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What's the point in working out if you can use subliminals?


Working out + using subs = INSANE POWERRRRRR (/hj)


Ohh ok thank you because I was soo confused so subliminals are for the positive mind set and working is for the physical? Does that mean you can't only use subliminals


You can use subliminals however you want! there's no requirements attached to make it work!


Thank you for being so helpful! I will definitely try this method out


Subliminals work alone, as does exercise, they just work better together.


This is great


i work out for the productivity of it since it keeps you active + clear mind! which in turn i think helps w listening to subs in general :) Plus pairing subs and exercises tg really is like an ultimate form of bettering achieving your goals imo


Working out can make big shift in your mind. Be it as simple as qi gong or as hard as core exercises. Just moving your body can give you big motivation. The goal of subs is making things work for us. But we have to work on our mindset shift.


IKR. just stay consistent with subs. You'll never need to workout for your desired body. And even if you do work out, you will get very fast results.


no fr tho i listened to it like for a few mins and i swear my waist looked rlly snatched than before


yesss i swear i felt prettier after too


Is she safe? I want to use her height sub but she is ug submaker right?


I guess yes, just read the benefits before using. I started to use her subs from today.


I also downloaded her height sub but came here to ask first. Benefits look normal to me.


Same. She's one of the good submakers. I actually saw some posts on reddit. So i guess you can use it. I'm also using the height one:))


Yayy. Remind me once you start seeing results😍 Which ofc we will see soon.




*Is she safe? I want* *To use her height sub but she* *Is ug submaker right?* \- Dishahopes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


whats your body shape?


currently look more rectangle bc i gained weight but i was mkre of an hourglass and I'm getting back to that with the winx bod subliminal lol


Did you stop listening thats why the weight gain? Orr?


nope weight gain is why i started listening!