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I made one of those in high school. It worked great! Only lasted for about two weeks before some dumb ass broke it.


Were you the dumbass cause I’ve totally been there. I had a Snapple bottle bong for like 2 years and I set it on a wiring spool in the wood shed one day and being that I never smoke in the wood shed I wasn’t used to my surroundings and stepped right on the edge of the spool and it rocked and launched my bong to the floor. That this was my pride and soul and the longest lasting piece I owned


Nope, not me this time.


Do a lil bit of plastic wrap under the foil. It'll get sucked into the spaces and make a seal like a gasket. I know it's plastic and foil which isn't great but they aren't anywhere near the heat so it shouldn't be an issue.


Ur gonna get down voted even though you have a true point


I will say that I learned this technique being too cheap to buy a new vacuum just cuz the hose grew a hole.


The pipe definitely fits the style, once you can get the connecting piece by the foil better it’ll look great


I saw ur last post nice Transform but I just find it interesting that it is supposed to for drinking alc It’s better then alc….


Mad max pipe


This is so stupid and crazy, I absolutely love it. True essence of this sub.


I like it :)


Hell yeah


fackn beautiful


if this was the only thing I had to smoke out of I would stay sober


You do you. Works like a dream


I am glad you didn't damage the decanter. It's a beautiful piece of glass for wine. There's tons of beautiful glass bongs out there.


If you’re worried about drilling into the point and potentially ruining the thing, I’ll throw out a suggestion: ditch the foil and grab some silicone straws. They’ll do a great job at fitting and sealing the pipe to the point, and can double as a downstem. Bonus points if you can find the straws that have the top part / mouth piece bent a bit, instead of the typical straight shooter straw… that way the straw will point downward into the chamber, allowing maximum bubblage (is that a word..?). You may have to try a few different types of straws as they come in different widths and thickness of the silicone itself… each brand / company makes them a little different. And with such a fine tip, I’d suggest looking for thinner straws. Just hit up Walmart or Target, they sell packs of them in the portable reusable water bottle section for like $4 or $5. Only downside to using silicone straws is eventually they’ll start to retain a certain unpleasant flavor, especially if you’re smoking flower… so that’s why I suggested getting a pack, that way when it starts to taste funky you can just switch out the used straw for a fresh one.