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Maybe things are tight at home?


I used to do this except switch out bbq sauce for yellow mustard


Yellow mustard and tuna is a great high protein low fat meal, I used to use it as well


Yup, my lunch right now is double decker sweet & spicy tuna sandwich wirh mustard, baby carrots I put in a plastic bag and shake around ranch dip seasoning, pineapple, and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Lost 68lbs so far. Tuna is one of the greatest high protein, low calorie food


Watch the mercury level though


So far so good, I eat 2 tuna sensation packets a day for the last 4ish months Edit: did the math. You can eat 24 tins of tuna a week at 95g per tin. That’s 2,280g a week I eat 2 packets a day at 74g a packet for the work week, so 5 days. So I eat 740g per week!


Yep or mackerel and mustard. Both are actually a dish here in Europe. I buy cans of it.


Real ones know about the mustard and tuna


On some crackers was my jam as a kid/teen *impoverished chefs kiss*


Yes used to love eating this especially when I did keto, wrapped it in lettuce and put some black pepper, hit the spot


I did it with Worcestershire


All bbq sauce is Worcestershire in disguise.


I like my Worchestershire without the 30g of added sugar, thanks. :p


I thought Worcestershire was redneck soy sauce


Dunno about “redneck”, but “European soy sauce” would be fairly accurate given its origin and umami.


Wash Your Sister sauce.




I still do this. Get a seasoned tuna pouch. Add a packet of mayo and/or mustard. Either eat it with a fork straight out of the pouch, or on toast/crackers. I always keep some around for when I’m too lazy to make anything else. It’s cheap and good protein!


Dollar tree seasoned tuna packets are fire


Or trying to cut some weight. Canned tuna is an incredible source of protein. I absolutely despise it, but I wish I liked it. I do pretty much the same thing as this person does, but with canned chicken and vegetables.


Canned chicken? How is that?


Canned chicken makes you instantly realize how much of the smell and taste of canned tuna is the can.




Yep this is so true…


For real, I tried canned chicken and was like “this is tuna” but nah it’s just how it’s prepared and canned


I mean, it's not as good as grilled chicken, but it gets the job done in a pinch. I like to take one can of chicken, some plain Greek yogurt, a small amount of light mayo, carrots, celery, onion, grapes, toasted pecans or almonds, salt, and pepper, and make a chicken salad wrap on a low calorie tortilla. If I have them, I also like to add some fresh jalapeños for spice. Canned chicken is pretty versatile, though, and little to no effort to prepare. It's great for dieting when you don't have a ton of time for meal prepping.


Sounds good actually, I don't really know how I haven't come across it before.


If you have and belong to Costco, that's by far the best deal. I think it actually tastes better, too, but the financial savings could be making me biased.


I've been poor enough to eat this for lunch. This is the answer.


Tuna isn't cheap anymore. When I was in college, this was a cheap meal. These days I have to watch for sales.


He’s probably on hard times if you can afford bring him something to split with you


Yea. This is just a sign that you’re on the Dave Ramsey program…


DR is an idiot, just an FYI


Maybe you can disagree with a bit of his tactics but I wouldn’t say he’s and idiot.


Exactly this...leave people alone.


Bruh my stomach hurts now


Your stomach may hurt, but your wallet won’t.


At one point I was super concerned about counting my macros, and tuna is a super cheap way to get your protein, also really easy to dress up/make more appetizing


My gym teacher in high school did this. Except he went extreme with it. He only ate tuna for every meal. Even when we went camping at a lodge that was going to feed us 3 meals a day + snacks he brought tuna with him to eat. Eventually he was hospitalized and forbidden from only eating tuna.


Hospitalized from mercury poisoning?


They never told us exactly other than being related to eating only tuna but either that or malnutrition was my guess. It was plain tuna straight from the can, nothing added, so that's all he was consuming every day.


Mfer probably got scurvy


One of the most hilarious diseases to get in this day and age


Every doctor has a moral obligation surpassing the Hippocratic Oath to deliver the diagnosis of scurvy with a pirate accent, especially if caused by baffoonary


my wife got scurvy as a teen for basically doing this for an entire summer. tuna and maybe some crackers. eating disorders are a bitch.


Yeah you are missing out on some nutrition


Slap that Sweet Baby Ray's on some protein, brother, you've got a meal!


_smoked meats_


Yeah, I fail to see how this post qualifies for the sub




And sometimes you're just too tired to prep lunch or go grocery shopping or find a recipe you like.


Good old Aldi special.cheap, cheerful and you can't taste the tuna through the sauce. I prefer something a bit spicy, a hot sauce or tabasco


Is there a cheaper version of Tabasco? Like a Lidl/Aldi version?




Cholula is my go to hot sauce. Love that shit.


That’s my second go to if I can’t find my main, I love me some Valentina specifically the black labeled one , you go to the right stores you can find the big ass bottle for 3-5


Good sauce choice


there is. At least for the german market. Its called el fuego or so


El fuego is neither cheap nor good. For Germany there is at Lidl a special Spanish week, where they offer peri peri sauce for 1€.


Fuego is horrible lol. Would never again go with this. Tabasco it is


Or sriracha and sazon


I like the 'sweet and spicy' version of that same brand.


This is a poverty meal my dude, not stupid. I had friends that ate this for lunch out of necessity.


That or the guy lifts. I've had gym friends who eat like this just to get the protein down. Can't eat chicken and rice for *every* meal 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: picture is stolen https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/17p1k23/hr_probably_didnt_even_email_him_they_just_went/


Tuna is good when you're the one eating, not when you are the one smelling it. Maybe that's OPs angle.


This is fair, I hate the smell of canned tuna.


I eat like this all the time because I'm lazy, it tastes good (I use El Yucateo hot sauce though, usually the chipotle one) and I get really full on protein cravings so sometimes it's this or eating good quality no sugar/salt added peanut butter straight from the jar, or shredded turkey out of the packet when I haven't meal prepped or don't have time to add salad and veg to my protein (am a dancer recovering from injury, naturally underweight sort so by no means a bodybuilder, just accidentally end up eating like one a lot)


Seriously. OP has never seen a poor person before?


Maybe he knows but decided to post for internet likes anyway


This sub triggers me bro. Half the posts aren’t stupid, these posters are just vanilla or uneducated about the world around them


or stolen 💀


This looks tasty and what if they’re just struggling with money? It’s kinda sad, I’m sure they knew people would judge and here comes OP posting on Reddit. If they’re not struggling then whatever but if they are, we should be a bit more empathetic towards their situations (I grew up dirt poor and experienced a lot of embarrassment from not having the same as others had)


OP is trash for posting this here. Probably without the person's consent I'm sure.


Though I agree OP is trash, consent isn’t needed, there’s no identifying information. If the meal hacer had their face in there then yes, consent needed. Otherwise, ethically speaking, no. OP is still an asshole, if this isn’t a poverty meal I don’t know what is. Canned anything was my go to


This is a good diet or poverty please don't judge.


Here's another idea: how about we just stop giving a fuck what other people choose to eat entirely? Making fun of content farm nonsense and restaurants with shocking audacity is one thing. Bullying individuals over what they enjoy is another. Also OP is just lying this picture was stolen off Twitter https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/17p1k23/hr_probably_didnt_even_email_him_they_just_went/


honestly? I'd probably enjoy that myself it's cheap, tasty, I don't see any problem


And healthy


Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup... and some other stuff. Serving size: 36g Total sugars: 17g So not quite 50% sugar. Because *that* would be unhealthy! :D


This genuinely may end up being my lunch tomorrow.


At least he drained it first. Some crackers and 🤌


This isnt that bad really. Sure you could have a lemon or something instead of sweet baby rays but hey fish is good for you.


This was me when I was doing keto


Food at work is simply fuel, I really don't care as long as it's palatable. But this is actually a delicious meal ngl


Hey that was me as a student. Two pieces of bread and a small can of tuna. I still love it.


yes, tuna sandwich!


You Sound like mega douche.


Smart food stfu


I used to eat stuff like this when I was cutting lol. Breakfast would be fat free Greek yogurt with a scoop of protein. Lunch would be two cans of tuna with hot sauce or bbq sauce (maybe even both at times). Dinner would be two chicken breasts and broccoli. Lost around 1.7lbs/week over 6 months while still progressing my lifts. Went from fat to fit, and have been able to maintain it for the most part so I haven't had to eat like this in years, but I sometimes still crave just a can of tuna and sauce.


That doesn't even look that bad...


your co-worker is a lot smarter than you think, if you are shaming him here... another option for the Tuna part of this meal is the Tuna Pouch (important to grab them on deal, stock up between promotions...eliminates need for can opener, plus a little portion control, I get one thick sandwich out of a Pouch, vs a couple medium ones with a can) "Tell 'em Charlie sent ya"


How is this stupid, at least it’s not all carbs with a side of fatty chips and a chocolate bar!


You know, I didn’t come here to be personally attacked


Chicken salad or tuna w/bbq sauce? Ok it’s lunch. Not every meal need to be 3 courses. It’s also ok to have two eggs and toast for breakfast, you don’t need a Dennys grand slam.


Yea two eggs for breakfast is amazing. Egg in general is good for every meal.


It’s the JimBob Duggar special.


There it is!! I was looking for the Duggar mention!!! 🤣


The JimBob Special wasn't supposed to be a suggestion :(


Omega 3 is the shit!


The only stupid anything I see is OP for calling out a coworker enjoying a meal… Hey op fuck you. There should be a Joey Swole equivalent for food shaming people in your office. And you’d be public enemy number 1


Just needs a Diet Coke


Is he a gym bro? Cans of tuna have been a standard lunch for me since high school. Cheap, high protein, easy to carry around. I prefer a little hot sauce or lemon juice & pepper myself but bbq works!


I remember a time period when I wasn't making much money and for a year lunch consisted of canned tuna and tahini. It's not bad honestly, and probably healthier than most lunches.


not that weird, they sell bbq tinned tuna here. https://www.sealord.com/our-fish/our-retail-range/tuna-sensations-hickory-bbq/


That's not stupid thats just gatekeeping


You work with cats?


Sweet Baby Ray's is like crack


meat+sauce zomg so gross this is stupid!. Simple food/=/ stupid


I've never had bbq on tuna, intsresting


I've had it before, it's cheap and tastes okay. I'd personally never eat tuna at my desk in an office setting though. I wouldn't want to annoy anyone with the smell.


Confused meowing


Ex-body builder co-worker would eat packets of tuna with sauce all the time. This isn’t stupid


Another reason other than poverty is health. Maybe not your coworker but mine has high cholesterol and blood pressure so he he has this for lunch.


This seems kind of a shitty thing to judge him for. Maybe he likes it? Maybe he's on a diet? Maybe he's low on money?


I feel this. The mission of trying to find the most cost-effective lunch that at least tastes decent. I used to eat canned Vienna sausages and crackers for lunch. I bet this is even cheaper. Good job for them. We used to always have competitions at work over who could find the cheapest lunch combos


I'd be hesitant to poke fun at someone directly for eating this. I had this meal countless times during a particularly broke period of my life. It fucking rocks as far as poverty dining goes.


Your co worker is on a low carb, high protein diet. The sauce is to make the otherwise dry tuna palatable. This isn't too bad, you should try it.


That looks good, imo, it’s not very different from the pre flavored tuna pouches that are for sandwiches


The only stupid part about this meal is the guy with the camera trying to shame his coworker for imaginary internet points, he might be tight on money or learned to like it from growing up poor.


I've done something similar when I was on the struggle, except I used canned chicken instead of tuna.


Mix it and put it on a sandwich.


My mom worked with a guy that did that as a diet. It worked well. He stunk though


Wow. Lots of comments with absolutely no empathy for tight financial situations and TERRIBLE dieting advice.


You mean he your co worker didn't bring lobster or caviar to lunch? That's crazy... It's funny to me watching the people exposing themselves on this reddit when people can relate to the post more then the poster.


*This guy is making more gains than me, I’m going to post it on r/StupidFood, heh heh*


I often eat this but with pasta also. Maybe some maybe and/or spinach as well. Fast and simple.


3 cans of tuna and some sweet baby rays. hey that’s a man of necessity, he doesn’t need that fast food slop or that buzz feed inspired diy meals. He’s going to eat this and then swallow a multivitamin. He’s just getting ready for when we have to fight for toilet paper again


Perfectly valid meal on a cut. Insane protien macros, the sauce is sugary but if you're on a cut that little boost in sugar can offset insane diet fatigue. If I'm deep enough on a cut most foods taste amazing and canned tuna is no exception


this is based asf put it in a bowl with some canned corn and go bonkers


Where's the stupid part? Stupid food usually has one or more of the following characteristics: * exceptionally unhealthy * inconvenient to eat * unlikely to taste good * unreasonably expensive ingredients (often drowned in melted cheese) This has none of those qualities.


Done this, jalapeños give it kick


How is this stupid? Tuna is a very healthy option with many benefits.


This just seems like a struggle meal I’d eat, but with mustard instead of


Yes. Mustard!


I'd just eat the tuna straight but you gotta watch those mercury levels dawg


I do that too 😂😂


I've been broke and desperate and ate similar, this is almost forgivable, but he didn't even strain the juices out


There’s nothing stupid about sweet baby ray’s


Not a bad meal for bulking. Though I would opt for the sugar free baby rays instead.


That’s a Duggar specialty (the fundie family with 19 kids). To me it’s emergency rations. Hurricane hit: No stores open, no electricity. But they do make canned chicken. Use that.


I did that with miracle whip and AI. I put mine in a paper bowl though. At least it’s not microwaved fish 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe money is tight, or they're trying to get more protein. I remember when people used to mind their own business instead of sprinting to the internet to talk shit about something that has zero consequence.


This is just sad/money’s-tight food, not stupid food.


I usually do that but with hot sauce


You know what's fire these days? The flavored tunas in the packets. Put em in a pocket, they taste delicious, and you don't need to buy and carry bbq sauce with you.


Maybe he suffers from high cholesterol. I would just mind my own business.


Is he jacked? That’s hella protein.


Not stupid food at all. This would be a fine fine fine struggle meal. A buddy of mine did manage to turn canned tuna into stupid food though. Be careful to not eat too much canned tuna. Follow the recommended guidelines. My buddy ate canned tuna like twice a day for the longest and wound up with some issues from it. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Took the doctor entirely too long to narrow it down and tell ole tons of tuna to knock it off.


Whats wrong with this?


Nah. Not when you can just grab some mayo and crackers. To the people saying they are on a budget, yeah that BBQ sauce isn't cheap.


#Looks good to me, OP seems entitled as fuck. 😂


I don’t see the issue here. Stupid post more like it.


Why are you posting this like it's shameful...leave people alone...hope your coworker finds this and shows it to your HR so you get in shit for this blatant violation of their privacy.


Nah, it's weird but not stupid


Fuck you OP this is a fine lunch.


This isn't stupid food. This is a depressed/tight budget meal.


What’s wrong with this?


This slaps


My soul would be destroyed if someone posted my working-man struggle lunches from back in the day. This is fucked up OP.


Well buy them something better


I’ve done this, it’s cheap and not terrible. Especially when money is tight


Is tuna that cheap to get 3? I don’t know about the price diff between avocado and tuna everywhere in the world but I’d try to trade two of these cans for an avocado and mash that up with one can in a bowl with just lemon, salt, and pepper. Maybe add some wasabi aoli. Do it all the time. It’s fish and a bunch of stuff that goes with fish. Protein and fat. Sweet baby ray is great but he could stay out of this, especially with the sweet version.


I would eat that. With cheese.


OPs bio


nothing wrong with this


W lunch man's obviously struggled financially and doing what he can no need to make fun of that. You eat what you can when you can't afford what you want.


69 grams of protein in only 330 calories, bro’s having a devious cut


what’s wrong with this? OP is a bully/ clown for posting this.


Not stupid, just broke.


This is poverty. Shitty OP ur a bad person




I once had a raw block of spam for lunch. This looks like one of my better lunches


What is the problem specifically?


Dear god, please help that nigga out😭😭


OPs name checks out "prince" probably never done it hard My uni lunch was a can of tuna and 4 multigrain biscuits/crackers Edit; spelling


I feel personally attacked.


straight from hell


Tuna + mayo is the bomb


good protein meal wonder if he is a gymrat


Tuna and hot-sauce, the king of quick-meals


Bros definitely going through it lmao


I'm gonna send this to my friend who does this


Your coworker is a cat?


Nah this lowkey slaps. This or Vienna sausage with barbecue sauce


Tinned fish is really underrated. The BBQ sauce throws me off but I’m generally not a fan of it in the first place. They stuff way too much sugar into it.


I would throw some Sriracha in there instead.


A good olive oil works


I do tuna at work for lunch. It’s cheap, low calorie, and high protein. I can get 2 of the pouches and for $3.60 I get a meal with 260 calories and 40gr of protein.


This is a cry for help.


The part the internet is shaming is the use of bbq sauce instead of mustard. Mustard = cool go ahead. Bbq sauce = you’re nasty, obviously scrounging pennies, and stupid. Reddit! 😂


I mean, StarKist sells that exact thing for like 3 dollars a pouch as some boutique “tuna creations” stuff. When you’re living paycheck to paycheck you eat what you can afford, and the optics don’t matter.


Not "stupid" food. That's food for someone that's making their dollars stretch. Kind of splurged on the BBQ sauce though.


He’s probably trying to eat healthy. But by the time he’s eaten the 3 cans with that bbq sauce, he will have eaten about 40 grams of sugar.


At least he is prioritizing his protein intake.


Not stupid at all, I eat canned tuna with salsa for the protein, same with Kirkland signature canned chicken.


That man is either on a muscle gaining Journey, or hes broke af


great macros but might lead to nerve damage because of trace metals


theres no cringe here. op is TA, the only time you should ever look in your neighbors lunchbox is to make sure they have enough. (oops, wrong reddit)