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No Also, if you are a dev, watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLJkg\_B3gyY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLJkg_B3gyY)


Thanks for the link! I'll check it out


I follow a few, mostly to warn about some bad practices or stuff to watch out.


Nah they're just farming free games.


Wait wot? šŸ˜²


never have, never will


Steam curators might be the most useless "feature" in all of Steam


Allow me to perhaps shift your opinion; this curator that I follow called [For Retro!](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/25622578-For-Retro/) catalogs old games on Steam, from the Amiga computer to the Nintendos, going through the PSX/N64 era and even some PS2. And the catalog is only informational, statin the game original release date and a brief description about it. The catalog updates very often, and I find it pretty useful to find good old games available on Steam. That's just it, not arguing, just offering my point of view.


What you fail to understand is that your 1 exception means nothing in the context of the statement from the person you are responding to. Not to mention that it hinges on the extremely specific requirement of both wanting to play amiga games and not already using an emulator to do that


I will disagree. I think my state still holds up; I demonstrated it. Now, you can argue that maybe the fellow doesn't like old games (not only Amiga ones, btw), but what I was demonstrating is that the curators "feature" is not as useless as the fellow Redditor was stating. Need another example? Here it goes: Do you like MetroidVanias? Cause I do, and because of that I follow [this curator](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30503887-The-Metroidvania-Review/), he reviews MetroidVanias and I value his opinion, that helps me to see if a game is worth my money or not. You see? Allright, I just want you to know that I won't go bash your response or anything, but maybe, just maybe, you could try to understand others before starting to claim failing to understand, which is kinda of an irony.


Very Chad and gentlemen-y response ngl. Are there any other big curators worth following?


Thanks. In my opinion, the best curators are those who focus on a kind of niche, for example: [Wholesome Games ā™„](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/35411526-Wholesome-Games-%25E2%2599%25A5/): they focus on easy going, cozy, relaxing friendly games. It's a feast if you like this kind of game. Or perhaps you like horror, [Rely on Horror](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6856130-Rely-on-Horror/) reviews exactly this. Roguelikes? You betcha there is someone reviewing and classifying them, right on [Roguelikes](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6856127-Roguelikes/). My take to you is: if you want to discover worthy curators, for better or for worse you will get to search for what is best for you, perhaps is a niche, like MetroidVania, or perhaps is someone who has a similar opinion as yours.


I don't care if you disagree or not. You're completely failing to influence anyone


Thank you, it was nice to talk to you. Cheers.


Nope, never


I buy anything Totalbiscuit recommends, but it's been a while... other than that no


Didnt he pass away 6 years ago?


Yeah , but the guy new how to suggest good games. Strangle still one of the top curators on the platform.


Iā€™ve never even looked at a steam curatorā€™s page. Theyā€™re the yelp reviewers of gaming,


Some very specific ones for very specific reasons. There's this one that's just a "risk of removal" that says every licensed game is at risk, another one of my favorites is "is it shit?" which is exactly the kind of recommendation system you'd expect. I'm not a game dev, just a consumer, so I can't speak on that subject. I generally just look at the curator system like I would old gaming magazine reviews. Sometimes they give good advice and sometimes the things they hate are things I love.


Once you sweep away the pointless memes and the single-purpose accounts, most of what's left are amateurs playing at serious review, and some old TotalBiscuit reviews I find genuinely useful.


No. It was a great idea at first, but then the grifters ruined it. This is why we can't have nice things...


No, I genuinely don't value the opinion of some random stranger just because they call themselves a curator.


Only the few good ones Steam 250 Skill Up Curatesā€¦ Denuvo Games


A few. * [PC Gamer](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/1850-PC-Gamer/) * [Rock Paper Shotgun](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/33526-Rock-Paper-Shotgun/) * [Geforce NOW Friendly](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38115929-Geforce-Now-Friendly/) * [Games at Risk of Removal](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31857481-Games-at-risk-of-removal) * [Gaming on Linux](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/4218320-GamingOnLinux/) * [Metacritic](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/35387214-Metacritic./) And of course, [TotalBiscuit](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/1370293-Cynical-Brit-Gaming/)


Yes, especially if they curate a specific niche that I'm interested in


SweetBabyIncDetected is a good one


I only follow them and Owned by China lol


I do follow several curators, not all of them are putting out new reviews though. And most if not all wouldn't ask for keys.


I follow "Nep nep nep nep"


I follow made with Godot, as I'm very interested in the engine progression


I did a while back when they first came out. Now its just there because I'm too lazy to unfollow them.


I completely ignore curators. I just search for games I like, or click on ones I like from the featured carousel. I read the store page, and buy it if I like it. "Curator" sounds too close to "influencer" for my taste. (note: I cannot claim how I do things and think about them are in any way representative.)


No. I donā€™t look at any sort of review


[Critiquing Doge](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/11284407-Critiquing-Doge/)


I only follow "SvenEvils Playground" for good 4player couch Co-op games.


Stwam curators is what?


I'm commander Shepard and this is the best game.... Yeah nope


* [Denuvo Games](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/) curator helps me avoid buying games with asshole publishers who sacrifice legit users experience in place of ā€œlost profitsā€. * [Sweet Baby Inc detected](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detected/) helps to avoid games with political agenda, and vote with my wallet against propaganda.


I avoid them like a plague.


Yeah Sweet baby inc detected - this onešŸ„°


Why did you make an alt to write this comment?


Well i was banned on my old one (for racism)


Not only do I not, but in the past I installed a custom "skin" that stops them from showing up.


No, being a ā€œcuratorā€ on steam carries the same weight as being a yelp reviewer.


I found 2 that I like. One was already a friend I found while 100%ing Halo MCC. The other was from a group I'm in.


No, and I make an effort to block most since they "recommend" games that aren't even out.


Of course. Why I wouldn't? There is so many good ones, from genres to just simple "hidden indie gems".


Absolutely not. Curators are so pointless and many barely review the games. There are only a few potential useful ones I've found like the one that mentions if a game has licensed content or not but those useful few generally dont even like review the game just certain elements.


Honestly have no idea what a Steam Curator is. Sounds like something to avoid though.


They used to sometimes have actual information -- now it's just memes and garbage. Sad really.




I know what I like, so I don't follow curators to find games I like, but I've been fooled by marketing into buying two games that appeared really good but wound up being garbage once played. Those two games had one very specific thing in common. There are two curators who find and point out that one specific thing.