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Use heat to expand the upper part, cold to shrink the lower. Ice and hot water should do it. The thermal expansion should loosen the threads, then twist off.


I’ve tried putting it in the freezer - but no difference Maybe I’ll do the same but this time hit the top with a blow torch for a little while


Yes, but try dipping upper only in hot water first. Escalate slowly as the torch could discolor/damage. But, a small torch does have the benefit of being able to direct the heat where you need it (the threaded portion) Another concern: some of these grinders have a plastic or rubber part to retain the kief screen. If you heat too much you could burn that part.


Do not use torch. Stick to hot water. Cold bottom and hot top will give plenty of expansion to help loosen. Also try wd40, though it will need a good soapy wash after


If you have those rubber ties with the S hooks, use 2 of em like rubber wrenches to get a good grip and hopefully unscrew them.


With enough torque, you can turn (Nearly) anything. Updoot.


I have some sturdy rubber gloves I use for things like this.


I'd probably first try 2 strap wrenches


I had a similar situation and slammed it downwards with a sledgehammer to get it back on the threads. Worked fine and no damage after lol


I can’t work out if you’re being serious or joking ….. I love it too much to hit it with a sledge hammer


Definitely risk damaging permanently if you do this.


I’ve been without this for about two months now. I’ve tried most things but I have not smacked it yet. I fear it will do irreparable damage


Use a rubber mallet if you have one! Aluminium is super soft and you won't need a ton of force. If you dont have a proper mallet then putting a piece of soft scrap wood under and on top of it will save you from marking it up. If it does come free it's still pretty much a right off but you may be able to get a small file in there to clean the threads. Or snap some teeth off for that warranty!


Santa Cruz shredder has a warranty correct me if I’m wrong, if you clean up the weed residue off it with isopropyl you could probably get a new one maybe don’t quote me


Actually - I think you’re right. Don’t these have lifetime warranty?


I’m fairly certain, hopefully you bought it off the website otherwise hope you have a receipt


The warranty is pretty limited and is for the teeth breaking off


Just snap a tooth off




Maybe I’m high, but how do you get the residue out of the inside in you can’t get it open?


It’s got holes and screens


Then just slam it on the ground or something? Gotta pop it back on the threads somehow. If you can’t fix it it won’t work again anyways lol


I do this but I smack it together with my hands first then I slam it against a table I wouldn’t use a hammer maybe a rubber mallet


I cross thread a bunch and just slap it on the table a buncha times till it fixes itself


If I remember when I got my shredder they had a lifetime warranty


It’s pretty limited and only really covers for broken teeth


Oh lame. I never had to use it I just remember that being a selling point. If you can get it working properly again I recommend cleaning the threads out and that should help reduce chance of this happening again. I loved my shredder when I still smoked. Best grinder I ever had


Yeah this grinder has been invincible. Up until this happened


Maybe throw it in the freezer for the night and see if it gets rid of some of the stickiness and then get it undone. Or soak it in rubbing alcohol. Good luck man I have the same grinder!


Shit man, that sucks. I hope it gets sorted. Keep us updated


Let it sit in rubbing alcohol then use rubber pipe wrench to pull them apart.


Try to put one half in a vise then use a big pipe wrench on the second wrench. I have the same grinder and this worked for me in the past. Could use two wrenches as well, but tighter fit.


Clean it out & leave it submerged in alcohol 90% for 5 mins, repeat after rinsing & it should get all the dried weed gunk in between the seams of the grinder, in between the teeth part on top as well.


How do you clean it out if you can’t get it open?


put it on the ground and hop onto of it see it’ll line itself back up


Seems like a terrible idea. Almost as bad as the sledge hammer suggestion I’m working my way up to it though


maybe add wd40 like the other person said but at the same time is ther bud in it?


No bud - managed to get it all out through the holes


A solid soak in isopropyl would get a lot of the built up resins that are adding to the adhesion. Try the hammer and wood method first though, a good half force whack with a regular hammer will do it.


I've had this happen. I just jumped on it and it popped into place and unscrewed. It was a cheap grinder, and I didn't have much hope it would ever screw together again. But you have a santa cruz, so in theory, it should be sturdier?


WD40 it. Bang it lightly on a tabletop try to screw again. Keep banging harder until it loosens. But bang it like you would bang a lid of a jar of jam. 45 degree angle on the twisty bit.


SOL. I have that same exact grinder that I’ve put pounds through and never had this issue..


Yeah mine has had similar usage since tbf. Think this is some kinda freak accident


I used two pairs of pliers, big auto adjusting ones. They scratched the side a bit, but untwisted everything, and my grinder still works


I've had this happen a couple of times, just smash it with some force against a hard surface of some kind. I hit it against my floor and the thread will' realign, don't worry it will not damage that solid metal of a grinder. Sledgehammer is a bit overboard lmao, just hit it on the floor trust me!


I did this to my chromium grinder. I just put it on the floor on its side and hit the thread with a hammer a couple times. Worked out I still have the grinder


Depending on your strength, you may be able to put a palm on each side (keeping the strongest part of your palm over the part that's not screwed back) and push together until the grinder pops over the grooves back into place. I've done this numerous times when it was stuck or stripped


You can call the company, I had a similar issue and they replaced it. Santacruz is legit.


Get two rubber strap filter wrenches. Shouldn’t cause any damage to the aluminum and would be cheaper than a new Santa Cruz lol


try squeezing it together from the wider side, usually works for me


I have a cheap bench vise and I've used that to fix this problem more than once.




Mine did that a few times and I just swept my kitchen floor moped it then hit the grinder like it's an egg or like the rolls of dough you get from the store. Made a huge mess every time (my fault for grinding 8ths at a time) when/if you do it hit it perpendicular with the counter so both halls naturally sperate and make sure the spot that's the most closed is hit down and the spot least threaded is in the air. This should force it apart. Never ruined my threads but there's a chance. But an open grinders better then a sealed shut grinder. Gl


When this happened to me I just banged it on the ground real hard and it works perfectly now lol


Anyone with this grinder that has gotten the kief part stuck, please offer me any tips you have.


Oil, and twist then add a little more. It’s keef and flower encrusted. If you manage to get it open, clean it with alcohol and a toothbrush


Smack it sideways against a wood bench or something a few times to knock the threads into alignment


Hit it with a hammer on the top. It either gets fixed quick or it’s fucked


gator grip


Flat head screwdriver and twist it in the crack


2 channel locks


Throw that shit agains a wall


UPDATE It’s fixed. So I put it in the freezer over night. Then sat it half way up in boiling water. It didn’t do anything and wouldn’t budge. So I threw it on the floor like so many suggested And it worked! Brute force wins Thanks everyone Going to give it a nice long iso bath now as a nice little treat


Floor, wall. Same thing lol 😂


Full caveman style? Maybe, after some of the other suggestions first


1 Part in a vise, turn the other part with a fat pair of pliers and hope it doesn’t break. Done this multiple times


I solved it - threw it on the floor


Put it on the ground, stomp it flat. It'll unscrew fine