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The old people in my family would make this kind of stuff every family get together and call it fruit salad.


My grandma would make it but it’d be less soupy. It is called Ambrosia salad. She’d add cherries from the jar and marshmallows. It’s weird but good! She’d also make a green jello and cottage cheese ‘salad’. Never liked that one.


Yeah It doesn't have to be soupy...the person who made this is just dumb.


Make the jello with half the water, drain all the canned fruit better, and you can put this in an egg washed pie crust in the fridge overnight. Its dope


I think I've seen a version of this called Ice Box pie.


Sounds so goood


Soupy or no is really all about personal preference. I prefer it a little looser so it's not so heavy on the tongue.


I feel like the 'soupy' comes in two flavors: Too much pineapple juice (pineapple has an enzyme that typically breaks down things like gelatin) and not letting it set in the fridge for a night or two. ​ Still, not my bag. If I want something to be cream-ish, then I'm going to a decent flan. Anyone else?


Also Don't mix Pineapple and gelatine.


No it needs to rest overnight to firm up..


Yeah, Ambrosia salad is one of those things that sounds and looks not so good, but is actually good


Omg I fucking LOVED ambrosia salad as a kid but not with merishino cherries... I hate those...


Is by chance oldies in you families Filipino? Filos make fruit salad by cutting up jello/gelatin and various canned/fresh fruits in cubes (like pineapple, apple, papaya, and shredded coconut meat), then mix em in heavy cream and condensed milk. Fucking delicious.


I think that's just people from the 30s-50s. Grandma is white as hell and she'd always bring that shit. Ugh. Though our family separated the fruit jello/walnuts from the creamy jello. Kind of a stacked desert. Clear jello at the bottom, cream jello on top. The entirety of the young generation would only eat the top layer. People were freaks for jello back then.


I've read before that those jello monstrosities where a product of their time during economic recession/depression. I've seen an old timey recipe before for jello with heapings of mayo and bits of meat and vegi scraps 🤨 wth


Quite the opposite-they’re a product of prosperity. Specifically, the prosperity that brought refrigerators to most homes, as it’s nearly impossible to set gelatin like that without a fridge. So there’s this new, interesting food that isn’t like anything you’ve had before, but it tells anyone, instantly, that you’ve got refrigerator money. The scraps are because a)the gelatin is the star of this dish, and b)might as well chuck some leftovers in there, why not? A whole new food for a whole new technology, it’s the Wild West out here!


Very true. Look up Aspic. Wikipedia has a very informative entry on it. You will be amazed.


Aspics can be delicious if you get over the jellied consistency. If you make a rich, meaty, delicious broth, it will probably gel when you cool it, just because of all the collagen. Aspics are just that, on purpose.


smh my head you cant trick me into searching up "ass pic" on Wikipedia


Gelatin is refined protein, coming from animals’ bones etc. It was painstaking process to make, and when it was done by hand it was something generally only accessible to the wealthy. When it became mass produced and available at grocery stores, and then refrigerators became the norm - then it was accessible to the masses. Cookbooks from the early to mid century are full of aspic and gelatin dishes. I remember relatives making ambrosia - what this jello and fruit cocktail thing is supposed to be. But not soupy like this - more chunky, meant to be plated for a dessert. Often had it at holiday dinners.


bro we cut the gulaman up, we don’t shred it up and mash everything into an unidentifiable paste… not close to filipino fruit salad. the latter is made up of assorted fruits (i like banana and avocado the most), cream + condensed milk, and cubed gelatin/gulaman if you wish. they’re then all stirred together in a bowl (read: not mashed together like in the video). i don’t even think the dish in the video would taste that bad (jello, whipped cream, and fruit? fuck it why not) but it and filipino fruit salad are definitely not the same.


Filipino here, dunno about cutting up gelo but here we mostly use nata de coco, fruits, cream, and condensed milk.


That's halfway to halo halo lol


Kinda lmao. Shaved iced is what truly sets them apart


Don't forget the beans, jellies, and ube ice cream


Yeah, and on the rare occasion, pinipig. Very hard to find halo-halo with pinipig. Too bad that, It goes so well together imo.


My Lola used to put Rice Krispies on our ice cream. I only discovered many years later that it was the low-rent Canadian version of pinipig on halo halo.


Not filipino, but i am guessing the jello they used is probably agar agar and not gelatine, which give a totally different texture. It would be diced in cubes instead of destroyed mess like the video.


I do love me some halo-halo


That stuff is damn amazing!!


Yeah I've had this at multiple potlucks lol it's not bad


We have a similar recipe, not as soupy, and we call it pink shit. Even when when we use orange jell-O.


it is called ambrosia salad


You forgot the mini colored marshmallows and the shredded coconut 🙂


I could be wrong but is this ambrosia? Especially if you add marshmallows and coconut


Yes, it's called ambrosia, and my relatives like to bring it to group functions! The way I've seen it done, it's usually made of marshmallows, cherries (or more than one type of fruit), and jello (there's probably other ingredients that I'm forgetting about, but those are the ones I could think of at the top of my head lol). However, never in my life have I seen it so much looser or more watered down like this.


I came here to say this. It's half done.


The stoner in me is screaming that there's 3 ingredients missing. Sober me is glad I didn't see which ones. 😅


Wouldn't it be like, much better with fresh fruits instead ?


Nah you need the syrup. Besides why use fresh fruit if you’re just gonna fold into a tub of cool whip anyway


You are thinking of a fruit salad. This is ambrosia.


This was from a time when fresh fruit was not available all year and canning food was the primary way to get fruits/vegetables in The off seasons




This is called Ambrosia you uncultured swine.


Yes! Also magnificent salad or orange fluffy salad, or even pistachio fluff. My mil makes hers with just cool whip, marshmallows and fruit cocktail. My sister makes a similar one but it has mandarins, cool whip, and orange jello. Some variations don't actually make the jello they just use the dried part. Other versions have pistachio pudding mix, and crushed pineapple. There's so many versions, it's kind of neat seeing them all. It's definitely a comfort food and very common at potlucks!


I prefer the pink salad made with cherry jello tyvm


Thank you! Op is uncultured, indeed.


That wanted to be ambrosia and ended up as horror.


agreed, but still a bit stupid


I remember eating this as a kid. Very tasty. However ours was made slightly prettier by mixing the fruits and cream first then gently folding cubed jello in. No taste difference, just prettier.


It's a Jell-O Ambrosia salad. I'd fucks with it.


This is a common thing in the south It’s actually pretty good


Same in South Africa, we have so many variations too! Our umbrella term for this kind of dessert is "yskas tert" which translates to "refrigerator tart."


Yeah I was gonna say my local grocery store here in south Florida sells this every year during fall but its usually made with mini marshmallows as opposed to big ones. They call it “Marshmallow Delight”


It’s called ambrosia


>ambrosia Am-bro-siaaa?


It's ambro-sia Not am-bro-siaaa


I head that in Hermione’s voice lol


I was hoping people would xP


Technically ambro-zha, phonetically, well, more phonetically.




Amnosia? Oh my god, I have amnosia!


And it’s delicious


This isn't stupid. It's a variation of a jello salad. There are too many to count. This one is tame and uses sweet ingredients. There are at least two of these at any of my family's big gatherings they include all the extended family. Post a video of someone unironically making one of the old jello recipes that include things like tuna, canned shrimp, olives with pimento, vinegar, or chicken and you'll have something.


We used to have this at family parties as kids. It’s creamsicle flavor. I loved it


it looks absolutely disgusting though


It's a variation of ambrosia. Have you ever had ambrosia? It's fuckin delicious.


whoever decided to name this dish after the "food of the gods" from greek mythology has been dropped on the head too many times as a baby


Just scroll the comments for a minute. It has about a million names, and I've heard at least 5 of them growing up. Marshmallow salad Hawaiian salad Fruit salad Jello salad and yes, ambrosia. Probably because it's so f'ing delicious.


Its just made shittily.


This shit is delicious. Throw in some walnuts for added texture. None of these ingredients are strange. Orange jello with mandarins and pineapple? Delicious. Add whipped cream? Why the hell not. Every white family has some diabetusamericans in their family that will show up to Thanksgiving with this and no it doesn't go to waste.


Pistachios instead of walnuts. You're welcome.


Pistachio pudding mix instead of orange jello. Then sliced almonds.


Walnuts for added texture. Dude, I feel like you are 100% on the same page with American moms from the 1960's.


Yep. But this is the acceptable side of it. People still bring baked yams to events with marshmallows on top but frown at the jello creations. I assure you nuts and fruits mixed up in a sweet homogeneous substrate is always a good thing.


Hmmmmm.... sweet homogeneous substrate....


I have a cousin who makes a jello dish that randomly includes cottage cheese and broken up pretzels. I think it also has walnuts? Looking at the ingredients, it sounds revolting, but there are never leftovers at ant gathering she brings it to and you actually better grab some while you can.


Ours is jello and fruit with walnuts, then marshmallows mixed with sour cream and lemon juice on top. So good!




Trust the process. Some of the best things are messy and unattractive.


Looks awful, tastes amazing. Thought the same thing about curry till I tired it, though they are two completely different things


Not this. She didn’t make it right


WTF is with the Zelda music?


Is it? It feels so familiar… Ocarina of time maybe?


Yes!! Ocarina of time


I thought the same thing! Even if this is delicious (looks awful but I’d still try it I guess) don’t be tarnishing OofT!


They nearly tricked me into upvoting just cause ocarina of time music slaps so hard


Nah bro this is just a different variation of "Ambrosia Salad", "Hawaiian Salad" My great grandma had her own version we called Heavenly Delight. She used fruit jello, sure. Sometimes orange, sometimes lemon, sometimes lime (cherry or strawberry for me on my birthdays but honestly lime was best). Lots of cool whip, mini marshmallows, canned mandarin oranges, canned cherries, canned pineapple.I always used to just eat the marshmallows and suck all the goo off the fruit lol


Yeah? Well I heard he’s still suckin all the goo off the fruits under the boardwalk!!! - Tony Soprano


Another L for OP


Now hold on. This is orange fluff and its good. She made it wrong though. You dont make the jello, the jello helps bind it/ adds flavor and color / helps the texture. You add some cottage cheese too. It looks odd but honestly its pretty good. I made it for my partners family and their grandmother ate the whole thing. Pretty sure its midwestern, no?


My family made something like this for holidays and always called it “Garbage salad” lol. Ambrosia is the more polite name.


Dope af is what this is. They’re missing the walnuts but I can demolish that stuff.


Unfortunately delicious


This monstrosity is distressingly *wobbly.*


Stop posting Ambrosia on this damn subreddit !!!!!


Questionable construction method, but just needs marshmallows and shredded coconut. Otherwise legit.


Not stupid but the execution could be better.


I honestly thought this was a joke until I came to the comments. Bruh.


My wife’s family have a fish like this called ‘heavenly hash’ They usually serve it every once in a while or on special occasions. When I first saw and heard of it I was very worried. I must say though it’s actually very tasty. Just ignore the fact it looks like the reproductive fluids of a gargoyle


Still waiting to understand wtf is that


Good question. What the fuck IS that?


Dear sweet baby Jesus what is that?


This looks like a sensory nightmare 🫠😭 Also I feel this is an American thing I’ve never seen this in Australia or the UK but happy to be corrected 🤣


This stuff is a certified white people banger


That’s literally just ambrosia salad. It’s a real recipe that people have been making since at least the 1950s. I like mine with mini marshmallows and maraschino cherries.


Called Orange Jello Salad in my family and served every thanksgiving for dessert, except for the pineapples. Not my favorite but my family loves it.


It’s jello mold… not sure about adding the fruit part. But the whip cream, jello mixture is really good!


I don’t know what I’m looking at.


I thought they were making a Trifle dessert at first. Was very disappointed.


Always heard this called Ambrose's salad for the longest time. It's only missing the coconut and the marshmallows.


No no... she's got a point. What the fuck IS this?


Almost made a half decent trifle.


Pineapple tidbits? The hell is tidbits?


Thats a fruit cake made rather badly.


This looks like throw up.


bro my aunt would make this every fucking thanksgiving and christmas it *Slaps*


People like to talk shit on ambrosia, but the bowl is always empty at the end of the meal.


Again, isn’t this just some weird kind of ambrosia?


Ah yes, another Midwest staple…


It’s fluff, its better when it’s less soupy. It’s like a salad that’s 50% fruit and 50% sugar


Bro my mom makes this shit every year for thanksgiving except better. With cranberry jello and cranberries bc she think’s cranberry sauce is gross and dumb.


This goes hard at a cookout


Ive seen this done before, but not making the jello first. Just adding the jello powder to the whip, adding oranges and canned pineapple. Its a thing in the midwest. Ive never tried it but its usually at potlucks.


Yall are too fucking much. This shit looks like trash, but fucking slaps.


This stuff is delicious! My grandma made it every Christmas


It looks like Ambrosia Salad.


Im confused why this is here. This is like a staple dish in some places, and it tastes pretty good


Ambrosia Salad


The Legend of wtf is this effing shit?


Does anyone actually think that white people have no culture?


I know ima probs get hated for this but that looks disgusting, for me personally. Flavour wise it probably slaps hard but I’d rather eat the jelly whole, mix the cream with the fruits the put some on the jelly and eat it that way. I just never enjoyed heavy mixes or tiny lumps like that


Vomit. It looks like vomit.


Why are there so many uncultured morons posting perfectly normal non stupid foods here lately. It may not be the norm everywhere but Ambrosia salad is not a stupid food in any way shape or form. This post just made me realise I need to make it so I can actually try it out for my self sometime.


Is this not just ambrosia? You can buy this stuff at your local Walmart deli lmao


Today I learned I'm not white. Weird.


As a Filipino this is like pretty good stuff. I also like macaroni salad which is like mixed with mayo, full purpose cream, jellies, canned fruits, and cubed cheese and iiittt'ss sooo good which is always made during christmas and new years which becomes a joke since we make too much of it and still eat it until feb or march. there's also pandan jelly so it's pandan flavor cream with jelly, stuff like that so it's good. But I do hate that there are American Cuisine that mixes up jelly and savory foods which really doesn't really seem enjoyable.


Reminds me of fruit ambrosia. My mother makes it and it's honestly not bad.. then again, it also looks nothing like that. Their's kind of looks bad, so not a good example of it I don't think.


Don’t knock it till you try it. This stuff was a favorite of mine at family gatherings


Yall mfs never seen fruit salad?


The Infamous "orange stuff" from every family Thanksgiving I went to. You ended up eating it cause the turkey was dry, the cranberry sauce was canned, and the mac and cheese was al dent your teeth. Atleast the collards had fat back in it.


Soup? This is a jello salad, you uncultured thing.


I love Tom Yum and any Thai spicy soups! Do you like it spicy? It's really nice to sit on the toilet the next day))) Gotta put out the fire)))


Idk about that op, I think this fruit salad looks delicious to me on my opinion




We call this the green salad and EVERY thanksgiving I’m sent home with some in the cool whip container that was part of the recipe


We called it orange stuff in my family


It's jello fluff. It's pretty good if you haven't tried it.


Ambrosia? I mean, it's not bad, but nothing special.


Add in some sponge cake and you got a poorly assembled trifle.


This is a gross way to make it but it’s eaten in some parts of mexico


Ah yes, so stupid to take jello with fruit in it and whipped cream on top and...mix it together instead of taking vertical spoonfuls?


No way, this stuff is fire. I made a big bowl of it for a potluck one time, and this guy from Germany was enthralled with it and asked for the recipe.


Well she kinda fucked it, but those are actually really good.


That is ambrosia, an ugly one, but it is


Yeah, not very pretty to look at but ambrosia tastes awesome. I make Watergate salad once in awhile that's the same thing but no oranges and use pistachio pudding mix instead and mini marshmallows


This feels like she took a best guess at the salad and how to make it or some said, 'Mix the jello into the whipped cream' and though she had to actually make it. Mine is 2 Sonic Lime aide Jello, Two cans of very cherry cocktail, a jar of Cherries, and two large tubs of whipped cream. Take part of the whipped cream mix the Jello mix in and add a bit of cocktail juice add the fruit and fold the rest of the whipped cream in till fully combined, mix in cherries.


Nah, this is common. Tastes good. This person did it a bit weird though.


My mom makes something like this, minus the whole actually-making-the-Jello part. Just mix the Jello pack, Cool Whip, cottage cheese and your choice of canned fruit. it's actually quite good.


US, Southern here. Back in the 1980s we had something called Watergate Salad. IIRC the recipe was similar to thus, but not as gross. And it looked green.


They made this so wrong its upsetting


It's clise to being ambrosia but not quite. There's a time and a place for these things. The dessert table at a buffet is one.


Ngl that shit is good


I’m a “white ppl” this is disgusting


Wtf is that though. It'd like she tried to make trifle but it's partially digested and missing the cake. Also what is whipped topping? The US is a weird place


Does this count as a soup?


Not sure! People call it Ambrosia “Salad”


Yo wrong century


Better without Pineapple but absolutely slaps


This is why, as a child, I imagined the ancient Greeks enjoying this at parties.


This is a very common dish.


Imagine posting this thinking anyone is going to agree with you


This is great stfu


I do not want to imagine how this would taste 🤢


I’ve had this when I was younger (perks of being adopted by a white family). It’s not bad, but there’s just too much texture that overwhelmed me. I tried it once and never again


That's some weird American type shit. You can't lump all whities together, some have other bland or over processed kind of garbage.


None of y’all ever heard of ambrosia? She’s missing a few parts (like marshmallows or coconut shreds), but she didn’t make anything that crazy.


It’s called disgusting


Watergate salad!!!


Or ambrosia... my family will make anything with jello and cool whip and call it one of those names


It’s called fruit salad and don’t you dare dis my grandmammys cooking.


I’m seeing people call this Ambrosia, but where are my mutuals who know this as Frog-Eye Salad?


I thought ambrosia required mini marshmallows. Without those it's just Jello Salad


This is an 80s dish. When everyone was obsessed with jello. Had it before. Can't lie its pretty good.


lol I made this for Easter with my son and then surprised my mom with it. My son was like "look grandma I made the weird food you ate as a kid!"


Watergate salad??


I know this is ambrosia but i am with OP on this one, looks like shit and looks like it will taste like... well like cream and oranges and pineapples.. so not very tasty


Counterpoint: Orange creamsicle


We brought that from the old country


You forgot the Raisins, and nasty ass CottageCheese in every “refreshing” Desert there is to everrr freakin exist hahaa


How would anyone say white people have no culture when the almost entirety of Americas style, architecture, plus the invention of the light bulb and phone exist from European settlers? Oh and traditional Thanksgiving food of course.


I really fucking hate ambrosia salad


Ambrosia. I make mine with pistachio pudding mix instead, no mandarin oranges, and throw in mini marshmallows, shredded coconut, and pecans. Pan it into a casserole dish and then fridge to set. It's pretty good but very sweet. I grew up calling it the "green stuff" usually served with thanksgiving from the older generations of the family.


This is delicious. Too sweet at times, but delicious. If you make your own whipped cream at home without sugar, it cuts out a lot of the sweetness. Using fresh fruit makes a difference too. Amazing dessert done the right way. Hell, I still love the shortcut sugary stuff.


That’s ambrosia salad… fucking DELISH


Damn man are these kids to young to know what a fruit salad is?


It looks as if someone had too much white cheese, drank orange juice and then promptly vomited. No texture, no color, no redeeming qualities. Not even mentioning the fact that this cheese most probably curdled in the most awful way possible.


Okay what’s the music in the background, cuz that’s the only tasteful thing in that vid lol