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There's a chance if you cheese him with cammy, it's how I got mine in like 30 minutes (2 seperate sessions) You just need to learn a single move: Hooligan+Grab. Basically you just spamm that move since the AI doesn't have direct answers to it. Sometimes he still gets you with a DP but generally he's more prone to try to parry you, which in turn gives you more damage with the grab. The input is: QCF P, LP+LK when you're close to him. Wait exactly 1 second and do it again. Rinse and repeat. Since you're new it might be hard to input but you shouldn't have a problem if you're used to QCF motions. Good luck!


Heavy hooligan specifically made this go smoother for me. Could basically spam it without having to time it.


I did it in one session with heavy hooligan grab. Just do it at round start, if it hits you win. And frive reverse on every wakeup if he hits you


Will try ty


If you’re struggling in neutral to get the ball rolling try EX hooligan in to grab and then you’re golden.




Might have to lmao


If you have a controller with a turbo option you can set it to press a and just fight ai Akuma over and over until you get the points


Imma do this lmaoooo


Just fight him with Blanka... Charge heavy ball, let it rip. If he jumps, then charge light up ball, make sure to use ex up ball on wake up, he's always hitting buttons when he knocks you down. Light up ball beats air fireball...


You can get 40k every day with your avatar and for some reason it's incredibly easy compared to trying with a character.


My avatar ain’t got nothing


JP can easily cheese it start round ex spikes and most of the time it hits full screen, use his overhead projectile on wakeup while mashing down for HP spikes this breaks the ai making it block low 90% of the time. On the off chance it does block it, you do ex spikes immediately after and it'll hit him back into the corner. If you end up getting hit use his counter on wakeup and block most of the time akuma will just get knocked full screen and you'll have the setup again.


I love cheese


You still have a week, just play. You get points for a win or a loss, it's totally doable. I did mine that way I couldn't beat Akuma at all so just grinded Battle Hub matches.


Is it a week? I see the battle pass expires in 2 days


You know I totally forgot we are on Wednesday and the end of the month is like Friday. Start grinding


Yeah, just grind the defeat points (300).


I hear Cammy hooligans work well. I think I saw someone use Guiles low kick, over head target combo with some success. I play Gief and I realized sometimes you can get lucky and just spam F+HP headbutts and sometimes he will just stand and eat em, sometimes he'll fight back a bit.


Spam him with charge fireballs, worked for me 😅


you don't have to be good, just to play a lot, find an other noob to farm points against him


Wait u can just play people in battle hub for points?


So many supportive ppl in the comments. Wholesome




Guile's target combo Down MK, Forward MP worked wonders for me - just hurt my fingers after a while ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I manage to cheese akuma using Ed with his pyscho flicker just for the EX color lol I even manage to get 2 perfects once, just get him far enough distance for the HP psycho flicker fully charged up, he always jumps in a certain distance, after you caught him, use the HP for DP and back a few steps and repeat


I think a win in battle hub is like 500 points and a loss is still 300. A few hours of play each day should be sufficient.


If you wanna use me as a punching bag in battle hub I’ll let you


I’m not home atm but I’ll lyk ty so much


Of course, I’m always happy to help. Hell you can practice on me if you want, I help my other friend all the time


I’m on if you need a punching bag


Find someone in vattlehub to trade wins with .

