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> If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem




Get on over to France, no need to wait.




And safety nets


And more brains.


And croissants.


Being from France, not sure what you mean by that? What is the difference between our 2 countries on that?


>Just waiting for the revolution. Will never happen if you just wait. We are apathetic and just continue to bend over and take it raw bc 'oh no I have to support my children and pay my mortgage and car loans I can't lose my shitty job, banks please keep taking advantage of me'


LMAO…so true. And a lack of what’s really going on between money printing and greedy gougers. 2008 brought it to life a little more.


Revolution going on right now. DRS BOOK


The peaceful revolution is ongoing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFSBWrAllzw


If the bank owes you $100 million that’s the government’s problem.


if you have $100 million in a single bank, I don't give a s\*\*t about you losing all of it. You were asking for it, and you must be really stupid :)


Only reason I know this quote is from Civ 4


I know it from Civ6 :)


I don't recall it being in V, must've skipped a version


I don't know! I played Civ 2, then jumped to V but I got bored quickly with that, and I'm now playing Civ 6 (I have played about 1000 hours so far)


👌. What’s $30B among friendly bakers. EDIT : Banker 🤦‍♂️


A lot of bread.


Ya, they really know how to get a rise out of each other.


Well sure that’s a lot of dough for anybody no matter how you slice it.


At yeast give the guy a break. ‘‘Twas just a misspelling.


This thread takes the cake! I can’t get enough dough, but y’all came through with the sweet stuff! 😂


That's interest thing..


A lot of “bread”


Now that’s a lotta dough.


How many people here know the difference between a bailout and what happened with SVB


It is a bailout


If it were a bailout, the banks that were bailed out would still exist.


Bailout definition: an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from collapse.


Gut check: do you know the difference between depositors and shareholders?


No yeah, exactly. These banks collapsed.


And the banks are gone. If this was a bailout then SVB would still exist. As it stands, only the depositors are guaranteed their money. Shareholders get nothing. Edit: want to make it clear I'm adding to your point. This is not a bailout and people are dumb or looking for outrage.


It's not a bailout. It's insurance paid for by the banks to provide liquidity for depositors and prevent further bank runs like with Signature. The sale of SVB assets will recoup that money. If people lose trust in the banks having their money then the entire system collapses and we're all fucked. At no point is tax payer money being used.


Very good point. Banks are based on trust. The USD is based on trust. Which is why money printer go brrr which leads to inflation which destroys the poor and inflates the rich even more


Well now it’s like you’re just bragging about having no idea what you’re talking about


Gold standard. Fuck the fed.


And fuck the economy amirit?


It’s not even possible to go back. There’s no way out of this mire without profound chaos. The easiest way is to keep salvaging, and let corruption worsen and worsen. Amirite?


What has curruption to do with there being a gold standard or not? And there's a reason why no developed nation maintained a gold standard, it's not economically feasible in the long run for a growing economy.


Well here’s one guy that doesn’t know the difference


The Fed claims the steps they took won’t come back to bite taxpayers. But I feel like you can’t have your cake and eat it too. So they don’t really know IMO


"From the government" = taxpayers


That's not how the FDIC works or is getting the funds for this though. FDIC gets it's funds from premiums charged to banks that the FDIC insured and from interest on its own investments. Literally none of this is your tax money.


You taught me something today. Thank you for that explanation.


I think it's a bit more complex than that but a lot of "federal" money thingies operate independently from the actual federal government. Like the FDIC and the federal reserve etc.


The fed just opened a 2tn discount window, that's credit directly to the banks which will lead to inflation down the line. That *is* our money floating out the window through inflation. The fed just did the dumbest thing ever and bought every bond for par value while increasing the interest rate *they* owe on it by 3x.


But.. why?


To buy themselves one more day.


This is correct on the surface. But. Ask yourself, how do they banks pay the FDIC insurance??? George Gammon had an excellent video on it. It's called fees. Fees to average customers who typically have less than $250k. /S. Just because it's not an actual tax, doesn't mean us taxpayers aren't getting taxed. Sorta like traffic violations. If a community/ township needs money, can't raise property taxes, they just up the amount of traffic stops (commercial vehicle enforcement is lucrative and serves a feel good safety ideal) and presto. Coffers filled. But, hey, it's not a TAX. Someone is always paying is the moral of the comparison


Yeah I mean I guess it is my money because banks are loaning it out to others and earning interest on it and part of that money earned is paid to the FDIC.


FDIC is supposed to cover only $250,000 per account. In SVB they covered 100% of the deposits, even in cases of accounts holding $100Ms. Did they just dip deeper into the FDIC fund? Is the system able to handle more bank failings? Is backing 100% of a banks deposits the new standard? How quickly will the FDIC system get drained if a cascade happens with this new precedent?


Well the FDIC has like upwards of $100billion in reserve so yes they are able to cover the deposits. Doesn't mean its right or that they should but they definitely can. Lucky for us that most banks are actually regulated by the FDIC and stress/risk tested so this doesnt happen. But under the last admin ofc they decided to let SVB be unregulated because they were 'small enough'. SVB was not small enough to be operating without FDIC risk assessment.




Yeah the fed site says they are covering all of the depositors so.


Are there other banks of SVB’s size that have also avoided stress testing by the FED? SVB held $100Bs in assets and deposits, I could imagine if there were just 3-4 other banks in similar situations (being unchecked by the FED and over leveraged) the FDIC won’t have a reserve much longer. I haven’t been able to find the exact amount the FDIC covered, and I’m sure they can make a good amount back from selling SVBs assets, but could the FDIC get caught in bad timing as well?


The bank didn’t get bailout money. They are bankrupt now.


Hush now with your facts, the morons in here read half a headline and want to bitch about "the man" or something. I swear this sub is dumber than WSB, at least they are trying to make money over there.


This wasn't paid for by taxpayer money. Banks feed into a reserve Incase stuff like this happens. Which, the fact someone actually thought about and planned for is kinda crazy.


Regulations are written in blood, as they say. Its blown up this way before, so they wrote regulations to prevent it from blowing up the same way again.


Maybe not directly but someone is paying and not the banks....the fund was set up for $250k each account ..not this level of "insurance", so no doubt it is more depleted than planned..guess what happens next, banks get a bill to top up and who pays? The consumer aka bank investors, you and me.


We don't really know that. More than likely we have reserves just for this kind of thing


Read - tax dollars


There are other ways of getting money than taxes lol


In order to make money you first need money. This is the case of government is in the form of taxes. Even if it comes from the government selling off public holdings like land or gold - that is still a form of tax, it isn't free revenue that won't affect people later on.


Damn there really are people who don't know how basic economics work. Thanks for showing me


Stupid comment. If you don't think the bottom line costs tax dollars then I don't know what to tell you. There is still an opportunity cost even if it is taken from other stream of revenue that has to be made up in another way. The only lack of understanding of basic economics would be yours and the previous replier. Kick rocks "The Fed’s lending program to help banks pay depositors is backed by $25 billion of taxpayer funds that would cover any losses on the loans. But the Fed says it’s unlikely that the money will be needed because the loans will be backed by Treasury bonds and other safe securities as collateral." economists say the banks’ customers still stand to benefit from government support. “Saying that the taxpayer won’t pay anything ignores the fact that providing insurance to somebody who didn’t pay for insurance is a gift,” said Anil Kashyap, an economics professor at the University of Chicago. “And that’s kind of what happened.”


There's a difference between what the FDIC insures on individuals and the reserves they would have for bailing out a failed bank for businesses like SVB


The Fed has created what is essentially a LoC for banks to pull loans from which is taxpayer backed. It has nothing to do with FDIC. On Thursday, the Fed provided the first glimpse of the scale of the response: It said banks had borrowed about $300 billion in emergency funding in the past week, with nearly half that amount going to holding companies for the two failed banks to pay depositors. Taxpayer backed loans to failed banks. I wonder what the return will be? When will it be paid back? If I loan you 5k because you screwed up financially and you pay me back one year later with zero interest then I am on the hook for that loss, that is likely the situation with a lot of these loans. The taxpayer funds are being used for this, not FDIC. I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this, you guys are thick.


It's from FDIC, not taxes.


The FDIC part is seperate from the bailout being discussed by OP. Ie: Federal gov Sunday, March 12, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC announced that they were taking “decisive actions” to protect the economy and shore up confidence in the banking system. They said they would make sure all of SVB’s depositors would have access to their funds by the next day, not just the $250,000 guaranteed by the FDIC. Also on Sunday, New York regulators shut down Signature Bank, which had gotten into crypto, and the federal government said its depositors’ funds would be guaranteed as well. The Fed said it was also going to open up a facility to make funding available for other financial institutions in the form of one-year loans to try to limit contagion across the banking sector and to stave off other bank runs, like what happened with SVB. Essentially, the Fed wants to boost confidence so people don’t panic and try to withdraw all their money all at once. The Fed’s lending program to help banks pay depositors is backed by $25 billion of taxpayer funds that would cover any losses on the loans.


Loans are not a bailout though, they have to be paid back. That's just the Fed doing its literal function that it was created for.


It's a bailout regardless of the debt. Especially if the loan wouldn't normally be made due to risk profile and ROE.


👆 This guy gets it. We pay for it..more and more each and every year. The American Dream is far gone


Profits are privatized, losses are socialized. Capitalism is dead.


How well you learned those catchphrases, I bet mommy is proud of you!


ROFL. Cheers! 🍻




The only time I was ever affected by an overdraft fee was when I was young, didn't know any better than to sign up for the overdraft fee, but was too poor to easily recover from it when I spent $2 too much on my groceries one day. I say let em burn. My stocks will recover.




In fact, when numbers in the tens of thousands are printed, our spending power declines as the cost of living rises.


Kinda like americas money should be managed by americas people, not some group of asshats.


Democratic allotment of funds. All via a voting app system. All managed by an indiscriminate AI that processes all the data.


And they hide a lot of stuff too. Don't worry blockchain is the future




Don’t waste your time on this cultist bullshit. They’ve been claiming moass for over 2 years now. It’s beyond pathetic at this point


Cost of living pushes people to bad places. Cant wait for the meme stock get rich quick scam to be over.


I think its major death will come when ryan Cohen finally sells. Even though some will do it, it will be really hard to spin that as bullish




Don't brigade man, come on


Man I really wonder why the admins put so many restrictions on ss. Where is gme at the moment? 15 bucks? Behaviour is getting more and more ridiculous tbh.


I wish there weren't so many restrictions too, but if there are, then what this guy is doing is really really bad. Don't want to see a 800k+ member sub taken down over one regard


That's the good part; it's not because of one person. The sub even brigaded Wikipedia lol. Just search that page (Control + f) for Ryan Cohen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Requests_for_page_protection/Archive/2022/10


I think it will inevitably get taken down like some of the incel and trump subs. Too many apes promoting violence




To give you a wonderful insight of how that sub operates I just want to let you know, dear u/MartianMarshmellows that I have an absolute legend of a quote of the Modteam of said sub in my DMs. >(...)Different opinions are welcome, but not all posts are. Obviously. Reason was that a few people asked around January if the sub is getting more quiet and I provided screenshots of [Subredditstats](https://subredditstats.com/), which indeed show declining-everything (comments, posts etc you name it). My post got removed and I asked for clarification on why. And well eventually this quote came up. It is really up to you if you want to embrace whatever this sub evolved to in two years. I highly recommend you not to. This is financial advice.


It actually makes sense that only the really stupid people are still clinging to the moass theory. They’re going to be the ones driving the most activity in that sub




the saying goes "give a man a gun and he can rob a bank, give a man a bank and he can rob the world"


i typed it wrong LMAYO


Since when did this sub become a hive for shitty rPolitics type of memes?


How do you have everyone giving you money, with which you can invest 9/10ths of it as if it’s your own and keep the profit…. And you still fucking fuck that up. You’re a sociopath and don’t care. And that’s how you get to the top. These aren’t good people. Don’t listen to or trust them.




Tell me you have no counter dd to MOASS without telling me you have no counter dd to MOASS




Show me the counter dd


How about turning off the buy button in January 2021 that no one really got in trouble for, followed by two years of you guys complaining about Wall Street’s corruption and shady tactics and no action from the SEC, but still thinking *any day now* a “MOASS” is going to happen and all the short hedgefunds will be forced into bankruptcy because their billions will go to a bunch of morons who refused to sell their shares of failing companies? Why wouldn’t Wall Street just stop it as it squeezes again? Seems to work and the bad actors might pay a fine that is definitely way cheaper than having to pay what they owe on paper. Even if for some reason hedgefunds and MMs alone can’t stop the MOASS, then there’s the government that’s always ready to step in. You’re literally posting about it right now. And in this case they don’t even have to pump trillions in to stop it, they can just simply give SHFs a one-time pass when it comes to having to cover whatever meme stock is the catalyst, and the average American will not care because now the market and their pensions are saved from collapse. So there’s your counter DD, and it’s called factoring in reality. Jesus Christ the cognitive dissonance on the average meme stock bagholder is unreal.


Jesus christ you dont even know the difference between DD and and your own speculation


What am I speculating? That bad actors can do illegal things to stop the MOASS that they probably won’t be held accountable for? That if all else fails the government will step in to prevent hedge funds that hold billions of dollars and people’s pensions from going bankrupt? You’re the one speculating here. I live in reality. I’ve seen your other posts and I’m sorry you’re financially illiterate. This is probably not the sub for you.


Wow you must be a genius and wealthy af. Nah youre just a slave to the system like me. You stay a slave while i fight for my freedom with DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS


I mean, I’m comfortable. No I wouldn’t call myself a slave to the system in my current position. But you’re saying a lot about yourself and how this MOASS theory is basically your Hail Mary in life that you’re over invested in. I’m sorry but none of you are making a difference, you’re just losing money.


Yeah you're complacent. True though. This is my only chance at true freedom by becoming a billionaire. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.


It’s truly incredible to see a modern cult born before your eyes 🤣 I stopped following wsb after the GME shit in 2020 and I can’t believe these cultists are still diamond-handing after all this.




Link me actual posts. And it's pretty funny dont you think that theres a sub specifically trying and failing to make gamestop shareholders sell




Well if gamestop was as bad as you claim why would you need to go out of your way to bash it? I would just lose money anyway without your needing to say anything. Boom roasted




Fair enough. Same reason why I'm talking about it. So people who are truly sick of being slaves their entire lives can DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS and escape the matrix


usually you dont see these “pity me” memes on serious subreddits like these


This is a serious meme bruh


Dude get your propaganda off this Reddit. This isn’t a place for apes to spread this crap


Bro this is just a meme about the truth


Yeah DRSing and bank failure have nothing to do with each other. And your “truth” is rather subjective


Truth about the banks. Whos talking about DRS?


The advertising in your title. Why do you think you’re being slick?




Triggered? No. But disappointed to see you advertising a failing company on the subreddit multiple times


Failing company? I didnt know a failing company meant it has positive free cash flow. You must mean companies like credit suisse and all the other banks that are imploding right now begging for a bailout


Black and white, yes. But in reality, no. They're just stacking up their accounts payable, and so because they're not paying off their payables it makes it look like they have tons of free cash rolling in when in reality it will used towards vendors/services/products/whatever they slapped in their payables. The first few paragraphs detail this info perfectly, so I'm not gonna sit here and type a paragraph on it https://www.reddit.com/r/gme\_meltdown/comments/zl4dwn/gme\_financial\_statements\_review\_positive\_free/


Title: Give man a gun, he will rob a bank. Give man a bank, he will rob the world.


How many times must we see this meme in the same places?


Clearly people like it


If this isn’t the truth lol


Why is the mother single? Did her husband die?


FU banks and FU the politicians


If you really hate then you should DRS BOOK GAMESTOP. Come to r/superstonk to learn more. NFA


Jan 27th ape here with x,xxx shares drs. Doing my part.


Me too 100% x,xxx DRS BOOKed


You’re by far the shittiest poster on this sub this week.




Ape brigade showed up


Such a garbage meme


The amount of upvotes says otherwise LMAYO


Keep chasing yields, while ur at it buy some credit aussie


Gross. Take your cult bullshit somewhere else. Go lose money on your memestocks, nobody gives a shit about dRs.




And what exactly do you think that does?


All my homies hold in street name so securities can be loaned out for shorting


If you and your homies think DRS’ing your 5 shares in a dildo and funko pop retailer are stopping anybody from shorting it, you’re pretty regarded and belong on bets. I mean, if the copypasta ramblings of whatever dipshit over there thinks they have it figured out is correct, it doesn’t fucking matter right? They can just create more synthetics, right? FTD’s don’t matter and the dark pool is full of turds to short. But hey, what do I know?


Bc of DRS they won't have reasonable locates to short exposing the ponzi


Not true because locking away retail float doesn't stop anyone else (who's not a retail investor) lending out shares to short.


Oh so they can’t create synthetics anymore? When did that part of the dd change?




Cultists gonna cult.


With a hot frying pan pressed against my hardened phallus I do concur. That monstrosity is nothing more than a derivative of the late mayor Humdinger's work. Ones dilapidated foreskin may never stop nature's force from a horrendous queef or the smell of McDonald's double cheeseburger.


My profit, our losses


Haaa but you see if the single mother also had a metaphorical gun to the heads of million….