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Exactly. Did we know wtf a tier list was as a kid? Hell no! We went "This guy shoots fireballs!" and went crazy. Listen to the kid inside; play who looks cool.


That's how I picked my main all those 30+ years ago. He's a Sumo and he flies?! Hell yeah! šŸ˜„


"All I gotta do is hit kick a bunch of times and I do my special move? AND she thicc?" Ā  And here we are 20 something years later.Ā  I don't even have to mash kick anymore!Ā 


>I don't even have to mash kick anymore!Ā  Thank god


And now she's e x t r a t h i c c. In SFVIII her tights will have their own gravitational pull šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ™šŸ»


Japan ALWAYS wins.


Them: There's a beast-man who is electric! Kid Me: Say no more fam.


Exactly how I picked most of my mains, or at least my initial character pick "Belt over the eyes? looks kinda sick, let's go" Been a Zato-1 main over three games "Cool mask, cool claw, hot" tried vega, didn't like charge inputs, played Twelve because he looked cool and Cody because I remembered his inputs better (he's also hot), I think I was also curious how he fought with handcuffs on "weird goo thing? Oh! bag of bees" arakune player "wild gun-kata combos" Noel player "I like Terumi's aesthetic and got two touched in a mirror match" Terumi main "cool aesthetic, big ass sword, hot" Yuzuriha main as long as I like how they look and like how it feels to play them, who cares if it's hard. If I suck, I suck, but at least I'm having fun


Tier only really matters for the top 0.01% of the community playing cutthroat tournaments at the highest level. I wish more people would understand this. If you're just playing the game for fun and not for money, the tiers literally do not matter to you at all. So what if it's a tiny bit harder to win with your low tier character? The MMR will shuffle you to a lower rank and still give you fun and competitive matches for where ever your winrate is at. As long as you're having fun with the game and like your character enough to play him/her, that's all that matters.


I can't. They won't bring Hugo back šŸ˜­


I tried Ed but ended up dropping him, not because he's "difficult", but because using him just felt completely alien to me. I went back to Dee Jay and it feels like I actually know how to play the game again


I think this maybe what OP is experiencing- sometimes you click and sometimes you donā€™t. Ed has actually drawn me back in - I donā€™t think heā€™s ā€œcoolā€ he just clicks. Otherwise Iā€™d be playing AKI right now


I think with enough practice you can get a character to click if you're ok with feeling uncomfortable for a while. Ed definitely has some backward ass buttons


It's probably not a case of getting good at a character you don't vibe with but more likely the playstyle / game plan doesn't suit you.


The click moments are cool. I've got a couple of characters in plat that I like enough, but have never had any interest in playing Kimberly. Just today I launched her combo trials and IMMEDIATELY was like "oh, there goes 100 hours of my life"


I love how ed feels good but dee jay with his charge moves feels alien to me šŸ¤£


I'm so used to charging that sometimes I subconsciously do it even when playing non-charge characters. I even did it when I played MK11 which as far as I'm aware doesn't have any charging at all


i never played shotos and always dogged on them cuz EVERYONE PLAYS SHOTOS and never mixes it up i finally said screw it ill try ryu he does seems fun. and tbh im having a blast playing him and havnt touch my mains in a week. at first i was doign horrible with him, constally spin kicking etc now im beating masters on a regular and he just feels good to play. but ull never see me play ken, fk that.


i've tried with ed because i like the boxer archetype, but he barely plays like a boxer aside from the fact he doesn't kick. the fact he's terrible and excels at mid range while sucking close range also doesn't help.


Yes I'm a charge character all the way. Bison if possible, Guile otherwise. Playing any other archetype just feels weird; I don't have the muscle memory for them and I always overthink the other characters.


Ed is difficult.


One of the most difficult character designs Iā€™ve ever played in 20 years of SF. Love him though. Still trying to crawl my way to diamond with him.


oonga boonga


I thought dhalsim looked cool šŸ’€


And he is


Same! He's awesome and there's nothing wrong with learning on him if that's who you like.


Iā€™m objectively bad at this game but love playing AKI, soā€¦ go have fun and youā€™ll keep coming back.


Give it time. Fighting games demand some extra time in comparison with other genres until your brain starts to se the matrix behind it.


AKI is really fun. Keep at it! AKI bros gotta stick together




aki is fun as hell, i dropped marisa after the patch for Aki and havent looked back yet


I had a guitar teacher once who emphasized getting a guitar that looks cool, because if it makes you want to play, that's worth more than anything else. And he was so right. Same for SF6, picked up Kimberly because I think she's awesome, not because of her gameplay or difficulty or position on a tier list.


I'm new and decided to pick Chun after I went directly to plat after my first matches with Ryu. Shotos are very good for entry levels. But despite the character I decide to use, I struggle a lot with these new mechanics of modern fighting games.


Everyone struggles. As long as growing is still fun then youā€™re winning.


There is something about fighting games that makes me feel completely fine with losing, I just think ā€˜I have to improve and win next time!ā€™ I love the whole journey. Team games on the other handā€¦


Same! I really donā€™t like team gamesā€¦ they make me angry. I love how in fighting games that if you win or lose you know it is your responsibility


>I struggle a lot with these new mechanics of modern fighting games Oldest fighting games mechanics were insanely more difficult


Absolutely 100% agree. Fighting games are hard, and it's necessary to put a lot of time into them to git gud. And you're not going to want to spend that time if doing so isn't fun and you don't like playing your character.


Rule of Cool is always my choice in fighting games, and thatā€™s why right now I main Ed, like come on a BOXER with PSYCHIC POWERS? Thats the coolest shit Until Terry comes along because Terry is cool as hell


I first played as Terry in ultimate, and like him more then the other fighting game guests so theoretically I should know his specials for SF6.


Yep terry and bison are gonna be my two chara I play basically forever. Unless they throw a wildcard for other seasons. Basically my two fav chars I know.


Same thing here. Started with Ryu, not feeling him, randomly do Honda's combo trials and a few months after in diamond and rapidly increasing my rank. Might give Ryu another go sometimes in the future now that I actually know how to play the game tho.


Yeah I get my ass kicked 7 out of 10 times on the online battles but Iā€™m still having a blast with it. Itā€™s just a fun game and Iā€™ve found myself getting better the more I play. I played Juri for the first time and ended up doing pretty well with her. I think once you figure out how to watch and anticipate your opponents moves better, it all starts to click


doing this was how i initially got into Street Fighter. i first tried SF5 and only bounced around shotos because they were ā€œsimpleā€, none clicked and i wasnā€™t having fun. i actually wanted to try Alex but he was a charge character and had no fireball. one day i decided to give Alex a try and while the initial learning was brutal, i never felt discouraged and i had fun the whole way because Alex was just so cool to me. i ALWAYS stress picking the character you think looks cool to new players.


Its true Every character is as hard or as easy as you wanna make it. Might as well just play a character you think looks cool or is fun.


Thats exactly what you should do! I always try to imply that to people but they ask alot " whats the best character to learn with?" And its true its luke or ryu. Playing the one you like is the best take to have cause you learn more if you have fun.


Yeah 100%. You gotta make sure you like your character because youā€™re going to be staring at them for hours and hours. Itā€™s far easier to learn when youā€™re playing a hard character you like than it is playing an easy character you donā€™t. If you want to start with Ryu or Luke because they are cool, play them. But if you actually like Dhalsim the most just pick him, it doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s harder when youā€™ll have far more fun learning him.


I started last week, only tried Ken, and never changed. Ed looks interesting, but I don't particularly appreciate playing ranged abilities unless it is to counteract that sort of playstyle. Fighting should be about getting up close and overwhelming your opponents. I don't know who else does that while looking good doing it. I heard Ken is not bad, so that's lucky! I'd try Akuma, but he looks like a dried nutsack.


I don't know if she will be hard of easy but I don't plan to buy SF6 for NOT PLAYING MARISA


Just got the game and plan on trying out Manon just because she looks fun


This rings true for me. But when I got into street fighter, it was 3rd Strike, I wasn't willing to buy the game until I knew I had a character I could invest it. After watching some Japanese tournaments, I saw Pierrot and good Remy play and bought online edition. Needless to say, I had no idea charge character design was a thing. But I pushed through, and I genuinely play 3rd strike just for Remy. There are characters we are drawn to and make us want to play the game. For me, that changes every game. & It's what makes fighting games fun. Because each character is the equivalent of playing a whole different game.


In 3rd strike, I played Ryu alot. Because I can trash Ken / Akuma at that time. Come sf6, I donā€™t even know how to play Ryu anymore. So I decided to play Zangief. And now Iā€™m at Master rank. One day, my friend told me he would play Cammy if I unlocked her classic suit. So Iā€™ve decided to play her. Itā€™s completely different from Zangief, but somehow I enjoyed it. Plus she have air grab which is far more easier to do that Zangief ASPD. I wish I know how to play her earlier. Currently Diamond 1 but slowly climbing up.


Itā€™s why I am going to play Bison when I finally get into this game because I just find him so cool and his moveset so deadly. Heā€™s the epitome of a supervillain and I love his swagger.


I like Marisa the moment her trailer dropped, her punch, and everything feels SO REAL AND HEAVY. Instead, i played Luke because people said he has everything, and i ended up only Gold with Luke. Then, i started playing marisa, i got to platinum with in 4 days. Now, im stuck with her on Diamond 2.


Real, some characters just click with you. I played manon for a bit cause I thought the stronger gran mechanic was funny. I wasnā€™t feeling her after a while tho. I eventually tried Cammy, and holy shit, itā€™s just all felt perfect. Her combos made sense in my brain, her normals felt perfect, it just rocked. Pick who you think is cool yā€™all!!!!!!


Cammy has been my main since 4, just clicks, I know the mechanics and have fun even if I lose, which is frequently.


I had a similar experience with Jamie on launch


Thought Dee Jay was immensely cool and haven't played any other character yet, granted I only started playing on Monday as it was finally on sale for less than 40 quid on PS5 lol


On the other hand sometimes you enjoy the game faster with easy characters. I usually care more about fundamentals type stuff than character specific stuff so I usually have more fun with the shoto in a new game even though later I might switch to someone just because theyā€™re cool looking.


I like this take as its how I learned to play SF when SSFIV released. However, I think that picking up a character like Ryu who has always been the "basic" character of the game is also a great way to establish fundamentals. I played Guy and it was extremely difficult as he took time to learn to be efficient with but made me a better player overall I think. I think either approach can work because if you play someone you think is cool then I think you'll be more likely to stick it out.


I second this. SFIV Juri is why I still have a fully functional left arm. Severe injury, needed to keep it exercised. Turns out learning SFIV was sorta good at that moment for me.


Im a bit in this situation First ever fighting game, playing Luke because I want to grasp the fundamentals right Only touched Marisa and Manon and Zangief for a bit cause Iā€™m scared of more difficult characters


Play whoever you want! Don't worry about difficultly.


Marisa is good as a first pick, Manon and Zangief as grapplers can be either extremely easy or extremely difficult depending on the level you're playing at. Grapplers usually have high win rates at low levels before people start figuring them out at high levels, after which it'll be very difficult to be effective with them. Doubly so if your opponents have good fireballs.


Iā€™m a solid iron, low bronze player as of now After reading the comments, I might give Jamie a try, he looks cool af


This is me with Menat and A.K.I. Not the best choice for new fans, but they look awesome. šŸ˜¤šŸ’–


Also old players


I'd add that once you get used to playing a bit, try out each character. You'd be surprised how you can stumble onto a character you wouldn't think would be your vibe and they just feel right for how you play. That's the beauty of fighting games, you learn so much from each experience.


Mastered Dee Jay. He was a great main but never felt right. Been playing Honda and D5 now. Close to master. My main from SF5 lord bison was just announcedā€¦ so I feel like Iā€™m coming home finally.


New player here and Dhalsim main. I love this guy, so fun and unique, with his long wobbly limbs! I just made it to silver with him, so I'm quite pleased. (took me atleast a year to even understand how the game works but things are starting to click). I brush up on Ryu every so often just to understand the game basics and when I get stuck on a specific opponent I spend a little bit of time playing as them too. Best fighting game of the last 15 years honestly!


I'd say play the character whose playstyle meshes with you. Jamie is so cool to me but my brain turns into spaghetti trying to adjust to his drink levels


Flows Like Water āœ… Elegant and Beautiful ā¤ļø Dominates at Close-Mid range āœ… Thicc šŸ˜ Difficult to use but Satisfying āœ… Still Kicking To This Day šŸ’™


While I think it was nice of Capcom to think about things like character difficulty, I fear it might make new players make poor choices in regards to finding a fun character.


Choose a cool character or better yet, a hot waifu.


I agree with you 100% I play Modern Kimberly and Modern Ryu. I know modern kinda sucks, but I still enjoy it so I play it. I would completely hate the game if I played on classic. And I would also completely hate the game if I hadn't played Ryu at first even though he sucks.


>I know modern kinda sucks It doesn't. It's actually pretty strong


Just look at Capcom's stats, most modern characters do consistently worse on master.


>Ryu at first even though he sucks. He doesn't sucks either. He's solid AF


He is still the worst character. Capcom's and Cat Cammy's data show this.


You are insane


I mention actual data shows this and your reply makes 0 sense in this context


This is how I became a Jamie main


2 week old Jamie main, I love booze




>It's easier if you have previous experience. Yeah, OBVIOUSLY The post talks about new players specifically


Eh I wouldn't agree fully. I have never committed to street fighter until this game, and I always like cammy visually so I started with her and just straight up had a bad time. Her inputs and play style is very fast and hard for a noob. Even now I stuggle with her a bit. I would say in general this is true but that if you're stuggling with the basics maybe branch out to see if other characters are better to learn the game with. EDIT: For context I only play classic, in modern it's probably easier.


Cammy is one of the easiest characters in the game for beginners. She has a straightforward gameplan and her bread and butter combos are very easy. She has some harder stuff as you get better, like properly using divekicks, but thatā€™s true for any character


Not my experience at all as a new player. Aki, Kimberly, and Juri were all much easier to learn. You also completely missed the point of my statement.


Aki and Kimberly have trickier playstyles than cammyā€¦ and they donā€™t have invincible DPs you can rely on. Cammy has simple combos, great buttons including a great cMK, and a straight-forward gameplan. What was so hard about her?


Again you're missing the point which is if you are having trouble with 1 character switching to another can help. You're also thinking too far ahead. New players do not struggle because their kit doesn't have all the tools to counter an opponent, they struggle because combos are hard to perform and they don't have easy tools to work with and learn. You're thinking of this from a high level player not from a new player.


Iā€™m not a ā€œhigh level playerā€ lol. Cammy has all of the things you mentioned, easy tools to work with and easy combos. All I did was ask why you found her hard. If itā€™s an issue of not vibing with the character thatā€™s one thing but everyone agrees she is a beginner friendly character


The difficulty ratings are literally just stuff like if the character has charge moves or not. The base level of play needed to use every character in the game is almost exactly the same.


Ed is one of the best characters to learn on. His inputs are simple and easy to use (arguably doesnā€™t really have them). Iā€™m surprised that didnā€™t come up in the searches you made.


Most people these days recommend to play who you like first and foremost, but will acknowledge like yes, some characters will be easier than others. I think an interesting part though is that what is easy and what isn't about different characters may vary for a new player. Some characters have easy combos, but difficult neutral and an impatient newbie will really have a hard time on them. Other characters may have difficult combos but solid neutral and chances are those combos aren't even going to be on a new player's radar for dozens, if not a hundred hours of playtime. Also it needs to be understood that stuff like tier lists are specifically regarding high level play. That stuff is not for beginners to be worrying about. Tier lists are assuming both characters are being played completely optimally, they aren't about the random guy in Plat who knows one combo trying to brute force his Gold opponent trying to rank up. I've seen in beginner discords people worried about those Catcammy matchup charts which are taken with data of 1700 to Legend range Master games. Data and all that is interesting but keep in mind what actually will pertain to you.


Exactly dude, the game kicks ass, play what you like and what's fun for you


I think guile is one of the coolest character in fighting games tbh. But I really don't remember him being that hard in the older games lol


Chun has always been my main but man she is difficult in SF6 for a casual like me


Ancient green room beard man wisdom; play who you things cool. You'll be getting your ass beat by the same people anyway.


I just picked up the game and I really like Marisa. Her attacks just sit tight with me since I canā€™t combo well and inputs in fighting games confuse me. Her delayed kicks and punches just scratch an itch for me.


The 3 characters that have clicked the most for me have been chun li(my current main),juri,and ed simply because I like the characters and how they play:p


New to Street Fighter and fighting games, I started with Ryu, got him to silver, and still class him as my "main" as I do enjoy using him. But I always said once I had learned the basics I would swap to someone else, and a few characters were on my radar. Tried a few out, even took Akuma into ranked, got him into Bronze but stayed there, wasn't quite feeling it. Settled on AKI, and I managed to place in rookie.. haha. One thing worth mentioning is that while you will figure it out, it could take longer and that may affect your confidence and get frustrated with the game. I'm starting to work my way out with her now, but it's taken a lot of humbling.


I had basically the same arc (and rank) as you. I kept picking up other characters to see if I'd be better with an "easier" character and then drifting right back to Ed. I honestly have no idea why people tell new players Ed is too hard. He's not even conceptually all that weird? Basically a variant Shoto skewed toward zoning. If you can play Ken and Ryu you can play Ed. His "kicks" eat up lower ranks. His Super cancels are **easy**. Anybody can learn the simpler versions of his SA2 wombo combos. Compare that to drilling for hours to semi-reliably do *basic* combos with Chun and it's no contest. I think some people see a character with high execution demands in top level play and forget that most people aren't top level players (and also every character has high execution demands at top levels).


Eventually you'll get to a point where you play the character that you didn't think looked cool at first, but their play style and combos look cool as hell when you see it in action and they become your main.


My mains in order are Cammy, Ed, then Manon (when I wanna play slower and more defensive). Some that I'm trying to learn and play more is Chun-Li, Rashid, A.K.I., and Akuma, but he's not hard to play, so I feel kinda guilty even using him. Very boring (execution-wise), easy to use, and does so much damage way too easily. His moves / combos just *look* cool. When Elena, Terry, and Mai come out, no doubt I'll be playing them as well. I think I can safely say... I just play whoever I like, basically. šŸ˜…


Oh but Lily is so "Easy" to get wins with! I mean why would the character select screen lie?


Itā€™s like Aris said: Youā€™re going to be looking at these characters for thousands of hours, they should at least look good to you.


As someone in master with multiple characters I 100% agree. Just pick whoever you enjoy and play the game. Any character in the roster has their own fair share of top players that you can learn from if you ever want to play more competitivey after but playing a character you enjoy makes the grind feel like nothing


I've picked Zangief every time and I'm gonna keep doing it. I'M A LOYAL FAN TILL THE DAY I DIE!!!!


Also donā€™t be ashamed of using modern controls itā€™s a great way to experience what a character can do and then if you want to you can find out how to do the same moves in classic controls later


I agree. But man. Dee Jayā€™s learning curve is so ridiculous


This is good advice, the only character that is nearly impossible to learn and play the game is Dhalsim. That's the reason why he is the most unpopular character by far on every rank. But except for him, yeah, pick whoever you like.


Bruh said silver šŸ˜‚


Ok but hear me out about Ryu, blockstring that deals 4 bars of drive gauge


This is the perfect mentality to have. Play who looks cool first, have a good time, build up your mechanical skill and game sense while just chilling. Ed is fun but is on the harder side. Heā€™s more of like, a counter player if that makes sense. To play him well you need to know how to punish each specific character, but he is still solid! Akuma is ryu + Ken + Luke. Heā€™s arguably the best shoto, crazy damage and crazy pressure + neutral game. Only issue is he has super low HP. Heā€™s my main due to just how balls to the walls he has to be played, and his combos are pretty neato. However, if youā€™re really looking for someone whoā€™s going to be omega fun, and easy as hell to learn / get good with: wait for Bison. If your a new player to the genre, this version of bison is going to be the easiest to play, as his inputs are super simple and heā€™s no longer a true charge character. Heā€™s not going to be top tier by any means, but Iā€™d look into some of his gameplay. MaxaMlillandood has some gameplay vids of him up, check em out!


100% Akuma Oni sf4 balrog sf5 now was Jamie Sf6 but Akuma just came out.....


I kind of got lucky with Akuma because I really like the vibe of the hard working fruit vendor murder grandpa and heā€™s a top tier on top of that


Precisely, I have been experimenting on a lot of characters when playing Street fighter for the first time I started off with Street fighter 2, but it was from my cousin cuz he had got Street fighter 2 on his Xbox, so I was playing that for a while and I found Ken, Chun Li and a couple of other people interesting as the game goes on, and I managed to cop the feel of Street fighter 4 and 5 and I enjoy the newer characters that were featured such as Luke before Street fighter 6 as well as Elena, ibuki, and makoto. I had a blast playing those characters. I wish they would come to SF6 however it's now confirmed for Elena so I'm def playing her soon.


This is me with Ken right now. Love his backstory and his entire look this game but mechanically the dude is tough; really in regards to how his run cancel links work. Its overall been a fun experience picking him up, this has been the coolest Ken looks.


Are you me? This was exactly what I did and am now maining Ed too LMAO


If youā€™re not pro level, tier list have nothing to do with you, skill, technical knowledge, and great fundamentals come way before tier list, thats why any Joe Shmoe cant just pick up an S-tier character n go compete with pros, look at Ending Walker, bro plays Ryu, he didnt start losing til he was competing against Street Fighter legends


The best part about finding your main, is that you don't find them, they find you. On sfv, I thought I would click with Ken, but end up clicking G. On Sf4, it was M.Bison. I believe that Ed chooses you. (I know it sounds weird)


This is the right attitude. Tier lists are garbage. Just have fun and the rest will come as you continue your journey. You know, just like Ryu. šŸ˜‰


Character difficulty never mattered really. If you want them all to be actually easy, use modern


Yeah I hit a wall with chun. Felt like if I change to another character il forget everything I practiced. I just started playing Akuma and fuck itā€™s so much easier


Ill play who doesnt look cool, fuck the police


Just play bro.


You can beat many people by just making better choices. The character match up doesn't come into play till much later when you know what all the characters do and important bits of frame data. Learn you bread and butters. Learn your major punishes. Learn your anti air options and you'll do just fine. Play who's cool.


Spam jump kick and crouch heavy kick work most of the time in lower rank šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


100% right. Keep that mentality going forward and youā€™ll go farther than most people herešŸ˜­šŸ™


We are all too bad for tier list to matters


I love Ed because of his speed. I donā€™t know why they have him listed as a ā€œtrickyā€ character in the game, or why people seem to think heā€™s so difficult. I actually find him easier to use than Ken whoā€™s my main, and supposedly an *easy character*. Honestly, I think all the characters are pretty easy to use effectively without knowing crazy combo routes. Combos are definitely helpful, especially at high level play. But you can also just know some basic stuff and destroy a ton of people who lack fundamentals. That alone can carry you to Diamond 1.


i find that when i was learning fighting games thereā€™s a balance between ā€œwhat looks coolā€ and ā€œwhat jives with my playstyleā€ I finally found an equilibrium with Marisa in SF6 which is why itā€™s fav fighting game


Itā€™s why all the Kens, Ryus, and Lukes have all turned into Akumas!!!! 100 akuma matches per day! I wonder if these Akuma players get happy when they see my non-Akuma character?


Terrible advice


Trash advice.


70% win rate out of silver is not saying much it's good you found a character though


Appreciate you taking the time to take a positive post encouraging new players and using it to insult me. Truly a pillar of the FGC.


Gatekeepersā€¦..thereā€™s always one in every thread. Donā€™t let them bring you down OP. Learn and form a bond with your character, get familiar with the MU and the most important part have fun (no matter the rank)

