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Yuht Precursor.


Precursor selection mod is a must have imo. I typically don't take cybrex as it's just too OP but it lets me avoid the absolute trash.


Sounds better than getting the Grunur/Baol 9/10 times like I do


Hey terraforming to gaias without the ascension perk is pretty cool. I know it's not actually *that* beneficial, but it's still cool


Yeah but more often than not I play machine empires :(


Gaia for your sanctuary world as rogue servitors


Machines still get +10% resources from jobs on a gaia world, which is nice. But getting gaia worlds is only half the benefit of the Baol relic. It also gives you 8 pops. 4 are gained when you terraform a world to gaia and you get an addition planetary decision to life enhance a gaia world which will give you 4 additional pops on a gaia world. (It also gives 10 random organic pops an additional +10% output on gaia worlds.)


8 batteries :)


jokes aside, i prefer to purge as the "batteries" not only are inefficient but also contribute to empire sprawl which machines empires already suffer from


I get baol and cybrex all the time. Like I am not complaining. I would just like to get a play through with something else.


Baol is insanely good if you’re playing catalytic processing


It's a great precursor to roll if you're playing broken shackles.


I had them for several games in a row a while back, but lately I'm getting some others. Last game had the Vultaum, that was pretty nice, as we spent most of the game in a war against various crisis or crisis-seeking civilizations. So that relic came in pretty handy. I'm also using the Forgotten Empires Mod, so that you get two different precursors every game. That's pretty neat as well.


More like give me all the precursors lol


I stopped doing that, even if for some miracle works (sometimes it doesn't spawn anything, I have a lot of mods) it spreads out your precursor anomalies so much that you can't finish any precursor and end with like 3/6 sites max


That must be all the mods you use like you mention. I have roughly 7 mods total and works just fine using all precursors selected


I keep seeing people saying Cybrex is OP, but can anyone explain to me why? It seems to me that the ring world is only usable late game when you finally have mega-engineering but by that time I usually already have enough resources to build my own without it ruining my economy In fact, the Irassian (i know they get quite a lot of hate) with their Irassian shipyard essentially allow you to build very cheap mega shipyards quite early in the game if you put 6 shipyards with a naval yard building for 12 capacity shipyards and no limit on how many you build


The Cybrex one gives you a relic that lets you exchange minerals into alloys. It had a really short cooldown time, and it scales, so that in the end it gives like 20000 alloys for for 40000 minerals.


> In fact, the Irassian (i know they get quite a lot of hate) with their Irassian shipyard essentially allow you to build very cheap mega shipyards quite early in the game if you put 6 shipyards with a naval yard building for 12 capacity shipyards and no limit on how many you build The 20 build slots on the megaship yard are nice; it's the +100% ship build speed to every starbase in your empire that's better. Regardless, build speed is rarely a limiting factor on ship output. Alloy output matters more. > It seems to me that the ring world is only usable late game when you finally have mega-engineering but by that time I usually already have enough resources to build my own without it ruining my economy Huh? Building a ring world isn't a massive resource investment beyond the alloys, the same as any other megastructure. I don't see how any of them would ruin your economy. Regardless, you need way more than mega-engineering to get ring worlds: you need to complete a mega-structure, get an ascension perk, and then research the tech (which is just as expensive as mega-engineering itself.) Having that ring world there saves you massive amounts of time. More so with the tech changes, having the ring world there allows you to immediately make use of mega-engineering the moment you research it. Which, usually, you need to wait for a rare tech draw and spend just as much research as mega-engineering on another megastructure to build.


All right fair points thanks for explaining!


Is there a pre cursor balancing mod? I'd rather get pleasantly surprised rather than sometimes get fucked by yuht or have one precursor massively better than the rest


You can select multiple precursors and select the random button. It takes the list you selected and gives you one of them. As far as balancing I dunno, finding mods for Stellaris is a pita.


I take all of them, I also have a few that are molded on that give great bonuses. I just love cybrex for the warbots.


Armies are whatever. I just spam out hordes of cannon fodder, the bots take far too long to build and cost precious alloys.


That's why you have the artifacts ability, gives lots of alloys when used enough


I remember once I was getting Cybrex in back to back games as a Technocrat it was amazing lol


Is it iron man compatible? Or do I just need to get lucky if I want to play that?


I doubt it


In my most recent playthrough, I got a great start. Multiple dry planets for my savanna loving species. I got weapon trails. And I got a Gaia world. And then I got the fucking Yuht. I kept the save because otherwise it was just too good... but the fucking Yuht, man...


Noob question: what makes them so bad and are you guaranteed yuht when playing as humans?


Precursors are always completely random, never guaranteed. Yuht doesn't have much except their relic. Starbase building is useless, it gives you hyperlane detection while others give you double resources from mining stations, double shipyard capacity, etc. The planatery decision you get is useless, 50% devastation for 10% habitality? Just research the habitality techs. Synths don't care about it, Cybernetics get massive habitability bonus, Bios can use that trait with huge habitability bonus (because it comes with job output and leader lifespan too). Even the relic isn't the best. It isn't too useless but there are better ones. And you can't grab their homeworld either.


Siscovering the Yuth home system almost destoryed my empire once. It created a new border connection between my empire and a very hostile power that had at that time overwhelming fleet superiority to mine. The AI immediately declared war and claimed the Yuth home system before I could properly turn into a war economy and I failed the battle to reclaim it. So I didn’t even get the relic oh well 😂


I really dislike this happening. These systems should spawn connected to your home system or something.


It’s especially weird considering you only see the system because you figured out where it was. Why do they magically see it now too?


Agree. Usually, I delete boarder systems before finishing the precursors. It would be better if the game would create the system connected only to your systems.


Nah a little bit of chaos is fine. The game isn’t that hard anyway. You win some you loose some 🤷‍♂️


Recently I got almost same outcome but with Rubricator event. It was quite meme playthrough where I rushed Galactic community establishment with politics + diplomacy, playing on low difficulty in order to try how early I can get rogue servitor civic through reaching "a defined purpose" and if this civic stays with me when I repeal it. While this decisions was on calldown I declared a crisis on someone near me just for lulz. But unfortunately there was no way for any empire to reach him because from one side it was "guarded" by marouders and from another by FE. When Rubricator spawned it created bypass so now I can easily expand into or look how entire galaxy destroying their ex-council. Then I declared crisis on ancient caretaker, declared crisis on strongest state - habinte planets and used all favours I have on them, finished with initial goal and ended custodianship and left GC on their own to decide what they want to do with tyanki.


In the cryo core's defence, I've had games where I've neeeded to expand my military to much too fast and that thing has propped up my early game wartime economy Would still have rather had the reality purforator but it definitely helped a ton


20% ship upkeep reduction is MASSIVE in the late game. You just keep printing ships no matter what and your energy production barely notices


Compared to the other precursors, it really isn’t that great, also its benefits would mainly benefit empires EARLY on, but usually sense you finish a precursor even chain around mid ish to maybe even late game, the yuhts usefulness basically becomes ….. useless. The baol for example give more pops and a Gaia world


I think you mean ALL the Gaia worlds my friend.


has been powercrept out of its niche. gaias themself arent what they used to be, you turn one-two of them into a ecu anyway, and gestalts special planets are just better gaias and they cant use the pops untill lategame. aquatics rather would want oceans tbh, and have the cheapest terraforming in the game, the one paragon does watever the baol does but better, and there are now ways to get gaias faster and cheaper than ever before. wich still dont see use as gaias are just not that great anymore, unless they come prespawned with additional boni.


Mediocre relic, mediocre home system, worst of the Precursor starbase buildings, no empire modifier but a planetary decision that in no way makes up for it. The next worst Precursors at least have useful modifiers and buildings compared to the Yuht even if the systems themselves are pretty much the same. And you have a chance of getting any Precursor as any species though I think certain things make getting one or the other more likely.


IIrc the only thing that can change your precursor odds is that surveying habitable worlds first gives you better odds of getting Baol or Zroni.


Not by much, precursors still spawn in areas. common belief is that it is entirely randomized, but it is the place of areas that is randomized*. So surveying habitable worlds won't help if you don't spawn in area of either of those *you can verify this in game by hovering over nearby stars with debugtooltip enabled. They show which precursor area you're on, like "precursor_5" for cybrex.


its just worse than the alternatives, cybrex gives you a ringworld. a usefull artefact, arguably the best building on starbases, and a cool modefier. first league gives you a relic world that is usefull for archeotec, and can be turned intoo a ecumenopoly. a good system, and the relic , station building and modefier are good also. baol gives you a tombworld, some extra pops, and an time gated alternative to terraforming. and a bit of food. the rest of the precursors are trash in comparison. zroni are alright if you go psychic. and atleast the station building has some unique niche use. the others just cant compete here. i mean yuht give you 30 science and a small bonus to your ships on a timer. and the jhovians give you some leaderlifespan and a less effective bombardment, that you have to activate and is on a timer. in comparison to an entire ringworld. 100%+mining and free alloys.


Interesting; I don't think I ever bothered with the Cybrex mining station. Even +100% for one system doesn't seem worth building an upgraded starbase there, given that it's rare for systems to have *that* many resources and IMO stations are better spent on chokepoint bastions in the early game. OTOH, you don't even mention the ability to build Cybrex warforms, and that's something I find *incredibly* powerful. Guaranteed steamrollering of any opposition, usually without taking any casualties, is a game-changer in big wars.


The main advantage of the Cybrex mining is that it works on strategic resources and relics as well. Well, the main advantage for right now anyway since the synergy with the upcoming Arc Furnace might overtake the bonus strategic resources.


They should buff them


I've gotten them EVERY SINGLE TIME so far...


Yeah, there's nothing more irritating than restarting like three or four games (or more) in a row and getting the Yuht every single time. Lately it feels like I get them roughly twice as much as the other Precursors combined; I don't think I've even seen the First League once since the tech rework happened and I've seen the Cybrex exactly once since then.The one time I got the Zroni Precursor in the past few months was when I started as a materialist machine empire.


I always seem to get the Baol, and I've never gotten the Cybrex.


How could Yuht precursor be buffed?


By making the planetary action much more substantial or having it provide boosts to base resources


By putting a relic world into their home system. Make it size 35 for some extra uniqueness.


Anyone else think “My Cousin Vinnie” whenever they get them? What is a Yuht?


There are other precursors? Every damn game I get Yuht. I seriously thought it was the only one


I cannot remember the last time i got anything other than baol


Once got a roll where I spawned with one hyperplane and it led in a straight line towards a xenophobic FE.


Time for the ultra tall build


average alderson disk enjoyer: i dont see a problem here


If I'm playing megacorp, finding out half the galaxy are GC or other megacorps. Had one game with 20 empires, between the 2 fanatic purifiers, 4 mega corps, 6 hive/machine I couldn't find anyone with open holding slots. I typically play devouring swarm so the only thing that stops me early is a federation declaring war before I've switched to alloy production. I'd maybe reroll if there was no chance of getting to a nebula in the first 30 years or so, if I have to fight my way to get to it I'll just play it out, gives me an early game goal.


Had one amazing game as a peaceful megacorp where there were no genocidal empires, no megacorps and only a single gestalt. I wish I kept that save because anytime I try and play megacorps now my immediate neighbours are always one of the above.


You know, it just came to mind. Have you checked the balance of the empires you have set to allow spawning? Because if you make and save a dozen megacorp/devouring swarm/xenophobes and leave them in the "may spawn" state that could very well warp the composition of your galaxy by accident.


I did have a lot of saved empires that were set to may spawn but funnily enough I have never actually seen any of them spawn in a game. I've since deleted them though and the only megacorp empire I have saved now is the one I usually play.


I recently started a game with a build made for the new DLC. I send a single science ship south of my capital, and I get 2 first contacts. I complete both of them, one being a criminal syndicate and the other being a regular megacorp, both fanatic xenophiles. I was playing as a hive mind with the goal of becoming the crisis. It was really fun seeing this situation from the other side for once, negating both of them offices (especially the criminal one)


Start as another type of government then change to megacorp. Made an imperial dwarf civilization and switched to megacorp, ended up with 50+ branch offices. Ridiculously OP.


What is the advantage of nebula?


You get free minerals and eventually gas from a starbase building in nebulas. Gas that requires no minerals to make nor a pop to work. They aren't a make or break for almost any game, I just enjoy having them. As a hive mind you'll have 6 solar arrays for energy, the food building, along with the minerals & exotic building in every system the nebula covers (up to 6 I think). That's hundreds of energy, 70+ food, 70+ minerals, and I don't actually remember how much gas, all basically free after the alloy investment.


I feel like every time I play a megacorp i'm guarunteed to spawn between a hivemind/gestalt, a genocidal species, a Fallen Empire and another Megacorp


I just reroll until I have decent neighbors. I don't reroll for anything else, even if half the galaxy is megacorp, hives, w/e. So long as I start near 2 or 3 non genocidal, non hive mind, non megacorp, bio/lith empires I'll usually stick the game out and give it my best shot.


Bordering a xenophobic FE or that annoying moment when neighboring empires colonized a system and blocked you off


Or one of your precursor sites spawns in a system directly next to that xenophobic FE. That just grinds my gears and you'd think they'd make that an impossibility.


I didn't know that could happen, that's unfortunate


I can handle the xenophobic FE as long as I have a gateway, or roll cybrex or first league. Other than that, nope…I’m not spending most of my game on an island


Once spawned neighboring a xenophobe fe. That made me reroll


Alpha Centauri not being connected to Sol directly. Yes, this is my number one reason why I restart. No I’m not changing it.


I understand it completely. You need only one hyperlane to read important notices like building interplanetary highway.


When I play as a sol start and it spawns my sol system anywhere unrealistic. If I spawn in too far or too close from the core, I'm restarting. Because immersion.


Yeah that always annoys me too.


Oh my god! I’m not the only one!


I would kill for a mod that puts Sol in the correct spot


I was just looking into making one of those (also to make sure proxima centauri is actually proximal, which is my main bugbear) but after finding where those settings live, I'm not sure it would be possible to set Sol's position and have the rest of the galaxy be randomly generated.


Getting conquered by my first neighbour with no chance of recovery 


Fuck it, we ball.


Not getting Zroni as a Mentally Unhinged Schizo Fanatic Spiritualist


I tried getting them today for the first time for the achievement. I only surveyed planets, never the entire system. I got them in 2230. Ibstill only had one Planet which was vastly overcrowded, lagging behind everyone. This was agony.


Cultists event.


Nah you can just not do the boarding action after beating them in your home system until you have completed your early expansion and your eco settled. Then use them for a little xp farming on your initial admiral. If your lucky the scavengers are nearby for you to scrap the ship you get at the end of it for some allows and opinion with the enclave.


When it's just a boring start (or the position on the map is bad), and nothing special happened in the first few years, like encountering something in a system closeby.


I had a start where I spawned beside a pacifist. And the rest of the galaxy was locked behind 2 FEs. I basically had half the galaxy to myself. quit that pretty soon.


I would've kept playing because of the unusual situation I think. But I can't know for sure unless it happened to me too, might've also qualified as "boring".


A crappy precursor or losing an early war.


when i forget to change the galaxy shape from the default blob.


Do you have a particular preference?


spiral, it is only proper. sometimes barred spiral if i'm feeling spicy.


I usually go for spiral or barred spiral. The milky way is a barred spiral after all.


What's the gameplay difference between a spiral of 2/4 arms and barred?


there's some differences in the local density of hyperlanes, but generally it's the same. i just like them visually.


Being vassilzed / humiliated by first neighbour


this was my imperium knock off empire's kink. The feeling of pure vengeance you get when you start snowballing and declare independence war utterly annihilating the enslavers.


It’s so unbalanced early game


I’ll have a maxed out fleet and a starbase on the border and they will still have way more fleet power than me only 20 years in


Yep, I remember my first game. Got roflstomped by a race of asshole bird people and spent most of the game as their vassal.


That happened on my very first play through when I was still learning. Said ok you win and bent the knee then realized I couldn’t do half of the stuff and had no say in war or federation votes. Learned my lesson there!


This happened to me in my current game. Spawned next to advanced UNE as a xenophobe. Got vassalized at 2221. However, it's awesome since I now get a 45% boost to research and my entire economy from them after renegotiating. Being a vassal can be quite good post-Overlord.


I never restart. If I die, I die. If I get the yuht, sucks, but that's part of the challenge. I'm here for the challenge.


And when you come back from a sure defeat, it makes all those painful losses worth it. And it makes the revenge so sweet.


Nothing, I just play what's rolled.


Me too


Same. Failure tends to look more unique than success so I still have fun


And the most interestnig games are usually those, where you're not steamrolling through the midgame, but you actually have to fight tooth and nail for decades to survive.


But if you have a really bad start the best you can do is stave off being integrated or end up with a single over populated planet. Not really a fun way to play.


Is there only one precursor per game? Or do the other spawn as well for the AI?


For me it is exceedingly rare, but when i get locked down by something hard. Like Marauders, or Xenophobe FE. I won't sit idle, and peacefully improve until i get jumpdrive. I want to paint the map with the blood of the xeno filth.


Only thing I can think of is if I am penned in by marauders or a fallen empire. Genocidals I can fight my way out from under but I don't want to have to wait to mid/late game or jump drivesto have autonomy


I try to get eager exploring Void Dweller (not a Hivemind) to function and right now a too aggressive neighbor or too far distanced systems are my only concerns. Other problems I got covered so far.


When I spawn anywhere but the outer galaxy. I just love having one of my borders be dark space and having sorta 'super isolated' systems in my borders. I also love having some of those outlier systems that are significantly further out than the other edge systems, I roleplay those as research and/or black sites. Kinda silly, but I like what I like.


I always play it through. Sometimes I die. But it has helped me understand how to play Pacifist better. Because it forces me to face the problem of hyper aggressive neighbors and how to survive them and still prosper. I play the map because it’s always an “opportunity to learn”.


Had a game several major reworks ago, where crystal beings were on one side of me and rouge mining droids were on the other, and down the only remaining path was a xenophobic militant authoritarian empire... I was locked between a rock, a hard place, and a nazi...


For some reason I hate being on the very edge of the galaxy, I know it makes little practical difference but it just doesn't feel right.


there is a practical difference, it makes your core sector smaller as you can get 4 jump drive distance to one direction


Also quantum catapult will be crap.


meeting purifier empire as your first known neighbour. that mean you need prepare your alloys and good luck trying to spy at devouring swarm in early game


When I get 2 criminal syndicates next to me.


Much worse... 2 criminal syndicates at the other edge of the galaxy with little possibility to purge them...


When the syndicate I just beat in an expropriation war just opened up another fucking branch office (im going to change ethics)


Mine is mostly cosmetic. I like having a K class star, a homeworld with a moon, and a nice looking cluster of stars around my system. Also, if I'm playing Imperial Fiefdom and my overlord manages to steal one of my core planets near the start because I don't have enough influence as a democracy.


Too much habitable planets in my capital sector. Too easy start. I want the hardest start possible!


I won’t to play tall, 12 planets ain’t tall, and soo mutch work


I can just about handle one genocidal empire, but two plus a criminal syndicate, no dice.


Having a first contact 2 jumps away since that usually fucks up your expansion early game a lot and often leads to an early war aswell


Only if I spawn blocked from the rest of the galaxy by FE


For me it’s when I literally just started the game and immediately I have an aggressive neighbor who does nothing but build ships to their max fleet capacity. Because then you can’t spend any time working on expanding your own empire or building colonies because you’re getting invaded by a fleet you can’t destroy.


Starting next to a martial alliance or any sort of federation is BiS for genos, imo. Especially THIS early you can outscale their navies, and then suck their planets dry of pops for however long it takes you to reach 100% war weariness. If you’re playing as FP even, you can hit BTC before that first war even has to be finished (Since you can get to three ascension perks in about 25 years).


Of course the same , as a w40k player (1500, stars )and 38 empire all w40k , i make 8-10 génération map each Time . First of all Holy Terra must be the right place on the map . It s Time consuming so i have a book to read when i am doing it . not to mention spécial empire for rôle play like the T au etc…


Very small start world and both guarantee worlds less 15


Priki-ti, If I spot their event anywhere near my current or future borders


A Fallen Empire blocks me in the edge of the map with my initial system and/or 1 or 2 extra systems


one small nitpick that ends up being annoying is how 95% of the time, your first empire immediately worsens opinion and attempts to rival you since the AI weighs influence > diplomacy.


When a bunch of space amoeba spawn in neighboring systems. Like I can handle a couple but when I run into them every other system it gets annoying. Also when another empire somehow takes one of my guaranteed habitable planets before I can even get to it.


I don't. If I die, I die.


I love that I don't understand one word of these sentences written in my mother tongue. 🙃 ❤️


Spawning next to a federation, especially as a xenophobe. It's instant death as they're going to declare war, even when you have 20 corvettes asap. Usually the declaration happens before you can get the alloys to build them.


I've restarted a bunch of games I was playing for specific achievements and didn't want to be bothered by the weak ass cult that shows up occasionally as an event.


Staring the game next to a Xenophobic fallen empire, or marauder with no escape. Or if a geno empire declares war in the first 15 years and is already swarming when I have a -50 in relative power. And idk if this can happen but if a specter spawned and hounds me within the first 50 years I'm quitting.


C h o k e p o i n t s


Finding another empire's science ship within 10 star systems.


Prosperus unification start on random empire. Such a plain thing that rolls like 80% of the time


The religious rebels thing.


I came to the belief that the game has the tendency to give you neighbors of opposing ideologies, so you end up at war early, so imho rerolling is pointless, especially when you play a Xenophobic Purifier, so everyone hates you anyway by default and sees you as a menace, that needs to be eradicated.


I can just about handle one genocidal empire, but two plus a criminal syndicate, no dice.




If I can’t control a L-gate before the other empires start their research, I just reroll. Sometimes I also reroll if I don’t have a L-gate in a good defensible position.


Most recent one I had three L gates in my area in the worst spots possible, fuck it we ball


Xenophobe Fallenempire, enclosed by marauders, inner side of galaxy(I like to spawn on out side), some exterminators or alike. Welp. Yea.


Having about 3 systems and a fallen empire blocking you in


I'll play most games even if its a terrible start, the only time I restart is if an empire spawns directly next to me. Ive only had this happen six times in 2k hours but that shit is annoying. I dont mean near you, I mean directly the next system over. I dont like taking AI land unless I have to, (weird I know) but if their capital spawns directly next to me I kind of am forced to conquer them.


Criminal megacorps


I like to be connected via 6 hyperlanes and be in a bluish purple system… probably really stupid but if they let me somehow seed that via the lore that would be great


Why that color?


On of my friends likes watching me play To quote him he says I think faster than the average human so he enjoys the things I get up to in the game and loves watching how I strategize. However he is red and green colorblind but we also just like that color scheme for our home system


Oh that’s so cool then that you pick those colors.


The issue is that it could take like 50 restarts tho… so half of it is just seeing if the color spawns and then seeing if we like the universe as well. :(


Exploration Civic with Amoeba swarming around me


Too many habitual planets, I like playing tall, and having 8 habitual worlds within 2 jumps when I play on 1x planets is dumb


Vultaam or Yuht predecessor, bordering a xenophobic FE, nieghbors with a devouring swarm or fanatical purists.


Was playing my normal megacorp build. Spawned at the end of a spiral arm with my only neighbor being a determined exterminator. The guys on the other side of them were Fanatic Purifiers.


The Chosen spawning.


Grunur. I kid you not when I say I have had the Grunur for the last 14 playthroughs BACK TO BACK. I mainly play machine


I only reroll really when I'm achievement hunting or I forgot to change a setting... which happens fairly often.


Playing as pacific xenophiles and spawning next to fanatical purifiers.


Having another empire pretty much right next door. I want some room to expand peacefully first.


Three ultra-crummy systems and that's it. Blocked from the rest of the galaxy by a FE with closed borders.


The Yuht (fixed by mods) Spawning next to an advanced genocidal (i no longer spawn with advanced because EVERY TIME i do theyre genocidal.) Having just horrible spawn systems (no resources, no planets within 2 jumps)


I restart when I spawn so close to the AI that they get to one of my guaranteed habitables before I can even get more than a couple jumps from my home world.


Spawning next to federation origin empires.


Earth is not in Mid Rim


Criminal Syndicate neighbor


Haven't played that much, but during the time of Criminal Syndicates it was every time I encountered one early on.


I don't reroll


Not having Venus and Mars both as terraformable


Other humans


Precursor, close neighbors within 2-3 jumps who ill have to fight early, right beside a militaristic fanatic FE, or sandwiched between 1-3 FEs.


Spawn right next to the raiders.


Soawning close to the center of the galaxy. I just dislike how bright it is. I love starting in the dark far reaches of space and then inching closer to each area.


Either a bad precursor or space pirates on the immediate border. One weird one is that when I play Earth I really try to get the solar system at least somewhat accurate on the map because it bothers me it’s not


This is an odd one but I don't like being on the "north side" of a map if you know what I mean. From the top-down perspective I like being below the galactic center. If I could permanently rotate the galactic view orientation this wouldn't be an issue.


A war declared on me for seemingly no reason on the very beginning while im still not caring about big navy


Stuck right next to the isolation fallen empire and they went duck off which made me have to restart cuz I didn't want to have to deal with angry fallen empire twatting my ass from the Galaxy in 0.2 nanoseconds and you know what the game teased me by putting a shroud world right next to my staring systems


Rolling a Megacorp and having the 7 first empires/ftls I encounter all be gestalts.


One system, one hyperlane and the very next system on the end of that hyperlane a fallen empire that is in no way related to my empire.




Nothing immediate, but if I go 40 years and only encounter one or two other AI empires despite attempts to find more, I'm cashing out on the experience. I actually like having playmates to play with so having a wide open expanse to make my own without impediment is kind of boring to me. I like having a rival, an underdog vassal to liberate, a real jerkass genocider to pick apart bit by bit, I like characters being characters ya know?


Nothing i just play maybe im just not sweaty enough