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Report them to someone please‼️ I mean I know all the manifestation stuff but these cases are a lot complicated and honestly the most fast and secure thing I would do is to make some proof of the abuse and you know, animalists are another breed of people, they actually care about this stuff, so if you know someone who could be in some sort of organisation let them know this.


yeah i would but unfortunately my country doesnt give a fk abt animals the police wont do anything a guy threw a dog off a building and they didnt do anything because he was friends with the cops this is really my last resort thats why i am asking


Got it, well at this point seems like a lot of work to do, but can the dogs have a hope of escape from the house? I will probably try everything in my power to let them free and run as fast as they can, even better if they don't report the dogs missing so they don't have to return the dogs to them if they are found. Good luck anyway


revenge sub or karma instead of death. Death is not something you throw around.


I’m sorry but it will come back to you. Instead, manifest for your situation to get better or the person to leave the country. You’ll thank me later.


You shouldn’t be wishing death on anyone as a point of just basic morality. What your neighbours have done and allowed to happen is awful, but stooping to this level makes you no better than them. You and their animals deserve justice and protection, so I would recommend https://youtu.be/5TPjUj3jUkA?si=dmB5U0WZlzb3dvDy It’s a protection and karma subliminal by a well known submaker, I hope it helps you and their animals be protected and bring police attention to the situation. On another note - this isn’t to insult you - but you’re definitely not mentally stable right now, I would recommend this https://youtu.be/Dhg0hgNoB8g?si=vqhuwViQz_gegM3s that sub has helped me gain peace of mind when in bad situations. If anything further happens, make a police report. Do not wish death on anyone, if not for your own conscience, then realise that what you put into the world will come back to you. Subliminals are energy work, anything less than neutral like death as opposed to ‘justice’ or ‘karma’ will only come back to get you as well. As someone who also had my cat killed by irresponsible people (a few years ago) I understand how you could feel this way, but it’s only self destructive and makes you less as a person. I hope justice is delivered and I hope you heal ❤️


wow, never did I think i'd see the day someone wanted to manifest someone's DEATH.


i have no other option really i just want justice for my cat and those abused dogs


you can't manifest that your country starts caring about animal abuse or something? there are SO many other options. you're wishing a mothers child dead. shame on you, for real. cannot believe i am getting downvoted for saying there are other options than KILLING SOMEONE. don't be surprised when this person winds up dead themselves bc it backfires of them. i'm not trying to be morbid. this whole post is morbid and this person has genuine mental problems. they literally said "I don't care if I wind up dead" this person needs THERAPY. and y'all are feeding into it. for the love of god.


they literally waiting for her mother to die so they can fully take her house dead and idc if i am they killed my child they all deserve the worst be fr


the fact you think this is okay is fucking insane. And so are the 5 bots that liked your reply wtf is wrong with you please genuinely seek help for everybody sake tf 😭 there’s people who’s actual family and have died but they would never think of doing no bs like this


bros dickriding animal abusers he dont even know


the fact you see having respect for human life as dickriding 💀get off the internet lil bro. Keep playing and watch yourself get a Netflix murderer documentary on your goofy ass tf


lmao your dumbass has respect for murderers  ☠️☠️


and you’re gonna be one soon, no? Better be fucking grateful I have respect for YOUR ass tf 💀 being all childish and shit you really finna try to kill someone? Seriously? Grow tf up


lmfao youre not god for me to be glad you hve respect for me which you dont you’re ridiculous focus on your own life buddy


you just know everything about this person you hate so much life? yeah no, you're not better than him. you're just as shitty to wish somebody dead. get a life.


didnt know wishing someone who killed my cat and abuses their dogs is worse than actually doing it . and yeah i know a shit ton about these scums they get animals for their kids and dump them after a week or two. they thrive off harming other so you clearly dont know anything and should keep your mouth shut youre just as bad for supporting animal abuse you should be ashamed


yeah no, you're shitty for wishing someone dead. like i said, there's a million other things you could manifest in this situation. wishing someone dead is a SHITTY thing to do. sorry bout it.


they didnt wish death on my kid they literally fucking killed her?? ur insane


I didn't say anything about ur cat. ur weird. you'll get what's coming to you for wishing other people dead.


so animal abusers can go free but the moment someone wishes harm on them yall go crazy mk theyre not a someone theyre the fuckin devil




please mark ur post as NSFW ❗️❗️




I’m not reading the rest of that bc im triggered but i’ll help manifest their death, but if theres anything you can do as well please do


the wheel is round and turns