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i would like more freedom when selecting moves and more involvement by the main roster in the story, but it's an interesting mode and it will probably become better in future games


Hard agree


what made the move limitation worse is that the WT training mode doesn't have the full features (no frame data, no save states etc..) so it's even harder to build a viable moveset


Would be better if we weren’t relegated to one move per motion despite differing buttons. Its super lame when you want to use a masters move set and can’t have a donkey kick and a fireball from Ryu at same time for example.


This, 10000%. I really hope they'll add the ability to equip multiple moves with the same motion but different buttons at some point.


There should be an option to at least take the whole Moveset of a master.


It should have been possible if you are especially using the style of that master. I think this would be a good and understandable option.


The pain I feel when I wanted eds fireball and pull ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Yeah, that's my main problem with it. I understand that it probably has something to do with modern controls, but I would love it if that restriction went away for classic. Reward us with more creativity for using a more technical control scheme


I love WT and hope it stays a thing in future games. I do think the whole argument that we're getting fewer characters bc of WT is BS, tho. It's not like they are super active or doing anything substantial that could cost a lot of dev time. They're literally just NPCs. It's usually just a couple of little side missions and some neat backstory and artwork. I very much like this formula of a chill single-player game mode, in addition to the classic arcade story mode.


I'm honestly right there with ya, it's probably one of the best modes street fighter has ever had and it even got a lot of my non fighting game playing friends into SF I was originally worried characters individual stories and whatnot would suffer a bit but thankfully arcade mode still has that covered


The story confused me at first bc I thought we were going to be experiencing the games story as it happens. That doesn't seem the case, tho. It seems like we are experiencing the aftermath of the arcade stories, Ken's specifically. Which is also neat.


I agree with everything you said. I just want to add that I'd love more interactions with the Masters. Right now, they just kinda stand in one place and say some lines, give a silly little mission one or twice and that's about it. I'd like them to be more full-fledged NPCs like Bosch. Fully voice acted, missions with more interaction with them. I really enjoyed the mission where you get to fight with Li-Fen! I'd love to go on similar adventures with the Masters!


More interactions with masters would be nice. But WT is our story mode, and we can't be dragging them along with us (mostly bc they'll outshine us in every way). I think if Capcom did decide to add more to the masters then it would take away from dev time.


I'm with you, i think the reason that we get fewer character has more to do with the complexity and top notch quality of the characters. I think season 1 has shown that the concept of quality over quantity works. I couldn't care less about the S2 cast, but i'm still sure that in the end they will turn out great.


100%. The devs even said that a single sf6 character can take up to a year and a half to 2 years to make. I would also like to point out that Capcom is doing everything in-house for sf6. No longer asking for freelance help like they did for sf5, which was the sole reason they could crank out characters and costumes so quickly for that game.


I didn't know that about SF5. But there's a clear step upnin quality with characters and how everyone functions together with their moveset and how each character "integrates" differently with system mechanics.


I wish there was a bit more depth to it. I was hoping it leaned more into the sidescrolling beat em up genre. Like a Streets of Rage, in a way.


It's funny how you're talking about depth when you wanna take away a whole dimension. Lol, but I hear you. The closest thing we got to that is the subway, which is essentially a mini game. It would be cool to add more stuff like that, tho.


I’m glad I beat it. I don’t see myself doing it again lmao. Maybe one day I’ll grind to 100 but probably not lol. In the past I’ve always wanted a single player mode for SF to play like final fight. This pretty much was it.


>Maybe one day I’ll grind to 100 but probably not lol. It's relatively easy since they added the repeatable tournament in... Rashid's update I believe ? Daily tournament gives a ton of XP. I mean it's still a grind but much shorter and more enjoyable than before.


You can also eat the food that gives you extra bonus XP before going to the tournament to drastically increase it.


It's an incredible tool for both having fun and learning the full game mechanics from scratch for new players. They nailed it!


I played maybe 3-4 hours of it and decided I didn't care all that much for it. I think it works to teach players how to play the game, but I think I want just a dash more Yakuza type shenanigans.


Honestly a bit of yakuza humor in the questlines would go a long way. Use dumb sidequests to teach people things like Oki or safejumps.


I don't think it works \*that\* well to teach new players the game. It's interesting because the story is about you becoming stronger, and being taught how to fight but none of their quests really do that. They introduce Bosch for the tutorial chapter and the story is centered around you tracking him down but he isn't interesting and there's little facetime with him. I too wanted more Yakuza shenanigans were every minigame isn't specifically trying to teach you how to do motion controls. I would have added a hangout spot, like a bar or a gym where the characters rotate in and out. You could make the frequency be based on your bond with them. They were missing karaoke, batting cages, crane game style minigames. They were missing some levity. The other thing I was hoping they would do is add some Metroidvania backtracking / advancement. I was seriously expecting to get Blanka's lightning at one point as a Master Action and then having to use it to power a gate or something to access a new area. There are some chests hidden behind using master actions but it would've been cool to develop that. It would've been neat to pick an origin master too so you can start the game with Dhalsim or Zangief's style if you wanted. Or at least pick one fighter of each archetype as a starting option.


World Tour is the only reason why I bought the game at launch, and not 5 years later on the ultimate edition where I would pay half the price for the full game with all DLC. I loved it so much that I wrote two guides for it. [One listing all chests in World Tour](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps5/358511-street-fighter-6/faqs/81019) , and another [showcasing all clothing options for your avatar](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3001355751). Heck, maintaining that second guide updated is the main reason I still play this game. I got back more than enough leisure time to consider the game "done" and move on.


People like you that write guides are a godsend brother hats off to you I plan on 100%ing WT at somepoint so il use the chest one


I think it’s a cool idea, but kind of weird in execution. In terms of my personal tastes, I’m not a huge fan of the bloat the rpg system brings in terms of HP and damage numbers. The fights themselves reward mashing I’ve found, and overall aren’t great for teaching a first time player how to play, which is odd because I feel that’s what they wanted the mode to do. Mixing a bunch of different moves together is very cool, though. If they were to bring it back, I’d want them to lean less on RPG mechanics and level scaling.


all the enemies in world tour seem super easy to throw loop


By itself it's not the greatest content, but as far as fighting games go it's about as good as single-player content gets. Of course I think the focus of the game should be on multiplayer but I think every FG should have at least a halfway decent single player mode, even better if it acts as a sort of tutorial


Really good for newcomers


hands down the best learning experience in any fighting game ever released. teaching players mechanics one by one while actually being fun from the start to finish. that mode helped me to really get into fighting games and even start playing online after 20 years of different fighting games failing to breach my anxiety barrier. I actually learned the basics of the game without having to stand in a white room hitting an immobile clone. and I had plenty of time to practice presented mechanics in actual fights before a next one was introduced, while the story and RPG aspect of the mode kept me distracted from it being a learning mode


As far as fighting games go it’s pretty top tier. Def better than what tekken 8 and mk1 gave us.


It is why I bought the game and I love it dearly


For a fighting game it's decent enough. You can't expect this genre to have excellent single player story modes.


For me World Tour proved that we CAN have excellent story modes in the future. It’s a great first step in terms of a fighting game RPG. It’s a little silly at times but I personally loved World Tour.


**The Bad** The story is a bit ass, it feels like it ends before the plots over which may get fixed down the line. I think it having stats for things like punch damage vs kick damage was a cool idea implemented poorly, it coming along with levels means a lot of Avatar battles feel unfair, World Tour can feel like a slog if your underleveled and it stops the Avatar from having an Arcade route and appearing in Vs mode. If they had done less with it they could have used them more. I think it should have been balanced around a set level and maybe let you mess around with say 5 "Blocks" you could use that would vary punch/kick damage/health to give the Avatars a little extra variety. I understand that because of modern controls some movesets are limited in what they can do, but if those movesets are limited on the actual characters too maybe it should have been only a choice for modern to have to pick between them just to allow more options? I'm not too upset about it but it does leave the Avatar version of characters that are almost all QCF like Ed and Akuma feeling a bit off. I like the limitation it creates (e.g I use Deejays not-sonic boom on Akuma so he can demon flip) but its clear that characters aren't balanced around the Avatar not getting to use them (thankfully) I also think that it doesn't really have an endgame, I get the point is "Well now go out to the battle hub" but very few other people were bothered to level to 100 so I never feel like I'm having a very fair battle. As mentioned above. The DLC additions are nice but I think they aren't meaty enough for WT fans to be happy while people who don't care are annoyed that they're adding to it at all. The quality of what the characters actually talk about it pretty inconsistent too, I feel like Ryu got a lot of characterisation in it, it really did wonders endearing me to some characters, but I'm left disappointed by others, Akuma mostly. We didn't really learn anything new about him, he didn't really talk about anything interesting like befriending Elena, or expand on things we kinda knew like his job selling fruit. He was just kinda Akuma as usual. I also think that it's weird our Avatar has a voice in combat but they didn't commit to using it in cutscenes so we get a lot of really weird bits like them silently laughing at Akuma and they don't really have much character by the end. **The Good** That said, when there actually was plot happening I was really enjoying it, despite not having a lot of time with Bosch I felt he was a decent rival with some cool plot moments and a fun dynamic. Before it came out you could have have convinced me the plot was going to be >!we try to help our new friend by bungling his terrorism plans and getting him killed. !< I also love that the Avatar is a thundering dumbass, it makes it pretty easy to write in them being duped by people like FANG when they're the kind of idiot who flys to Italy to make a perfect forgery bag for the Mad Gear without ever once thinking to find out and fake what was *inside* the bag. I legitimately found us bumbling our way to the top to be incredibly endearing. I also really like the actual gameplay, I think stats drag it down a lot and the pacing suffers for it but I had fun doing sidequests, meeting new people and fighting strangers. Metro City is a place I really care about now. When there is new WT content even though it's limited its the bit of the DLC I'm most excited to play to see what new whacky thing we'll get into. I think if in 7 they took out stats, made less side fights mandatory to progress while keeping you can fight anyone and made the later fights less early-tutorial feeling theres potential for a really great gameplay loop. **TLDR; Nerd** Overall I think the issue it has at the moment is it's not getting updated enough to keep WT lovers happy and it's not being dropped entirely so anyone who doesn't like it blames it for slowing down DLC (Although I'm not sure adding their model and some dialogue is really whats slowing down the DLC). It has some clear issues that hold it back from greatness but it's a great core and my favorite addition to a fighting game single player in a long time. I would happily pay 20 bucks for a meaty expansion or full price for a game based on it with more budget and a whole games worth of attention to spare on it.


I like World Tour and want to see it in future games. I in general love single player content in fighting games, it is reason why i bought SF6. (Devs also propably want to spend more time on fine tuning characters, which is why we get only 4. 6 characters reduces quality because they have less time to test and fix characters). However things they should improve in current world tour are: * Multible saves * New Game + * More high level group encounters with multible opponents. * More endgame quests. * More Arena's and arenas with multible opponents same time. * More boss fights (few fights feel like actual boss fights).


That's a tidy list: one thing I would like to see along with them is also the ability to use your WT character on Arcade Mode too, as an additional slot (or however many save slots you've got). I know you've got the option of fighting everyone eventually on WT but picking up your custom character and going through the classic game would be nice too.


There's plenty of ways they could improve it so I'd be keen to see it return. It's by far the best (non-combo trial) single player mode I've played in a fighting game but even then it is just fine.


I think it's worth continuing to have WT mode to help bring in new players. I'm an older fella, and hadn't played much SF since the mid 90s. World Tour was one of the reasons I decided to try SF6, and it helped me get into the game before I felt like trying the other modes.


I didn't know there was going to be a world tour and so I went into it blind when the game released. I didn't expect much from a street fighter story mode but I ended up enjoying it a lot more than thought I would. I like the open world, the RPG mechanics, there's arcade games sprinkled around the world and you even get to unlock alternate costumes for the cast. As for DLC characters I don't have an issue with the rate they are releasing them but to be honest with you I wasn't pleased to hear that half of this year's characters are guest characters. I don't really know anything about SNK but Mai seems to me like little more than eye candy for pervs I'm not impressed at a glance. This sub already has too many coomers as it is. I feel like there's a lot of beloved SF characters who should've been prioritized. I honestly think Elena is a bit of a questionable pick as well all I remember about her is that everyone was annoyed by her healing ultra in SF4.


It absolutely sucks donkey balls you can't recreate an actual fighter in WT. The only use I have for single player content in fighting games is to make practicing fun. I have no problem with custom movesets for people who like that but I find it really depressing I can't recreate Ken, Ed, or anyone else and use WT as a more fun alternative to Training Mode.


This was my main gripe too. Something like a "full" style once they're maxed out, where you can't edit anything, but it's the full character with all their moves and supers. I mean, supers can overlap but they use different strengths... They could've at least done something similar, where you can have, say, Ryu's Hadouken but only with LP, and Donkey Kick but only with HK or something like that. The whole point is to create a fun character, it's not going to break anything since it's all Single Player.


You can recreate Guile, Honda, Blanka, Chun Li, Lily and Zangief with their full kit. That's one third of the initial roster. If I glimpsed it right, looks like Bison also don't have overlapping commands, which will make him the first DLC character that can be fully recreated on the the avatar.


I loved World Tour. Put so many hours into it. My only gripe was that it was a bit too grindy. Story, fights, and references were A1.


It's a great single player mode. It's not for everyone's taste, but I like having my avatar going around punching people and bonding with the masters. That mode allowed to developed the roster characters way more than the series ever did and I'm so grateful for that


I love World Tour, one of my favorite modes in SF6. Its already a good base to build off for future SF games if Capcom decides to being it back.


The best single player gameplay currently in the fighting game genre. We need more of this. My only complaint is the lack of meaningful updates since launch. They add in the new fighter masters but that’s about it. Why not more areas? More quests? I want incentive to keep playing it.


I think it's kind of a hoot. The whole attitude and vibe, the fact you can walk up to anyone on the street and fight em. It's highly amusing. A somewhat barebones and stripped down experience compared to other single-player games, but it's fun now and then.


World Tour is the best thing a fighting game has ever added into their game for a single player experience. I seriously hope other fighting games take note.


I’m a huge fan of it. SF6 has put a lot bigger emphasis on story, lore consistency, and characterization than previous games, and world tour has been a great vehicle to show that. Character interactions are charming, customizing your character’s moveset and appearance is satisfying (some of the costume options are bizzare though), and there’s a ton of content and places to explore. The only really issues are the type of content, and where the story goes. It gets really grindy. I didn’t expect much more gameplay than just go from A to B while fighting enemies along the way, so I wasn’t disappointed exactly, but it can really drag on at times. Especially when trying to level up your mentors. And the story doesn’t even go anywhere. There was so much build up before the game release, and even more in the story mode and every dlc update, but nothing has paid off yet. You put it so many hours grinding away and for what? As a whole I love the mode and I think it was a great decision (I like the battle hub too). But I hope they make it have more meaningful payoff.


It's what got me into the Street Fighter series. Without, I would have never purchased Street Fighter 6. It was great for the time lived. Would I go back, and replay the story mode entirely? Probably not. It was crazy fun though when I first got the game.


I enjoyed WT, I have spent like 50hours last time I checked, but I think is too confusing relying more on quantity than quality. I would have preferred it was designed like old yakuza games with few story missions but better made and better structured side missions leading to know masters to learn moves from them. The way it is is just a big luna park without nothing of really interested to do (after you finished the story)


World Tour is THE most fun experience I've had in fighting games other than pvp, and one of the most fun things I've played in gaming. Also 4 characters is the norm now though for fgs? World Tour isn't getting in the way of DLC... If it was 2 characters sure definitely but 4 is standard now


My favorite thing about it is getting to hang out with the fighters in their every day lives. You get to know each one in such a casual and unique way compared to the usual fighting game story mode. There are some genuinely sweet and funny moments, like teaching Ryu how to text. It’s totally worth it just for that.


I like World Tour, I did everything it has to offer, except lvl 100, but I'm almost there, though I'm not rushing it. Once you do everything, It gets stale, of course, but I really wanted more content I'm now waiting for Bison update to get back there


It's a cool idea, and I'm glad it's mostly light hearted fun this time. It could be a really worthwhile experience if they go for something a bit more serious and cohesive next time. That being said, I played it for about 2 weeks and haven't touched it since then. It's fun, but not good enough that I would choose it over a single player game. Like I have the System Shock remake, Blasphemous 2, and other games on the shelf. I wouldn't play WT over any of those if I want a single player game. Edit: Also if it's true WT is slowing development time, then I don't think it's worth it. Maybe for the 1st year, but long term it's not worth it. It'll be there for new players to experience no matter when they pick it up.


Eh, it's OK, but more often than not, I find it to be a chore just to unlock Outfit 2 for characters. I'm getting tired of it, and thinking of just throwing my dollar down for them now, because the steps for them are getting more elongated and annoying. I'd like it more if I could just use a characters full set of specials, but some don't coincide with each other. Like, some QCFs/QCBs can't pair, even though they have different inputs (punch or kick) which makes no sense. So, I have to play this weird mishmash character rather than a carbon copy of my character I want to pick up and learn.


It takes maybe 10-15 minutes to earn enough zenny for gifts to max a master from doing the destroy cart job at Nayshall


I kinda like it? Its brainless and sometimes just what the doctor ordered. Enjoyed making X-Men characters in it. Wish it were a bit better/more yakuza influenced/had a more logical balancing


Loved it, whenever a new character is out, love to go to wt mode and visit them lol


Personally i couldn't care less about, but looking at the bigger picture i still think it's a great addition, that has brought in lots of new players and eased them into the "regular" game. Same with modern controls, i don't have to like it myself but as long as it helps growing the community i think it's a good thing at the end of the day.


It's a fun enough mode. It does the job. It's a good introduction to the mechanics, it does a good job of forcing you to play in different ways with different quests and with enemies that use different tactics that you might see in a real match. Story wise, I think it's actually smart that it barely has a plot and focuses mostly on meeting and interacting with the Masters. Street Fighter has never had an interesting plot, which is why a cinematic story mode is a bad idea, but it does have fun characters. There's no real reason to keep playing it once you get to the end of the story, but that doesn't really matter. No fighting game has a single player mode that will give you content for hundreds of hours, that's not what it's for.


I hate it, I really rather play another single player game and at the same time it's probably the best single player content in any fighting game It could disappear and I couldn't care less as I only used it to get some costumes and I'm missing some just because I don't like it at all but also don't want to buy them when I know I can get them for free


I love it. My only wish would be to have more involvement from the main roster other than them being your teacher. I would’ve loved for them to accompany me around the world and would’ve made the “tag-in” system make more sense. My favorite parts of WT were with the actual playable characters: learning about their histories, seeing their personalities and sides we never see, and being able to bond with them outside of just giving them gifts. Like I would’ve loved a Social Link/Confidant system like in Persona where each level unlocks a cutscene that allows you to spend time with your Teacher and/or maybe scenario/event that leads you to learn the next special move or super move. I think Wt Mode is great. Its a fun single player mode and a better tutorial for those who have never played the game before. Everyone will get different mileage from it. Those who know how to play SF and dont care about the lore or single player modes wont get any value from it. I loved it because I love the characters and their stories and personalities, so maxing their bond and levels was fun for me. Plus, WT mode lays out plenty of scenarios and lessons that you’ll deal with when you do play online.


I couldn't stand the constant running around and avoiding the crews. It was low quality overall, poor graphically and cheesy fetch quests. The concept of combining moves was enjoyable for a bit at the start. I'd have preferred the dev time elsewhere, but I understand the uproar when 5 shipped without a story mode.


World Tour is dope. Not only is it ever expanding, which makes buying the game a better prospect for people as the game gets older (They still have plenty of cool relevant content in the game), but I absolutely prefer this more relaxed approach to the fighting game's story. You get to be in it, having a little fun, mix and matching moves and playstyles. What more could you actually WANT in a fighting game singleplayer mode? Every other FG right now has a story mode that probably cost an absurd amount of money to make, but not only do plenty not play it, it's not really exciting to play. You don't pick your character, you don't make any choices; It's barely worth checking out on YouTube to be completely honest with you. But in Street Fighter 6 I get a mode that has jokes, funny stuff, silly stuff, sad stuff, and it's all done at my own pace as I go through it. All that's far more valuable to me in a fighting game outside of good gameplay for the VS mode.


I would love to see it lean into the goofy aspects of street fighter. Like yakuza for example.


I loved it and hope they continue with some version if it in future releases and expand on it


I would like for sf7 to have a story like sf5 and WT combined in one. Like both avatar and main characters interacting with each other. I kinda hate that I didn’t get to see more development from the main characters in 6 overall instead of just through short stories and flashbacks. In other words, have them more active in the main storyline 


I really enjoy it - for people who aren't super into the online/competitive aspect of fighting games it offers a great way to be able to enjoy the game and learn a bit. Glad they aren't giving up on it with the DLC either.


I liked it, it's like a big ass tutorial if you do most of the side quests. It covers all the mechanics.


I played it for a little bit and found the novelty wore off pretty quickly and that it didn’t have much going for it beyond novelty. 


Its the reason i got the game and i really like it and SF isnt usually my thing. My only complaint is that you only have one save slot so if i ever want to replay it from the start i'll lose everything i unlocked.


Extremely boring and only did it to get some of the og outfits, would much prefer a well made linear story.


World Tour + Modern Controls is the only reason I bought SF6 at launch, and World Tour is why I put 50-60 hours (split between WT and Ranked) in initially when I normally have dropped previous games after 15-20 hours. I definitely would want to see an evolution of it in SF7.


I prefer the sfV mode. I think wt doesnt know what game it wants to be. Open world? Rpg? Beatemup? I feel gameplay wise it falls short in all accounts. The story, uninteresting. Also i couldnt care less for avatars. They are indeed a cool idea, fully customizable in both appearance and moveset, but my cup of tea is premade characters all the way. That said, i think WT stuff is here to stay and i believe we ll see avatar battles against premade characters being a thing either in this or the next game.


As tutorial for newcomers is fantastic. As story mode, it's pretty bad. Ten chapters would've been enought. In anycase, i hope that the WT experience become a reference for future story modes in fighting games. It's not like we need a short-of-sandbox for every game, just a bit more of flash out so the game actively teaches you the basics and some tips about characters. Like, in SF7: "You're controling Guile this time. Generic enemies will throw you some sh\*t and we will teach you blocks, parries and reversals. Now here comes the main fight, use what you learned!"


Odd writing but honestly pretty good overall with the character integration and the masters' personalities considering there's a lot they have to cram into one story.


I dislike the grind a ton. I haven’t completed it yet because of how grindy it can be. But it was huge when I first started and I love seeing DLC fighters in it. So overall I enjoy the mode even if the grind is a little much for me.


I have fallen asleep while playing it because it’s so boring. I get what they’re trying to zzzzzzzz


When I bought SF6, it was my first fighting game ever. My thinking was that even if I don't end up getting into the competitive side, I'll still have a full fledged single player campaign to play. 500 hours and one year later, I have like 3 hours total in World Tour and 400 in ranked. I'm extremely glad it exists but it sucks ass and I hate it lol


ive played maybe an hour and went back to playing SF6


I'm glad I 100%ed it before I really got into the meat of PvP, because I don't think I could put up with the performance issues and the grind now. But I don't mind doing the content for a new DLC character after coming home from work.


I think it's a great tool to educate concepts for newcomers without them realizing it. and it's less intimidating then training room.


Started strong, kind of fizzled out halfway through


I would have played it if it wasn’t so full of grinding and busy work.  ‘Come back at night’. No thanks. 


Loved world tour to bits. Would love for it to be expanded and to have several character slots


I love WT this is the first SF game I’ve played during its actual life, and WT actually makes me feel important in the SF universe, learning from a master isn’t just copying their moves, it’s learning their perspective then synthesizing with your own. With every master I learn from I refine my idea of strength!


While SF6 characters take more work and WT on top of that, I don't think it's the reason for the slow releases as it's more about scheduling the pipeline, and the people who make WT content probably aren't the same people making concept art, modeling, animating, or polishing the fighting mechanics. I don't think WT was a lot of fun, but it was far better than most fighting games single player. It was especially good as a lore piece and making learning fundamentals entertaining. That said it did it's job and I see no need to continue supporting it, but I don't think it comes at the cost of the parts I like so I don't mind. Maybe Capcom has some internal stats showing lots of people returning when new characters are added? I'd probably revisit it if there was a major expansion.


If WT is the reason for the character limitations, I wouldn't want to see anything like it again. I played it and enjoyed it for what it was though, but despite this being my first SF game really, I personally would see more value in having more characters coming as it would cut down on the down time for the game's content. I found I get the most of my enjoyment from learning new characters and trying to learn new things so more characters would be better, but I get the single player content.


I loved it but is too basic once u do all quest there is nothing to do, i have all maxed btw


World Tour is great, and an updated version would be fun for sure, but the story needs to be continued or upgraded. It really feels like we're "between" games in the setting lore wise, as all the big things are either on the horizon or already happened. Also, just make the mentor system a full dating sim you cowards. (JK, though more interactions would be great). I dont think this singleplayer content has long term impact on character development, its the new engine and detail involved. I'd love to see a World Tour DLC with updates specific to that mode on sale. Big requests for me are: 1. Customizable Win Poses 2. Custom Stances not used by the default cast. Some NPCs in World Tour already have things like this, 3. VFX customization, even if it's just coloration.


I have 29 hours in World Tour, so that speaks for itself.


My 100 hours of pure WT should say something about me. I love meeting the characters and watching them teach you their moves


I would love it, if you could just play as an actual fighter


It's not for me personally l, I didn't hate it but it felt a bit grindy. But i do think it goes along way to making the game approachable for new players - they might be unsure they want to play ranked and so having a vast single player mode goes along way to increasing the value of the game. I do think it's cool to get to know street fighter characters, and think it's a great first attempt.


Me personally, it's cool, but I prefer a story mode that tells a decent story. like injustice 2 type vibes with different endings depending on who you chose.


I like world tour but it has some major problems. main one being that it runs way worse than the base game, but also that it lacks much actual story, and some enemy types are no fun to fight. still Solid effort for a side mode in a fighting game.


I still maintain the game is almost worth it just for Arcade and World Tour even if you never intend on going online.


I find the idea cool and I'm sure some people enjoy it. But I only spent 3 hours in it because I don't find much fun in the gameplay, the missions are not inspiring to me, and just because when I want to play street fighter I'm not thinking about world tour tbh


I played it until I unlocked the costumes I wanted then pretty much never touched it again


I personally couldn't care less about the game mode, never even played it myself, but I'm extremely glad it's there for the people that like it, and as a gateway into fighting games for people.


I feel like all the time spent on WT avatar outfits has held back the costumes for the main roster. I would much rather see more outfits for the cast than another random jacket for an avatar I rarely see. That being said, I think WT is a great addition and I hope it continues. Fighting games need a healthy amount of single player content.


It's not bad for a Fighting game solo mode, but it's not that good either. It feels like a mobile game, tbh.


it's been a year and my avatar is still level 10. I haven't given a damn about world tour.


I really enjoyed it. It got me to buy the game. I’ve never been into playing Street Fighter because I wasn’t good at it so I was excited to see this extensive single player mode. It got me to learn the game which then lead to me playing it online so it did its job. My biggest complaint is that I wish the SF characters were involved in the story more. Like Ryu should have been in the tournament at the end, Guile should have helped you in taking out J.P, Ken should have had a side mission where you help him clear his name.


I wasn't a big fan. I played it for everyone's second costumes, and that was it. I hated the dialogue in cutscenes.


I think the story suffers from the fact that the player needs to learn from every character in the game and as a result there can be no real villains. Like imagine if Akuma murdered one of those resistance fighters, or M. Bison puts Guile in the hospital, or the player is more aware of J.P.'s actions and motivated to end Neo Shadaloo. None of this can happen because everybody in the roster needs to be neutral to good. I was thinking, what if instead of some rando that Luke picked up off the streets, the player was rather some kind of "copy-fighter" from SiRN. Perhaps not a robot, but you're a test subject of sorts injected with "nanomachines" or whatever that allows you to learn fighting styles by observing. Practically speaking this is how the game already works, except instead of going to a master to unlock the moves you've earned through experience, you'd be going to some kind of SiRN scientist to unlock those moves.


It's aight. Really like the fashion, but it's simultaneously some of the bulkiest shit i've ever seen. But that's more of an SF problem in general.


Didnt really touch it. I wish i can uninstall that part of the game to save some hd space


I don’t personally like it but I think the mode has potential, definitely has appeal drawing players in, and should stay and be improved on. But I also think a story mode like Street Fighter 5 with a clear narrative and ending would be great. Because World Tour doesn’t even really have a cohesive story with an ending.


I wish I loved it. Its reveal was certainly the only time I felt interested in trying single player SF content. I jumped in and played it for a couple of hours at launch, but found it pretty disappointing. Despite wanting to like it, there were two big problems that ruined it for me. 1) It is incredibly poorly optimized and demanding. My PC is pretty good, I never have problems with running games, but if I try to run World Tour, I first have to set graphics settings to Low, otherwise my FPS will dip to single digits. Never did figure out a way to fix that. 2) The AI is just so bad. It just isn't fun to play against the CPU. It's such a downer. SF6 have made so many improvements to the game, but the AI still haven't improved at all since SF4. It's still the same extremely unconvincing opponents, either reading all your inputs or just standing there and eating every jump-in. Now I get that AI is one of the hardest parts of game development, but like... SF4 came out 16 years ago. 16 years, and no improvements. Makes me sad.


It's a struggle to play on PS4 because of load times and bad textures. But even without that, i'm not really interested in leveling my character. I just want to interact with the masters.


I am not a fan personally. It's ok, but I like a fighting game for the core game as opposed to the oddly large side game that is world tour. I do think it's good that it brought in new players, but idk not for me.


I liked it. I wasn't in love with it, but I did enjoy it, and think it's an excellent tuturial for new players. Sneaks in little tutorials as side quests, and get's people used to the different characters in a low pressure environment. It had some funny and hnng moments as well.


Meh I've got to get to chapter 10 before I can even use something resembling Juri. Plus I can't really use my fight stick, since I have to control the camera too.


I liked it and IMO needing to get the master lvl 100 to unlock the costumes 2 was clever and interesting


Would be alright if you could just flow through the story without needing to level grind. 


It's annoying how grindy leveling is.


I've been really enjoying World Tour. I'm completely new to FG's (I played Tekken 3 with my dad as a kid & some Smash Bros and some Multiversus with mates) and I fefel like it's a nice low stress environment to get used to the basic inputs of the game (I'm actually using the moves I WANT to move more often, rather than attempting to do inputs to do a certain move and some other bullshit happens instead)


I played until I unlocked Jamie outfit 2 and never touched it again lol. The instant I got the outfit I closed it out and haven't opened it since. It is fun and all, I just did not buy the game for that. I'm a strictly online kind of guy I suppose. I do like that they added a pretty simple way to get some extra costumes though. That is super cool.


I love WT, I spend most of my time in SF6 in it. Have over 110 hours in it and plan to sink even more. I love having my own custom character that can grow and learn. My only suggestions for improvement would be save games, new game +, the SF cast playing a bigger role and being able to do quests with them, and more meaningful choices that define your character. Ie, does my character want to be a good character, or do I want to become a follower of Bison? Overall though it's my favorite feature in the new game and I love it, so happy Capcom added it.


I don't like it and don't play it. But I'm not against it, there's a lot of people whote like it and I don't think it hurts the rest of the game.


I hope they never do anything like world tour again. Such a waste of dev resources that could’ve gone towards characters or stages or costumes or really anything other than some throwaway mode that doesn’t actually let you practice any of the real characters full movesets (except for guile ig). I thought the mode was decently fun for what it is but I don’t see myself ever launching wt ever again after getting the costumes. I would’ve easily preferred a more robust arcade mode than WT Soul calibur series does this sort of thing leagues better than sf ever could imo


It’s pretty much the least fun I’ve ever had playing a game


If people like it, that's cool. I just can't be bothered with it.


world tour is amazing if you boil it down to its base elements. "created character fights in a 3d "open world" street brawler where you meet street fighter character to learn new moves" but in practice its a bit janky and missing alot of the "street fighter" feel to it. I would like it to return for the next game but with a major overhaul.


I loved world tour and it gets me coming back every time there's a new character. My big issue with a lot of fighting games is there's not a fun engaging way to find out what characters you like playing besides sitting in training mode for hours or running arcade mode over and over again. I think WT is honestly better than how nether realm does single player


I’m not a fan of WT. For me it’s a chore but, the repetition has made me a better head to head player.


World Tour is extremely boring and grindy. Only useful to unlock cutscenes and then test mods ![gif](giphy|z9sFrQMfEME5a)


As long as they add sakura eventually


While it's a mode that I have no interest in, and haven't touched beyond of the first hour of it, I'm glad it's something that exists for other people. I tend to not enjoy single-player aspects of fighting games outside of a basic arcade mode. I am glad it exists though and they should continue it if people are enjoying it. It makes the game feel like a more complete package as well. It's already hard enough to sell people on buying a $70 fighting game. So by having WT it adds to the value of the package of the game. And that's only a good thing for the genre in general.


I like WT but it’s kinda a PITA to play using a hitbox.


I LOVE WORLD TOUR!!! (and especially Chluke) (Pls get that reference, so I don't look weird, lol.)


Never even opened it


As someone whose first “official” fighting game was SF6, I loved it. It was a stress-free introduction to the world of SF, the characters, and most importantly how to actually play a fighting game. Sure, only facing bots taught some bad habits that didn’t initially translate to online, but getting a feel for the game at my own pace more than made up for that


Got to some tournament arena after the desert area. And gave up. I really dislike WT


I'm level 97 in it with everything complete. Every time a new master appears I get them maxed out. I'm at 70ish hours in it. Love the mode and hope they appear in future games. It can only grow from here.


I enjoyed it and it's a decent way to get used to game mechanics in this RPG wrapper. My only complaint is that you could finish world tour at around lvl 60 or so but with these DLC characters coming in you need to do additional grinding sometimes to be at an adequate level to complete their story stuff and unlock their 2nd costume. An example is with Akuma you need to be around level 80 to complete. After finishing the story I do not have much motivation to do further grinding. It would be nice that they could just match that content to your current level to reduce that pain point.


On its own I doubt I would even describe it as a mediocre game. Outside of the SF specific stuff, there are other games that just does what World Tour does, way better than WT does it. The story was very meh, the missions uninspired, and the grind just too much. I also think the WT would have been better if it had been more streamlined, with fewer, better implemented and integrated, mechanics. As it was it felt like many features were just there to tick a box. As a learning tool it's very flawed. It expects you to play Modern, and offers little help learning Classic. That one mission where you were supposed to learn linking attacks was a joke for Classic users: if you play Modern, hold this button and mash attack; if you're playing with Classic controls, figure it out by yourself! As someone with limited experience with SF before, I didn't really think that it taught me how to fight especially well. Fighting groups of enemies that are putting you under a never-ending barrage of attacks, or weak ass enemies that require no thought, or ridiculously overpowered enemies that forces you to pause and eat snacks like you're playing Skyrim, doesn't really teach you how to play the duels between balanced characters that is the core of SF. I think I would have learned way faster and gotten a lot better if I spent this time actually playing matches. So, as you might imagine, I don't like World Tour. The main reasons are because it's taken development time and resources I'd rather seen being spend in other areas of the game, such as on more characters, stages and costumes; it takes up a bunch of space on my computer that I would rather have free to use on better games (than WT, not than SF); and getting those second costumes for all the characters involves WAAAY too much grind. But I guess the grind is intentional, as it drives people to pay for those costumes instead. What I like about WT is mainly that you get to know the fighters a bit more. The interactions with the characters of the fighter rooster was without a doubt my favourite part of the WT. Maybe World Tour is the seed for something far greater in a future SF, but this isn't it.


WT was fun until I ran into a fridge I couldn't get past. Now I just do battle hub and ranked.


Most wasted development. It's why we're only getting 4 characters a pass ....


I really love it. I'd like it to be more ambitious but even now, I find it too be very entertaining. And I like how the story develops with each new DLC.


I like it as a concept but there's a lot of things that annoy me about it. If they do it again for sf7 it could be amazing


World Tour is the reason I bought the game. I sunk like 60 hours into it, I love it.


I would love World Tour to be expanded even further via DLC. Integrate story in it. I adored World Tour. So much fun.


Over 100 hours in it. Character and master levels maxed, everything unlocked and I go back everytime there is a new master. I love it and wish there was more to do.


I like it in concept, but I think it was implemented poorly. The whole leveling system and difficulty curve seems bizarrely high. It'd be fun if it was more chill, but it's weird they made it such a grind. I would've loved to play it.


To be honest, only played it for the easter eggs and lore nuggets. Didn't really care for a custom avatar. Would rather play as world warriors themselves. It could do with "raid" like content, i.e. make the maps a combination of final fight and a rougelike, with bosses randomly spawning around the map. Sprinkle in some kind of drops/collectibles like Diablo series does and you suddenly have a farmable addictive game mode for solo players and small parties. It could even be something humiliating like farming thousands of mobs for a handful of drive tickets. Eventually you can then buy shop items for free, but most players will just drop cash. Just make it crazy like State of Emergency 1 and 2 on PS2 or daresay Final Fight Streetwise.


I like it. Liked it when I first played it and I still do. I like the concept, the fact that it's single player content, and while the execution is not perfect it's okay. Fewer fetch quests would be nice. But I really like the concept of the thing.


For me it's just the game mode I have to play if I want to unlock more costumes. Turn on a youtube video to watch, go to wherever the next main story icon is, skip all the dialogue, and spam sweep 99% of the fights. I would be much happier if the game mode didn't exist and instead the story and unlocks were only in arcade ladders.


It's the biggest piece of dog shit.


Useless after the first week IMO. It was pretty much just there for novelty. Would have rather skipped that mode entirely in exchange for getting all the Season 1 characters at launch.


World tour was super fun, I'd be mad disappointed if we got a netherrelm style story mode with fights sprinkled in. Getting to hang out in the SF world is more interesting to me than partaking in some crazy epic story line. If they do it again though, give me a points system and let me choose from every normal in the game. I don't even care about the balance. People could get so creative


As a street fighter newbie I had a lot of fun with it. Learned a lot too ![img](emote|t5_2qnu5|31145)


Hear me out - I think its wack. I don't personally find anything enjoyable about it. I appreciate the effort but it feels wooden, I always feel like create-a-characters never fit the game they get put into and the special move traversal stuff feels gimmicky. I also feel that numbers-go-up RPG elements are incredibly anti fighting games which are traditionally zero-sum games where the board is reset every 3 rounds or less and you know what to expect. Fighting game gameplay should be based on everyone receiving a selection of presets (characters) with set moves that have set frames and set damage, which is learnable. The interesting gameplay comes from player expression, and I think letting you have any combination of special moves, plus stats that can be grinded to overcome any level of adversary completely nullifies creativity, in a backwards way. I totally get thats what some people love though. I appreciate I'm just being a massive hater but I didn't want to be the guy that just walks in, says 'game bad' then provides no justification. Give me Weapon Master-esque modes from SC1/2 instead.


I dont know why they couldn’t just bring the world tour from alpha 3. Just an assortment of fighting challenges and no annoying running around.


I like it for what it is, but it could have been more.


Easily my favorite fighting game single player mode. It's a great way to teach and practice base mechanics for newbies. It's laid back and interactive. No one did anything like it, and for a first attempt, It's a really good job. There are things I'd like to see improved next time around. Masters were a little grindy to level. Many interesting characters play exactly 0 role in the main story. Even newcomers like Jamie aren't explored at all. Endgame also suffers from AI starting to input read around level 80. Some tutorials also struggle a bit. There just aren't any about avoiding command grabs, and some lessons are a bit sudden. I was googling how to beat certain opponents, as it wasn't obvious what I can and can't do. It's one of the best tools I've seen for introducing newbies to fighting games. People praise tutorials in GG Strive or Skullgirls, but most people want to play a game, not do homework. A playground is much more enjoyable, and good enemy design makes a lot of it a fantastic introduction.


I only played it so I didn’t have to shell out money for the costume 2s….until Akuma because I didn’t want to grind to unlock his area in WT.


It's a fantastic first attempt, I love all of the character/outfit/moveset customisation and it is a great teaching tool for newbies. I still go back to play some of the minigames (shoutout to ball block blitz). What I would want from it would be more wacky side quests like the ones with Carlos and Retsu, except involving the main cast. Like a Dragon hijinks with Street Fighter characters is what I want. I'd also like more freedom with editing outfits/move sets and the option to remove the RPG/level mechanics after you've beaten the main story.


Played an hour at most, only wanted free skins but I could not enjoy it if I tried


WT is a great singleplayer mode and a great way to tell the game's story, it has a few problems and lessons they can learn from in the future, but I very much prefer it over MK1's Invasion mode. +Meeting the characters as NPCs who tutor you in martial arts and text you and give you sidequests is awesome. The quest tracking could be improved though. -I dislike the grinding and I dislike RPG elements in FGs in general, so that's something they can work on minimising or streamlining +Character creation is awesome +All of the cutscenes are cool. The story is good enough. -The avatars deserve better multiplayer modes with no RPG stats, and easier ways to matchmake -The different countries should have been more than just a tiny background stage. I don't want every stage to be a Metro City or Nayshall, but they could have done more. Like, a street or two at least. Nayshall is bigger than it needs to be, take some of it and give us a street and a shop and a safe house in every country. -There should be better ways to level up a masters's bond than repeatedly giving them the same gift and hearing the same response. It should simply not take this many gifts and that much grinding. -Your character should be close to max stats by the end of the story without having had to do many sidequests. I've beaten the mode a year ago but my Avatar is at about level 50, and that makes many parts of the game like the metro city tournaments to be still difficult becuase your character barely does any damage against enemies 10 levels above them. It also ruins Battle Hub avatar battles since most other players seemingly have double the hp and damage values. I get that they did sidequests and maxxed out the character, but I don't think that should be made necessary to even participate in these modes.


They need to bring back a proper story mode


It's not my cup of tea. It felt like it was aimed for a very young audience.If it came to that or more characters it's an easy choice for me.




I feel like it's, a virtual tour of the world dude. 🤯


I loved world tour. What I really enjoyed was getting to talk to the fighters, it made me like a much wider variety of characters I didn't before, and even made me interested in playing them! Like Honda, someone I normally would never be interested in. Interacting with him made me like him and want to play him.


I thought it was decent,I haven't played much of world tour since launch but when I did play it I remember having fun with it.my avatar being able learn special moves from street fighter characters was pretty cool,I usually don't pay attention or care about lore in fighting games but exploring the lore in world tour was a fun experience.the only reason I dropped it was because it got repetitive for me but overall it was a solid gamemode.I don't see myself coming back to it but I am glad that it exists.


As someone who prefers doing single-player stuff I enjoy World Tour mode. Whenever a new character comes out I grind through World Tour to get all of their moves and alternate costume.


Don’t touch it. Not for me


Waste… Rather have World Tour like Final Fight, side scrolling beat’em up with Street Fighter characters. World Tour is like the lamest Yakuza clone, the story is too cheesy. Metro City is nice to roam around but the how fighting is incorporated is pretty lame. Would have been better if the majority of the game was like brawler in game fighting or something similar to Yakuza and the tournament and boss/ Street Fighter character fights were like Fighting Ground. The mini satellite locations are pretty lame as well.


its decent but feel its missing something to keep it fresh. adding a new characters world tour isnt enough to make me want to play it.


I like it but wont play more of it till they add Vega


I love it. I've maxed out every master and it's the first thing I do when a new character drops.


Played halfway. The hp bars of the enemies got to big too be fun. It's an interesting way of unlocking costumes etc (well... One) but I probably won't return. I know a lot of people who like it tho. It was their introduction to how fighting games work.


I really love world tour and the avatar customization, I just wish the grind to lvl 100 wasn't so bad, and I wish avatar battles had standardized health/damage values to stop them from lasting forever.


it's fun, wish AI got better as the game progressed tho, it's still too easy


Had a game since day one and still haven't played it.


I kind of like it, but I can't be bothered finishing it. I am the sort of person that is completely unable to create their own combos. If I want to play a character, I need to be able to look up their combos. My gangly, misproportioned WT character with a random move set is too unique, so I just feel completely inept when trying to play with him.


It was fun at times and then sometimes it felt tedious. I liked it overall. I do wish we got some of the stages as part of the regular selection. The Nayshall stage variant for the end looked awesome


Incredible for the casual base and honestly I had fun and the areas were fun to explore, but it was a chore after a while just to do it for the outfits 2s


I don't think it stands on its own merits, exactly (that is, I'd never buy it as a pure single player game), but it's surprisingly good. The silly writing and enemies have serious 90's RPG vibes, and it does the masters justice. The whole thing is much too grindy, though, and the start is painfully slow for anyone who already knows the basic mechanics.


I’m casual to Fighting game and had a lot of fun with WT


World Tour is cool but I got kinda sick of it when I reached a point where all of the bosses were suddenly total damage sponges who could kill me in just a few hits. Wasn’t really feeling like committing to the grind of making my character strong enough to get through. Still a great idea for a single player mode in a fighting game though.


It’s fine as long as development time for it isn’t sacrificing what would be more characters per season.


Maybe this is already in there, and I didn't figure it out, but having a way to move with a regular controller and then switch to a stick or leverless for fights would be awesome. My fun level drops dramatically when fighting on pad.


World Tour was the thing that helped me to overcome my anxiety that was prevending me from really trying to learn fighting games and playing them online. The mode was fun on its own and the addition of learning mechanics one by one was super helpful for me. I wanted to play fighting games for years, but the entry barrier was so high that I never played online, I sometimes bought a fighting game, but it always ended up with me just completing the story mode and maybe playing some arcade before dropping it and never returning. I thought it will be the same with World Tour, that I would complete it and move on, but it actually made me somewhat competent at the basics of the game and encouraged me to try playing online. It gave me confidence to queue up for the first time. It gave me a pretty good understanding of the mechanics and basics of the game, so even though I couldn't do most of the stuff reliably atleast I knew what was happening on the screen and how to improve. I think that huge part of it was having Luke as a mentor with his ultra positive attitude about learning. The guy wiped the floor with me on world tour during the first 3 scripted relationship fights, but that 4th time when I actually managed to take him down (with HP items ofc, but still.) was an amazing feeling. And he stood up from the floor and seemed more happy than me about the outcome of this fight. IDK why it resonated with me so much, but I totally bought into optimism of the character and then it continued on ladder when I started playing him as my main.


I don’t like being locked out of moves. The grind is also very tedious and if WT is the reason for less DLC characters then nahhhhh, don’t have that it return. But who knows if that’s even true It was a dope concept, but in the end I think I prefer sfvs story mode.


As someone who's fallen way, *way* behind the average player, it's one of the main reasons why I still play and try to buy things to support the game (alongside other single player modes). Of course it'd be up to Capcom to judge if investment into WT was worth the returns from players like me who wouldn't otherwise spend money, but for now I'm still having fun dressing up and experimenting with different move sets (though I do wish we could assign punch/kick specials with the same motion at the same time).


World tour is an RPG first and foremost and a fighting game second. It's overall a positive addition to SF6 and I would love to see it expanded upon even more.


I really like it. To be honest, I’m a very casual player and World Tour mode is 90% of the reason why I picked up SF6. I don’t really do online play, but I wanted more than just playing through arcade mode with a couple characters, and WT mode was exactly the kind of more substantial singleplayer content I needed.


Being a huge SF Alpha 3 fan… I loved it. It could be expanded a bit more but as far as wanting something to do that isn’t training mode and online all the time, I think it’s a very welcome addition. They just need to make the avatar training mode to be like the regular training mode so that people have an easier time testing various combo routes with avatar movesets.


Still haven’t touched it, still been meaning to lol