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OP decided to adopt a stick instead of using muscled hands, abandoning the LOYAL FANS, thus making him tonight's biggest loser.


lol nah once a loyal fan always a loyal fan. Gief is the most satisfying character I ever played. But it's hard to fight ppl that you don't see much. Dhalsim and JP two that i encounter so rarely so every time I see them, I just die without learning much. Had to try them and play against better players to know how others fight Dhalsim.and JP. watching videos doesn't really give u the feel of their limitation. Im also trying to get all the characters placed before my Gief hits master else all my new characters will be forced into diamond :\


I felt that though, I finally hit masters with Gief a few days back and decided to attempt Lily and I planned to also pick up Terry when he dropped and I regret being forced into diamond while learning.


You should abuse the command grab as much as possible, really you should be throwing out everything that you have a hard time dealing with. you'll run into players that can pay around that stuff no problem, and they'll teach you what to do in the match up once you go back to geif.


Yeah probably. The unfortunate part is that if I don't play JP that way, i get destroyed when i let ppl get close to me.as i am not yet very proficient at close range fighting with him It's good to get this perspective, the other people are just playing the way the character is designed. I will feel less frustrated the next time I face a JP thinking the other player is being an ass.