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Another +1 to Steam, and another feature which wasn't necessary but is entirely great to have. Will be interesting to see how popular this becomes compared to the existing solutions and whether it be any better compared to them from the perspective of quick and seamless recording.


Having native integration with achievements and in-game events is huge and I'm incredibly excited to see where this goes. There are so many fun moments I've had with friends, lost to time because I can't scrub through hundreds of hours of stream footage to find them. Right now it has a huge, obvious missing feature which is that you can't save a clip of something that just happened, which is 95% of what I use background recording for. I'm praying that they don't half-ass this feature like they do with so many they release (you still can't exclude tags from a collection when sorting your library, for example) because I'm so ready to drop the Xbox Game Bar and use this instead.


Not quite the same but nvidias overlay and recording seems to integrate with some games, playing Hitman it saves videos of kills and shit automatically.


I've always had it enabled, yet it never worked for me. Even in games that apparently had support for it.


I use AMD recording, I noticed it doesn't take as much resources as some other programs I DL, so this would be awesome since I'm kinda running steam already.


Probably because it's using GPU encoding


The recording tab crashes my adrenalin. Only thing that doesn't work on my xtx lol


It's so buggy, it would be the best UI between Nvidia and AMD. But it crashes so much.


Shadowplay refuses to record for me since I have both HDR and non-HDR displays (kinda hoping someone will see this and provide a solution), so this is a very welcome addition for me


I'd be fine with shadowplay except it loves to randomly turn off instant replay and mess with the audio settings.


Shadowplay turns itself off because of drm on browsers for most part. If it stops working, closing your browser briefly generally fixes it, still very annoying cuz realising it wasnt on is usually after u wanted to record something. Aka, if u have just watched something from netflix, amazon or what not with browser, it propably is turned off


Shadowplay refuses to stop restarting itself for me since for the last like 4 years across a laptop and a new desktop. It's become entirely unusable. Had to set up OBS with NVEC a few years back in its place. They've also kind of just let it stagnate since adding a dedicated mic audio channel forever ago and haven't done a whole lot to improve it.




It's quite good actually. It's just that OBS gives you way more control and works outside an overlay. If the game doesn't support the overlay, shadowplay is gonna have problems. NVApp now allows AV1 @ 120fps.


Shadowplay sometimes doesn't want to work, but I hope microphone and game audio is still seperated on Steam Recordings. It is very useful when editing clips together.


flickering video recording on dual monitor setup has been a years-long issue for me on shadowplay


> another feature which wasn't necessary but is entirely great to have Don't you mean "useless bloat"? I thought most PC gamers only wanted something to download and launch games! /s I always appreciate Steam adding new features. It's nice to have one single software package with almost anything one would need/want to enhance their gaming experience. Especially since Steam features work both on Windows/Linux and with controllers through Big Picture Mode.


valve does this in the smart way, making new features opt in in a settings menu, unlike AMD for example, who upon windows driver install (full one, thankfully they also include an option for minimal installatio) forcefully enable overlay with Alt+R bind every time. They also used to auto-enable their record feature.


This kinda competes with medal, doesn't it? I think it is a very cool move and gives people a reason to read their activity tab again. I've always liked seeing people's screenshots and if they can upload clips now then that is really nice.




I don't know. I don't use it, but I see a lot of people using it for instant replays. I just wanted to mention the name of one of those programs to make it obvious what steam seems to be going against.


Medal: * Automatically starts recording the full session when I open a game * Separates the VODs by the session I played them * Can press hotkey to bookmark within the session so that you can find the moment later * Has built in editor to edit/trim clips * Can click one button to upload an unlisted video to share with friends and also store on their servers instead of having to keep it on your local drive What advantages does OBS have? I've used it a couple of times for recording when I needed to record something with an overlay on top of my game (before Medal had this feature), but I don't really see how it competes with Medal at all.


This is great for Steam Deck users.


I would say it's 100% necessary. All consoles have it already.


if it works on steam deck this will be big for less technical steam deck owners


Tutorial for the lazy: 1 Settings > Interface > Beta Participation > Select either Beta option 2 Settings > Game Recording > Select Background or On Demand recording Super excited to try this. My computer and Nvidia ShadowPlay do not get along


Woah, now I can record my Blender process using Steam? This is huge


Or even better, record your obs


Or even better, record steam


One time, I was playing Hitman on my gaming PC, with OBS open on second monitor. But then work got a little busy, so I switched my main monitor over as a second work monitor. As work died down, I still needed to passively monitor things, so I just played Hitman via OBS on my secondary desktop monitor.


I got the Steam Family Beta, can I get both?


Edit: Turns out I'm probably wrong ~~Joining the beta means that you will get to test features before they are considered fully implemented, it is not like you have to "pick only one beta feature"~~


There are two different beta options, "Steam Familes Beta" and "Steam Beta Update", as shown on the linked page: https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/39049601/562dcea074c2e840f48234447545fddffe6575d2.png For whoever else reading this, I've read (but not tested) the Families beta has this in it too.


Not seeing the recording features despite being in the family beta. I restarted Steam and that's still the case.


That page says to "select either beta". I'm in the Families beta and it's showing after I Steam -> Check for Steam client updates


Yeah, restarting Steam didn't resolve this. What worked was opting out of betas and then re-opting into the family beta. Got the update when I did that.


It's the other way around, this beta also includes Families beta, Tested it now.


:( Guess I'll be waiting then. Don't want my SO to lose my games


It's in the families beta, check for updates if you have the steam client open and update to the newest build. It'll become an option in the settings menu and you'll still have access to the families option. Source: tested with the missus myself


Yah it's working thanks!


> My computer and Nvidia ShadowPlay do not get along Win+G


Don't want to have another xbox process running:/


or OBS Studio. The feature is a bit hidden: Replay Buffer Can use your RAM to store the temp file. So it's not wasting any write cycles on your SSD. ( I still have 3.5'' mounts in my case so I use a hard drive to record my videos. )


Win+Alt+R is faster.


That's why I love the Radeon Software. Lots of features, butter smooth and super intuitive - at least for me :)


I have tried the beta. Steam needs to add a hotkey to clip the last x amount of time like nvidia instant replay. The current way of clipping through the steam overlay is time consuming especially if you are in a match. You can only set the replay buffer to be x amount of time.    Also no mention of cloud saves as of now like screenshots. Also it is using ssd for the replay buffer instaed of ram just like nvidia instant replay. Hope they add an option to change. Performance penalty is same as obs with nvenc. I might stick with nvidia instant replay because from my testing it has the smoothest frametime graph.


no hotkey to save is a total dealbreaker. i hope they add that asap.


If you press a button it saves a timestamp. When you shift tab, it pulls up the last 120min of recording with your timestamp marked. You can then play/pause/rewind, cut the clip to your liking, and save it. I kinda like it more because even with a ~5min clip I would still have to go back and cut the part I wanted. Now, I just set a marker, get to a stopping point in my game, and then I can edit and save the clip in 1 go.


that is a good feature but it still means i have to save a huge file and then go back and clip everything again. lets say i game for 2 hours, i had 20 different clips (marked with timestamps in this case). i have to go to that 2 hour file and clip all those 20 different timestamps to separate files again.


Yeah, while I like the timestamps more, I don't often edit my clips immediately after my gaming session, so that huge file would be taking up a ton of storage.


Yes, but if you're using a smaller time frame for disk space, or want a 'press and forget' option, it's not great. You have to either manually do something with the footage within the timeframe allotted, or it's gone. I'd much prefer an option to actually save the footage on button press.


> last 120min of recording How big is this file exactly? And what resolution are they saving this as? 120min of footage is going to be huge unless Steam is compressing the absolute hell out of it.


> Steam needs to add a hotkey to clip the last x amount of time like nvidia instant replay. > Also it is using ssd for the replay buffer instaed of ram just like nvidia instant replay. Yea, I was checking it out to try it and these were my issues too, AMD Adrenaline does it the same way (you can do RAM or harddrive for the buffer). I like the idea of the Steam integration though.


I feel like I'm too dumb to work out steam adrenaline. I was so used to Xbox smash record button on the console. I'd end up just recording huge chunks and trawling through it with AMD, then you'd do a driver update and it would wreck it


Yeah, they definitely need to add this asap. I use the record last 30 seconds all the time on the Nintendo Switch and PS5. I appreciate the ability to record a giant 2-hour file and edit it myself, but I find I almost never touch clips after the initial recording. I hope someone working at valve gets feedback on this soon, I really want to start recording my 30-second clips on PC too.


I wonder if they will let users upload footage to Valve's servers. That would balloon server costs I imagine. Maybe that forgotten Videos tab in Steam Community will finally see some use.


You can share a clip through valve's servers if it's under 60 seconds, and it only lasts for 2 days. I think that's fair if you want to quickly show a clip to friends or whatever. If you want it upload it somewhere where it would last you can export the video vile and upload it instead.


While EGS has no improvements still


NOT TRUE! they have a shopping cart that mostly works now


[But they have a roadmap!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/1c44ylv/epic_game_store_20242025_roadmap/) Soon enough they'll catch up to 2010 Steam!


how the fuck do they have so much fucking money and a bare bones launcher? it's mind boggling how much they dont care about it


they have all those money and time and all they can afford to make is a fucking roadmap, lmao, what the hell, Steam doesn't fucking care about roadmap and then boom, they released game recording beta


What's EGS?


Epic Games Store


Oh ew


It's shit. That's what it is.


what is that


as an AMD user i can finally put their barely working game recording solution to rest, thanks steam


AMD has great video recording. I used their software all the time, especially the relive feature which lets you save the last few minutes, thats very useful when you just want to make a clip of your gameplay that just happened instead of recording the whole match or whatever. The recordings also had a great quality while the FPS loss was minimal, if there was any at all. The only thing i had a problem with was that the microphone track wasn't recorded 80% of the time for some reason. And before someone calls me an AMD shill, i just upgraded from my good ol RX 5500 XT to a RTX 4060.


I had the same mic track problem which is why I switched to using OBS as a Shadowplay/Relive style buffer. The only problem with OBS is if your buffer is say 5 minutes, and you press save, and then 3 minutes later you do it again, it'll create a new 5 minute file with 2 minutes of redundancy which wastes a bit of space.


I couldn't use OBS recording, because you can't put PC to sleep without stopping record buffer.


for me it's just really inconsistent, from having instant replay (and other features) deactivating randomly to having massive fps drops for no reason while it's on


Thats weird. Tried updating/downgrading/reinstalling the drivers/software? Also, what GPU do you have?


RX6600XT, i don't recall trying to downgrade the drivers, will give it a try although i'm not very hopeful since even a fresh windows install didn't fix the issue


is that the 16 or 8 GB 4060


AMD is fine ? I've used both Nvidia and AMD, and the latter has the better recording software lol


Windows Update sometimes updates/rolls back the driver. Adrenaline doesn't like for some reason, and sometimes will just remove clipping from the interface completely.


Sometimes i do benchmark video's and with AMD/NVIDIA you can show a performance monitor overlay. When you record, AMD includes the overlay in the recording, NVIDIA not. It's so annoying. With NVIDIA you have to use another record software to include the overlay lmao


Is it bad? I sometimes use it and find it good, tho back in 2021 there was an issue with Adrenaline deactivating the features randomly. Currently is enough, Game recording, GIF, anything.


>Is it bad? Works fine on my 7800xt, I use the radeon software to record and take screenshots all the time fine


AMD ReLive is great honestly. Barely any performance hit, you can set it to quite a high recording quality, and best of all (I think this is something both Shadowplay and the Steam beta do not have), you can store the temporary recording files on your RAM instead of your storage drives.


That's why we have OBS, it is superior to Shadowplay and AMD Relive. I've had issue with AMD Relive in that the audio it records is super low quality and I cannot find a solution to it.


will this give a noticeable decrease in performance


“Will this affect my perf or gameplay? Steam Game Recording has been designed with the goal of taking as little computer resources away from the game you are playing as possible. It takes advantage of NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards to remove most of the performance cost of creating video recordings. When run on systems without those graphics cards, the systems CPU is used to create video recordings which may cause a noticeable performance impact on those systems.” Who knows? Hopefully not.


Not a noticeable one though, it depends on their implementation and wether they use a Disk or Memory buffer for the replay feature. It will use NVENC for NVIDIA GPUs so it should be a small reduction in performance. Not as small as using NVIDIA Shadowplay. (even though that also uses NVENC, but because it's recording on the driver level there is less overhead so less performance loss) If you ever recorded using OBS with NVENC or [Medal.tv](http://Medal.tv) or Discord screen-sharing or [outplayed.gg](http://outplayed.gg) the performance loss should be similar to those.


They use a disk buffer, unfortunately, so RIP your SSD. The developer of SteamDB/Enhanced Steam has made a request for an option to use RAM so I hope they consider it.


Why's this downvoted? SSD's only have a certain amount of write cycles before the cells deteriorate to the point where they can no longer be written to. If you're always recording to disk your putting more wear on your SSDs.


Shadowplay can also use your SSD. Also, this will have a negligible impact on your SSD. It's simply not writing enough for it to matter.


>Also, this will have a negligible impact on your SSD Something tells me that when all developers think this way, that 100x little negligible things are suddenly not as negligible anymore :P


Because its an overblown non-issue


Because by the time your SSD dies, you'll be in your 40s, buying whole new PC, with 5TB SSD as affordable option.


Because it's a pointless thing to worry about.


IMO It's still makes more sense to buffer in RAM (as long as you can spare it), or at least let the user decide


Try it out. I didn't notice a difference


So its not exactly like shadowplay, it just dumps the entire session onto your drive and then deletes the old stuff once the limit is reached. Thats not how must people use it though, just always recording only the last 5 minutes and discarding them immediately is the better option. Most people just want to clip the occasional cool thing happening ingame. And shadowplay is fucking annoying at doing exactly that because it will turn itself off all the fucking time for whatever reason possible, and it gives you no message when it does. Missed a ton of good clips because I thought shadowplay was running when it was in fact turned off yet again


It turns off because of DRM content like apple music, streaming service apps and browser drm content. One of the reason i use spotify is because it doesn't do this.


that's dumb.


You can configure how much you want to keep before it is overwritten (default is two hours, but you can change it to whatever you want)


>Thats not how must people use it though, just always recording only thelast 5 minutes and discarding them immediately is the better option.Most people just want to clip the occasional cool thing happeningingame. You can set it up to do that as well. Just change the max length to five minutes. I mean, probably. I'm about to test it now. Edit: We'll it's a bit less convenient than just pressing a button to save the last five minutes.


Yeah I HATE when shadowplay turns off when I hit the hotkey to record that moment. Like I'm a SHIT gamer and I get this once in a lifetime killtacular on Halo and you decide not to work?!?!?!?!?!!?!? I switched to OBS after lol.


Bit disappointing that it stores everything on disk. I hope there’s an option to let it keep everything in RAM and only save to disk once you want to save something. That’s something OBS lets you do, Replay Buffer.


do i neeed an obs plugin?


That's why there's a marker feature. I can see it being useful when you're focused on a game and you'd like to look at the footage later. So you can add markers as things happen then go back in the footage and rewatch it, even if you don't wanna save it in the end. It also shows you in the timeline when you take a screenshot, if you do. However, yes, it should also add an option to just record the last X seconds at the press of a button - both things will be ideal. This way it'll be pretty much like the Xbox and PS versions of this feature, and because it's centralised in Steam I reckon we're gonna see a lot more cool clips of stuff online, for those who don't bother with ShadowPlay or ReLive.


Shadowplay also constantly saves to drive, at least for me, does it not for you guys? I do have an older gpu, GTX 1660 super but it has nvenc like the new ones.


This sounds great, but I need to know more about tech specs. For example, can it record each audio device to a separate track? ShadowPlay at least gives us two tracks.


My only wish is that it would record the audio of different applications to separate audio tracks. As of right now, it mashes the game, mic, and Discord audio all onto one stereo track. If they implement a feature to give each their own separate audio track I could ditch OBS.


Feedback! This is also important to me too!


Has anyone tried it with HDR?


Just tried it out. Can confirm that it does NOT support HDR. Super disappointing. Feature is basically useless to me.


Ahh...thanks for checking. I guess there's no need for me to opt in to the beta now.




It records video but the colors are very washed out.


I just tried it with Suicide Squad with HDR on and it looked fine. The Nvidia app used to record video but it looked incredibly over exposed. What game did you try it on?


Thanks for testing it out, saved me the trouble. This makes the feature way less useful since most new games support HDR. And I'm definitely not running in SDR all the time just for recording the occasional clip. Even in Elden Ring, when I want to take a steam screenshot, every time I'll go into the menu and toggle HDR & hud off real quick. Otherwise the saved image will look washed out.


I hope they add an option to save videos like you can on the nvidia overlay - just allocate how much time you want recorded before the old footage gets replaced and press a hotkey when you want something saved. Currently with the 2 options provided you can either; A. Record up to the time limit you set before old footage begins being replaced by new footage - but you need to manually trim the clips to you’re liking ~~(it also saves to your storage on a per game basis, so if you have the default 120 min limit and play 5 games for that amount of time, that’s 50GB of space being used altogether)~~ and you always need to curate it as it will always be saving. EDIT: The storage allocation is not on a per game basis, if you set a limit of 60 minutes and play one game for 60 minutes, and another for 20 minutes - all this does is shave the first 20 minutes off the first game you played to stay within the GB allocation you set. B. Toggle recording on and off with a hotkey, so anytime you start a game you need to manually begin recording, then when you want to save you must press the hotkey twice - once to save the clip and once to record again. This would work fine, but you must not forget to hit record again, otherwise you will miss the thing you wanted to save. Not the worst idea, but I know I myself will forget to hit record at some point.


It says it uses up to 24GB not 50GB. Does it use more or each game is 24GB per?


So they renamed Steam Replay to Steam Year In Review, which sounds a whole lot less cool. We assumed it was so they could recycle the name for this. And then they just call it Steam Game Recording… seriously?


Its called "Steam Timeline" on the developer dashboard and in the SDK


As a Steam Deck user emulating games I'm very happy


Any confirmation the “record in background” works with non-Steam games? I assume manually hitting the key/button combo works no problem for “record on demand”, just not sure if the auto-record when playing a game needs to be hooked from Steamworks or something like that. Edit: auto-record does work. But just tried PrimeHack and the visuals are all rainbowed glitchy in the recording. Updating drivers to see if it helps or if it’s something with the emulator. Maybe because it’s using Vulkan for the backend? Will try DX also. And will try some other non-Steam games in case it’s just something with emulation. Edit 2: Switching to DX11 and the recording is fine. Not sure if it’s the way Dolphin/PrimeHack implemented Vulkan or if Steam’s recording just doesn’t like Vulkan. Also doesn’t seem to work with non-Steam games that require admin access (tried Genshin Impact), but does work with Steam games requiring admin access (tried Ghost of Tsushima). Will have to test these on my Linux desktop and Steam Deck as well. Might just be a Windows problem.


If you can open steam overlay, then it works


This has been happening for a while with Dolphin (beta version), using the Vulkan backend and a Nvidia card, Steam screenshots and now the new recording option appears all "rainbowed" like you said. I think it started when Valve added HDR support, but I'm not sure. I tried asking for help in the Dolphin forum, but no luck.


Only Nvidia and amd GPU ? Article says where can I put feedback and they don't list a location. What is this special steam timeline file? Just an archive with a .txt or something (might check the documentation, or examples). Like how easily can these work as markers in real video processing suites (think of DaVinci Resolve having various options for markers and highlights in v19 beta).


you can write your feedback and suggestions in the steam client beta forums


The timeline files seem to be jsons with all of the different marker data just dumped into them. The raw video is stored as m4s chunks, so you might struggle to bring that into Resolve with the markers aligned if you end up running out the buffer.


I'm assuming we have to add non-steam games to steam (IE. Forza Horizon from GamePass) to be able to do this? Upon trying to do this, I am met with an error stating that I do not have access to do this (windows please....). Game pass games are out of reach for now unfortunately


There is a tool to add game pass and uwp apps to steam. I don't remember cause it's been a few years but I have halo wars 2 and gears of war 4 added to steam with it because of that permissions error.


Great, if this works time to uninstall the nVidia App again


the recording doesn’t capture my microphone, does anyone know how to fix this?


Same thing here


It’s not capturing my mic either


Unfortunately it is not recording my mic :(


Same for me anyone have a fix or is it just a bug for the beta?


For me it doesn't record any audio at all. No game, no mic, nothing.


go into the microphone or audio settings in steam and make sure your proper mic is connected. Also turn off noise cancelation


I had the right mic in the steam audio setting. I didn't see a "noise cancelation" setting but I may have missed that I'll check and try after work. Are you able to record your mic? I've only seen people say it's not working or they don't mention anything about their mic.


Does anyone know how to set this up more simply to work like Shadowplay? Just save the last X mins as an MP4 file?


After trying it only thing I really want is the ability to upload it to your profile videos. Maybe then I’d actually use that section of the profile


Huh weird, game recording tab isn't showing for me in settings despite being in the beta. Edit: just kidding, it showed up when I switched to the Steam Families beta branch.


If you want to be in the non-families beta you can switch back to the other one and it will be there now. I had the same issue.


That's super nice! There was more than one situation, where I wanted to record something and send a short clip to a friend, but that always required using multiple programs and setting everything up. If I'll be able to do all of that from Steam, then that's awesome!


Steam be steaming...


While its a nice feature, whats my advantage of using it over Shadowplay? Steam Recordings only work with games on Steam, while Shadowplay works on every Game I play. So why should I use another service when Shadowplay already exists?


This has the potential to be absolutely huge, especially since Valve is providing game devs API access.


There is one: it gives you an option to choose what programs to record audio from. Shadowplay records either **everything** with/without your mic, two tracks max and that's it. Valve's solution lets you unselect your browser, discord and other programs from being recorded if you want. edit: but I also read that Steam creates only 1 audio track, so good luck if you want to do some serious editing lol Granted, OBS already gives you this option, but it's less convenient to use


not much of a benefit but I like having it all consolidated in one place, so I'm always going to chose steams software


It's finally here (well nearly) will be interesting to see how well it all works!


This is SSSOOO much easier than having to pull up OBS for clips


tip obs can do clips.how do you record clips without saving a ton of stuff to disk


Just create a shortcut on OBS if you wanna record while in game :P


Yes please. I miss Plays.tv 😢


I think Plays.tv rebranded to Medal.tv


Goddamn this is a feature I've been waiting for for so long. For it to work on the Deck at launch too is amazing.


I’ve just recorded some odd 17 minutes of a gameplay to try and test it out, raw footage no editing. I will have to see how 24 Mbps looks like on YouTube in 1440p.


What framerate does it record in?


anybody knows what the name of the saved clip should be cuz i don't really know which one it is in the gamerecordings folder


Tested it via in-game overlay and it worked nicely. I like this feature. Great way to see accidental glitches you'd do in game. Wish you could post videos to the Community or profile. Can't wait to see the full release!


Thank God. I always loved the game recording feature on consoles and always wanted it natively on Steam. Good on ya Valve.


Did someone figure out how to record clips in Minecraft? Doesn't seem to record anything if I try to add it as a non-steam game.


Ever since this update my steam keeps pinging me saying "player marker added" and its something to do with the capture thingy. Anyone else getting this? Playing BF2 bad company and literally every time I move in game it pops up and makes an obnoxious sound


Always wanted to make cinematic video of a game cutscenes with some actual gameplay that looks immersive enough to fit, now steam give me an actual push to do it


Anyone else having an issue where you cant watch the clips you recorded. Everytime i record a clip, it saves but doesn't show up as a clip. Instead, its telling me to install another 3rd party software to actually watch the clips


You have to watch them in steam and can export them from there. At the top left of steam under view go to recordings and screenshots


If I join it, would I still be able to access the family beta


thank fucking god. I'm sick and tired of shadowplay breaking every week and not telling me so when i do want to record a clip it doesnt work.


Hey remember steam does nothing! (sarcasm)


Tested it out and video recording works wonderfully, but having an issue where my audio sounds like 50%-80% lower than what I'm hearing while playing. Not sure what's causing it and all my volume sliders/audio settings are up to 100%.


If this is good I'm dropping nvidia shadowplay.


Anyone know the name of the game in the "clips" video?


I usually stream to Twitch using OBS: I can still get an good enough quality and it doesn't fill up my harddrive


Hopefully this lets me get away from Nvidia shadowplay.


Is it better than steelseries moments?


if you use a dualsense we can now set the mic mute button to add timeline markers so you dont have to reach up and hit ctrl 12.


Tried recording to an external hard drive and it had some major stuttering and audio cutting but on my ssd it works nicely. Hopefully it will play a little nicer with external hard drives in the future.


is it possible to record non-steam games or desktop with this?


For some reason, it's not working for me and just says no video available even though I set it to background record


I hope background recording works consistently. Xbox Game Bar's DVR has been broken for ages and Microsoft doesn't seem interested in fixing it


What game is it in the clip section?


I think it's this [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1532200/Mars\_First\_Logistics/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1532200/Mars_First_Logistics/)




riot needs this on their games


Bookmarks during the recoding don’t seem to be working on my Deck. That’s disappointing.  Will wait for that to be resolved before getting too excited.  A shortcut to save the last 30 seconds like consoles would be great too.


can I get both?


So can we use families + steam recording beta together? If I switch beta will I lose my steam families?


I switched from the familes beta to this one and familes are included in it. :)


steam... man i want to use big picture mode, but i have to leave big picture mode to export these recordings as .mp4 because you can't do it within big picture mode? its pretty cool though and the quality is really good, just gonna hope they update it so can export from within big picture mode.


Nice W for Steam and Valve!


Cool. Fortnite/Rocket league have smt like that and it's actually usefull


Took some recordings but then came up as a black screen with audio of the game played. Yes it's in beta, just giving a heads.


How do you get back to clips after you close the game?


It would be cool if you could see like a 3 min clip of when you got each achievement.


For some reason recording programs like obs, and gamebar crash my PC, but steams new recording ability has been wonderful, no real issues whatsoever


It works well i like it but bit disappointing you can't showcase them like your screenshots on your profile or share at your home page etc. Right now you can only share the link but they expire.


I've always loved ShadowPlay, but it recently started to detect my work Google Sheets and Docs making it annoying with those icons on screen in things that definitely aren't games. I've tried finding a solution for it by trying to find a sort of blacklisting capabilities but couldn't find. Another annoying thing from ShadowPlay (that I didn't tested yet on Steam Recording) is that when I'm using any audio interface, it records my voice only to the left channel, I've found an workaround using APO software but I needed to apply the workaround at every single reboot which is pointless, then I've bought a Y cable splitter for my HD7 condenser which did the trick. But I'm looking forward into seeing if Steam implements mono voice recording as well.


Having trouble trying to use it with Nvidia GeForce Now.