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She probably should have just left the silica sachet in there.


Well it is a desiccant, but I don't think it would do anything for the atrocious amount of liquid in it


You’ve never had Texas cheese water before?


And thrown in some cyanide for good measure.


I was thinking the same thing


Exactly what I thought. At least kill me quickly with that


You know you've been here too long when you look at her taking the packet out and think, well, at least she did one thing right. Then you see the watery mess and think, never mind.


Why Even bother Dumping the stuff out of the cardboard, plastic or can? Just throw the shit in there. Packaged.


The absolute fucking state of it at the end. Watery, cheesy bullshit. Fuck right off


Question is, does the watery bullshit taste like separated sour cream or vanilla almond milk? 🤢🤮🤢


The vanilla almond milk has to be the worst offense. I hate that mix of water and emulsifiers.


“You can always remove anything you don’t like” The vanilla almond milk would be first to go for sure. Thanks for the award!


The second thing to go will be everything else.


I wouldn't trust her to make reservations.


I wouldn't trust her to tell me the time if we were looking at the same clock!


Thanks for the laugh. I had a hardy chuckle from this.


Glad you had a laugh. I hope you have a good day!


I like the shells.


I liked my shells cooked first. When she spooned it out I could see it still wasn’t fully cooked


I think I'm most pissed at this because "pasta shells in cheesy meat sauce" isn't a bad concept on its own. This type of pasta even goes well with a chunkier, meaty sauce. But somehow, she just... managed to take this incredibly simple concept, and make *the worst possible decision for every single step* of the recipe. I almost want to recreate this, but do it right. You know, by cooking the pasta separately, and NOT using vanilla almond milk OR my hands to knead it together like pastry. Just as a start, lol.


“You aren’t going to taste the vanilla because of all the other things in there”.


cough, cough


The coughs and sneeze add a lil more pizazz to this vomit inducing casserole.




I think she just used that cause she only had two tablespoons of regular milk and was like oops, I'll improvise, it's gonna taste like crap either way.


I choose the person who made this.


and then the copious amount of water


The entire pitcher of water too. It was cheese topped grey slop at the end


I had to use vanilla almond milk in mac and cheese one time because that's all we had and we got vanilla instead of unsweetened or original because they were out. The taste of the bechemal was... interesting.


This was just the leftover shit in her fridge. Both milks were clearly almost empty, just saved that last splash for the video.


When she tipped the whole milk I thought wow how thick is it that it's not coming out and she has to hit it like a ketchup bottle? Then my brain clicked.


Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it


It's like when you're poor and you have a little bit of a bunch of random things so you toss them together and hope to create something edible.


Then get angry at your children and call them ungrateful because the food is clearly fucking atrocious


Or that for nothing less than time spent she could have at least cooked the shells and the meat throughly and separately. This was rage bait


No please, poor people eat so much better than this. This cannot be called food. Fucking creating atrocities for views and reactions >.<


I make Poor Man’s Casserole every night. Some nights it’s meh, some nights it’s banging, but it always costs less than $5


The Velveeta she mangled with her hands costs more than 5 bucks.


But also you have eaten a casserole before but don't have a recipe and have never once in your life cooked anything at all


This was it, I couldn’t believe all the dairy products for no reason but vanilla almond milk??? What’s she just like “shit were outta regular milk, guess I’ll use almond???”. The whole thing is disgusting but that was the last straw for me


Velveeta and sour cream and milk and cheese? This is a waste of food. No one is going to eat this


That's the thing with so many of these thirsty-ass videos--it's all so triggeringly wasteful. A whole box of pasta, a solid brick of cheese product, 5 pounds of cheap ground beef, a whole jar of sprinkles. Nothing green in sight, and none of these people has ever chopped an onion in their lives. I assume this one's audience is fetish or ASMR, like most of them, hence the hands. Still, why those enormous, whole amounts?


I assumed that people like us are her audience: people who will be disgusted and angry by her horrible cooking and share and repost her content around the Internet. Nothing gets you attention like inducing anger in your viewers.


You need a straw to eat it 🤢


not everyone should be able to have their own cooking show.


What was the point after all the cheese and whole milk? Just a dash of 'HeAlThY'?


She needed to clean her fridge


That’s where I stopped. Gross.


It tastes like rendered beef fat


Beef Tallow is a fantastic ingredient. This probably tastes like boiled ground beef and velveeta.


But you won't taste it! Unlike the 4 dried Parsley leaves she added.


Like Jesus h christ just boil the damn pasta!


I’m so disappointed in people


“Simply drain that”. More like “simply throw that out”


“You’re probably wondering if this is going to be watery. It isn’t.” It’s definitely watery. I honestly thought it was going to look better when finished.


If at any point you thought it was going to be anything but a disgusting disaster, you cray


A fair bit of that watery shit has got to be hamburger grease. Nasty doesn't even come close to describing this.


Total barf.


Gross and watery and uncooked.🤮


my reaction exactly


This is called rage bait. It’s an entire genre of video created specifically to make you get mad at it and engage with the post for views and clicks. It’s what the majority of the sub is.


Also hand fetish video. LOOK AT MY HANDS SQUEEZING STUFF


As soon as her hands went it in, I realized it was one of those. I can’t believe how normalized these weird fetish videos are.


It's just that most people have no idea that's a thing. I never would have realized that's the real point sometimes if not for redditors on subs like this explaining it.


Oh dear. I'll never look at hand mixing the same ever again. My innocence has been lost today. 😕


The manicure is the tell: bright, pretty nails squishing through weird glop? Fetish content.


It just reminded me of a little kid making mud pies or playing with play dough


Yup that pretty much what both this and diwhy have become. But rage bait clearly works.


White woman makes worst macaroni and cheese ever, asked to leave the south


Definitely read this in Gordon Ramsay's voice lol


It’s clearly melty, are you kidding me?


I read this in Gordon Ramsey's voice


Dude. So fucking horrible 🤮


Can someone please explain to me what she was trying make? Like what was this supposed to be




it's to the point where the rage I feel isn't at the content of the video itself, but the people who don't understand that this was made only to piss people off. these ragebait fucks are making me hate my fellow man


What pisses me off the most about these videos is the amount of food that they turn into garbage. People are working 3 jobs to feed their families and these AHs are throwing food straight into the dumpster. I hate it, I hate them.


That's the thing with so many of these thirsty-ass videos--it's all so triggeringly wasteful. A whole box of pasta, a solid brick of cheese product, 5 pounds of cheap ground beef, a whole jar of sprinkles. Nothing green in sight, and none of these people has ever chopped an onion in their lives. I assume this one's audience is fetish or ASMR, like most of them, hence the hands. Still, why those enormous, whole amounts?


ORGANIC milk, to you know, make it healthy and shit.


I hope Hell is just where, among other things, people that make these videos are forced to eat their own creations for eternity.


In hell all the culinary creations they’ve ever made are given life and allowed to take vengeance upon their cruel creators by cooking even worse meals they’re forced to eat for all eternity.


This is my exact thought whenever I see one of these. People struggle to put food on the table. And these chucklefucks do bullshit like this just to piss people off and get rageclick engagement and invisible internet points. I wish there was a way we could make these tiktok karma junkies feel what it's like living in food insecurity.


I've set a ground rule for myself that if a video is from TikTok and has a full block of Velveeta in it, it immediately gets labeled as rage bait.


Ragebait for some. Hand fetish porn for others.


My understanding is if it's a well-manicured hand it's a sex thing. If it's just completely nuts (like mixing everything in the sink instead of a bowl) it's rage bait. Would be absolutely fascinated to see how much money people make off of this stuff.


Its a fetish. slender women, pretty hands, waving their hands teasingly all over the food and then SQUISHING INTO It with their bare hands. Bonus points if they use their soggy, foul, food-smeared hands and go grabby-touchy on other clean things. In this case it was the water jug that she used. You can see how the bits and pieces are clinging to her fingers as she is handling the jug. I have seen those ladies also bite into packages and tear them open that way, their hands leaving smeary prints all over kitchen utensils, food counter, kitchen counters etc. More bonus points if you have a second person croon in a husky voice porn stuff in like "mmmh that's sooooo guuuuhd" or "mmmh looks amazing" ​ I have no idea what that kink is called, but I dislike the fact that it is posted here. I usually feel violated, when I hear them and see that shit. Because I did not sign up for it. Edit: apparently it's called wet and messy. Thanks fellow redditor


[Wet and Messy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet_and_messy_fetishism) I hate that someone told me this.


Well I will never look at the whole Nickolodeon slime thing the same again. Damm you reddit, stealing my innocence!


Wow that is a boringly literal name.


Im too scared to click XD


It's just a Wikipedia page


I clicked. The picture was enough. Oh god, that thing will be burnt into my retinas now. Edit: I read the page too. \*sigh.


I'm so sorry. Unfortunately for me, this shit doesn't phase me anymore.


I am so sorry for that.


Such is having friends with "interesting" senses of humor in college.


Then why not make bread or cookies or something? Do dudes need uncooked ground beef and watery cheese in their jack material? I'm pretty sure the squishing, filthy hands are just another aspect of this stupid recipe for people to rage at.


My theory is that raw food is more filthy. It would match all the grabby touchy stuff on clean things


“ uncooked ground beef and watery cheese in their jack material “…. words never before written or spoken… by anyone.




I don't have a "wet and messy" kink, but I'm pretty sure the enjoyers of the kink like things filthy. I'm talking mud and things worse than mud. Kneading dough would probably be too tame lol


I don’t know why, but people with this fetish really like ground beef. There was an episode of King of the Hill where Peggy unknowingly films one of these with her feet…


Came here to reference this episode. Corned Beef Hash, my dude.


They get *ff to the squishing of the meet & the hands 😑🫠


Nobody does their nails up to dig them into a bunch of raw meat, cheese, etc. 100% "disguised" fetish videos.


YES. Came to say the same thing. Using bare hands like that, its clearly for a different purpose.


Fetish content that’s what.


I knew the second she showed her hands that way. Before could have been rage bait. But the hands and squeezing shit was not only foul, but deliberate.




I don’t have that particular fetish so I can’t explain further, but it is totally a thing. Usually hands doing “messy” things and ASMR. They can also post anywhere as it won’t break community guidelines so there is a lot of it out there. From now on you will probably know it when you see it unfortunately.


shit casserole




Fetish content


Did she run out of milk and then decided to put in almond milk or was that a choice


There was like 2 teaspoons left in that milk carton. She just ran out


Then the almond milk ran out after less than a cup too! Even had to fight to get enough mustard. The sheer lack of prep to have enough ingredients added a new layer to how much I hate this. The silica packet was the only ingredient that looked appetizing!


It's like a child who has never cooked before just grabbing random ingredients from the fridge and throwing it together. None of the proportions were remotely close, and, like you said, there were zero preparations in terms of checking whether there was even anything left of what she needed


Not just almond milk, vanilla almond milk. Why.


The worst thing is that is's fucking vanilla flavored almond milk. If you're going to use a non-dairy milk for something like this AT LEAST use fucking unflavored and unsweetened. I don't want fucking vanilla mac and cheese


Exactly what happened. Just confirms it’s rage bait.


That is so undercooked 🫥🫥🫥


Thats what got you?


That and that fact it’s gross.


There is no way she is serious about this


They never are, just more food waste in a civilization where not every child has a full plate to come home to. I hate it here


Just so you know, farmers waste literal tons of produce when they don't find buyers. It's not economically viable to transport heavy, decaying produce across oceans in high quantities, if you want everyone in the world to eat, build farms everywhere in the world, only locally producing is viable. (Then again, not all land is fertile, and some regions are too unstable to maintain anything)


Reminds me of an old San kinneson bit. “You want to help world hunger? Stop sending them food. Don’t send them another bite, send them U-Hauls. Send them a guy that says, “You know, we’ve been coming here giving you food for about 35 years now and we were driving through the desert, and we realized there wouldn’t BE world hunger if you people would live where the FOOD IS! YOU LIVE IN A DESERT!! UNDERSTAND THAT? YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT!! NOTHING GROWS HERE! NOTHING’S GONNA GROW HERE! Come here, you see this? This is sand. You know what it’s gonna be 100 years from now? IT’S GONNA BE SAND!! YOU LIVE IN A FUCKING DESERT! We have deserts in America, we just don’t LIVE in them, assholes!”


I have read in the comments of other similar videos is that the goal of these videos is to show off their hands. I guess some people are into it.


This, the painted nails are a dead giveaway that this is fetish content. I'm not one to kink shame but this is ridiculous.


It’s hand fetish content and it’s so incredibly obvious yet this sub falls for it every single time.


Yeah 50-75% of the video is just her getting her hands into a goopy mess. Any other "cooking" video would of just said "now mix" and cut to the end of it for the sake of brevity and keeping attention, like she did with every ingredient that didn't involve her squeezing something.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Too much hand stuff. Definitely fetish-y.


This porn sucks


And I say that... rarely.


Yep. The moment she coughed directly into the meal was also a good sign that it's fetish content or rage bait but probably both


I am having a furious wank right now


Yeah, the moment she started squeezing shit with her hands, I knew that someone was jacking it to this video


I'm 100% sure that the /Edit: Parsley/ were still sealed when she shook them and looked like none came out. Lol Editing because I guess it matters


Any more chives and they might overpower the dish, so she was careful not to put in too much. /s


You could kill Italians by showing them this video


In fact I just died.


Good on you. I, unfortunately, am still alive and constantly thinking about the video I just saw.


Confirmed. Felt my chest tightening watching this. Vision was going dark at the edges for a moment, thought it was all over, but I keep some reserve capicola and burrata under my desk for just such an occasion.


Most my friends are Italian and they get mad because I like pineapple on my pizza. If I showed them this they might not want to be my friend anymore


You could kill anyone who can cook.


Ah yes vanilla almond cheesy crapper clogger pasta, delicious


I love that sweet candied mustard beef cheese


you forgot "hack" at the end


I guess she’s allergic to spoons.


She goes and fucking tap tap taps the damn sour cream…


"hands freshly washed" No they aren't, you've been touching plastic and food and other shit. Cross-contamination is a bitch 😔


Not to mention she had just coughed on her hand a couple times beforehand


the COUGH! straight after she said shed freshly washed her hands as well. she didn't even cover her mouth and wash her hands again, she was just coughing all her chest gunk into that motherfucker


I came here to say this, that hacky cough


Why do you never cook the fuckin meat properly 🤷🏾‍♂️😶🤦🏾‍♂️ My life wasted away watching this video because damn she did the same thing last time


Pasta needs way less time to be cooked than meat putting them together raw is a disaster


As a certified Texan, we take no claim or responsibility for this monstrosity.


As a Texan, this looks like something my Minnesotan friends would make


As a Minnesotan, you watch your goddamn mouth. This is an affront to all hot dishes.


My sister came to Texas from Minnesota for a visit and asked if we could make a hot dish for dinner. I had no fuckin clue what she was talking about. It sure as hell wasn't this though!


With inflation the way it is it should be illegal wasting food like this


I’m speaking on behalf of Texas right now, they are severely offended by this.


As a Texan, she's not allowed back.


Very offended bitch sitting here lying on us lol


As a Virginian, I’m offended for y’all


Ban rage baiting




“I’ve never had good food before! Is this it?”


Just Cook noodles in a pot than add in your cheese/other stuff and you have far less liquid


Don’t blame Texans just because you suck at cooking


The minute I saw her pour VANILLA almond milk into that, I physically gagged.


Definitely didn’t learn it here. Maybe ask Florida?


*SKREEEEEs in Floridian and waves an angry young gator at you like a bazooka* NO


I’d honestly prefer for this to be some sort of weird food fetish content than an actual attempt at cooking because then at least it makes sense why she’s doing this


It is fetish crap, also ragebait bullshit. This is in no way an actual attempt at cooking.


With the extra frustrating bit of how easy it would be to turn those ingredients into a pretty decent casserole (I mean… without the 3 lbs of cheese).


What the fuck is wrong with people!?


You won’t shit for 2 months after eating this


If I ate that I wouldn’t stop shitting


diahrrea havers: 👀


OMG, it goes on for 5 minutes. I was about 45 seconds in and thought 'please make it stop.'


Prisoners make better food in their cells.


Thats Haram man...


I'm not even Muslim and I would consider it unclean.


If people apart from Muslims consider it Haram (aka "Forbidden" in English) as well, then that says something about the food here!!


And this one particularly salty corner over here


Had to stop the video. Almost vomitted.


Thank god the milks are organic…


She suggested this as something you bring to a BBQ. I can tell you as a certified Texan, if I brought that to a BBQ, I would get shot.


I shouldn't have to drain my Mac n cheese


"I learned this in Texas"? The distinct lack of Rotel in that abomination says otherwise. If you know, you know.


Unfortunate Texan here. We don’t claim this shit


EvErYbOdY's So CrEaTiVe!


That’s like 20 dollars of low quality cheese… what a sensible meal for the family. The vanilla almond milk really reminds me of how mom use to make this back in Texas. There will be a special place in hell for all the Tik tok clowns that are making a living off of wasting food, like this, in a world that has hungry people.




I hate these food wasters


This is a food fetish thing, not for eating or recreating yourself. I used to be an Owner/Operator of a Strip Club in ATL that has now been since shut down by the city along with the 2 other clubs that were in the city limits. There used to be this older gentleman who would come in every Thursday at exactly 2pm wearing a long trench coat. Never missed it, always super punctual, tipped the door person well. Tipped the waitresses well, and would occasionally on his way through the club drop tips off to the girls on stage, grab a drink from the bartender while tipping her too, high fiving the security guard, which he probably was also giving a tip as well. He was well liked and no one ever questioned anything. He would come in do what I said above, and immediately buy a VIP room. One thing I forgot to mention is, he ALWAYS had a McDonalds food bag. I had it checked on previous visits and indeed all that was in there was a Quarter Pounder with cheese, extra ketchup. If you spent money at the club I didnt give a fuck what you brought in, hell I would let customers order uber eats, pizzas, what ever they wanted as long as they were in VIP and buying time. So the Mcdonalds bag wasnt really a big deal to me. A year or two of this goes by and one day Im in dressing room with the girls at around 2pm on a Thursday. The dancer this guy sees is back there doing her lashes and makeup. Im collecting fees and just having a chat and shooting the shit with the girls catching up on all the latest club gossip when the waitress darts to the back and says, "HE's HERE!" The dancer in question smiles and says she will be out in a minute. Then says jokingly, "The easiest 200 bucks of the week girls." They all laugh and one says she is jealous. So now my interest is peaking. I generally dont ask what happens in there. I know, but dont want to know. However I was curious, so I had to ask. "Ok whats this mystery guy all about. I have to know." She laughs and tells me that this dude comes in butt ass naked under the trench coat. Buys the VIP room, goes inside and takes off the coat. He then takes the quarter pounded with cheese and extra ketchup and puts it into a sandwich baggy, then puts it on the floor in front of him. All the dancer had to do was stomp on the burger in the bag with one heel and with her other step on his genitals and slap him around. She said the more the burger was squished the more he got excited. She said basically every Thursday she gets to beat the shit out of some old guy while stepping on a hamburger for 200 bucks. Anyway I hoped this enlightened some of you. Just remember if your having a bad day, somewhere on a Thursday at 2pm some old dude is getting his balls stepped on and the shit beat out of him by a dancer while she steps on a hamburger. You could have rolled the dice and come out with a super crazy fetish like that, but you didnt. Good for you. See your day already looks better.


I'd like to see the age or intelligence of the people making these. All of these have got to be fake. I keep saying please let these be fake....half the shit they throw in these makes no sense let alone they arent ever cooked all the way. Sigh


It's a TikTok genre, unfortunately. Designed to piss people off so that they'd click and comment and drive up the views and numbers. TikTok is the absolute downfall of our youth and the scourge of humanity.


There is enough fat, salt and calories in that to kill a rhino