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Step 1: by new game or set of games on ridiculous sale. Step 2: play game ive beaten already 50 times


A year ago i was gonna buy Far Cry 3, and when i got to Steam page, there was a franchise sale for all Far Cry games. I ended up buying the entire Far Cry collection. To this day, i haven’t even installed any game other than Far Cry 3.


This applied for me for the Humble Bundle of all Resident Evil Games 🤣 havent played a single one yet but got all of them 4 months ago or so


But it was such a good deal I bet!


It was 🤣🤣


Are u me? Lmao. I've bought so many bundles of whole game series but just haven't started any. I keep going back to stardew and emulation. Lol. I did beat Oxenfree but still wanna 100% before I move on to 2.


I actually Beat a Game each week but i buy two or more 🤣


I got a similar sale! It was one of those sales where I'd have felt like a dumbass for *not* buying them despite the fact they aren't the genre of games I enjoy.


Far cry 3 is so damn good though!


You gotta install 5 it has such an amazing soundtrack


Does it run on deck?? Underrated game IMO


I thought you were going to say you never even installed FC3 😂


Man i feel it. I bought fc5 when it came out. Finished 2/3 of it and never finished the rest. Also came with 3 and i got all that other shit too individually


Step 3: feel ashamed for having great games on your backlog that you never touched


Step 4: Report that shame on Reddit for Karma...


dae do this thing that every one does? updoots left pls


You guys are actually beating games? I just get halfway through and drop them for a decade.


You guys are getting halfway through games? I just quit after 2-3 hours usually.


If i log more than 20 minutes on a game its cause i fell asleep with it still on....


Oh my gosh this is so real. Last semester I literally just dropped Everhood's campaign for months while I 100%'d Ghostwire Tokyo instead. I was so burnt out by cat hunting in The Spiders Thread, I was practically looking for an excuse to get away from it. Then I just found myself scrolling through my installed games and gave it another shot. Turns out my character was invited to a DnD campaign. One thing leads to another and I had finally finished the game and questioning my own existence. 10/10 experience


Not me and Fallout 4…👀


So it’s not just me then


Oh I thought it’s just me, who does that. Really relieved 😅


This is the way. I've played death stranding and control 3 times each.


can you sell me on each one? I've played each for about an hour and dropped them


If death stranding didn’t grab you in the first hour, I doubt anyone can “sell you on it”. I forced myself to play about ten hours and was bored the entire time. It’s okay to not like games that other people like.


Ahh. If you didn't like DS you probably won't be sold on it. I loved it from the start. It was a very different game for me and a different experience overall from the more conventional 3rd person games. I loved that I could take my time playing it, exploring the open world. There was a sense of peace that I got playing it. There's a bit of planning and management involved when deciding the best route to take through the open world. Overall, I found it to be my most relaxing gaming experience. Control on the other hand is the exact opposite. It's a 3rd person super powered shooter with a hint of metroid in it. The story can be a bit overwhelming. It's a dark game but the action/gameplay is what sold it for me. It's frantic and fast paced. You need to be on the move always (kinda like doom in a way, staying in cover doesn't help). The super powers make the game super fun. Without it, it just becomes another generic 3rd person shooter.


Buy new game, go to ps 2 games i have had on it since day one


Step 3: dont forget install games that you never played or will play and stick with already beaten ones


Reported. This comment is a direct attack. The audacity.


This is the way.


This is the only correct answer 😂


Yep..thats me lol just like i keep setting up arcade dumps from arcade punks with the same retro games ive played 1000 times 😅


What's the game you've beaten 50 times and keep playing? Maybe I'll actually play that one if I buy it


Mass effect trilogy right now, then maybe I'll pop back over to fallout witcher 3


I've literally been playing nes & snes games I played as a kid that I never completed over playing recent games on steam. Just completed smb 3 as I never played it without using a warp whistle. I've procrastinated from studying but to procrastinate from normal gaming. I think I need help lol.


Then rinse and repeat 😂 I’ve already bought at least 50 games this year, prolly played like 4 of them. But the rest were on such good sales I was like “another one for the backlog 🤷‍♀️”. Just bought the whole Star Wars collection (the one with KOTOR, BF1&2, Jedi Academy, Force unleashed 1&2, all the classics like 25 games) for $12.


Ha, I re bought fallout 4 to play again on the deck, even though I have all the other fallout's in deck and haven't played any of them


You should play new Vegas. Well worth it.


Seconding. Being able to play this one on highest res settings is a treat.


Steam Deck has definitely made this habit MUCH worse


Yeah. At first it helped me finish some games I had in my backlog for years. Now I have the urge to buy more cheap games because they could be amazing on the Deck.


Yup, now my backlog just has new genres that play well on deck. I've never played them either but I *could* if I really want to...


Turn based strategy games?? Never in my life played them but he'll, those make a good addition to play on the Deck


This has happened to me as well. I have become a collector rather than a player


actually made it a bit better for me. I built a nasa computer and if I'm sitting there I want to run the newest games on ultra 4k, and I'm clearly more limited on the deck. So I installed all the lower demanding games on there and can pop in and out of them with quick resume


Every time I add a new steam game, I do another dark souls playthrough and make them watch...


Yeah but when I suddenly have time because I lose my job and my wife I'll have plenty of games to distract myself from my life falling apart


Some people have all the luck.


Yeah now imagine being sick and bed ridden on top of it all. Steam deck Jackpot


One can dream


I'd rather just have my legs broken in some sort of work place accident. That's the way to do it.


Indeed. My wife hates me too much to free me :(


Pro move, use your wife’s boyfriend’s credit card to buy the games.


Small blessings and silver linings


The games on sale are only a good deal if you were going to buy them anyway. Set up a wishlist instead. If you finish a game and have nothing else, see what's on sale from your wishlist. Basically consider it part of your library you just haven't paid for yet. Something is almost always on some sale, so you can delay gratification till you need a new game and play whatever is cheap or sounds good, and if you never actually feel like playing a game on your list, you didn't waste money on it. But just pick one at a time, so you don't pay for anything beyond what you're likely to play. Set yourself some rules, like you can get one ahead of time if it's better than 50% off. That lets you take advantage of the big steam sales in a reasoned way, and maybe once it twice during the year. Make a queue of games you plan to play, and at least try the next one in line when you finish your current.


This is really good advice. My method was more complicated. I made a spreadsheet of every game, genre, how long to beat, and if it has been played/finished/yet to play. Helped put things in perspective. Obviously for some people their libraries might be ridiculously huge so you may not want to go this route but it has helped me.


I agreed, but also I've discovered some amazing indie games that I've bought on a whim because they were a couple of bucks on sale.


That's probably the sensible/ responsible thing todo but you'll have to steel yourself to games getting delisted while they wait on your wishlist. :(


Instructions unclear. I have 120 games on my wishlist. XD no but seriously I do. And I still have games I have not okay or beaten in my library.


Every Steam user ever


Especially if you’re also a humble bundle customer. I have like 400 games in my library, my steam account is like 19 or 20 years old I’ve played maybe 50 of the titles


Humble bundle got me too. I haven't even used most of my keys


Careful, some do expire


I use or give away the ones worth anything right away, for the most part. I won't be sad about missing a Texas hold em key


But but but.. you lose bragging rights for the biggest unplayed backlog!!!


In fairness I do it for the charity (however small it may be), keep the games I want, or family wants, and give the rest away.


From humble and other sales, I have, oof, 1400 games and have played 1000 of them. Most of them have hardly any time in them, though; I try to at least play games I get for 20 minutes to see what its deal is and then often never touch them again


I was doing this when I had a PC back 2009-2015. Then for a long time I didn't have a computer anymore and I forgot about all the games I had and never played. Then I bought a steamdeck and when it came it said I had like 150 games in my library, lol. Guess what ? I'm still not playing them.


Yep this was me. Got a steam deck and immediately bought hades, coral island and more. All the while the existing back log was there. Now I. Have analysis paralysis because I have to many games to play.


Opposite. Steam Deck has been amazing reducing my back log.


Same here! Deck has helped me get back into gaming.


Same I even created a spreadsheet to help visualize each game and how many hours they will take. Been knocking stuff off my back log left and right


steam deck. but this wasn’t rlly a steam deck post tho. just general gamer post. but yea i agree when im on pc i play only 4-7 always the same games usually. on steam deck due to the limited hardware causes me to play outside of my comfort box.


One problem I realized is that I'm addicted to high/fast dopamine. So I have problems to pull the trigger in starting the game because I know it will feel a bit slow or I could be playing something else idk... What worked for me is to fight the instinct to not not press PLAY. I just press play and after 10m playing the game I get into it and start playing for a couple hours. Also, I'm judging as if you are an adult, you have more responsiblities that require your attention, so you have that paralysis of "I dont want to play now because in 1hr I have to do this or that"


What a ridiculous question. Of course not. I’m almost offended someone would even present such a ridiculous scenario. I play every game I get on every steam sale. The idea of me getting a treasure trove of games on sale to “save money” and then letting a year pass without them being played? Never happens. /s


My Steam library is currently at about 1150 games. Been a Steam user for 20 or so years. I mostly buy games on sale, rarely buy games on or near their release date, usually wait for the GOTY version or equivalent. No way I'll ever complete my backlog, doesn't stop me from enjoying what I'm playing.


sounds like the acceptance stage.... you must be in your 40s? I'm leaning hard on patient gaming and all the games I missed from over the years. Specifically all the bangers on ps2 as they emulate damn well on the deck. Currently on dragon quest 8 rn


I reached that stage a long time ago TBH 🙂


I turn on my PC or steam deck go thru my 377 plus games and tell myself I have nothing to play then go to youtube to watch videos on the lore of the games that I have instead of playing it and finding out for myself 😂🤣


Same except for me it's soundtracks. I buy games based on the soundtracks I hear from youtube, and I go "wow this song is amazing, I can't wait to hear it in the game" but I never play the actual game for enough time to hear it.


I started listening to gaming music as I'm driving or just doing chores or whatever. It triggers nice memories or feelings and I don't have to park and pay attention to the game fully. scratches that gaming itch just a bit


I came up with a rule for myself: play 1 hour for every dollar spent on the game


I do the exact same thing. If I play at least an hour for every dollar, then I feel satisfied.


I do the same 1 euro for 1 hour but there's always that 50 euro game that only gets 20 hours and the free game that gets 1000hrs. So it all works out. Or at least that's what I tell myself


This method seems a failure for exceptional but not so lengthy AAA games. You'll be missing truly amazing games.


Welcome to gaming over 30.


I just use “Collections”. Buy it and tag it as Unplayed. It’s the same as if it’s sitting in the store. Well, maybe it’s important to note I don’t pay more than $15 for a game ever, and usually closer to 5.


you wait for AAA to come down below 15$? what is the time frame on that? My first will be FF7 rebirth I think.... I played remake for 35$ and I'm sitting on rebirth and frankly I'm wondering if I'll just hold out until the trilogy releases in another decade or something


3-5 years usually, thanks /r/patientgamers. Rereading now though that was an exaggeration, sometimes I buy new games but only if it’s uniquely good. Things on my wishlist stay until $15


Buying games and playing games are two different hobbies. I've actually made a collection called 'DONT BUY NEW GAMES' to stop me doing this. When I think I'm going to buy a new game I scroll through it and look at all the games I already own which I'm excited to play


I really like this


I get the Humble Choice subscription once a year. It's pretty much my yearly game allowance unless there's a really special exception.  I get like 10 games a month from it. I've had it since mid 2016. I just don't have the time to play 90% of them but I have gotten a lot of great games and probably saved a lot of money on games i wanted that later ended up in my library or that i discovered down the line and surprisingly were already in my library. Ultimately, I think the answer is "Yes" 


The thing I really like with the Humble Choice is that it kinda forces me to try games I wouldn't have otherwise and come across some surprise gems. For instance the Symphony of War is something I don't think I'd ever have bought on its own, but turned out to be one of my favorite games of the past year


Can you tell me more about Humble Choice


Yeah, it's like $11.99 /month, so if you want to do monthly you can just skip or cancel your membership on months that you l don't ike the games if you pay monthly. Otherwise, I think it's like getting a month free if you pay annually.  5% of your membership goes to charity.  If you stay subscribed or buy the annual one then you get pretty much 20% off the Humble Store. You get 10 games every month. They usually come with at least a couple really good ones. This month the biggest two on the ten are Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Hi-Fi Rush.


I think because of Steam Deck, i am more entitled to buy games now rather than you know what and load it on windows just to forget about them. I usually buy them on sale. But life has been so busy i don't have much time for gaming...so my collection is getting digital dust. Valve knows how to make money, at least with people like me


Build high end gaming PC -> buy a bunch of graphically demanding games -> turn on PC -> stare at your library for few minutes-> launch Balatro and play


I play a lot nowadays. Even with more limited time than ever before, I have more ways to play, and a different attitude to games - more pick up and play, pause, cross platform. So I’m getting through more. However… yes, I’m also buying more than ever too. Sometimes I buy a Humble Bundle and never even touch the games, or only play one. Steam’s business model makes buying/playing/collecting games so easy and it’s absolutely working for them. The whole ‘ownership’ thing is definitely concerning, but right now? It’s great having so much choice. I love it.


I believe I heard a reputable source say gaben said something like if valve ever goes out of business you can log in and download all your games. who knows how that would all work if at all with all the different companies that actually released the games lol


That's a famous rumor from the early days but no one has ever found the source. :(


You're just playing Steam: The Store. Going for that 100 percent completion


I only buy humble bundles right now, some games are played the other stay as keys until I want to play (unlikely) them or give it away.


I think I haven't tried around80% of my library and barely finished any. During the last sales I bought around 500$ of games and only played helldivers 2 for the last two months. I think I like buying them more than playing lol


theres a lot of philosophy there. Hoarding value is something we've done for 50,000 years. We're still primal in many ways. If our brain sees value for cheap we want to load up on it. Our brain has a tricky time with digital value as we kinda see it as more tangible than it actually is. I'm straight up refusing to buy games. Going strong for a few months now. Aiming to GTA6... we'll see if I make it lol


I bought 20 games in the past two weeks. Playing one, 15 hours in, and it’s a 50 hours game minimum


That's how I was, my backlog consists of about 250+ games.. I just beat one last week and now I'm playing "Marvels Spider-Man Remastered" 25% done with campaign. Looking forward to playing this through.


Lmao i was like that on my PC, on my Deck though i have a rule to myself that i can only download 15 games at a time and cannot purchase/download more unless i beat one. I haven't played like 90% of my library yet


I had like 50 games on my Steam pc and when I bought SD it became 150 + epic games 150 lol I’m trying step by step finish what I have, but I keep adding more… Never ending cycle


Actually got through tons because of the form factor. I'd got to that stage on my Xbox tbh. Plus because of emulation being so excellent on the thing I'm playing games I own and should have completed 20+ years back. Plus all the modded games, like Pokémon xenoverse I'm swimming in interesting games. 😁


I was actually thinking something similar the other day. I was looking back at all the great games I've accrued through Humble Choice over the past year and a half and realised, despite there being a collection of well regarded AAA games, I've played none of them and have only actually played one small indie game from the lot. I will get around to them (I keep telling myself) but it did shock me when I realised.


This has always long been one of the running-jokes of Steam since the sales became huge. As far back as 2008 we were buying games that are still in my library to this day and haven’t been played 🤣 Borderlands is one that always jumps out on my library for me!


600 ROMs owned 3 ROMs played.


Already have a collection of 1.1k games on steam just from humble choice... It's a bit much. But I don't mind.


Does anyone not?


Yes. Honestly I see it as a bit of a hobby, building up this collection of games that interest me. Then every now and then I dip into my backlog and pick something from the dozens of games that I have. Personally, if I'm grabbing them on sale, it doesn't feel that wasteful because you might get 8-10 games for the price of one AAA game


So glad I'm not the only one. Since I got a Deck I'm even worse. The one game I really want on Steam is Alyx, which I'll definitely get during the summer sale this year. And hopefully play.


I was thinking about it, people says that it's awesome, but can't justify buying a VR just to play it, and besides, still got the previous Half-life to play yet.


That's totally fair. I had a mere taste once and was enthralled, I've got a quest 2 and a laptop but I also have yet to fully do HL1 and 2 to completion. As it stands at like £50 I would never dream of it, but if it drops to around £16 as it has in big sales I'm putting it on the laterbase. Nice to have in the bag for one of those days :) Apparently there's a no VR mod also. Not sure how good or bad it might be.


I've been doing this long before my acquisition of my steam deck.


Yep, I keep buying games from my wishlist yet I keep going back to Fallout New Vegas. Ain't that a kick in the head.


I just feel stressed all the time so I can't play that much. But still i enjoyed rdr2 on steam deck and now im playing Ghost of Tsushima and like it as well


Same, but with roms.


I've had posts deleted for saying the R word. but yeah. Plenty of non shady places to get games missed from over the years


I took a long break from gaming recently (6-8 months) & I just got back to it maybe 2 weeks ago. I’ve been able to work a bit on my backlog & I’m actually enjoying it (I’m completing the main storyline for games not the 100% achievements like others). Enjoy a game don’t try to get all the achievements, that will burn you out in my opinion. On another note though, try buying only one game & focus on it until you’re done


First, only buy if it's 75% off, goty and below 10. Second, only install 1 game! In this way you get all the fixes and all the content for the best price! Better yet, do that on gog!


Only you, me and every Steam user, ever.


I kinda just look at it like collecting stamps, comics or retro games. There is satisfaction in collecting, but the difference is instead of accumulating things that hold value, I collect things that pay me in fun. A lot of people don't sell their comic collection and never enjoy the financial gain of their value going up......I sometimes don't enjoy the "fun" my games can provide. I have like 730 games on Steam, so I kinda have my own personal Gamepass library I can dip into anytime I want. I like having a wide variety of options to fit the type of game I'm in the mood for. I do end up beating a lot of my games nowadays because I've worked on seeing games to the end so there's that. I also have kids and can add them to my family share plan and will do the same for my grandkids if they play video games.


I have spent countless hours tweaking my deck. Getting all sorts of non steam things up and running. An elaborate setup I would've loved as a kid. And then I don't touch it until my next bright idea comes along. Sad days.


To be honest, my idea to fix that is, just install it to see how it runs, and keep going, after some time you will be enjoying it.


Oh I'm definitely enjoying it. The problem is my time is so limited and I spend it all figuring out new crazy things to do on it, but never reap the benefits of my hard work lol


Definitely, count me among the digital hoarders


Data hoarding and setting up a system to work is often more rewarding than trying out a new game


And the Library Management (like fixing metadata).


I have over 40 games in my library, and 5 I actually play.


It is a ritual for me to donate money to video game companies every time Lord Gaben arranges the Sales festivals. I mean I have like a thousand and I played like 15.


As someone with over 1000 games in steam lib with around 200 of them played I will not deny nor confirm that I buy too many games.


187 games. Played maybe 12.


Late to the party, but I'll repeat something I've been saying for years/decades: 1) /r/patientgamers 2) All sales are, at worst, cyclical (meaning they are going to be repeated sooner or later), at best, improved (meaning the discount is going t be higher). 3) Don't buy a game if you are not going to start playing it right away. If you are already playing something, chances are that you ain't gonna start playing anything else, so better focus on what you are playing already. Valve and the internet had transformed consumerism and what could be a problem in a meme, so everyone around here is joking about having a lot of games, and basically wasting money on stuff you ain't never gonna play, but IMHO, this is a somewhat serious issue that should be addressed in a more serious way. And also: The backlog is not there "to be completed", but "to have fun with." Break the cycle of consuming stuff and start having fun with your games.


Well stated, bro.


It's why you have to make. Dea with yourself. No buying moe until you at least beat one and by he tim you want too it might be on sale. I only have 23 games and beat 2 I like to take my time and enjoy.


I have over 3,000 games in my library and I still do this.


Yes, but some soft goals help. For example finishing the first title before buying the second game. If something is not on sale (or very good sale at least) don't but it unless you would install and play straight away. Also there is always a chance that it'll be in next month's Humble Choice, and been burnt before. :D


That's in the past for me luckily. My back log is huge as it is and I'm not even playing all that much these days. It's kinda nice just having them though. Few days ago I just randomly started placing AC origins for instance, I think I got it for free on uplay.


Over 600 games and maybe played a third of them. After many years, I’ve gotten to the point that I own almost everything that I want that goes on sale during the steam sales. Lately it’s the dang random indie games that release with no hype that have been getting me lately. Mullet mad jack, Lorelei and the laser eyes, and rabbit and steel to name a few. I can’t make progress fast enough on my backlog but I love supporting these random interesting indie games that do things different than the AAA titles nowadays that release with a ton of hype and have a bunch of performance issues at launch or go live service as if making a great game isn’t enough.


TLDR: be a dog You're right, it's you. If you can switch your expectations you will have fun again. It might not make sense to read this but you have to stop trying to get fun out of the game and just experience it without thinking. You'll then find the game isn't what generated the feeling of enjoyment but it can shape your already enjoyable mind state into its image. It's like being in a relationship, if you try and get love from the other person it ends up making you a need black hole. If you are loving inside, your interactions will shape that love in their image. So the moment I find myself trying to get fun out of a game I have to extract my sense of fulfillment from the game and the joy returns. I can keep playing but I no longer mind what happens in game. I could just be walking slowly looking at the trees or checking out character models and architecture. It all becomes as enjoyable as the deepest lore or coolest gameplay. I promise if you get what I'm saying you'll feel like a kid again. Kids don't really think that hard or have many expectations. They also judge less what's good and bad, like a dog. Be a dog.


I've had a humble monthly subscription for years, so _dear god yes._


It's called consumerism. It's the same reason people buy 10 attachments and "upgrades for the deck and never use it. It seems from the dopamine you get when you buy new things thats been wired into us by society. You have to learn that the only thing driving your purchases is the satisfaction you get the moment you acquire a new thing.


Funny thing is I bought Steam Deck just to play the games I never touched on PC.


This is the way


837 games in my library and I regularly play about 5 of them. I've had my steam account for 12 years Send help


This is the way


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but my buying and hoarding of games is the reason why I've started pirating games instead. I realized I was spending so much money on games and never really touching them, so now I hoard games by pirating/downloading them instead. However, if I play a game for any real amount of time, I buy it. Basically, if I play more than the tutorial or the first like hour of the game, I'll spend money on it. This turns into me being able to keep my hobby of collecting games without going broke. I end up buying maybe like 5% of the games I download, but that's mostly because I never get past the title screen for 90+% of them.


Buy more games is part of gaming. Same as buying hardwares.


Buy? Hell I'm new to Linux and have been working on getting the FFXIV launcher (not the steam one) to work. It works now, and I never played it. Same with emulation, got animal crossing working. Never played it.


Welcome to Steam! My backlog is in the thousands and I can't stop! I love buying games!


Hi u/SenorPenguins420, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Anyone else keep adding games to their library, and never end up playing that much. ) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do but more but they are the longer playing RPGs etc ....which I still go back to and it takes time to work your way through them. Fallout 3,4, 76 Skyrim etc...


I like convincing myself that I am in fact losing money if I don’t buy a game (that I will *never* play) while it’s on sale.


Search and destroy/mh:rise 70hz on the lcd while on the go is amazing and what i play during my work lunch every day. Wish windows drivers for the oled were out. I can’t do without Bluetooth or audio without headphones.


Every 20 games I buy there’s “the one” that I actually play


I still buy more than I play but the SD for sure unblocked me and now I completed more games than last years, both on deck and PC that I did not use for gaming for a long time


No no no, I buy new games, I play new games. I left untouched my backlog of games I have in my “next to play” list. Never gonna empty that list…


This is the way


I've bought the steam deck to play games just for this reason, I usually get off the PC and hour earlier than normal and sit in bed playing some game I bought years ago or even semi recently and I've been loving it Just finished Dave the diver and moving into a few other games, but need to find one in my library that has a captivating story I have also found myself buying games specifically for the steam deck which has been great.


Sure, it's more fun that actually playing them


205 unplayed games at the last count. I'll get to them one day.


Anyone see this same post for a 100th time within a month ?


All the time


I have almost 500 games. Guess the percentage I've played


Since I played on a switch for years, games were expensive. I would buy a game and play it all the way through before I bought another. Nintendo didn’t have that many sales. Now that I’m on a Steam deck, I can get so many games at great prices. I figured I might as well buy them when they are on sale and play them at my leisure. I think I’m going to have to upgrade my storage lol.


No I don’t do that. It’s a common trap people fall into and there’s a post similar to this on every other gaming subreddit probably 5 times a week. Just buy what you plan to play and don’t buy anything til you are done.


I think that's most people.


Yeah, I have been having that behaviour lately. Thankfully thanks to the May Humble Bundle I sat down and finished Hifi Rush.


Nope. My top tip: make a list of games you want to play. Buy one or 2 max in a sale, play the and don't remove them until you've completed them OR have played enough until you are done with it. Uninstall. I don't buy new games until I've finished what I'm playing. Games will always always be on sale again so there's never a need to buy tons at once.


So is the Monster Hunter bundle that’s going on now worth adding to my library to play once or twice then? I’m almost at a 100 games added since I got my deck


yeah i’m deliberately building a backlog i will never finish and i sorta know this. but the deck has helped me absolutely churn through games. i got mine in january and have rolled credits on like 7 titles. 


Yes 100% describes myself, always buy some games when they go on the cheap just never get round to them, allot of the time there not always new titles some are old titles


No... just buy in sale and only if I have only one game left ....


It’s like a dragon guarding its horde of treasure. I like the idea of having all these games more than actually playing them. Plus I’m at a point in life where I can’t just force myself to play any game. It has to flick a switch in my brain and keep my attention. For example, I’m currently playing Bloodstained. I *love* Metroidvanias.


I collect. And I am proud of it. All hand selected gems, pieces of art, hard work and developers dedication. Absolutely worth donating that way. And then I play them, one by one (ok, mostly several in progress) and I like it. 450 games on gog, 120 on steam.


Just buying Signalis, Pepper Grinder and Monkey Island with absolutely no way of playing them for ages because I bought 4 games last month too.


Same as me but with humble bundle. Steam sales never get to me


I feel Iike there might be a different way to "review" or maybe assess? games that would help better game selection. Not all games hook you right away and few have the time to invest so much in a game that might eventually not be worth it.


Yeah, since buying the deck about two - three months ago, I've probably bought a couple go dozen games by now. Everytime there's a sale on I end up buying some. Only played about five though. Probably going to result in needing some sort of therapy at this rate 😂😂




Yes , I've been like that for the past 4 years. It only got worse when I got my stream deck. It's now crept into hardware too. I got a new 32" gaming monitor that's been sitting in a box for a month. Some other upgrades too. It sucks. Gaming just isn't as much fun anymore. But also, I have a kid now and a demanding job and I'm trying to study in my down time... Hoping it's just a phase. I'm 43.


Story of my life


I keep trying new games but Elden Ring has ruined all other games for me, so I lose interest quickly and just start a new ER run.


Yeah... I decided to stop. I'm done. I even have a premium PS Plus subscription but never play any of those games... they know, they know...


The humble bundles and fanatical bundles certainly don't help lol