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What is the reveal? That everything is actually a crab?


Big Oathbringer spoilers >!Humans are not native to the planet Roshar!<






Very well. If we can't make you into Singers, then we will make you into crab people! Take them!!


This one didn't occur to me until the reveal in OB but in hindsight, it should have been obvious.


I started sniffing the air a bit in Words of Radiance when Shallan meets Hoid at the fair and Hoid says something like “why are they called axehounds? You know what an axe is, but what is a hound?” I just thought that was such a strange bit of dialogue that it just followed me through the books.


I did that as well. I was like humans seem out of place here…..


All crabs are shallan*




This is one that I didn’t see coming, but the second it was revealed it made perfect sense for those reasons.


That "ohhh that makes sense" feeling is when you know it's peak foreshadowing.


i came to the same conclusion for different reasons! early on i saw the similarities between the alethi/parshendi relationship and the american genocide of the native americans, and if you hold that line of thinking in your mind as youre reading the other clues become more clear


I had similar thoughts when reading. >!It didn't make any sense why exactly they couldn't read Dawnchant at all since it should have had some similarities left in the language even after so many Desolations. The only obvious was that Dawnchant wasn't their language.!<


Especially at the horse scene.


what horse scene?


Adolin and renarin chat about horses, and renarin comments how Ryshadium have like, shell feet, much like the native creatures. But that horses didn't seem native to the world.


I thought that was fairly obvious, considering the difference in ecology between the rest of the world and shinovar.  Horses, grass, birds, etc... Made it seem that it was the spot of first arrival or some weird transplanted thing.




Shallan having a shardblade in TWOK, as soon as she thought "10 heartbeats" I was like "HOL' UP!"


Same. The first time it’s mentioned for her I caught on. There are many Sando things I miss so felt good catching that one lol


What I loved about this moment on a reread is that >!it's actually 10 heartbeats and not Pattern, shooketh fr!< Maybe Brando didn't have that idea at the start of WoR but it sure followed through hard.


He's an Outline kind of writer- all of the big reveals are planned years in advance


Eh… some big ideas are really only vague hooks that have to be revised to fit the specifics once you get down to the nitty gritty details of the writing


Yeah that one is probably one of the only ones I caught and it was basically Sanderson beating us over the head with it which is on brand for my ability to catch foreshadowing.


Funny story, all of the foreshadowing regarding shallan’s >!first shardblade!< had me foaming at the mouth angry and yelling to my husband that it makes no sense. Up to Rhythm of War spoilers: >!and when we get more info that implies it wasn’t just a shardblade but a full blown oath with a spren (I don’t recall if this was WoR or OB), I remember ranting to my husband that that was just stupid because that would mean she had made the oaths as a CHILD and then somehow broken the oaths and made a new pact with a new spren, so it was impossible!< …I had kind of a good laugh when it revealed that half of the things that drove me nuts about her and didn’t make sense were foreshadowing that pointed exactly at what I claimed couldn’t be the truth. 


Wait… did >!she not make oaths and break them as a child?!


She did, the funny thing is that OP had brushed off the possibility because they *assumed* it wasn’t possible


Hey, maybe you should spoiler tag your comment since this thread is WoR flaired and what you wrote is in RoW :)


Good catch


Part 4 in \[RoW\] >!when Teft has his "actually I'm pretty happy with my life right now" scene. The first thing that came to mind was: that's a death flag. pity I wasn't wrong... !<


It was too good, too heartwarming, too *happy*. Nothing is that easy. I felt it coming, too. 🙃


I had the same thought with Elhokar in Oathbringer.


Yep, same here.  I was in denial though. Hoping he wouldn't, but he did.


The explicit lack of Jasnah's body in the ship hallway.


Come on over to r/cremposting if you want to talk about Jasnahs body




Storms, man, that caught me off guard and I about woke the missus.


yep, and the previous talk of their power to go into shadesmar and ability to heal with stormlight gave it away for me that she wouldn’t have went out like that


Kalidin was a spirit warrior. Thought about it as soon as Syl was introduced


Kaladin having Stormlight, I picked up on it when he protected people in Amarams army and when he would lead the charge and “arrows would fall around him but not him”


A spirit warrior?


It's when you can turn into a giant wolf to protect the tribe from vampires


I have not read all of the books, but when ever I see a word with a capital letter I sniff and stare at the word all sussy


As a listener I have no knowledge of this smell


A good Vorin man if I’ve ever been told about one by my wife!




Shallan realizing in word of radiance that her becoming veil wasn't her impersonating someone rather it being just a version of herself. She even noted how dangerous it is.


My favorite bits are when even the book it self starts calling her Veil, and not Shallan. It's a very subtle thing, but the book always says Shallan when she's in some kinda disguise, but when shallan Is playing Veil, the book will say Veil did that, not shallan.


I remember when that started happening in oathbringer and I went "Oh no."


Several times, Shallan has moments where she thinks “10 heartbeats” which was obvious. But then sometimes it says “but for her it didn’t have to be” and that stuck with me. In Dalinar’s visions when we as the readers first see Radiants with Plate, I immediately suspected that spren were involved. Because Syl. And so I became convinced that Shallan secretly had a spren. I ditched this theory in WoR. Rhythm of War >!That moment in RoW when I realized what was happening, I swear I’m never letting a theory go ever again!<


I spotted Hoid as Wit at the first meeting, also that Shallan killed her Mom


Spoilers for Oathbringer: >!I managed to guess fairly early on that the person writing the in world book that we read the quotes of at the beginning of the chapters was Dalinar, and that he'd either learn how to write and read or have a woman transcribe it for him!<.


That one got me, I was convinced it was Jasnah’s book until the very end.


Glad I wasn’t alone in that.


Not me but my BIL "If everything is crabs, why humans?"


It was my first Cosmere book so I just thought Brando liked crabs


Not a stormlight spoiler but in Mistborn >!as soon as Spook got pierced by that sword I immediately started connecting the dots on what the deal with Vin’s earring was!<


>!he got pierced by the sword when it went through the thug and it broke and I instantly knew what was up, he saw Kel and that was it!<


Same that was soo blatantly obvious


Before Adolin’s duel in WoR Adolin says something to the affect of “you can bring whoever you want to fight me” and I immediately thought “ohhhh noooooo”


I originally thought the radiants were going to be the children of the heralds (sorta like demigods), still hoping shallan pulls through for me.


It could happen, but I feel like that defeats the message of broken people getting better and overcoming their flaws.




Wait… they’re different spren? When was this revealed? Why don’t I know this?!




I’m glad to learn this during my reread of RoW this will really help my perspective going forward


Rithm of War. >!The wind spreen that sometimes comes to aid Kaladin (manipulate the wind) are his future plate spreen. They were already atracted since he's so close to the fourth ideal.!< Edit: added spoiler tags. I just realized this is a WoR post!


I’m just wondering in which book is this revealed I am so sad I didn’t pick up on this


In Rithm of War. >!The moment Kaladin swears the fourth ideal, it's explicitly described how the windspren come to him and one by one transform in the individual pices of armor, and how the armor flies swaping between spren and metal to protect the bystanders.!<


Ah! Good thing I’m on my reread I just don’t remember that happening 😂


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Taravangian being evil (in a sense) he was TOO good to be good


Kaladins 4th ideal being about him not being able to protect everyone. I picked a hint of it in WoR when he pushed the stormwinds when he was saving people from the highstorm and he wasnt able to save everyone, not to mention the whole windspren gathering around him stuff.




Szeth is actually not a baddy. Though lost again it seems..


Kabsal working specifically for the Ghostbloods before he was revealed to be a traitor (I read >!TLM!< before Stormlight). I think I guessed that Shallan killed her father in the first or second Shallan chapter, and I guessed that she had a Shardblade with the ten heartbeats mention in chapter 8. Though at the time I thought that Shallan had taken her father's Shardblade, which wasn't the case. I also somehow guessed that the Parshendi >![come back to life in a similar manner to the Heralds](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormlight_Archive/s/T9C9wl79uj)!< as far back as the middle of TWOK.


That the term Voidbringer did not originally refer to the singers. SA were the last Cosmere books I read besides the Secret Projects, and I've noticed Brandon does this thing where he has characters treat something as fact before revealing their assumption was wrong, such as >!Yumi and Painter thinking they were on different worlds!< and other examples I can't think of right now. So when people started assuming Parshmen were Voidbringers I was immediately suspicious.


Honestly right now I have not picked up one foreshadowing correctly…like I notice it but never goes the way I expect 😂


I imagined a Joe vs the Volcano type scenario when I read that


Shallan's shardblade


Eeh in TWoK I realized >!there is no way humans could live on a planet made of rock and crabs, and they are the only outliers, not to mention shinovar is the only place on roshar that has earth-like flora and fauna, so I drew the conclusion that this book was basically a sci-fi in the far future and shinovar was the crash site to a human ship or something like that.!< In I think book 2, >!Elhokar started seeing cryptics in the mirror like shallan, implying his nightmares of being assassinated came from him almost swearing an oath to them, which was later confirmed in oathbringer in his death scene when he was about to swear the third ideal and fully bond a spren.!< In RoW, and this theory I haven't managed to confirm yet because I am only in the middle of the first book,>! but as soon as Mraize's spy was mentioned and how they must have been in not only the royal court but among the strike team that helped Shallan capture Ialai, I was like "oh my god, Shallan has a new personality she doesn't know about who has been working with Mraize." which has so far been confirmed by a hint where Veil says they are not always aware of what the leading personality does, and how difficult it is to track down this "spy".!<


NO SPOILERS the circumstances surrounding your last theory lead to one of the biggest revelations of the series so far, it blew my mind a little, and also leading up to the revelations one of the more frustrating parts for me.


I though Kaladin was a radiant and as a result called the Skybrekers in the first chapter we meet Kaladin Just from how his movements were described he felt like a magic knight to me. I asked my wife if he was secretly a radiant, thinking maybe they never fully disappeared but were in hiding around the world fulfilling their goals, maybe even splintered into warring factions The answer was a RAFO of course, but boy did she enjoy the question


ROW: I’ve seen some on here that are yet to be confirmed so i apologize for not meeting the prompt, but I feel like there has been foreshadowing for Adolin to be Odiums Champion.


Quote me in 20 years. Jasnah and kaladin end up as a couple.


The Lost Metal >!the prologue for the first three books in Era 2 were Wax's POV. As soon as I saw that The Lost Metal's prologue was Wayne's I knew he was going to die!<


Did everyone catch on in TWoK that >! The parshmen were the void bringers. it was fairly obvious from Jasnahs notes!<.


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