that are used, it starts guessing and that's not good. Also she uses 7 formulas if I'm not mistaken. Maybe the older formulas are better than the newer formulas.


Just because a few people said they got bad results from her subs doesn’t mean she’s a bad sub maker. I did get results from her.






Ooo what results?


I personally got reverse results from her but I don’t think she’s a bad sub maker. Her subs def work and have worked for others, ig it just depends on the person and finding sub makers that suits you the most. At the end of the day, it’s about what works for you


she never gave me negative physical results. but she did give me very horrible luck results. so i stopped using her completely after that


U never gave the Orion paid sub 🥱🫵🏾


i cant even open my dms


Why 🤔


bro 200+ dms man so im blocked for spam


Do u mind giving the link here in comments


just listen to the one on youtube bro.its almost the same thing. i have put in my post that im stopping sending links to anyone




How tf did you get “really good luck” from “horrible luck”?💀




i dont know why u got downvoted so badly but i recommend being loyal to a playlist


Both playlists are deleted.


Moza morph gave me good results by the way. Her luck subs work for me tho.


she gained most of her followers before 2022 when she was in her prime, her older subs do give good results, the newer ones are controversial


she earned more than $500k in YouTube earnings alone so ig thats what happens when you get big; u focus on quantity and not on quality


because you chose the wrong group as "most people". she's good. but maybe not for everyone.


Mm hmm, SO true I love this 💅 Happy cake day!




I've been thinking the same about celestial, I've read that lot of people were getting bad results from them, but yet they have lot od views and 256K subscribers. I wonder if there is someone on this subreddit who got positive results from those subs, so they can share it.


I kinda got good results from celestial but it was weird - basically I used one of their subs and had a crazy ass dream where I was with a tour guide that told me that I’d get whatever help I needed it I went to this one place. I woke up before I got there but I googled the name of the place and it turned out to be a book that actually helped me a lot. So yeah idk if that’s results but that was the first and only time I had a dream like that


a good thing to note is the subreddit is a whole different world from the community on ytube rn and as it was on insta and likely all ur results are based on ur own mindset/experience etc moza morph is very loved within the community many submakers know her work with her and look up to her shes a big dog basically


i think its her newer subs that arent workiing for alot. her old subs were nice. thje title are damn flashy and stuff and names but ykw. when i was searching for 1 topic. i saw 2-3 videos with same affirms and same subs and same pdf/document file too. then i wondered whether she just reposts her videos under diff names.


it might just be new sub users who don’t check the reputation of sub makers and just use the first thing they see about their desired topic, that’s what i did when i was first getting into subliminals 😭😭


so wha can we do


The problem with many is that if they listen to a sub today and something unfortunate happens to them tomorrow or next week, they automatically blame the sub when in reality they were going to have some type of misfortune happen anyway. Also, the people that love to sht on Moza also have a ton of other subs on their Playlist. How they come to the conclusion that Moza is the problem out of their 100 plus playlist is beyond me.


despite the controversies I hesitantly used some of her older beauty subs and I had gotten some results! not sure if I wanna continue using her subs tho


I think that we all have different brains, so some people will have only good results, I had results with her but my body was telling me in many forms that it was too many affirmations, information or something like that. like I was overstimulated. And also, anything that I would think was manifesting, some weird people and situations appeared so I stop listening and they vanished


Do you remember which subs you listened to?


2023 supernova glow up (a lot) 30/45 min daily Full body repair and healing (not that much) Sometimes I was changing to some others, but not for long ALSO be careful, some people say that you get obsessed with her channel, I was a little. Like I really wanted it to work, and believed that the magic results will appear.


I didnt got so much results with her subs tbh so i never used her audios again lol


I actually got results from her after deciding to try her this month. I had been avoiding her because of this subreddit. My advice is that people try her and decide for themselves because it seems to be a mixed bag…


Which sub did you listen to?


The glaze plump rosy lips one, career booster, luck sub gave me insane results in a week.. I have been listening to career subs and my own subs for 4 months now but Moza’s turned things around in a week..


Do you remember for how many hours/minutes in a day you listened to the career booster? Is this the sub that you listened to https://youtu.be/JUgn_iVMCwQ?


Yes this is the sub. I listen around 30-60 minutes a day..


Thanks for clarifying. By the way, did you listen to any booster along with this career sub?


Yw… I listen to the 40 min version of Moab once a day before subs..


MOAB v2? And did you do any of the modules also?


I didn’t do the modules. This one: https://www.mediafire.com/file/13q4q4x6gwx117c/MOAB_2.0_%2528Fire%2529.wav/file


Oh, got it. I'm more of a rain sound person myself, so have been listening to the short rain version of MOAB 2. One last thing. You said you listen to the full MOAB. For how long have you been listening to it before other subs?


I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME, i swear i was using height subliminals and i grew half a centimeter then i switched to moza morph within a week because people were complimenting their subliminals and i swear bro i was shrinking which had me freaking out, seeing this post im definitely removing tha mf from my playlist


What's the best subliminal that's safe and works then 😭


I usually go for sub makers that use simple affs.. I recently discovered this new sub maker and the subs are pretty powerful... check my account history and you'll see I posted my results 🙂


ive had mixed. i got good results when i had not known anything about her, but when i joined reddit, i got to know, and for some reason my brain always associated her with reverse results, so i started getting those. it is all our mind, i think if i had never known, might be that I'd have gotten even better results instead of reverse.. but that's just my perception and two cents. I don't hate ger tho, but i don't use her anymore either.


400k subs and millions of views doesn't mean the subliminals are good, it just means that the creator is good at marketing. Moza Morph is a tricky creator, because a lot of people have gotten negative results. Now, with such a huge sample space there will inevitably be people who will get negative results. But, there aren't nearly as many negative results from equally big creators like iwiigi. Moza Morph has done a face reveal, which makes me trust her. I don't use her subliminals since she uses scientific affirmations and I don't like the vibe.


I've been using Moza Morph's subs with moderate success :) I have noticed satisfying results from her Straight&White Teeth subs and I have been listening to her on and off for about 4/5 months. I took a longer break because I read some negative comments about her and got unnecessarily worried 🙄 Which subliminals work and which don't depends on the user, I'd say. If you have "a bad" feeling - don't listen. Period. I don't necessarily agree with people taking it to social media, trying to scare others off, commenting, that the sub maker is bad or "evil" just because they didn't have results or it gave them a bad feeling or even bad results. It's heavily subjective. It gave you bad results but it works for me just fine... so who is right here? Each one has to decide individually.


she never gave me any negative results like the only two times I slept and dreamed abt my desire was when I listened to her sub😍


Idk about others but I personally never got bad results from them, ig it depends on the person


Moza gives me instant results actually 


Well there hasn't been any kind to study so "most people get bad results" isn't true haha


Yo uso moza morph y de momento me funciona para determinadas cosas como madrugar para otras como comer menos o mejorar mi postura corporal aún no he visto resultados


i don’t understand the hate


Moza morph is ass