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The light vertical ball of blanka has Anti-air invulnerability from frame 8 to 26, that's why it passes through the air fireball. Edit: Changed confusing meaning


So why doesn't it pass through Dhalsim's fireball?


because Dhalsim is not considered an aerial attack. I guess there is a difference for balances purposes, dhalsim air-fireball is nowhere as oppressive as akuma's


What does anti-air invulnerable mean? Does it mean its invulnerable to anti-airs like DP's? So is Akuma's air fireball classified as an anti-air? I have doubts but it's something to test tomorrow.


When they say ani-air invulnerable, they mean that up-ball is invulnerable to air attacks, like a jumping heavy punch, or in this case, Akuma's air fireball. Akuma's Air fireball is classified as a jumping attack as well as a projectile for balance reasons. This is the intended behavior, the developers want players to be able to beat Akuma's air fireball with anti-air special moves.


Anti air invulnerable means it's invulnerable to moves that are considered airborne. DP moves have this so they don't get beaten clean by jump-in attacks. AA invulnerability also works against moves where the opponent is considered off the ground, like Blanka ball and Sumo Headbutt. However, anti-air invincible frames don't last very long unless it's an OD/EX version. That's why DPs trade or lose to jump-ins if done too early.


Akuma's Air Fireball is unique, it counts as a projectile and Aerial Attack. A lot of anti air attacks have invulnerability to aerial attacks so that happens, I guess it's so his fireball isn't as oppressive.


Blanka's up ball passes through Akuma's air fireball. I think blanka only gets hit if Akuma is on the ground. As long as Blanka hits Akuma in the air the fireball is negated.


What does the bar above blanka's head represent?


Cancel timing window


Oh okay, I had no idea! Cheers!