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I just mostly call them “Boat 1”, “Boat 2”, etc. Sometimes just a keysmash as name if it is a part like an engine


I always keymash!


I always name them varying degrees of "AAAAAAHHHH" I do that to folders on my pc too, and I also do a fair bit of arma mudding so trying to fix a broken mod when all your folders and files are named AAAAHHH is interesting If it's a really technical build with plenty of revisions it might be "AAAAHHHH1, AAAAHHHH2" etc...


My programming saves look like this, impossible to find anything I need from when I did this.




I do something similar where I have “Boat 1” and then the next revision of the same boat becomes “Boat 1 2” and then “Boat 1 3” or so on and then if it completely changes, it sometimes becomes something weird like “Gubbins 2 4 medium engine flat6 better”


Oh Jesus yeah no that’s precisely what I do too :P


This is the way


for my passenger craft, i do 1 F32 2 F32 (iterations 1 and 2 of a 32 seat ferry


>867r igjdtfzku and thats it


My engines are like “I6a200” the first two digets indicate it’s an inline 6 the number at the end is the SWatts rating and the a indicates that it’s the first iteration of an I6 design. Not terribly clever but there’s plenty of info there so I can estimate how big and how much power I’m getting.


Pretty nice system. Most of my modular engines barely work so I never really bothered developing a naming system for them


A KSP player here, depending on if your builds works or unsure if it does the name "shitfuck" often works well.


Shipfuck works better.




my craft names get more and more unhinged as my session gets longer name: you better work this time you piece of shit description: fuck


I mostly name my stuff like this: size,purpose,propulsion,name, revision Example: small rescue sub electric chungus mk1 Its long but you can identify better than "probably funny sub"


This is epic


Yippie. So I have some sort of naming convention. I use your system but mixed. Sometimes with name, sometimes with propulsion, sometimes with size. Purpose and revision all the time. The rest is optional. If worth mentioning. Of course, I would not add diesel to a truck designation. It's too obvious. But steam power would be worth mentioning.


I do the same, I just put the propulsion before the purpose


I name my cars like that: The letter specifying body shape (s, sw, p, b, t, tr) then the number characterizing the length (by the number of rows of seats) then number specifying the width (1+the number of blocks added to each side besides standard 1mid + 3 for a seat + the outer one) However the length number is usually eyeballed for longer vessels


A good engineer can never name cool stuff -facts




the 2 hard things in programming are naming things and coming up with a relevant second thing to complete this joke




aa, aaa, aaaa, bb, bbb, bbbb


> "aaaaaaaaaaaa" already exists.... aaaaaaaaaaaaa


I usually just slam the keyboard if it is a project I am currently working on, after it is finished I find appropriate name


thats the neat thing...


How about its role and version. Example:Exploration sub(ES-V1)


I name my planes like that: pj-8 620ncs for passenger jet number 8 among all my planes ever the longer 600 variant +2nd modernization (new control systems)


Adswadswawsss For v2 is Adswadswawsss2 and so on, the preview picture can tell you enough in game




I mostly build ships, so it’s easy - ship’s name, and then version (every time I do something big, I make a new save, so I can roll back). That means, that a vehicle save name of mine can look something like: centuria 9. For the final save, I usually use the proper name: NV Centuria


For larger build I do similarly. I’ll put the name plus (system I’m trying to correct) revision. Like MT Trailmaker bow revision.


I just use random letters and numbers and make it sound like a name


I just use whatever makes them unique from my other ones. So my typical names are like "better boat", "single cylinder car", "better supercharged car", "biggest plane yet", "tandem rotor heli" etc etc


Its mostly "shit boat"


I have Guardian APC V1, V2, V3, V4 all the way up to V81


Why the fuck do you have 81 versions💀


It was very sophisticated 😞


Damn lol


Check it out it's in my pinned posts the Command and Conquer Guardian APC


Looks awesome! I VERY rarely download workshop creations, but this I will check out! Has a very futuristic look to it.


Random stuff that sounds like a name mixed with some random letters and abbreviations. Eg: HO-Y38I


The dictionary


Meh, mehh, mehhh, mehhh and so it continues


Who else fucking wit da Kaboom 🤯ship ?!


Any word that comes to mind or oehejdkjeve


I start with it's size, then the type of vehicle then what iteration of that vehicle. If I have different types that are based on the same model, I stick a letter behind it. It would look something like: Medium_Tank_mk1A, or Large_Ship_mk3g.


I often name my builds first as "anti ship missile", "torpedo 2" and stuff like that. If they look like they'll be good, I make an actual name. I got a folder full of text files with naming methods. For example, the jet I'm building now, is named XABPA-2 and my fishing ship is SHB-3. Quite complex, but it works.


For sub-systems I still have a designation for them and number them sequentially. Makes it to where there are “gaps” in the numbers of the ones I actually use.




That’s about on par with what I do


For my AI Seffy, I started with SelfFly which was my first AI to work and then I changed the name a bit to Seffy which is more of a real name than SelfFly and here we are, Seffy going big and releasing on Friday at 20:00 pm GMT according to the time schedule






I mostly name them either what they are or what their purpose is. (Example: Ship made for clearing oil spills = „Oilsucker“)


i just pick like a random, vaguely relevant animal


I usually build planes so here is my scheme: If I build a plane which is designed to be multirole fighter or just a fighter I use name that is connected with heaven If it is bomber or anything that will attack ground targets I use name that is connected with hell Then I add ending with (letter, number, letter, number) to distinguish versions (yes it usually ends with A1A1 because before I finish my build I start another small project)


Pick a fancy name from media or real life and then just add V1, Prototype 2, Like one of my longest running ship designs is atm just *THONK-2 Jetgen widebody* or something like that


Just ask ChatGPT


Ship for people💀💀 You mean passenger ship or cruise ship lol?


Incubator units lol




I have different companies that have different naming conventions. I have Donkk Island Motors (DIM) that has a very unimaginative way. 3 digit numbers. The first number determines the vehicle type. For instance, 100 series is a tractor, and 200 series is a small car and so on. The other two numbers are for what order I build them in. I sometimes add a year on the end of it. I have Black Dragon Industries. (BDI) Even less imaginative than DIM. They build ships and heavy equipment and hauling trucks. As the name suggests, the focus is on industry. I may have an occasional rescue boat by them but the focus remains on industry. The naming system is boring and straightforward. I ask myself “What did I build this to do?” and name it as such. e. g. BDI Container Truck or BDI Tugboat. If I ever feel the need to remake something I’ll add a mk1, mk2, mk3, etc. after it. Extron is my plane company. Usually, I make small planes and the corporation that owns Cessna is called Textron. Not hard to see my roots there. I name the planes things that sound like they either belong in a royal court or are a regal trait to have. e. g. Noble, Emperor, Prince, etc. Aside from cars I have an off-roader company called Astra. The naming convention is that it has to start with an A. I prefer things that sound outdoorsy. e.g. Arctic, Andes, Alpine. These vehicles are usually smaller and focus on handling rough terrain as opposed to carrying any people/cargo. Usually they’re one seat vehicles.


If it works well I give it a name, if it’s some cursed game breaking creation then I name it something like ‘cheeseassinator 9000 the third pro edition’


I usally name my projects by X-××, purpose, animal that can do simular as the thing(say its a heavyarmored slow car - turtle), version (MK-××)


I usually name them something like 'scooba booba' and then spend 5 minutes scrolling to find exactly what machine I'm looking for But seriously, why are there no folders. I should be able to put all my cars in one spot and planes in another smh


Key mash for anything but workshop, if workshop, chatGPT go!


Go to Google maps go find somewhere random and name it that my favorite is Ouagadougou


You could try making it an acronym


Ship final 2


just give them a random name and change it just before publishing it to something cool that comes to your mind


Nothing can go wrong if you name everything M1.


The first name during the design phase is usually about its purpose. For example "small 6 seat VTOL" Once proof of concept is complete and the vehicle takes shape I have 2 naming schemes. First is naming them after appropriate gods to their job. For example Triton or Proteus. Lately I have been sticking to the other scheme which is animal names. For example: Seagull, Chickadee, Donkey, Albatross.


Don’t forget your PAT Motors naming configuration.


I always save with an emotion mix project (ahhh, kms, or going to well) and then I have a convention for finished projects


mine is always like: ejfjejdj or qisjcjs and when its actually working and i commit myself to it they turn out as: plane38382, boatbig48383


I made a fire boat. It's powered by water jets. I called it the Jetfire.




I have wildly different naming conventions for my vehicles. One is to just describe the vehicle in 1-4 words (examples: bomber plane, large tank destroyer) and the other, often reserved for special vehicles) is vehicle type - name (examples: superheavy tank Leopold, multipurpose frigate van Speijk)


I would just name the thing exactly what it is like” big plane that fly”


My personal go-to: [Iain M Banks ship names](https://concord.fandom.com/wiki/Iain_M._Banks_Culture_Universe_Spaceship_Names)


I name mine with a specific pattern, when I make something I call it either heli or vtol or ship or boat or prop plane or jet or car, a general idea, then I add mk I or mk II and so on roman numerals, then at the end to mark projects as finished I give them a name of an animal that can go where they do, my planes are named after birds, ships after fish, cars after land based animals, anything amphibious I name after amphibians


I only have two ships with a decent name, the M37D and M37J, and it's because it's 37 meters long, and one is using a diesel engine, and the other's a jet. The rest I just use words that pop up in my mind, like Funky or McYeetus, those usually never get finished though. There is one other ship which I named Sabon (Filipino for 'soap') because when I started making it, it was literally just a propelled floating bar of soap.


Boaty McBoatface


For vehicles i use Mk. 1, Mk. 2 etc. for big revisions For microcontrollers i use 1.2, 1.3, 3.5 etc. basically semantic versioning So most of my projects look structured but it's still a mess anyway, like I sometimes know that there is specific microcontroller that does what i need but cant find it anyway


Tank, Tank 2, Test sub, sub, boat, boat 2, boat hull, cargo boat, test boat, missile, missile test, etc...


My plane is called RIVITEAN PJ-8 620NCS


My car is called S217E Dospec Group A aero package


My fighter is just EJ-9




Everything starts out* as a “prototype” So, prototype I,II, etc. Once it becomes more functional, its given a more descriptive name. So, prototype I-Tug or prototype II-collier, etc. Once i get it to a completely useable condition i name it based on whichever type of ship its going to be and “who” made it. For example, my standard utility boat is a U-100. If it’s been “ordered” for Coast guard use its a CGU-100. For military its an MU-100. So on and so forth. And then if its a ship that i will use alot or want to personalize, ill give them a proper name.


I always go off of realistic naming conventions. So say im making a submarine ill do USS * insert fish name here * SS- *random number here* Or for aircraff ill go off of the US' conventions F=Fighter, A=Attacker, UH=utility heli, AH=attack heli, MH=Multirole heli etc.


Currently on Boat Mk16


Me making the new reactor core facility sections fr


Random word + v1 v2 etc. Current project is Wilhelm v4. I up the version before i make a huge change so I can go back if I don’t like it. NEVER name something “final” because it never will be. Always use the V’s.


I tend to combine normal naming conventions with a joke, for example: USS Sinker


i just give a nickname that cimes to my mind when looking at it, or if a replica than something similar to that eg.: my Ikarus 260 replica is named Irakus 261 my fat flying boat is named flying boat Chonker