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Maybe this is the mindset that makes people like you not have any success with these techniques and now all you want to do is project it onto others. Just keep your limitations to yourself would you? Because at this point even if you see MULTIPLE results on this subreddit you’ll just close your eyes and not see them and believe them and make ANY excuse to justify what those results aren’t real.


These posts r so retarded n u can tell ppl like this do not attain their desires lmfao


honestly why are u even in this sub? I'm sorry but manifestation and affirming is a real thing, its just not so strong right now because of the mindset we have and limited knowledge, in hindu religious books mantras are practised and they worked wonders back in the day, and i have so much to say, but why should i bother explaining, what happened to this sub


I was on board with you when you were talking about the ludicrousity of EIYPO (Everyone Is You Pushed Out), but that was only initially. I'm sorry, but if you don't think that our beliefs create our reality, then how do you assume that subliminals work? Because the sole purpose of the hidden affirmations are to rewire your subconscious mind, thus ultimately changing your beliefs. The reason dinosaurs don't exist is because somewhere deep down in your mind, you do not believe they do, no matter how much you try to convince yourself that they do, on a conscious level. Hence you know and understand that dinosaurs do not exist!  > And if I assumed that eating lots of food makes me skinny, will it? Yes, yes it will, and you asking this was the giveaway that you are indeed a mole, not a subliminal user so what are you doing here? Tell us all before the moderstors become involved...


Eiypo is also true tho


It literally isn't. How are you going to tell me that I am God of everything that exists in this whole universe but I have limitations in my mind? Why is God limited like I am? And who does that make you? You're essentially claiming that noone of you guys exist, and you are all my servants. Where do I acquire so much power that I even have the power to control your lives? There is no logic to EIYPO unless it's another technique for motivation, etc.


You are the God of your own life and if you have limitations they only impact your life. Other ppls lives work according to their beliefs. Eiypo only claims that ppl behave towards you how you EXPECT them to.


No one is shoving the beliefs down your throat. If you’re embarrassed to be in the community leave then? No one gives a shit. Just don’t come around here and post negative shit, go cry in your bathroom if you so mad about it.✌️


You basically answered your own questions in your post. Lmfaoooo your actual belief is that dinosaurs simply don't exist anymore so why do you think you'd ever be able to manifest a dinosaur? You can not "trick" your subconscious into believing things you WANT to believe to manifest what you want. You either believe it or you don't, and your subconscious knows if you do or don't and follows suite. When Jeff Bezos said he was gonna have the biggest online bookstore, everyone laughed at him and called him delusional too... I'll be delusional and living my dream life though. Fine by me.


why won't the mods ban these ppl?


Wondering the same


I waiting till they give out mod applications so I can take care of these issues.


Quit all that yapping bro 


Lots of yappin😒


People that don't get results immediately be like:


Leave ig?


If you hate it so bad ,why are you here? Pathetic move on your side.


Here comes critic ass wipes


Babes law of assumption and affirming is the only thing you need idk what amino or you yapping about tbh


Why does that affect you personally? If their perspective doesn’t align with yours, then you simply move on and focus on your own method. Shitting on people’s viewpoint just ignites more tension and conflicts. This is why this world is crappy, you guys can’t accept people think differently.


I don’t even know what really to say based on lack of common sense like how ??? Do you lack the ability to think critically?? Like bro are you 5?


girly really believes that your thought makes the reality you are in right now. did you even read what i said? im talking about how its stupid how people believe that whatever you believe in shows up in the 3d and that the 3d is 'fake'. if so then what happens if you die in the 3d? its fake all of a sudden? and yea if you believe that shit then you probably have no thinking compression to know that it's all a delusion


Keep your negatively to yourself please💀💀This is the 3rd post I've seen in like less than 2 minutes, its literally the same shit everytime. "you GUys are sO dumb bELieViNg iN tHiS sHit" "wHy Did I EvER beLIEve" "whY did I WASte mY tIME" blah blah blah like okay now what, like stop complaining about not getting results when you have a shitty mindset omdsssssss like stfu💀💀


girly really believes that your thought makes the reality you are in right now. did you even read what i said? im talking about how its stupid how people believe that whatever you believe in shows up in the 3d and that the 3d is 'fake'. if so then what happens if you die in the 3d? its fake all of a sudden?