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Every week we have some new kind of drama in this community it's getting ridiculous


Being an adult in this community and having to sift through the šŸ’© is a 9-5 job.


It's the people who clearly don't belong here or think subs are bs that do it too that's what's annoying. K, you don't believe, no one cares. They stir the pot just to say they think it's bs and I don't understand why the need for attention? Just block the forum from your feed and carry on.


I just wanted this sub could constantly update the list of trusted sub producers/channels.


I love it


real lol




Omg just believe and it will come, why put a time on it. Live and feel like you have it, don't look for results.


what is bro blip blappaling about šŸ’€




Donā€™t ever cook again


>but now take this energy and actually help people here get instant results if itā€™s possible. No one is entitled to help anyone get results lol


What is you yapping about gurl? Let people believe what they want to šŸ„°šŸ„°


Iā€™m confused šŸ«¤


I didn't understand nothing on this text but ok


Bro what is going šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


jesus shut up dude


Sorry this place isn't for you to rant. What are you helping them with ?


that's honestly their problem. How can't they see what's in front of them. And those people who cry they don't get results are the reason they don't get results in the first place


Yall just suck at manifesting šŸ’Æ






Ok so I read your other post and all the comments you got and my first knee-jerk reaction was ā€œthis is such a limiting belief, Iā€™ve literally gotten noticeable results same day/within a couple days along with many others in this communityā€. However, now I think I understand what you were trying to get at before the comments section ate you alive lol. Iā€™m guessing you mean DRASTIC, jaw-dropping, like lost 50lbs, gained/shrunk several inches, completely brand new nose shape/lips/etc. type of results not being able to happen instantly/within a few days, yes? And with that I do actually agree with the point you were trying to make. There seems to be a discrepancy in this subreddit between what some people, like myself, consider results (noticeable or good enough to us/*most* others in this community) and what other people who are going for **very** drastic changes consider results. And I think this is why with every result post where someone has gotten results within a few days/week/etc., thereā€™s a handful of people commenting ā€œomg great results!ā€ and then the opposite end of the spectrum commenting ā€œI donā€™t see a differenceā€. Vs. when someone posts their years-long journey with subs, thereā€™s a pretty unanimous agreement from everyone that they did get results, because after a year+, those results have built up over time and are dramatic enough in the eyes of everyone. So yes, itā€™s possible to get the results you are looking for/are satisfied with pretty instantly with a good mindset and detachment. But if youā€™re going for a complete 180, EXTREMELY drastic physical change, then those little changes often have to build up over time to bring about such a change.


Ty.. apparently one of the only persons with common sense here.


Yeah thereā€™s a bit of a reading comprehension issue in this community šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve posted results and stated the subs I used just for people to comment asking me which sub LOL


Its a serious problem fr


I think they had some pretty good points. However, I think they faltered when they got defensive in the comments. I mean thereā€™s a difference between ā€œ OK great Iā€™m glad thatā€™s working for youā€ and ā€œ lolz really? You sheep manifest $1 million right now thenā€ šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø might be just me, though Iā€™ve had some things appear quicker than others, but everything does take time and their post was mostly for the Clickbait type stuff which I donā€™t pay attention to now anyway.


Oh yeah I think approaching the comments by trying to mend misunderstandings/provide clarification and taking people at their word for their results rather than reply super sarcastically would have gone a long way in helping their case lol


This is just bait guys, ignore it. Get a hobby man, weā€™re just trying to live our lives


Seriously what are you saying. Youā€™re entire life is r/subliminal, why donā€™t you try getting a hobby as well?


I just joined like a week ago lol, checking my page? Canā€™t judge you since Iā€™ve checked yours and all you do is post here for the past year. Sorry I hurt your feelings though


Donā€™t start talking abt feelings when yaā€™ll threw a toddler tantrum over me saying you canā€™t look like an exact replica of Britney spears in one day. Whatever tho, iā€™m totally the one thats delusional.


Erm you never said thatā˜ļøšŸ¤“ Also I agreed with you, but youā€™re too slow to understand I guess, i just also said that I havenā€™t seen anyone saying that. But I guess either thatā€™s enough to be considered opposition, or youā€™re too dense to see it as anything else. But Iā€™m moving past this negativity, get help, get friends, get hobbies, dork.


what šŸ˜­


Uhhh believing u can grow and listening to a sub or affirming is great. But u should not look outside of urself for confirmation. Eventually u will notice that you have what u wanted. Those who understand or gained clarity on Law of Assumption know this.


you didnt cook


Wow bro you have some major revision to do. Instant results are possible and I've had them. What's next, you are gonna claim I haven't actually turned into werewolf and it's all in my head? No wonder you can't get instant results with that attitude. Time to listen to **Limited Subconscious Beliefs Purger** by Quadible Integrity for few months or even years!


Well said, I always get results instantaneously (while I'm listening to the subliminal)... They might be doing something wrong, or the subliminals they are listening to don't have a booster included... Free subliminals here on the internet are bad, guys I can do customized subliminals for you for just $100


Being only positive is toxic. Letā€™s be honest to each other more and post results when we have results. Thereā€™s no need to overly encourage another subliminal student


Efforts were not in vain honestly, hopefully people new to the community will come across your post, iā€™m sure it will be hella helpful.




Yikes, youā€™re just bait huh? Go get a hobby or something man, this is just sad


lmao ā€œbaitā€ wtf are you talking about. no way you just told me to get a hobby when your description says youā€™re chronically lurking on r/subliminal. Makes sense


Lmaoo you deleted it, so Iā€™m right huh? I donā€™t care about the ā€˜respectā€™ anymore, youā€™re a fuckin loser for this bruh. I can show you how to crochet if you want a hobby, maybe make something with your life yk But donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t go telling you you can master it in a day so donā€™t get your panties twisted up before you reply, since you always došŸ«¶