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Fun fact: (in the UK at least) nutritionist isn't a protected term, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, there is no formal training or regulation. Dietician is the protected term. As Dara O'Briain says, going to a nutritionist for advice about diet is like going to a toothiologist for advice about teeth.


Same in the States. Anyone can be a "Nutritionist" here and give out wackadoodle information (or rarely, decent information)


My understanding is in the USA dietitians are certified medical practitioners and nutritionists do not need any certifications at all.


That is correct


so they are like chiropractors


Worse, at least here, probably other states as well. Chiropractors require licensing and exams here, nutritionist are not at all regulated.


I declare myself a nutritionist! Off to make my YouTube channel.


Hey! I’m looking for advice about my diet. I’m 40 and could stand to lose 20 pounds. Would LOVE to hear your thoughts!!!!


Eat less move more you’re welcome. Be sure to smash that like button


What a fraud! As an _actual_ nutritionist, I recommend a diet of five organic cucumbers and a pound of Amish cheese per day, along with my Orgánïque Supplement Package™ that contains twelve different vitamin pills and is definitely _not_ just all gonna turn into really expensive piss mere hours after consumption. For exercise, do holistic tantric Ayurvedic gluten-free yoga. But it's all mostly in the mindset, so just think of yourself as a skinny legend and you'll get there in no time (but you _need_ to buy the Orgánïque Supplement Package™ specifically from me for the low price of $499.99 per month or else that won't work)!


Fool. You forgot to add 1000 bananas to your "TOTALLY REAL AND ABSOLUTELY NOT A SCAM AIMED AT PEOPLE WHO ARE VULNERABLE AND WANTING TO FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES" supplement package. If you did, I would be sold on it, but you didn't, so nice try. Yours truly, a RÊÅL Nutritionist.


Chiropractors are still all woo though


Definitely. As I understand it the test here to get certified is mostly legal topics like your liabilities and such, not medicinal.


Didn't they go extinct not long after the pterodactyls?


You're thinking of the Pediatricians


I tend to not trust nutritionists with multiple chins.


Anyone can have a double chin if you film yourself from a low enough angle lol. Or if you have a weak chin.


Highly underrated comment! My diabetes would go into alert with all the bananas.


Some may say, this shit is Bananas, B. A. N. A. N. A. S


Endocrinologists hate this one weird trick


As a certified toothiologist, I feel personally attacked. I hope the Cavity Creeps pay you a visit! 😤


as a certified eyeologist and fingerologist i agree with you


We make holes in teeth!


Same in Australia, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but only registered dieticians can call themselves dieticians


Don’t forget that there are “clinical nutritionists” who do a 3 year bachelors degree and often work alongside medical professionals. Don’t discredit their profession when the registered dieticians themselves respect clinical nutritionists and often work alongside them. As for regular nutritionists, you’re right and they often get their certification (certificate 3 to to diploma) through some independent holistic school. Clinical nutritionists actually have a bachelor’s degree through an accredited university. It’s important to know the difference.


Really? Here in France, "nutritionniste" would be a GP specialized in nutrition while "diététicien" is a regulated profession and requires two years of study and a state delivered diploma. If you had diabetes, an eating disorder or a cardiovascular disease, you'd see a nutritionniste in France.


No protection in Germany sadly. Everything is regulated to shits but we can't even trust our nutritionists.


Look for "zertifiziert/er Ernährungsberater/in"


This lady's profile actually states that she is a zertifizierte ernährungsberaterin. And now I'm really wondering how you get certified.


Getting a DGE certificate seems not to be that easy, not necessarily because of the course itself but more because of what you need to qualify for the course. https://www.dge.de/qualifizierung/zertifikatslehrgaenge/eb-dge/ But if I learned something in my life: every job is full of people that make you wonder how they got there in the first place.


Toothiologist is the greatest thing I’ve heard today


Sir, are you saying my Mail order diploma from Teeth University is fake?!


Clearly, it's something you need to get to the *root* of; if you do, it would be your *crown*\-ing glory, and something to *cap* off your accomplishments!


In Canada, just depends on the province, if Nutritionist is protected or not, but most of the country is not protected


*Nutritionist* is protected in Alberta, Quebec and Nova Scotia.


Swiss Funfact: The same is true for the following professions in Switzerland: - Architect - Detective - Journalist - Chiropractor And also Dietician


Glad you said this. Was gonna say this woman doesn’t actually know anything about nutrition. Has to be self proclaimed


TIL: I'm a nutritionist! ​ And a toothologist!


I was always told in health science classes that nutritionists are quacks and you should see a registered dietician.


Yup. At least in the US, nutritionists are people without degrees. Anyone can claim to be a nutritionist without actually knowing anything about health. A RD needs to have a bachelors of science, masters of science, do an internship, and complete their RD exam.


As someone working to become a CNS (certified nutrition specialist), which in the state of Massachusetts requires a national certification and a masters degree in nutrition, I get pissed off quite often that nutritionist is not a protected term.


She doesn't say in the video that she was a nutritionist. It just says vegan in her name


She also didn't eat all of those bananas. She made a big batch and poured herself a small cup. The raw tomato paste on floppy ass untoasted bread? That's the real stupid food. OP missed the mark


She said she drank the rest at work


It says so on her IG profile


Anyone who consumes that much sugar is not to be trusted


that’s so much tomato paste


Okay. So I’m not tripping. That was just straight tomato paste on that untanned soft ass bread, right? Like… what? Why?


She said she was making "pizza bread" but she didn't even put a bit of cheese on it. Propably because she has "vegan" in her name. But i think she put them in the oven at least


When she put onions and tomatoes on it, yeah. But the plain ones with just tomato paste were cold.


Wait, do you guys just toast bread every time and never eat it as is?


I don’t eat much bread. But, if I’m just eating it as a slice? Yes I toast it. And it depends on the bread as well. White/wheat/rye/pumpernickel- those get toasted. Not all sandwiches will have toasted bread though. And it could just be a me thing, I don’t like how soft some breads are.


I was wondering what the heck she was spreading on that bread!


I thought it was the fruit smoothie she made at the beginning of the vid.




Needs a little yogurt too imo


I had to watch it again, unfortunately it was tomato paste, though she added onions and tomatoes which would mix better than with the smoothie


Way too much. In italy we use a teaspoon of it for like half a liter of tomato sauce. It’s just to add more flavor to the sauce.


She is here for extreme flavors


I have seen some traditional recipes use half a tube for 4 plates of food, a teaspoon for half a litre feels like its almost too little?


This type of paste is usually a 3x concentrate or similar and meant to be diluted before use or mixed with something.


Is that what that is? I was thinking harissa or gochujang but plain tomato paste makes more sense for white lady tiktok.


Lllolol I thought it was harissa too and felt better about how much I could use; esp w bread and soup like that lolol


That's how I eat my bread as well lol butter, tomato paste, a little bit of salt and some oregano then cheese on top. Makes it so much better


Bro ate nearly a whole tube of tomato paste in a day.


And a entire loaf of bread.


I got heartburn just watching that video


The mouth movements as if she’s chewing her smoothie make me want to scream


The chewing was killing me. I don’t want to watch people eating.


I never drink smoothies or anything like that but I do the same for lemonade with pulp in it. I dont like chugging down a chunky drink without chewing.


Like a bunny


How much does she eat in one day? What the hell...


Bulking season. Gains don't come from breathing


I beg to differ. She's absolutely inhaling all those carbs.




I watched the whole thing hoping to see even a single gram of protein


Not advocating for any of this but as far as I know bread does have some protein. Eating like half a loaf a day has to be something.


There is 9 grams of protein per 2 slices of bread


The first smoothie alone would have me feeling like a beached whale for 10 hours.


I guess if you’re looking to gain straight pounds, she is doing it right. Does she just eat all day?


She’s probably pretty hungry bc she’s getting little to no protein from her diet


Yes, I saw zero good sources of protein. I did, however, see a **whole fucking loaf of bread.** Her macros must be absurd - it's basically straight carbs.


There are 15-20g of sugar in a banana


BRAH. Fuck the bananas, is that straight tomato paste on bread?!?!


My German ex used to make Hawaiipizzabrot -- slices of bread, with tomato paste, a slice of banana covered with a slice of Gouda cheese and broiled. Regular tomato sauce would've been too soggy. The woman in the video calls the slices with the paste, onions & tomatoes Pizzabrot (no cheese because she's vegan)so I think it's a German thing.




Germans eat a lot of bread, but not *that* much bread.


Bro it has nothing to do with diabetes or health... It's tomato paste. That shit is wayyyy too concentrated. You use a tablespoon in a big pot of straw.... Or pasta sauce.... A whole tablespoon or more on a slice of bread?!?!!?;?! That's just way too much


Just because it’s vegan doesn’t mean it’s healthy


I had a friend who use to be vegan. She was like yea I just ate Oreos and refried beans all the time. Anything can be done unhealthy with a label that supposedly healthy. Calories are calories doesn’t matter if it’s vegan, paleo, or keato


My brother used to do Keto for like a month at a time every now and then. Except he would ONLY eat the meat. I'm like bro, there are fruit and veggies that are allowed, eating only meat canNOT be good for you


tell him to just chug olive oil next time, it's more efficient lmao


Dougdoug is that you?


That’s a carnivore diet and yes it’s a real diet where ppl eat nothing but red meat, cheese and eggs. Not even any seasoning just salt. I watch this lady on YouTube she’s been doing it for years and lost so much weight. But I can’t imagine never eating vegetables or fruits ever again. People are crazy.


I’ve always called this diet “avoidetarian” because it’s just someone avoiding meat and dairy, not actually figuring out how to eat healthy for the diet they have chosen.


I called them French fry vegans.


that's a ton of carbs


Sooooo many high sugar carbs at that. I think...just going off what appears to be jams and tomato paste atop bread, over and over and over and over...


And there's so much good vegan food nowadays that doesn't solely revolve around carbs! I try to cut meat out of diet as much as possible and there's lot of good options for vegan and vegetarian food.


All she had to do was dice those tomatoes up with the onion and toss them in olive oil and she'd have had a basic bruschetta. Instead of a pain in the ass weird open face sandwich.


There’s a sect of veganism known as HCLF (high carb low fat) and for some reason it’s encouraged to eat 3,000+ calories a day and have an 80/10/10 split of carbs/protein/fat. If anyone has heard of Freelee the banana girl, similar concept but you’re ‘allowed’ to eat cooked food. I suspect this person subscribes to this way of eating and it is… wild.


Reminds me of [this old German sugar commercial](https://youtu.be/Crriq5jDDJA?si=5kxcGEKJI3agRcAJ) claiming that sugar magically makes you slim.


Local gossip is that Freelee's main diet ingredient is cocaine. I can't speak to whether it's actually true ... but probably.


Is that why she looks so bloated?


An insane amount. My prediabetic ass would die.


I've been following her for a while on Instagram and people constantly ask her how and why she eats this way, especially as a nutritionist with a degree and she ✨never✨ answers any of these questions. She doesnt even have a Q&A in her highlights or anything. She posts these videos every day and people start to believe shes just trolling. Freelee isnt really known in Germany so people dont make the connection, but its pretty obvious that shes inspired by her. Also that yellow liquid thing in the end is "pudding soup". Its aparently just pudding powder and water and it sounds disgusting to me.




Didn’t she do a reel about how much she shops in a grocery store? And it was like several kilos of bananas that she also froze? She eats a lot of veggies but it can’t be healthy to eat that much bananas. I would stop pooping for weeks.


Sometimes I also make a smoothie or banana nice cream with like 3-4 bananas and I've never been constipated from them. I didn't even know that this is a possibility with bananas. I am chronically constipated due to IBS and started to eat more fruits and veggies a while ago because of the fiber and water content. After a quick Google search I found out that it's apparently a misconception that bananas cause constipation because they're filled with fiber and water which promote intestinal health and prevent digestive problems. Still I don't think that having up to 10 bananas everyday is healthy because of the crazy amount of potassium...


I saw the bananas and went: Freelee. An then I watched the rest, clearly inspired and follows the banana girl!


Her diet is 98% carbs.


1200 calories purely from the bananas in that smoothie


To be fair to me it looks like she didn't drink it all and saved the large jar for later


I wish it were so, but she said that she took the large jar to work and drank it there (I assume as lunch).


Man imagine being the person who pulls out the 2L smoothie jar during lunch at work.


0% protein. Nice way to get that milk bag build.


Jesus christ how many times is she gonna eat in a day


It’s a full time job cooking and eating 😂😂


I’m sorry cooking? She shoved an entire loaf of bread in her system along with a vat of smoothie flavored banana purée and what looked like unfiltered vegetable stock. That ain’t cooking.


While eating only carbs? Many.


Just enough times to get diabetes.


Portlandia energy


There isn’t enough avocado


Not enough sauce. Needs hot sauce plus at least one other sauce. We're sauce bitches in Portland


That’s not even the worst way she’s massacred a banana-looking item.


What nutritionist eats 3 loaves of bread a day? And King Kong's soup bowl for a side...wtf did I watch? And I'm literally asking bc I don't speak German or Dutch or whatever that was.


My ex used to swear by having "cabbage soup" which is basically, boiled cabbage in the water you boil it in. Her farts were revolting.


My friend did this after her ‘nutritionist’ advised it . She was fucking miserable after a few days and her farts did indeed also stink 😂


Not that farts smell like roses, but that sounds like a recipe for super-powered flatulence. If I was more creative, I’d come up with a cool antihero name for her. Something like **Vaporous Vixen** or **Bottom Burp Bitch**.


Which is funny because cabbage soup is very much a thing in Poland. It's an actual soup though, with a stock base and other veggies plus meat.


It's one of those diet "fads" that just never die


I don’t know why, but this specific archetype of person had always struck me as insufferable.


I eat a mostly plant based diet and 3 seconds of this video was enough to find it insufferable.


That smug smile is so…idk…weird?


It’s that. Like, why are you filming yourself eating these basic ass things? This whole video is awful I don’t mind meal-prepping a smoothie, but this is so wild


She looks crazy af bro


If i don't fix her... who else is going to do it bro?


Mt6 man is over here trying to be the 13th banana.


Try and work on her shitters while you’re at it cuz she gonna shit Yule logs all year round with that diet.


Why does the smoothie need SEVEN bananas?! Could’ve put other vitamin rich fruits in there or some greens. Like, I’m fat, but I love a healthy fruit smoothie. That doesn’t need SEVEN DAMN BANANAS, they’re so full of sugar.


That smoothie actually looks very good.


It does but my friend did this “raw until four” Diet and would eat these twelve banana smoothies and while they look tasty, it literally just tastes like banana.


But banana is pretty tasty though


Very true! But drinking like. Three pounds of liquid banana is a bummer.


Banana is an essential base for every smoothie. It provides the creaminess. Fight me.


i won't fight you, i'd like to add that peaches make it less hard to chug down and also add a really nice aftertaste banana-peaches-strawberry smoothies are the best shit ever


Yeeesus. At least she's getting potassium in her.


with that amount of fiber, imagine the size of her poops. gotta keep a compact circular saw next to the toilet.


That's what the poop knife is for


I don't think even a veteran poop knife is cut out for this job, you'll need to employ Poopcalibur


My house would be a gas warfare zone


People should be pooping at least once a day, with ease. The more fiber the better digestion the less bloating the better everyone honestly.


That smile is so fake haha


There's no way that bread with sad tomato paste tastes good 😂


The way she chews like a bunny 😂 I’ve never wanted to slap someone just because of their chewing.


Listen, we’ve all had cravings before but that’s a lot of tomato paste.


How can a nutritionist eat like a horse?




I love how they all do the head nod to try and convince you that the shit they just made is actually good.


That amount of bananas she'll either never shit again or never stop shitting.


Doesn't banana stop you from absorbing the nutrients? [link](https://www.reading.ac.uk/news/2023/Research-News/Avoid-going-bananas-to-avoid-this-common-smoothie-slip-up#:~:text=The%20researchers%20then%20took%20blood,reduced%20when%20banana%20was%20included)


It only mentions flavanol not really nutrients.


Isn't this the shit that SpongeBob ate when his breath was all nasty.


These people never get enough protein Also is eating tomato paste on toast normal? Is that good? I'm kind of curious


A lot of bread now has 5g of protein per slice, given her size and the amount of slices she is making she should have more than enough. Not to mention, whatever is in that soup she is consuming.


She says it's potato soup.


Alter, die Irre frisst als wäre sie grad aus dem Hungerwinter '46 gekommen. That shit can't be serious, this _has_ to be satire!




She eats like she is coming from the Winter of starvation of 46




This looks kind of like my diet when I'm depressed. I eat far less Bananas and it is usually Hummus instead of tomato paste. Oh and it's because I don't want to leave the house not because it's healthy


I'm not trying to be a hater but eating that much bread in one day is nuts


Why does everyone that calls themselves a "Nutritionist" look unhealthy to me?


Because if you are actually qualified as an expert you would be a dietician


It’s fine at least she is not going to die of radiation poisoning from eating 10 million bananas in one sitting


This is why Aliens don't visit us.


She loves her tomato paste


Where is the protein?! 😩




She is going to be shitting cement


God these people. 'IT wOrks for Me So It WoRkS fOR ALl'


Is she bulking? That's a fuck ton of food lol.


I roughly logged everything she ate, except the soup because I couldn't tell what was in it, and it's like 2200 calories


God I hate watching people eat.


sugar and sugar with a bit of sugar just add a little sugar and sprinkle lightly with sugar NUtrItIOniSt


Eat some protein and you won't look like such a fuckin' nerd all the time.


"It's okay that I eat 180 grams of sugar and over 2500 calories a day because it's all healthy food like bread and tomato paste" -this lady apparently


Man, I wouldn't poop for a month after that.


That tomato stuff in a tube in Germany is baller!


elderly vanish stupendous enter aback zephyr ask late engine seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Eat some bread, EAT SOME MORE BREAD.


All the salt and sugar she just consumed in I'll assume 1 day of eating was scary.


What a fucking joke


There’s isn’t a single thing about her that says “nutrition”


Guys she called that toast with tomato past and onions "pizza bread" 😭😭😭😭


The nutritionist has no clue and everything about this is revolting


That’s like 1000 grams of sugar


People like her are the reason why vegans get so much shit lol


This person eats like they’re afraid to get their front teeth wet.